
Lenient Liberation

Nov 28th, 2016
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  1. Egl hadn’t been having the best week. Ever since she gave those cookies to Lily last week, she had been feeling strange. Warmer than usual, and more coquettish. Frankly it was downright strange in her mind, especially since she was feeling slightly less catty. Only slightly, though. Never let it be said that Egl wasn’t catty.
  3. Unfortunately her goddamn twin wasn’t being much help since the bitch was teasing her. Apparently she knew why Egl was feeling so strange and yet the goof wasn’t telling her. If she rubbed that fact in her face any more, Egl had a feeling she was going to do something drastic. Cos’ teasing about her date with Lily just added more confusion and anger though. Thankfully /c/ and Keksandra had stopped by for a visit and to ask about a dress she wanted, which gave Egl the perfect excuse to whip Cos into sewing something.
  5. That gave her all of 24 hours of peace since Cos finished said dress rather quickly, it had been rather simple after all. This led to the current event of Egl being pestered non-stop by Cos as she was finishing up some last minute accessories for /c/ and her friend. Who were currently occupying themselves in another room on the other side of their house. A room that had a hard time hearing any potential arguments that is.
  7. “I don’t know how you can’t see it Egl.” Cos began again in that little smug tone that reeked of her knowing something Egl should but didn’t. “It should be rather clear after that tea party with your sugar momma.”
  9. “She’s not a sugar mommy, Cos.” Egl bit out as she finished up the last accessory that completed /c/’s cord perfectly. “You should know that as well as I do.”
  11. “Ya huh, that’s why she was kind enough to buy us those outfits.” Cos scoffed lightly as a smirk worked its way.
  13. “Explain why you lost your voice for three days then?” Egl shot her slut twin a smug look as she waited for the answer. The red that spread over Cos’ face was answer enough. “That’s what I thought, she is too a sugar momma.”
  15. Never mind the fact that Egl had just unknowingly given up the argument to her sister. It would be worth it to see that slut’s flustered face any time or day.
  17. “Well at least I didn’t bury my face in Lily’s tits and act like an embarrassed pre-teen over some spilled cake.”
  19. The gasp Egl let out echoed around the room. She didn’t think Cos would go for the throat like that and she certainly wasn’t prepared for it.
  20. “You take that back! Right fucken now, slut!”
  22. That had been the wrong way to react since Cos soon gained the smuggest look Egl had ever seen. Things had just taken a turn from bad to worse in Egl’s mind.
  24. “But how can I take back the fact that you like to stick your face in Lily’s boobs? I can’t time travel,” Cos cackled while Egl fumed. “I bet you’ll confess while your face is buried in her butt next.”
  26. That had been too far in Egl’s mind because she soon launched herself at her twin with a shriek and began to claw at her as they fell to the ground. She’ll show that slut what for. Saying she’ll confess to Lily.
  27. The nerve! Swiping at her twin’s chest, Egl’s fury fueled mind began to valiantly strike back against what Cos.
  29. She didn’t love Lily. Not one bit.
  30. Cos’ top layer had been shredded quickly enough.
  32. She didn’t love Lily enough to confess. Hell she could hardly call what she felt confession worthy.
  33. The bodice Cos had been wearing was easily torn away after Egl gave her twin a headbutt.
  35. She didn’t like Lily enough to agree to that stupid ball. The tea party was just reaffirming that.
  36. As her nails clawed at some of Cos’ skin and drew blood, something finally clicked in Egl’s head.
  38. She had in fact agreed to go to the ball during the last tea party.
  39. She did like Lily. Egl liked her enough to not blow up at her over spilled cake.
  41. And deep within the frozen abyss where her heart resided, Egl could feel the stirrings of something for Lily. It was almost like lo-
  43. “/cgl/, are you okay? I heard a cras-OH MY GOSH! Are your hands okay?” That was /c/. Why was she asking about her hands? Looking toward her hands Egl was surprised to find her hands bloody and her nails broken…Cos probably looked worse.
  45. “…/c/? I’m fine. Could you get the first aid kit for Cos?” Egl asked slowly as she felt like her reality shifted.
  47. “/cgl/?” Shooting her a bewildered look, Egl absently waved to the floor she was kneeling over.
  49. “You know Cos...” Egl began before her gaze shifted to the floor as well. Only to find she wasn’t straddling anyone. Just that the floor she was looming over was ripped up as if something tried to claw its way through it and only broke the surface. “Wait…where did that slut go?”
