
You Wouldn't Pirate a Something or Other

Mar 4th, 2014
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  1. Mar 03 19:40:55 <Knox> Alright! This is a bit earlier in the day - back at the Sepia pokemon center. This is after the pumpkin patch but before the mansion visit proper. Knox is waiting on Spectrum to be taken care of, looking absolutely bored to tears. In case you missed his description the first time, he's almost six foot with a muscular body, white-button up shirt, black t-shirt underneath, slacks, and deep
  2. Mar 03 19:40:56 <Knox> blue hair and matching eyes. He's kicking his foot a bit, and listening to his headphones, though it's a song he's heard a thousand times before. He's getting restless.
  3. Mar 03 19:45:52 * Med is... well, actually, her pokemon were uninjured in the conflict, so she's the one that got bandaged up. It wasn't anything too bad though, so it mostly just involved a nurse bandaging her up really quickly.
  4. Mar 03 19:46:07 <Med> So, now she's waiting on her former crewmates and the little girl they kidnapped to get ready.
  5. Mar 03 19:48:43 <Knox> He finally switches his player off, slides his headphones down, and looks over at Med for a moment, before he stops leaning on the wall and walks over. "So... you're Med Mizou?" he breaks the ice.
  6. Mar 03 19:48:44 * Med is also, since I dunno if Kain ever got a description in text form, a brown haired red eyed girl. The dice say she's hellishly cute (something along the lines of 6d6+6), and though her outfit of choice changes by the day, today she's wearing a white shirt that stops short of her stomach, stylish black pants with red lines, stylish red/white shoes, and fingerless
  7. Mar 03 19:48:45 * Med gloves.
  8. Mar 03 19:51:28 <Knox> Knox isn't really the one usually to be impressed by cute things, but that's preeetty cute.
  9. Mar 03 19:52:43 <Med> "Yup~" She was probably sitting on a chair somewhere nearby.
  10. Mar 03 19:52:59 <Med> "And you're..." shit I forget how he introduced himself
  11. Mar 03 19:53:45 <Med> "Nicholas, right?"
  12. Mar 03 19:53:59 <Knox> He hasn't, to Med at least. He picked her name up from when Mel said it at the gym - and he knew enough about Sepia to assume she was a Mizou. He rests against the wall next to the chair. "Nicholas Knight. 'Knox' to friends."
  13. Mar 03 19:55:17 <Med> he totes shook her hand when they met!
  14. Mar 03 19:56:05 <Knox> (Oh right, so he did)
  15. Mar 03 19:56:33 <Knox> He nods, reintroducing himself in that fashion, rather. "Right."
  16. Mar 03 19:56:54 <Med> "Oh, right! What're you here for, Knox? Are you my replacement?"
  17. Mar 03 19:57:04 <Knox> "Replacement? Were you on their crew?"
  18. Mar 03 19:57:31 <Knox> "If so, then yeah, I guess I'm your 'replacement'." he frowns.
  19. Mar 03 19:57:45 <Knox> He has a seat nearby.
  20. Mar 03 19:58:23 <Med> "Mhm. I left because... well... I think you heard what I am, right? And what the enemy uses, right?"
  21. Mar 03 19:58:49 <Knox> "Something about demons and shadow pokemon."
  22. Mar 03 19:59:09 <Knox> He bites his lip a bit. "Part of the reason I'm on-board in fact."
  23. Mar 03 19:59:40 <Knox> "You don't seem like a demon."
  24. Mar 03 19:59:54 <Med> "Have you ever met a demon?"
  25. Mar 03 20:00:03 <Knox> He squints, looking you over carefully. "I've met a few figurative ones. Literal? Hard to say."
  26. Mar 03 20:00:09 <Med> "I've met at least three, not counting myself."
  27. Mar 03 20:00:23 * zooftop ( has joined
  28. Mar 03 20:01:13 <Med> "None of them were really alike, though."
  29. Mar 03 20:02:33 <Knox> "Uh-huh." His expression is pretty stoic.
  30. Mar 03 20:02:55 <Knox> "So explain it to me, then."
  31. Mar 03 20:04:23 <Med> "Explain what?" blinkblink
  32. Mar 03 20:04:39 <Knox> "The whole demon thing and why you left."
  33. Mar 03 20:05:10 <Med> "Um... well... I almost betrayed the team and the country."
  34. Mar 03 20:06:50 <Knox> "Turning against your friends, huh? Yeah, that sounds all too familiar. You -look- fine though."
