
Forge doing...

Apr 17th, 2013
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  1. 00:38 Effendil Ready to pull out ?
  2. 00:38 XSI I still can't get into sleep paralysis properly, but if you try, it would be apreciated if you tried puling me out
  3. 00:38 Lookis sure
  4. 00:38 Codifier It's like 4:30
  5. 00:39 Codifier Why are you APing now?
  6. 00:39 Lookis Cause I'm bored
  7. 00:39 Lookis and wanna go talk to my old waifu
  8. 00:39 mqi3 Ahahahahahaha.
  9. 00:39 Effendil Wait, how can you know where we are and who we are mostly?
  10. 00:40 mqi3 Effendil, I'm pretty sure the theory behind it is that the user's nickname has some meaning to the user, and acts as a sigil.
  11. 00:40 Lookis also
  12. 00:40 Lookis room pics.
  13. 00:40 mqi3 Which would explain why Van couldn't find me, as mqi3 has literally no meaning to me.
  14. 00:40 Effendil Hmm, so room pics and username ?
  15. 00:41 Codifier Mhm
  16. 00:41 Codifier Just for future note, btw, I identify most with ConsciousCode
  17. 00:41 Codifier I chose this nick as a throwaway because I was "codifying" the idea
  18. 00:41 Codifier And I honestly didn't expect much out of that post
  19. 00:42 Effendil My bedroom is in a mess...
  20. 00:43 Effendil Celestia herself would avoid to AP here.
  21. 00:43 *** abadual joined #astralponies
  22. 00:44 Lookis XSI
  23. 00:44 Lookis lemme know when you're ready
  24. 00:44 Lookis I think this time I'm gonna go to the Zero No Tsukaima world then drive a mech in NGE.
  25. 00:44 Lookis Speaking of
  26. 00:44 Lookis if any of you play mechwarrior online
  27. 00:44 Lookis add me
  28. 00:45 Effendil I'll try APing also.
  29. 00:45 mqi3 I hope ponies won't try to read my mind.
  30. 00:46 Effendil I hope too, the stuff there is not safe.
  31. 00:46 mqi3 I say some weird shit.
  32. 00:46 Whoovsies I hope ponies read my mind.
  33. 00:46 Whoovsies They realise I fap to tempt.
  34. 00:50 XSI Here now
  35. 00:50 XSI Going to go do the SP thing
  36. 00:50 XSI Or try anyway
  37. 00:50 Effendil good luck
  38. 00:54 Effendil AP to the version of Equestria with Cupcakes story.
  39. 00:54 Lookis why
  40. 00:54 Lookis >best pone killing second best pone
  41. 00:54 Effendil I'm just wondering the horror.
  42. 00:55 Forge so did anyone else try validating vans celestia or was that just me
  43. 00:55 Effendil And Forge talking...
  44. 00:55 Lookis I tried that when he first brought somepony over
  45. 00:55 Codifier Why does it matter, Forge?
  46. 00:55 Forge because that particular celestia exists only in vans mind
  47. 00:55 Forge no where else
  48. 00:55 Forge hasent even been to the astral
  49. 00:55 Codifier And you know this how?
  50. 00:55 Forge tracking
  51. 00:55 Effendil So you believed there is no Equestria astral plane ?
  52. 00:55 Codifier And again I ask
  53. 00:56 Codifier Why does this matteR?
  54. 00:56 Forge Effendil i didnt say that
  55. 00:56 Codifier He's the naysayer
  56. 00:56 Forge Codifier remember the rules, no more debating with each other and no more shoving your nihilist shit down my throat
  57. 00:56 Corr hey forge
  58. 00:56 Codifier The same applies to you and your ideas.
  59. 00:57 Effendil If we could APing to their plane, why entities there come here ?
  60. 00:57 Codifier I'm just stating what you've made clear
  61. 00:57 Effendil couldn't come here...