  51. “Who’s Cos, /cgl/?” /c/ asked with some concern in her voice. Egl wasn’t entirely sure if it was genuine or not but she’d find out. “You know what…let’s forget about this Cos girl for now and get your hands taken care of /cgl/.”
  53. She felt /c/ stand her up and led her to the bathroom where /c/ began to take care of her messed up hands. This allowed Egl to blankly gaze at the mirror in the bathroom when something finally registered in her confused mind. When had she put bows in her hair? Why was she out of her dress and in her peahen kigu? In fact when was the last time she had worn her hair so plainly? Oh right, it had been when she was cosplaying some generic moe girl…wait. Why did she cosplay in the first place?
  55. “I didn’t think the dress me and Keksandra asked you to touch up was that bad /cgl/ but I’m sorry if it was.” /c/ said breaking the silence as she finished bandaging /cgl/’s hands. “Is everything alright /cgl/?”
  57. Now that was a good question.
  59. “…I’m just a little confused about something /c/.” /cgl/ muttered while trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Where had Cos gone? Why was she remembering cosplaying? The only times Egl had cosplayed were when they had official brands which were few and far off occasions.
  61. “Maybe we can help you with it /cgl/.” A new voice spoke catching /cgl/’s attention as well as /c/’s.
  63. “Yuu-neechan!” Now that had gotten /cgl/ to finally look in the direction of the new voice and she was surprised by what she saw. The new person was a rather tall woman, especially since /c/ only came up to the middle of the young woman’s thigh. Hell, the woman was probably a good two and a half heads taller than /cgl/. That red hair on the girl was pretty striking though what really caught /cgl/ by surprise was the cranial accessory the girl had. They looked like welder goggles of some sort.
  65. Very strange.
  67. “Hey /c/, good job taking care of /cgl/’s hands. Do you think you can do something else for me now?” This woman’s voice was pleasing at least.
  69. “Sure.”
  71. “Can you prevent Keksandra from raiding /cgl/’s fridge?” Yuu asked in a tone that gave away how serious she was about it. “If you succeed, I’ll take you and your friend out for some sweets later.”
  73. “Consider it done Aneue.” Mission given, /cgl/ saw a rather determined /c/ hurry out of the room. She must have really wanted those sweets, but that ended up leaving this woman with her. /cgl/ wasn’t entirely sure of the caring look Yuu gave her as she took a step closer though.
  75. “So what’s got you confused /cgl/?”
  77. That wasn’t weird coming from this girl.
  79. “I…uh, I think I like someone?” /cgl/ wasn’t even sure if this woman wouldn’t try to stab her in the back later but she had no one else at the moment since her twin disappeared. Plus she seemed nice enough, if a little fashion challenged with that sailor fuku on. “It’s rather surprising since I have been kind of steadfastly ignoring all the signs.”
  81. “Hmm, well…that definitely seems like it could lead to confusion.” Yuu spoke as if she had just recently experienced something similar, which didn’t really help ease /cgl/’s concern over what the fuck was happening. “However the heart is a confusing thing so trying to understand it is tricky, especially when trying to find reason for why you might like something.”
  83. That was true…somewhat. /cgl/ wasn’t really sure but it made some sense considering the amount of kigu jammies she had despite being somewhat apathetic to them. What? They were comfortable as hell.
  85. “What I found to help with it was to try and list the reasons why my heart likes it to see why I might like it or them.”
  87. …That was probably a huge stretch to pull in /cgl/’s mind and didn’t really address where her sister had gone. Or why she was dressed so weirdly. However, she was willing to give it a shot if only to distract her mind from what a lack of answers would confirm.
  89. She must’ve still looked confused to Yuu since said girl gave her a light pat on her ass before stepping towards the bathroom door. “Just think on it some, /cgl/. I’m going to check on the girls to make sure they haven’t gotten into anything dangerous or serious. I’ll be back in a few minutes to check up on you and if you’re still confused we can talk some more. Try not to slam your hands against anything too.”
  91. Nodding in agreement she watched the woman leave before staring into her lap, cause what else could /cgl/ do at this moment? Not like she could do much without attracting their attention, plus it might even help her sort through those damn feelings of warmth.
  93. First thing was that she really did like that Lily knew a bunch of tea parlors that offered delicious and moist Christmas cake. It was always so succulent and mouthwatering when she had some. Said cake, so succulent and rich, the tea parlors, and even Lily’s company usually brightened her day considerably. Although it had only been like…four times over the past two weeks. She certainly wasn’t going to go into why she liked it when Lily fed her cake.