  35. Mar 03 20:07:06 <Med> "That's because I am again."
  36. Mar 03 20:07:23 <Knox> "But you're afraid you might regress if you keep going?"
  37. Mar 03 20:07:47 <Med> "They can create shadow pokemon, right?"
  38. Mar 03 20:07:54 <Knox> "That's the implication."
  39. Mar 03 20:08:13 <Knox> "They can even control them."
  40. Mar 03 20:08:16 <Med> "It's got to be even easier to do that to someone who's already like that from the start."
  41. Mar 03 20:08:17 <Knox> "Against their owner's will."
  42. Mar 03 20:08:23 <Knox> "At least... in our case."
  43. Mar 03 20:08:38 <Med> "Mhm... I tried telling Mel that, but I don't think she understood... or... the other me did..."
  44. Mar 03 20:08:58 <Knox> "Tch." he looks up a moment.
  45. Mar 03 20:09:07 <Knox> "Let me be frank about myself, Med."
  46. Mar 03 20:09:37 <Knox> "I'm a former pirate, myself. Actual pirate, not one of these pretend ones. I was with a crew based out of Conch."
  47. Mar 03 20:11:06 <Knox> "Around... two years ago, our crew was approached by some shady guy who offered to sponsor our activities in exchange for favors."
  48. Mar 03 20:11:40 <Knox> "We got what we needed from him and whoever his backers were - ships and pokemon mostly. Tough, violent pokemon. Sound familiar?"
  49. Mar 03 20:12:01 <Med> "Yeah. That's how they seem to work when dealing with people."
  50. Mar 03 20:13:17 <Knox> "Now, we weren't exactly killers, and they never asked us to, either, but we did jobs in exchange for all this. Went well for about a year, but we decided we wanted out. Captain figured something was up with all this and that it was all over our heads. The lady was never more right in her life."
  51. Mar 03 20:13:50 <Med> "Oh."
  52. Mar 03 20:14:16 <Knox> "'Oh'?"
  53. Mar 03 20:14:55 <Med> "My mom's one of their assassins."
  54. Mar 03 20:15:10 <Knox> "I see..."
  55. Mar 03 20:15:17 <Knox> "Well, I'm pretty sure she wasn't there."
  56. Mar 03 20:15:27 <Knox> "When we made landfall we were set on by a horde of pokemon."
  57. Mar 03 20:15:35 <Knox> "And our own pokemon we got from them turned on us as well."
  58. Mar 03 20:18:47 <Knox> "Fucking massacre. The only reason I'm still alive is because I ran and hid." he grits his teeth. "But... someone had to live on. I'm going to help you guys take down this Team Aether. I haven't been a pirate in about a year now, but this PIRATES organization found me and offered me a pardon, so here I am. Clearing my name and looking to knock in a few skulls for my old friends. I also
  59. Mar 03 20:18:47 <Knox> want to figure out how to fix Tenebrae - my Pinsir. He's one of those Shadow Pokemon, too. That Lecia chick was a little helpful."
  60. Mar 03 20:18:47 <Med> "I wonder if they'll come after me. They know who I am and where I live..."
  61. Mar 03 20:19:22 <Knox> "That's true. You could stay on, be protected from them." he shrugs.
  62. Mar 03 20:20:18 <Knox> "I wouldn't let them get to you, at least."
  63. Mar 03 20:20:45 <Med> "Yeah, but... can you protect me from myself?"
  64. Mar 03 20:24:03 <Knox> He snorts. "No, of course I can't. Not unless you put something in front of me that I can fight. I'm no psychologist, either. But I'd do what I could. I can be your friend at least."
  65. Mar 03 20:24:49 <Knox> "No one deserves to go through that kind of shit."
  66. Mar 03 20:29:59 <Med> "Thanks," she offers Knox a smile.
  67. Mar 03 20:32:34 <Knox> "I'll give those dickbags an extra sludge bomb to the face for you when the time comes." he relaxes a bit at the smile. "Then you won't have to worry about nothin'. We weren't the nicest people, but this shit is heinous." He leans back, thinking.
  68. Mar 03 20:33:37 <Med> "Erm... well..."
  69. Mar 03 20:33:53 <Knox> "Hm?"
  70. Mar 03 20:34:02 * Mayuri has quit (Ping timeout)
  71. Mar 03 20:34:42 <Knox> "What." he looks over at her.
  72. Mar 03 20:34:59 <Med> "Actually, I already had a plan!"
  73. Mar 03 20:36:16 <Knox> He just waits, his expression not really changing.
  74. Mar 03 20:36:49 <Med> "I would like to become friends with my other self - that way neither of us has to be afraid of the other one anymore!
