

Sep 22nd, 2014
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  1. [X] 10 "Confirm" with Gnarl that the previous overlord would have wanted you to inherit his kingdom. Use this reasoning to get Zelda on our side.: (EternitynChaos, nightblade, Cyanios, Diller, MysteriousOldGuy, TheOtherSandman, Pipeman, Alexander, Ghost, Smuthunter)
  2. [X] 2 Escape by way of the secret passages.: (Megaolix, Least Devotee)
  3. [X] 2 Get Gnarl to form a minion gate in the dungeons. Get the gauntlet and crown from the vaults.: (Megaolix, Least Devotee)
  4. [X] 1 Get to an unguarded window and make a break for it.: (Redon)
  5. -[X] 10 If lacking for prisoners, disguise yourselves as a servant girl and a guard and sneak out through the front gate.: (EternitynChaos, nightblade, Cyanios, Diller, MysteriousOldGuy, TheOtherSandman, Pipeman, Alexander, Ghost, Smuthunter)
  6. -[X] 2 If the passages are blocked, stage a jailbreak, call up as many minions as possible,: (Megaolix, Least Devotee)
  7. [X] 10 If the secret passages are blocked:: (EternitynChaos, nightblade, Cyanios, Diller, MysteriousOldGuy, TheOtherSandman, Pipeman, Alexander, Ghost, Smuthunter)
  8. -[X] 10 Stage a jailbreak and make a run for an unguarded window in the confusion.: (EternitynChaos, nightblade, Cyanios, Diller, MysteriousOldGuy, TheOtherSandman, Pipeman, Alexander, Ghost, Smuthunter)
  9. [X] 2 Try to trick Princess Zeldaโ€™s mind into accepting your authority.: (Xicree, korat56)
  10. [X] 10 Use Zelda's "authority" (or the impression of authority she gets from being the king's loyal puppet) to get to the vaults unimpeded.: (EternitynChaos, nightblade, Cyanios, Diller, MysteriousOldGuy, TheOtherSandman, Pipeman, Alexander, Ghost, Smuthunter)
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