  62. 00:57 Forge Effendil the fuck
  63. 00:57 Forge can you rephrase that
  64. 00:57 Corr
  65. 00:58 Codifier Huh
  66. 00:58 Effendil If we can go to Equestria by astral projection, what prevents them from coming here by the same means?
  67. 00:58 Codifier Imma save that
  68. 00:58 Lookis Well
  69. 00:58 Lookis Imma go AP
  70. 00:58 Forge the veil
  71. 00:58 Lookis >mech warrior finished patching
  72. 00:58 Lookis nevermind
  73. 00:58 Codifier Effendil, theoretical infinite copies of our universe
  74. 00:58 Codifier While they could come to this specific one, they can also go to any of the minor variations on it
  75. 00:59 Forge and tracking, which is following the flows of energy attached to a certain object, idea, or being, which is a very common technique, lead nowhere in the astral, only to vans mind, all around his mind, but not out of it
  76. 00:59 Codifier The reason Van's Celestia and others come here is because they know Van
  77. 00:59 Forge which was disappointing
  78. 00:59 Effendil But they could go in the right universe if they used Van as an anchor.
  79. 00:59 Codifier Exactly
  80. 00:59 Codifier They say, "We're going to Van's Earth"
  81. 00:59 Forge that doesnt change the fact that they have been nowhere other than just his mind
  82. 01:00 Effendil But Van's Earth is our Earth too...
  83. 01:00 Codifier They don't know us
  84. 01:00 Codifier That's nice Forge.
  85. 01:00 Effendil We don't know them too.
  86. 01:01 Codifier What?
  87. 01:02 Effendil Agree that an entity can go in the spirit of Van by using it as an anchor and thus be able to own or just whisper some answers ?
  88. 01:02 Codifier English isn't your first language, is it?
  89. 01:02 Forge thats not the point Effendil
  90. 01:03 Forge they exist nowhere other than just in vans mind
  91. 01:03 *** Lookis quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  92. 01:03 Effendil This is false Forge, it is possible to go in the same astral plane of Equestria.
  93. 01:04 Effendil Some did.
  94. 01:04 Codifier S
  95. 01:04 Forge you have no idea what im actually saying do you
  96. 01:04 Forge celestia that van was "channeling" exists nowhere other than his head
  97. 01:04 Codifier Effendil, Forge is claiming that Van is lying about all the ponies he's channeled
  98. 01:04 Forge that particular entity does not exist in any of the realms other than vans mind
  99. 01:04 Forge no
  100. 01:04 Forge im saying that celestia exists only in vans head
  101. 01:04 Forge im not saying van is lying
  102. 01:05 Forge so dont put words in my mouth
  103. 01:05 Codifier Alright, then tulpa
  104. 01:05 Effendil So for you she could not come from the astral plane ?
  105. 01:05 Codifier It's only a minor difference
  106. 01:05 Corr Forge
  107. 01:05 Forge from what it appears, van believes it
  108. 01:05 Corr hi forge
  109. 01:06 mqi3 It's certainly plausible.
  110. 01:07 Effendil Seriously, judging externally something as subjective as it seems to me quite daring.
  111. 01:07 Codifier ^^^
  112. 01:07 Forge can anyone translate for Effendil
  113. 01:07 Codifier He's right, though
  114. 01:07 Forge no
  115. 01:07 Forge stop
  116. 01:07 Forge we arent getting into this argument
  117. 01:07 Codifier It's quite daring to judge a subjective experience externally
  118. 01:07 Codifier Alright.
  119. 01:07 Forge just because you are a nihilist and im not
  120. 01:08 Codifier
  121. 01:08 Codifier Ad hominem
  122. 01:08 Forge and if celestia were from the astral, it wouldnt be a subjective experience
  123. 01:08 Codifier It's subjective to Van
  124. 01:08 Effendil the veil.
  125. 01:08 Forge and if celestia were from the astral, it wouldnt be a subjective experience
  126. 01:08 Forge my point stands
  127. 01:08 Effendil It's what you said, no ?
  128. 01:09 mqi3 Is there a way to test?