  75. Mar 03 20:36:50 <Med> "
  76. Mar 03 20:37:54 <Knox> "Actual friendship power? Really?" he says flatly. "Well, if it works, it works. How do you plan to actually pull it off, though?"
  77. Mar 03 20:38:32 <Med> "Huh? What's wrong with that? It's better than being in conflict with yourself..."
  78. Mar 03 20:39:16 <Knox> "I guess. Don't mind me."
  79. Mar 03 20:39:44 <Med> "And... I was hoping I could meet her in dreamland!"
  80. Mar 03 20:39:57 <Med> "I think I'll need Lecia's help for that, though."
  81. Mar 03 20:41:15 <Knox> "Dreamland?" he goes a bit distant at that, thinking about what he knows - but it's probably clear the dream world isn't in his expertise.
  82. Mar 03 20:43:25 <Med> "Mhm. Everyone says that we're not really separate beings, so... in order to meet her, I need to go somewhere where perception's more important than reality."
  83. Mar 03 20:43:47 <Med> "I think both of us percieve one another as separate beings, so I think it should work there."
  84. Mar 03 20:43:47 <Knox> "A bit over my head. But you'll manage, I'm sure."
  85. Mar 03 20:44:31 <Med> "Thanks!" :3
  86. Mar 03 20:45:50 <Knox> He leans back again and looks at the ceiling of the Center for a moment, quiet.
  87. Mar 03 20:45:50 <Med> "That's a lot of heavy, serious stuff though~"
  88. Mar 03 20:46:19 <Med> "If we're gonna be friends, you should tell me more about yourself - not, like, the bad stuff, there's always a lot of bad stuff, but what you like to do!"
  89. Mar 03 20:48:28 * Med is looking at Knox~
  90. Mar 03 20:49:35 * Telume ( has joined
  91. Mar 03 20:59:37 <Knox> He smirks a bit, looking back at her. "Not the bad stuff, hm. Let's see then... I'm into music. Different styles of rock, grunge, alternative, power metal, some rhythm and blues. Physical activities... Urban exploration... I know a few different cue sports. Generally getting into trouble. Used to do a lot of drinking, but then something in my biology changed and it just doesn't work
  92. Mar 03 20:59:37 <Knox> anymore. Not unless I go with near lethal levels of BAC. I never really was into partying, though. I can't dance for shit and I feel like an idiot when I try. I've gotten an interest in the supernatural and different ways humans can do things they were never meant to. I used to go camping back home in Unova..." he trails off a bit.
  93. Mar 03 21:00:00 <Knox> "I think more than anything I like a good fight, but that's probably not that interesting."
  94. Mar 03 21:00:58 <Med> "Wow," the girl who does literally half of everything responds. "Eheh, that's a lot!~"
  95. Mar 03 21:01:32 <Med> "I like music too - I played in a band before, well... before we all graduated and stuff."
  96. Mar 03 21:02:38 <Knox> "Really. You still play?"
  97. Mar 03 21:03:20 <Med> "Not that often. I used to do the drums, and, well... my drumset's still on the ship. I still practice the flute every now and then though!"
  98. Mar 03 21:06:14 <Med> "I'd like to get into a band again, though. It's just a bit tougher when evil shadowy organizations might be after you and stuff."
  99. Mar 03 21:09:02 <Med> "So you can't ever get drunk?" SUBJECT CHANGE GO
  100. Mar 03 21:09:10 <Knox> "I've played the odd thing here and there on long voyages, just to pass the time, yeah? Easy shit. Harmonica, xylophone, whatever we had. Not really band material, though." he muses a moment. "Guess I could try and learn..."
  101. Mar 03 21:09:24 <Knox> "Or high." he frowns. "Or poisoned by pokemon."
  102. Mar 03 21:10:27 <Knox> "My body just ingests toxins and processes them as easily as they were normal shit like vitamin C or protein."
  103. Mar 03 21:10:50 <Med> "Huh. I guess that might be kinda awkward... I try not to drink too much anyway, though."
  104. Mar 03 21:11:29 <Knox> He shrugs. "You either enjoy it or you don't. It's given me clarity of mind anyway."
  105. Mar 03 21:12:02 <Med> "It's not that I don't enjoy it - it's just, like... well..."
  106. Mar 03 21:12:31 <Knox> He pauses. "You're responsible?" he says, amused.
  107. Mar 03 21:12:50 <Med> "I guess so~"
  108. Mar 03 21:13:30 <Med> "Plus, you can do some really bad or dumb things if you're not in control of yourself, you know?"
