
8 Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-28 1515 +cabadejo

Jan 27th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-28 1515 +cabadejo
  4. __
  7. +cabadejo __ [This is yet another long reply - _sorry_ - it can't be helped. Read as much or as little as you like. Skim over it. There is no need to reply unless you can and want to do so etc.]
  8. The "Winnard" cited an example that turned out to be nothing.
  10. We see the same kind of glitch throughout the corpus of "ISS" footage so it means the problem (if it is a "natural problem") is consistent and specific. That means a person can be expected to find a "known good" example of the same thing.
  12. In the footage the "masking glitch" only affects one "astronaut" at a time and not all regions of movement (which more or less pokes a hole in it being a glitch involving frames/movement because it is specific to one region of movement and not all).
  14. The Winnard had no reply - only more ridicule and abuse. The "masking glitch" is a weak spot.
  16. With the people I have mentioned it to they have all tried to palm it off as a "satellite/broadcasting" glitch - and then a "radiation glitch" and then a "frame conversion glitch". No one has been able to show a "known good" example that at all resembles it. Each person demonstrates "belief control" by refusing to explore the simpler and more likely explanation: that it really is just a "masking glitch". (It "cannot be that" because it is "real"!)
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  20. Soon I'll put together a compilation of this glitch (say, up to 10 examples of it) and ask the "experts" (such as Reds Rhetoric, "BzTruetalk" etc.) to explain what it is.
  22. Once they have been shown to be clueless as to what it is I'll then prove it is a "masking glitch". I can prove it is associated with stitching together smaller segments of footage into a seemingly longer single sequence. There is a piece of footage that I have not shown anyone yet (it is an ace I have kept up my sleeve as I wait for "normal people" to commit to an explanation) which necessarily *proves the footage has been sneakily stitched together.*
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  26. Here's the thing: if the alleged "ISS" is real and manned *then the "masking glitch" is intentional so that it can be doubted.* That is how it would work. To be able to doubt it is crucial. That is the meat and potatoes of the lie system. That is the common denominator between all lie system events and claims. This is the one thing that no other "truther" seems to have figured out.
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  30. We are given intentionally flawed "proofs". Just as we can observe "ships go over the horizon" we will find children learning about the phenomenon by being given *flawed examples of it.* The flawed example purports to show the phenomenon but it is really just the camera being lowered.
  32. *This is because at all times we are expected to ACCEPT obviously flawed "proofs".*
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  36. I recently wrote a post on "shadow beliefs" (I am calling the "belief" that results from accepting the "appearances of proof" a "shadow belief" or "pseudo belief").
  38. It goes [something] like this: "colour blindness" which is a "special term" I use to refer to a person's inability to discern real from pretend is caused by having a "shadow belief" (think of a shadow as "lacking colour") and a "shadow belief" is simply a belief *THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE* (certainly - it should SEEM true) but it has been founded on something OBVIOUSLY FLAWED. This is crucial to the psychological abuse we are being subjected to. It MUST be OBVIOUSLY FLAWED (something NOTICEABLE must happen that CAN cause a doubt leading to "doubt suppression training" - but the bulk of these "core beliefs" are given to us as children when we are trusting and not yet cognisant of the fact adults can and do tell lies so as to manipulate - we effectively train ourselves to be manipulated by using our natural intelligence and imagination to ACCEPT as PROOF what is obviously flawed and thus only proof's appearances).
  40. A "shadow belief" is just a form of "belief control" (as soon as you believe something - you are "belief controlled" by it). If you believe the "ISS" is real *then the glitches can only look natural to you.* In fact - you may not even see or notice them. Oddities and anomalies often need to be pointed out to a belief controlled person. Like domestic blindness [car keys sitting on the desk in front of you] the belief controlled person simply does not notice the oddities and anomalies. When pointed out - a natural explanation is given but it is always wrong or flawed. If it is shown to be wrong or flawed the person shuts down - like a victim of abuse - and blocks it out. That is when they either hurl ridicule and abuse or they just disappear and stop replying. This is a kind of "mental jarring" - the person is confronted with something and they have no explanation for it. It is like a parent finding out their child has murdered someone but they believe their child is a good person and innocent. Denial kicks in - and it becomes Boston Strong denial. On each occasion I have confronted a "normal person" about the "masking glitch" they have STOPPED REPLYING.
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  44. Yes, yes - when I am sleep deprived I have a tendency to ramble on and on. )) It's nothing new. ))
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  48. The "masking glitch" is significant. In the small number of "Winnards" that I have encountered - *they do not have an explanation for it.* It stumps them. That is why I am now ready to take it to people who are "trusted as experts" here. They will give an "explanation" for it - but how will their explanation be any better than what I have already received? We will soon objectively see the LIMIT of these useful idiots and other "agents against truth". To dismiss what I am pointing out as nothing they will need to show the same thing happening in a "known good" piece of footage that resembles what we see throughout the alleged "ISS" corpus of footage. If "they" are paying attention to me then they had better be working on a "plausible explanation".
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  52. *The simpler and more obvious explanation is that it is where the footage has been cleverly stitched together.* And *if that is not true* then it is where the footage is being given an *intentional glitch* so that it can be *thought of that way.*
  54. That is the key point: it is not that an event or claim is false or fabricated *it is that it can be doubted in the first place.*
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  58. As soon as you accept one (major/core) belief on trust and proof's appearances then you become predisposed to accept others also on trust and proof's appearances (via obviously flawed "proofs"). If we accept and believe one we are inclined to accept and believe the rest. (Many in the "truth community" are here for entertainment and don't really believe there are fabricated events. Those people often say things like "not everything is a hoax" and insist that some events are real but how are they deciding?! Sufficient proof is lacking in every instance and there are obviously flawed "proofs" on offer! So they are being arbitrary and inconsistent. "If it looks real then it must be real" but they are simply "belief controlled" like the Winnard and live in fear of being labelled a "hoaxtard" who "auto-hoaxes" everything! More on that some other ramble!
  60. These major/core beliefs are given to us as children: e.g., the alleged shape of the Earth; the alleged movement of the Earth; that there is an alleged "ISS" and so on and so forth. All of these beliefs are put into our heads when we are not yet old enough and wise enough and worldly enough to at all times know to question the *obviously flawed* "proofs" being offered for everything (such as a clearly CGI image of the Earth!).
  62. That does NOT mean the Earth is NOT a spinning ball. It means only that our belief that it is has been founded on an obviously flawed "proof". We have been given a SHADOW BELIEF (a "pseudo belief"). The belief may be correct (it is certainly the prevailing cultural belief) but it has formed on trust and proof's appearances. It is not a "true thing for a true reason".
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  66. Our "education" is about filling our heads with *"potentially TRUE THINGS for FALSE REASONS".* I.e., "shadow beliefs". The instant we have a belief (in this case a "shadow belief") it controls us. We become "belief controlled". This is why no one complains about getting educated! Because by the end of it we DO know things! We HAVE learned things. But our REASONS are obviously flawed! This is what is causing us to not even notice the obvious flaws in the things around us!
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  70. Here is the "shadow belief" post:
  72. It is all starting to come together. I have a few videos lined up. *Soon I will be in a position to present something that a "normal person" cannot deny is happening.* There is only one question on my mind: *how to introduce the IDEA of the lie system to a "normal person" without them shutting down instantly.* _E.g., how to get a "normal person" to take it seriously._ As usual, the answer will come to me in good time!
  76. __________________________________________
  77. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  80. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  83. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  86. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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