

Aug 23rd, 2020
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  1. Context:
  2. Mangs is a Fire Emblem YouTuber and content creator, who as of writing this, has 77k subcribers on YouTube. He is one of the largest and most consistent content creators in the FE community, who has posted almost 4,000 videos, dating back to late 2011. Throughout the years, he's had a presence on YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Patreon, Skype, and Discord.
  4. Recently, allegations and accounts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, manipulation of power, verbal abuse, incel behavior & viewing women as sex objects, underpaying his previous artist and graphic designer while blowing hundreds of dollars on other hobbies, pedophilia, and gaslighting victims of his abuse have come forward about Mangs. Some of these had been known or rumored about for years, and received more attention recently, while others have only recently come to light. Many of these accounts line up with each other, and have many screenshots of conversations with Mangs himself, as well as evidence from public posts he made in both Ft. Mangs on Facebook, and in his YouTube community tab posts.
  6. He "apologized" multiple times, minimizing the impact of his actions when possible, addressing as few allegations as possible, and intentionally using vague, ambiguous language. I'll link in-depth criticisms of his apologies later.
  8. He left the internet, including his channel and social media, for a month and a half after being outed. Because he's now trying to come back to content creation, the same avenue that allowed him to abuse his power and commit these atrocities to begin with, I wanted others to be aware of his actions, the allegations against him, and how he's handling it. I wanted to compile this resource, to have as much as possible available in one link, to show to others who aren't aware of Mangs' actions, or to show to those who still deny them.
  10. Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, & Predatory Behavior:
  11. - Mang0kitty's experience with sexual harassment from Mangs:
  14. The replies/thread of this tweet feature more receipts and evidence, as well as death threats she was sent from multiple anonymous accounts for speaking out. These death threats also target Goosaphone and Soleil, other victims who have spoken out against Mangs.
  16. - Goosaphone's sexual harassment & sexual assault experiences with Mangs:
  19. Mangs repeatedly insists that they should share a room alone, repeatedly guilt trips Goose when she's uncomfortable with the decision, sends drunken sexual harassment messages during the planning phases, and claims he won't touch her at Anime North. He also tries to shift blame to Goose, tries to gaslight her into believing she wasn't sexually assaulted, and afterwards, Mangs talks about how badly he wanted to have sex with her. Mangs' accounts are overall inconsistent, especially as he continues to speak about the incident, and he tries to downplay the impact and responsibility of his actions as much as possible.
  21. Regardless of if you believe these allegations or not, Mangs' actions, behavior, and speech aren't okay by any stretch. You do not and should not say these things to anyone. You don't just tell someone how badly you wanted to have sex with them, and you don't just tell someone you've been sexually harassing for months about a sex dream you had despite them expressing discomfort.
  23. -Soleil's experience with Mangs, including screenshots and chat logs of him manipulating her into sending suggestive photos, pressuring her into sending more, and verbally abusing and gaslighting her when she spoke to friends about it, as well as Mangs' empty promises of change as he continued to sexually harass other women:
  26. This includes details on a points/currency system Mangs used for these photos that influenced his "Corrinquest" series on YouTube, and whether or not units based on his viewers would be revived based on if he received suggestive photos or not.
  28. Mercie Beacoup's experiences with Mangs:
  31. This includes why Mangs' previous artist and designer, Mina, left the channel, screenshots from Mangs of his incel behavior and obsession with viewing women as sex objects, verbal abuse, a community post from Mangs' channel that lines up with Mina's accounts as well as posts from Ft. Mangs on Facebook, how Mangs' toxic behavior affects his working relationships, and multiple in-person accounts of Mangs' behavior. He intentionally lies and excludes info, trying to sweep things under the rug. Mina also claims that Mangs said in-person that he got a girl drunk to convince her to have sex with him.
  33. This also includes screenshots from Mina, about how Mangs tried to use "money issues" as an excuse to underpay her for commissions, while he was spending hundreds of dollars on airsoft & FE Heroes.
  35. Slurs and Bigotry:
  36. - Usage of the F-slur:
  39. - Hard R usage:
  42. Dismissive attitude towards a fan, and refusing to take accountability for what he said when being called out:
  45. There's countless other instances of Mangs using slurs in his YouTube videos, but for the sake of brevity, I'll stop here.
  47. Quote from my previous Twitlonger ( on why usage of slurs is harmful, for those who don't understand:
  48. "It's one thing to name it that on your own time, it's much worse to do so in front of an impressionable audience in content that you're putting into the world, encouraging it, and acting like it's okay or normal at all. These words exist to hatefully discriminate against minority groups and keep them down, and perpetuating their usage by using and encouraging them yourself only makes it worse for people trying to fight for their own freedom and simply exist peacefully. Just because you aren't affected directly by them, doesn't mean they aren't harmful.
  50. I always felt hesitant about existing in the Fire Emblem community space, since their largest content creator wasn't being held accountable for these actions, and when these actions influence so many people, it makes for a space where I feel disgusted and unwelcome. I love the series, but I've always personally been hesitant to create content for it consistently, because of what's condoned in the space, the people staunchly defending these actions and Mangs, and how this happening at the top only has a trickle-down effect to the rest of the community."