  109. Mar 03 21:14:40 <Knox> "I always found it more funny to deal with the consequences I set up for myself." he muses, looking nostalgic. "But I don't get that luxury anymore, so eh. Being in control has its perks, it's just sometimes I wish I -did- have the option."
  110. Mar 03 21:15:46 <Med> "You must've never broken up with a movie star over it, then!"
  111. Mar 03 21:16:42 <Knox> "I like life to be -interesting-, Med. I can't fucking stand the thought of an ordinary life for myself, as stupid as that probably sounds." He raises an eyebrow. "And hello. What, you mean Frazier? Or are there other movie stars hanging around that I didn't know of?"
  112. Mar 03 21:17:33 <Med> "Yeah, that one~"
  113. Mar 03 21:18:02 <Knox> "Sounds like that sucked, then. You at least get to enjoy it?"
  114. Mar 03 21:18:42 <Med> "We were together for, like... one day, and then it took him two weeks to break up with me~"
  115. Mar 03 21:19:46 <Knox> "Relationship drama is about the most retarded thing to get into for a pirate crew - or any team working together, really." he sighs.
  116. Mar 03 21:21:47 <Med> "I guess so. It's hard not liking someone after working with them for a long time, though, if you work well together and stuff."
  117. Mar 03 21:22:12 <Knox> "No, see, I'm not disagreeing with you there." he sits up.
  118. Mar 03 21:22:32 * zooftop has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  119. Mar 03 21:22:43 <Med> "Er... not that that's why I liked Mackers... actually, part of why I left was 'cause of the team dynamic... I've just been in that situation before!"
  120. Mar 03 21:23:06 * Mayuri ( has joined
  121. Mar 03 21:25:42 <Knox> "But I think people get too hung up about exclusivity and who is having sex with who else and UGH. Fucking mess. I think it's perfectly reasonable to be in an intimate relationship with multiple people and no one getting hung up over any of it, but very few people seem to see it the same way. It's not fucking hard. You just don't lie to people about your intentions. Not to mention the
  122. Mar 03 21:25:42 <Knox> whole corporate shilling of- ...fuck you know what, nevermind, I'm getting off topic and I'm starting to rant. There something up with the crew's team dynamic?"
  123. Mar 03 21:29:05 <Med> "Corporate shilling?" she asks, sounding a bit amused at the poisonous man's rantings.
  124. Mar 03 21:33:12 <Knox> "Big companies make a business out of exclusive relationships under the pretense of making things more romantic. Valentine's Day, for instance. Candy, cards, jewelry, all that shit gets ready to sell on holidays dedicated to that kind of thing. And if someone in a relationship forgets about it - watch the fuck out. It's getting to be where gifts aren't thoughtful and genuine and more
  125. Mar 03 21:33:12 <Knox> corporate-funded sex tax. You don't have to have a fucking day of the year devoted to being romantic, whose bidoof-brained idea was that shit?? That's the kind of thing I mean."
  126. Mar 03 21:38:30 <Knox> "Where am I even going with this."
  127. Mar 03 21:38:37 <Knox> He sighs and tries to calm down.
  128. Mar 03 21:38:45 <Knox> "People just piss me off, nowadays."
  129. Mar 03 21:40:29 <Med> "You sure get worked up about it~ I personally like Valentine's day. You don't have to just be nice to one person on it, or anything!"
  130. Mar 03 21:41:07 <Med> "I made cards for my bandmates last valentines day, and I wasn't even dating any of them at the time~"
  131. Mar 03 21:41:28 <Knox> "I just never got why people thought they needed to set aside a day to do something like hand out chocolates and gifts to friends and people they were interested in."
  132. Mar 03 21:41:45 <Med> "You don't - you could do it any day of the year!"
  133. Mar 03 21:41:47 <Knox> "That's something you can do any day of the year, just from feeling like it."
  134. Mar 03 21:41:51 <Knox> He nods.
  135. Mar 03 21:41:57 <Knox> "Exactly."
  136. Mar 03 21:42:20 <Med> "It's just easier if it's scheduled, you know? Everyone knows about it in advance and stuff. It's harder to mess that up, if you're not good at being spontaneous."
  137. Mar 03 21:43:55 <Knox> "Easier if it's scheduled... tch. Well, I don't know. Anyway, what were you saying a minute ago?"