  95. The second thing she liked about Lily was how willing she was to spoil her, and let’s not forget about Shizuka kabedon-ing her that one day. Woo, that had almost been too much for her poor little heart that day since she had seen an unusual side of Lily almost immediately afterwards. The princess carry Shizuka had done was also a little much but it made her feel super spoiled so she wouldn’t complain.
  97. And speaking of spoiling! How could she forget about all the gifts the twins had given her? Especially with Lily going out of her way to learn more about fashion so she could start wearing complimenting cords and began matching with her when they went to tea parties. She knew that it was more of a subtle thing Lily was doing, but it stuck out to her keen eye. Well that and taking her to high end boutique to shop where some great pieces and burando were really help tip her off to that little additional thing Lily was doing for fashion. If she wasn’t working on through some emotional things, this train of thought might’ve led to her imagining Lily in ouji gear, and boy that did things to her she wasn’t prepared for. Especially with how Lily’s hair might look with the brand she might wear.
  99. How could she forget about her precious burando? Lily had been kind enough to buy her several dresses that were top shelf brand; like the famous Maɪ, AQO, Eta, and the Necomi brands just to name a few. Needless to say, she had been rather smitten by the act causing her to chirp happily on the inside whenever she saw Lily. Her attempts to pay Lily back, beyond giving her baked goods every so often, were steadfastly refused and she was having a very hard time working up the desire to care as Lily kept giving her more gifts after a few dates.
  101. Sure, that rather pointedly made Lily out to be her sugar momma but she wouldn’t be one to refuse high quality brands for free and Lily made for good company. She couldn’t remember the last time she had something close to a friend in her type of fashion. Her missing twin didn’t count, and aniki was too apathetic half the time to care about anything aside from his own interests.
  103. Okay so maybe she really did like Lily. Like a lot. Shizuka too. Though not as much, that delinquent didn’t seem to care about her clothes that much. Seriously who put good kimonos in a washing machine? Liking was one thing, going to the ball was another thing entirely. Did she really feel like she could handle being Lily’s date?
  105. The fact that she felt she could, surprised her.
  107. “Egl are you feeling better, dear?” Wait a minute, that voice! Snapping her head toward the door, Egl was rather shocked to see Lily there. Hadn’t the girl been named Yuu-wait…Looking down at her clothes, Egl was once more surprised to see that she wasn’t in her peahen kigu. Rather she was currently in the dress she had on for most of the day.
  109. Nope, that wasn’t strange. Not at all, besides Egl had more important things to worry about. Like if Cos was alright or how Lily got into her house. More so if Shizuka was also here. She had a feeling some of her panties or bloomers might go missing because of that delinquent.
  111. “Ye…Yeah, hey Lily why’d you stop by? Were you dropping off my sister?”
  113. “Hmm, nope. /c/ and Keksandra called asking for a ride-apparently they had forgotten their bike- and we were in the area.” Lily stated simply enough as she held Egl’s gaze. “Cos was the one who invited us in, and is currently with Shizuka entertaining the girls while I check on you.”
  115. “Did Cos look alright?”
  117. “Yes? She was perfectly fine while answering the door and remained so while we have been here.” Egl knew Lily was doing her best to keep the questioning tone out of her voice, and was doing a pretty good job of it too. “Did you want to come with Keksandra, /c/, and I to get some sweets Egl? I had extended the offer to Cos but she declined saying she needed Shizuka’s help with something.”
  119. “Sure…maybe some fresh air will be good.” Egl agreed half-heartedly as her unease about the past half-hour persisted. She…she would just have to ignore it and think about it later is all. Perhaps during the night.
  121. “Good, we should really be going then since you’re feeling better.” Lily told her before walking back towards the room where everyone was.
  123. Partially agreeing with her and thinking of nothing else to do, Egl got up and slowly made her way to her living room. Where she was rather surprised to see that Cos was, in fact, alright. That helped Egl immensely and she soon found herself helping Lily to get Keksandra and /c/ outside and into the car the /u/ twins rode in. Once the four of them were securely inside the car, Lily had signaled for her maid to drive them toward their destination. A sweet shop Lily knew about, though Egl wasn’t that concerned about it.
  125. She just hoped the place had some cake that was delicious and moist.
  127. Kind of like Lily.
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