  52. Pedophilia:
  53. -Mangs expressing intent to groom a 13 year-old, and manipulate their beliefs:
  56. Screenshot, in case the post is deleted:
  59. This is extremely creepy and unsettling, and a grown man should not be saying this about a 13 year old.
  61. Before 2017, when people initially spoke up about Mangs, part of his brand was openly sexualizing Clarine, a 14-15 year old girl from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.
  63. Here is a commission Mangs requested of her in a pin-up pose, with her underwear showing:
  66. Keep in mind, he was in his late 20's when commissioning this. Again, the character on the right, Clarine, is 14-15, and she's featured alongside her mother, Louise.
  68. I have intentionally blurred out the watermark. I do not have the means to reach out to the artist, and as far as I know, they have not been active on social media for a long time. If you recognize them, please do not harass them or reveal their identity. I was hesitant to include this initially, because I did not want the artist harassed for something I didn't ask for their permission about, but I really cannot withhold this information any longer.
  70. An anonymous account that is likely owned by Mangs, that harasses Mang0kitty directly, one of his sexual harassment victims:
  73. Mercie, in the replies, claims that Mina told her this is Mangs' alt, as well as others saying it likely is.
  75. In case the account is taken down, or the posts are deleted, I compiled the account's posts in that particular thread into one image:
  78. Critiques of Mangs' Apologies:
  80. Recently, Mangs released a video titled "We Need to Talk," where he addresses allegations and his behavior.
  81. Link:
  83. There are a few noteworthy threads and twitlongers criticizing his apology that I would like to highlight:
  87. This post points out and explains instances of Mangs lying in his own apology video, suspicious behaviors, Goose's accounts remaining consistent while Mangs' don't, and how Mangs' behavior is textbook manipulation and abuse.
  91. This post explains Mangs' lack of understanding of what he did and why it was wrong, his abuse of power dynamics, and the manipulation and self-victimization Mangs uses to defend himself.
  93. Here's an apology twitlonger from Mangs:
  96. From my own interpretation, he constantly comes off as lying, trying to downplay his actions and claims against him as much as possible, and shifts blame towards his own victims.
  98. It was very irritating at best to read, since he was very clearly trying to preserve his own image to avoid accountability, and dodge responsibility when possible. I expected this, since this was exactly what he did in his initial 'apology' in 2017. It's clear he hasn't grown as a person since then, at least in regards to accountability, or has even tried to take full accountability for his actions.
  100. ===
  102. Why am I doing this?
  104. Prior to knowing about any of these claims, I was neutral on Mangs, and didn't really know anything about him. I didn't have anything against him.
  106. When I heard accounts line up in 2017 about Mangs' behavior from completely different circles on Twitter and Discord, I felt I needed to say something. I didn't want to condone this happening in the community I was in, and I felt neglecting that responsibility was allowing this behavior to continue. I regret not initially coming forward with more receipts, but I'm glad others were able to speak up about their experiences recently. It takes a lot of courage to oppose a large content creator, and it's something I don't want to have to do to begin with.
  108. I don't want to tear down Mangs just because I don't like him. If it weren't for his abuse of power dynamics, his sexual misconduct, his bigotry and usage of slurs, his dismissive attitude when called out, how he views women, along with the other claims that have come out against him, and how he promises change without showing it repeatedly, I would simply mind my own business, and move on with my own life.
  110. I do not think an abuser should be allowed back into the space where they abused their power. I want Mangs to be able to get the professional help he needs, and I think being able to live a normal life outside of YouTube after doing and saying many horrible things is a pretty lucky situation to be in. Allowing an abuser back into a space only forces victims to relive the trauma of their abuse, shows that abusing power online doesn't have the repercussions it should, and Mangs is really pressing his own luck at this point. I just want him to take true accountability for his actions, and realize the situation he's in.
  112. I also want the people defending him, welcoming him back, or 'forgiving' him to reconsider their stance. It is not up to Mangs' community to forgive him, it is up to the victims whether they want to or not. A month and a half away is not nearly enough time to change, and there is no promise he will change.
  114. Even if he insists that he is changing, or that he has changed, it's not something that he should use to wiggle his way back into a community where he initially abused that power. It's extremely irresponsible to do so, and it makes the intent of changing come off as doing so to gain favor with other people, rather than genuinely wanting to change and improve. A genuine desire to change would entail leaving the community entirely, for good. Not harassing your victims on an alt account.
  116. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT harass the victims. It only makes your side look bad, and further traumatizes them and pushes them away.
  118. I initially wanted to release this resource anonymously, because I do not want to be involved with this situation, especially after the months, in some cases years of harassment I initially received for speaking out. I also do not want to gain clout or attention from tearing someone else down at all.
  120. However, there's currently a huge problem with anonymity in the FE community, and people hiding behind faceless accounts, so it'd be irresponsible of me to do so, and it'd only encourage more attacks and harassment towards victims. I'm not going to perpetuate anonymous vigilante justice, so I'll be releasing this with my name attached to it.
  122. I hope this document has helped spread awareness on the situation.
  124. -MasonEliwood, now Mason_XC.
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