  138. Mar 03 21:44:12 <Med> "Huh?"
  139. Mar 03 21:44:12 <Med> blinkblink
  140. Mar 03 21:44:29 <Med> "That I like valentines day?"
  141. Mar 03 21:44:35 <Knox> "No, team dynamic."
  142. Mar 03 21:44:57 <Med> "Oh. Yeah. I don't think anyone really knew how to work in a team very well..."
  143. Mar 03 21:45:07 <Med> "And some people got into fights and stuff..."
  144. Mar 03 21:45:45 <Med> "And it looks like negative emotions're what draws out the shadow me, so... it wasn't a very good place for me to be."
  145. Mar 03 21:47:07 <Knox> "Oh, great." he rolls his eyes. "Well, I guess I'll have to help whip people into shape, then. Show them how it's done. I'm not the most sociable person, Med, but there was one thing I learned from my time as a pirate, and it's that teamwork is pretty goddamn important. I'm not talking power of friendship, rainbows and hugs or anything, but the ability to set aside petty things and get
  146. Mar 03 21:47:07 <Knox> shit done and rely and count on each other. Out there on the seas, we had to fight to survive. Storms could sink us if we weren't careful. Wild pokemon attacks. Other pirate vessels boarding us. Evading law enforcement."
  147. Mar 03 21:47:27 <Knox> "It was hell, and I will tell you one thing - we wouldn't have made it three weeks if we hadn't learned to watch each other's backs."
  148. Mar 03 21:48:44 <Med> "Mhm! ...what do you have against the power of friendship, anyway?"
  149. Mar 03 21:53:06 <Knox> "It's an exaggerated trope." he frowns. "You can't overcome every difficulty with smiles, hugs and strong spirits - though some of them might can be. And... I guess it's just too anime, really. Not to mention... I don't want to see good people die because they thought they could get through to someone. Diplomacy can and has worked, but there comes a time when an actual fight is the only
  150. Mar 03 21:53:06 <Knox> real option." he's distant a moment.
  151. Mar 03 21:56:33 <Med> "Oh, I see~ You take things too seriously~"
  152. Mar 03 21:56:58 <Knox> "Probably so people like you don't have to." he gives her a playful shove.
  153. Mar 03 21:57:41 <Med> "I'm fine~ I have guardians~"
  154. Mar 03 21:57:52 * You are now known as Melons
  155. Mar 03 21:58:05 <Knox> "So you don't need help after all?"
  156. Mar 03 21:58:19 <Med> "Hm?"
  157. Mar 03 21:58:33 <Knox> He shakes his head. "Nah, forget it."
  158. Mar 03 21:59:06 <Melons> Murmuring can be heard as Melanie idly walks by, head in the clouds and face in her phone.
  159. Mar 03 22:00:04 <Knox> He looks up as Melanie walks by.
  160. Mar 03 22:00:52 <Knox> He looks back at Med for a moment. "You gotta understand, we were in the business of being serious."
  161. Mar 03 22:01:20 <Med> "Yeah, yeah, there're definitely times and places to be serious!"
  162. Mar 03 22:01:42 <Med> "But there're times when you gotta sit back and relax and stuff, too!"
  163. Mar 03 22:02:06 <Knox> He snorts. "It's not like I don't."
  164. Mar 03 22:02:14 <Knox> "Hey." he greets Melons.
  165. Mar 03 22:02:22 <Med> "Prove it~"
  166. Mar 03 22:02:52 <Knox> "I will, when we get a chance." he says idly.
  167. Mar 03 22:03:12 <Med> "A chance?~"
  168. Mar 03 22:03:20 <Melons> The recognition of Med's voice sends her scrambling to not drop her phone. Because just holding things is hard. She stares between the two of them for a bit, particularly looking at Knox like one of those stare-at-the-image-until-you-see-3D-stuff pictures. "Ah...yeah...hi."
  169. Mar 03 22:03:22 <Med> "This is a chance, silly~"
  170. Mar 03 22:05:17 <Melons> Mel must assume they're plotting her demise. Well, maybe not that. It IS difficult to tell whether the looks she's giving Med are suspicion or guilt.
  171. Mar 03 22:05:28 <Knox> "Not one for long unless they plan to keep Spectrum much longer." He stretches though, looking over at Mel. "What? Did I get a sunburn?"
  172. Mar 03 22:06:16 * Med looks to Mel, like '-'?
  173. Mar 03 22:06:45 <Melons> "No? What? I don't think so. I don't know. Did you expect to have a sunburn? I didn't...first week here was the worst..."
  174. Mar 03 22:07:37 <Knox> He grins a bit. "Well, have a seat or something."
  175. Mar 03 22:09:21 <Melons> "Mmm." She eyes potential seats as though calculating the risks of sudden assassination before taking a seat beside Med.
  176. Mar 03 22:12:07 <Knox> "We were talking about how I'm apparently too serious." he rolls his eyes. "What are you up to?"
  177. Mar 03 22:13:13 <Melons> " much, just waiting on Eli and learning that a Darkrai wanted to eat me as a fetus."
  178. Mar 03 22:14:05 <Melons> "So...there's that."
  179. Mar 03 22:14:06 <Knox> "Well there's a story."
  180. Mar 03 22:14:34 <Melons> "Yeah I guess then my dad punched it into pieces and Med's dad banished the pieces or something."
  181. Mar 03 22:14:37 <Knox> He actually seems somewhat interested.
  182. Mar 03 22:18:59 <Melons> "I don't really know much other than that it was targetting my mom while she was pregnant and then they fought it and it was...difficult..." She looks uncomfortable speaking about it. Of course, she always looks uncomfortable, so it's probably difficult to tell, especially as a stranger without divine intuition.
  183. Mar 03 22:20:09 <Melons> "So you know what your plan is now then? Are you staying here once we leave or...something else?"
  184. Mar 03 22:21:32 <Knox> "Well, that sounds like it was an ordeal. Are the pieces coming back together and seeking revenge? Anything else trying to get a nibble of you? You're probably tasty." he snarks a bit, trying to be good natured in his own way.
  185. Mar 03 22:23:15 <Melons> Mel opens her mouth to speak a few times without finding any words before a look of horror briefly crosses her face. "Um...yes...actually...I think...that might be what's happening..."
  186. Mar 03 22:23:26 <Knox> "...Oh." he frowns.
  187. Mar 03 22:23:37 <Knox> "Well this got awkward."
  188. Mar 03 22:24:16 <Melons> "It already was."
  189. Mar 03 22:25:42 <Knox> "Well, if some piece of shit like that is coming after someone in my crew, it'll have to go through me, first." he shrugs.
  190. Mar 03 22:26:35 <Melons> "I...think I already saw it in my dreams...while the dream reality was breaking and eating nightmare kids or don't can help me there?"
  191. Mar 03 22:27:31 <Knox> "More of that metaphysical dream stuff, huh."
  192. Mar 03 22:28:32 * Med would have totes agreed with Knox about Mel being tasty.
  193. Mar 03 22:28:36 * Med if a Roara was around to do so.
  194. Mar 03 22:28:42 <Knox> "I'm starting to wonder how I -can- help out at this rate."
  195. Mar 03 22:28:58 <Melons> "I can't decide if it's interesting in spite of being horrifying, or if it's more interesting because it's horrifying."
  196. Mar 03 22:29:14 <Knox> "It's interesting as hell either way." he agrees.
  197. Mar 03 22:29:42 * Melons would have very notably attempted to ignore any mention of her taste while red in the face.
  198. Mar 03 22:32:01 <Melons> " can shoot poison out of your skin?"
  199. Mar 03 22:37:17 <Knox> He snrks. "More or less. My body is saturated with toxins. It's thickest in my blood, really, and I have full control over that - It's not like I take a piss and flowers wilt or anything. But I can synthesize venom in my body, or coagulate sludge through my pores or spit acid, or mix those up however, but it's not a constant thing. I also can't be poisoned, and poison type attacks do
  200. Mar 03 22:37:17 <Knox> less to me. And unfortunately that also means I can't get drunk or whatever. Lucky me, huh."
  201. Mar 03 22:38:11 <Melons> "...have you tried metaphysical drugs?"
  202. Mar 03 22:38:27 <Knox> "Can't say I have." he raises an interested eyebrow.
  203. Mar 03 22:38:50 <Melons> "NothatIknowanythingaboutthose!"
  204. Mar 03 22:40:57 <Knox> "I've been told that if I let just a litttle bit of a specific toxin accumulate on my skin, it's like a hallucinogen. Not quite LSD, but if I could do -that- I'd probably have a steady influx of cash now." he snorts. "And of course you don't. Of course you don't."
  205. Mar 03 22:41:28 <Melons> Mel pauses and pulls out a fancy looking rock while inspecting Knox like a speciment for disection. Finally, she frowns and turns to Med. "Med, I don't suppose you'd be interested in donating some blood?"
  206. Mar 03 22:41:42 <Med> "Blood?"
  207. Mar 03 22:41:50 <Melons> "The red stuff inside you."
  208. Mar 03 22:42:29 <Melons> "Although I hear it's blue while it's inside...I don't actually know if that's true..."
  209. Mar 03 22:43:58 <Melons> Mel snaps back to attention. "Oh, yeah, for this." She holds up the Odd Keystone, which given Med likes Dark types and comes from a family of Ghost users, recognizing an important part of a Spiritomb seems likely.
  210. Mar 03 22:45:01 * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined
  211. Mar 03 22:45:03 <Knox> 2d6 general education
  212. Mar 03 22:45:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, general education: 6 [2d6=2,4]
  213. Mar 03 22:45:30 <Knox> He sort of shrugs at Mel's question.
  214. Mar 03 22:48:57 <Med> "What is it?" ~med~
  215. Mar 03 22:50:04 <Melons> "Pretty sure it's for a Spiritomb. Gotta feed it or something. I should probably look into that more."
  216. Mar 03 22:50:51 <Med> "Oh... are you sure it's safe to feed it demon blood?" '-'
  217. Mar 03 22:51:33 <Knox> "So you feed blood to a ghost rock? Sounds pretty wicked to me."
  218. Mar 03 22:52:14 <Melons> "Pretty sure your blood is like any other blood in this case...also I already fed it my blood, surely demon blood can't be any worse for it."
  219. Mar 03 22:52:25 <Melons> "But yeah, that's basically what I'm doing. Goddamn that sounds dumb."
  220. Mar 03 22:52:50 <Knox> "Sounds cool to me." he shrugs. "I could contribute too. I just said I can control my own toxins - I can filter my blood if you need it. How much do you need?"
  221. Mar 03 22:53:54 <Melons> "Oh, if you have THAT much control I suppose it would" She attempts to make the OK-sign to show what is supposed to be a small amount.
  222. Mar 03 22:56:13 <Knox> He squints at her a moment. "I wouldn't exactly sign myself up for a blood drive or feed a vampire or something but just a small amount should be doable." He holds his hand out over the rock and makes a fist. There's a hissing sound, and his blood starts to drip onto the rock.
  223. Mar 03 22:56:35 <Knox> He makes a bit of a face as he does this.
  224. Mar 03 22:56:59 <Melons> "Oh...thanks." A wide smile quickly flashes across her face. "I see why they had you join us..."
  225. Mar 03 22:58:42 <Knox> After he thinks he's given enough, he takes his hand back and stretches his palm open - he fiddles into his backpack to fetch some bandages - he seems to have burned a small hole in his hand to let his blood.
  226. Mar 03 22:58:55 <Knox> He wraps the small wound up, no big.
  227. Mar 03 22:59:11 <Knox> "Sure."
  228. Mar 03 23:00:10 <Melons> "We've only just met and you've willingly offered me your blood, to what purposes I'm using it you don't know. They sent you here because, like the rest of us, you have terrible judgment!" It's unclear if she's joking or serious.
  229. Mar 03 23:02:26 <Knox> "Oh no, I am most definitely going to regret making the world a more interesting place."
  230. Mar 03 23:04:11 <Knox> There's definitely a sarcastic edge there but he seems to be enjoying himself.
  231. Mar 03 23:05:17 <Med> "I don't have terrible judgm...ent... most of the time..." :(
  232. Mar 03 23:06:30 <Melons> "Of course you do, Med, you tried to befriend me! Most people I've met will tell you that was a mistake..."
  233. Mar 03 23:06:54 <Melons> 4d6+4 That totally doesn't just crush her heart, nope, we be guilin'.
  234. Mar 03 23:06:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, That totally doesn't just crush her heart, nope, we be guilin'.: 17 [4d6=1,5,1,6]
  235. Mar 03 23:07:23 <Med> 5d6+6 guile?
  236. Mar 03 23:07:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, guile?: 17 [5d6=1,2,3,4,1]
  237. Mar 03 23:07:28 <Med> th-that tie
  238. Mar 03 23:07:34 <Knox> 6d6 guile?
  239. Mar 03 23:07:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, guile?: 20 [6d6=4,2,3,1,5,5]
  240. Mar 03 23:07:36 <Med> WHAT DO WE DO IN THE CASE OF TIES
  241. Mar 03 23:07:43 * Med rolled intuition, not guile, silly Knox
  242. Mar 03 23:07:49 <Melons> I...I don't know what to do...
  243. Mar 03 23:08:03 <Knox> 1d6 :D
  244. Mar 03 23:08:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, :D: 4 [1d6=4]
  245. Mar 03 23:08:07 <Med> can we say that you succeed in crushing med's heart but fail to actually guile her
  246. Mar 03 23:08:19 <Melons> Why would that crush Med's heart?
  247. Mar 03 23:08:22 <Med> like, you succeed in your goal, even though she's aware that you were actively trying to manipulate her into feeling that way?
  248. Mar 03 23:08:26 <Med> oh.
  249. Mar 03 23:08:29 <Med> melons's heart.
  250. Mar 03 23:08:35 <Melons> Melons DO have hearts.
  251. Mar 03 23:08:39 <Med> ...they do?
  252. Mar 03 23:08:42 <Med> i thouhgt they were plants ...
  253. Mar 03 23:08:58 <Melons> Plants have hearts. Haven't you ever dissected an earth worm?
  254. Mar 03 23:09:06 <Med> no
  255. Mar 03 23:09:22 <Knox> "You seem interesting enough to me." he shrugs. "Goddamn is the service taking a while. It's usually in and out. They must be backed up."
  256. Mar 03 23:09:22 <Med> how about this
  257. Mar 03 23:09:27 <Med> mel successfully guiles
  258. Mar 03 23:09:32 <Med> but med decides that must hurt anyway
  259. Mar 03 23:10:16 <Melons> On ties the defender wins apparently...but I have no idea if I'm the defender because you're rolling to see through my defenses, or if I'm the attacker because I initiated the roll...I'm inclined toward the former?
  260. Mar 03 23:10:26 <Med> we could
  261. Mar 03 23:10:26 <Med> reroll
  262. Mar 03 23:10:30 <Melons> Let's do that
  263. Mar 03 23:10:37 <Melons> 4d6+4
  264. Mar 03 23:10:37 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 4d6+4: 13 [4d6=2,4,1,2]
  265. Mar 03 23:11:01 <Med> 5d6+6 INTUITION
  266. Mar 03 23:11:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, INTUITION: 31 [5d6=6,6,6,3,4]
  267. Mar 03 23:11:06 <Med> ...well okay
  268. Mar 03 23:11:06 <Melons> PFFFFFFT
  269. Mar 03 23:12:40 <Melons> Med is pretty sure Melanie's self-deprecating joke is something that gnaws at her night and day. She may also guess Mel blames herself entirely for their past problems.
  270. Mar 03 23:13:33 <Melons> "Well we'll find out just how terrible your decisions are soon enough. Rest up, because based on everything I've learned, stupid and painful things are going to happen in that mansion. I'm going to guess we'll either see or meet a god, get attacked by the armies of Hell itself, or something that's just...dumb. Oh, no, wait, two of the three will happen." She is quite deliberately avoiding eye contact with Med, moreso than usual.
  271. Mar 03 23:14:48 <Knox> "No doubts."
  272. Mar 03 23:15:24 <Melons> 6d6+3 Attempt to stand. I think I've got this.
  273. Mar 03 23:15:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Attempt to stand. I think I've got this.: 24 [6d6=5,2,5,3,5,1]
  274. Mar 03 23:17:43 * Melons hops to her feet with the strangest nod of temporary goodbye or something, presumably that's all it could mean, and wanders off to a different part of the center.
  275. Mar 03 23:18:01 <Knox> "Huh." he doesn't get it.
  276. Mar 03 23:18:04 * Med waves to Mel, all awkward and not having awesomeguile to hide it. D:
  277. Mar 03 23:18:41 <Melons> 1d6-2 Is it awkward?! Well to be fair she probably assumes all interactions with herself are awkward
  278. Mar 03 23:18:42 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Is it awkward?! Well to be fair she probably assumes all interactions with herself are awkward: 4 [1d6=6]
  279. Mar 03 23:19:07 <Med> 3d6-1 medguile?
  280. Mar 03 23:19:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, medguile?: 10 [3d6=6,4,1]
  281. Mar 03 23:19:57 <Med> "I don't think it was a mistake..." she says, possibly before Mel is out of earshot
  282. Mar 03 23:21:25 <Knox> He starts to get up too, though he puts a hand on Med's shoulder. "Think a bit on what you're going to do. I'm gonna go see what the hold up is."
  283. Mar 03 23:22:42 <Knox> Med can totally stop him if there was more she wanted to talk about though.
  284. Mar 03 23:22:46 <Med> "I'm going to Conch City, as soon as I can get a way to get there." LOOKS LIKE SHE ALREADY HAS
  285. Mar 03 23:23:16 <Med> "It might be with you guys, if Lecia's okay with that."
  286. Mar 03 23:23:42 <Knox> "We'll see how it goes then."
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