  129. 01:09 Effendil That's why she couldn't interact with the real world.
  130. 01:09 Forge yeah
  131. 01:09 Forge tracking
  132. 01:09 Forge which is what i did
  133. 01:09 Codifier He was explaining why ponies couldn't be seen physically
  134. 01:09 Effendil Hmm, why there is a veil here and not anywhere in the astral plane ?
  135. 01:09 Forge originally i was tracking that celestia to the ponyland she is from so i can destroy it, but it doesnt exist outside of vans mind
  136. 01:10 Effendil Destroy it, my god...
  137. 01:10 mqi3 Any way we can track them ourselves?
  138. 01:10 Codifier (he's talking complete BS, but whatever)
  139. 01:10 Forge be my guest
  140. 01:10 mqi3 Don't think people are going to take your word on the matter.
  141. 01:10 Forge i didnt think they would
  142. 01:11 mqi3 How do you track, then?
  143. 01:11 mqi3 Or is it in one of your guides?
  144. 01:11 mqi3 I haven't read all of them yet.
  145. 01:11 Forge its not in one of my guides
  146. 01:11 Effendil I like Forge, when he wants to prove something, he destroys it.
  147. 01:12 Corr Forge has destroyed a "ponyland" before
  148. 01:12 Corr if I'm correct
  149. 01:12 Effendil Ah, and how ?
  150. 01:12 Forge i dont know how to spell the esqueria so i just say ponyland
  151. 01:12 Codifier Hahahaha
  152. 01:12 mqi3 I'll be right back.
  153. 01:12 Corr I'm pretty sure
  154. 01:12 *** mqi3 quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  155. 01:12 Corr it was with machines
  156. 01:12 Effendil how did you managed to destroy a whole ponyland ?
  157. 01:12 Corr or something
  158. 01:12 Forge because they are not nearly as limitless as you assume
  159. 01:13 Effendil We didn't say that.
  160. 01:13 *** mqi3 joined #astralponies
  161. 01:13 Forge and ive been practicing astral projection and energy manipulation for years
  162. 01:13 Codifier (because he's talking complete BS and wants to rustle your jimmies)
  163. 01:13 Forge Codifier shut the fuck up
  164. 01:13 Effendil I just want to know the benefit of doing such a thing?
  165. 01:14 mqi3 If it is complete BS, then theres a way to test it.
  166. 01:14 mqi3 I'd personally want to cover all bases before I say with certainty that this is how it works.
  167. 01:14 mqi3 Especially considering most of us either can't AP or haven't APed much.
  168. 01:15 Effendil Anyway let's face it, no one will understand the workings of the universe one day. We all die before.
  169. 01:15 mqi3 I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
  170. 01:15 Forge you are immortal until you die mqi3
  171. 01:15 Codifier The hell?
  172. 01:15 Codifier Oh
  173. 01:15 Codifier That makes sense
  174. 01:16 Effendil Forge will go to hell for destroying a defenseless Ponyland.
  175. 01:16 Forge heh
  176. 01:16 Forge heheh
  177. 01:16 Forge sure
  178. 01:17 Effendil Serious better not have you in front of the astral plane. I would avoid you like the plague.
  179. 01:18 mqi3 That implies there is a hell.
  180. 01:18 mqi3 Which I highly doubt.
  181. 01:18 Effendil An old man said that power comes responsibility.
  182. 01:18 Forge wait so
  183. 01:18 Forge you believe there are infinite ponylands but no hell
  184. 01:18 mqi3 No.
  185. 01:18 Effendil Lol
  186. 01:18 mqi3 I don't believe there is infinite ponylands.
  187. 01:19 Effendil You'll be surprised I think.
  188. 01:19 mqi3 I don't know what to believe just yet.
  189. 01:19 Codifier I believe what I feel like believing
  190. 01:19 Forge thats a good attitude mqi3
  192. 01:19 Forge hurr
  193. 01:19 mqi3 I believe in the scientific method, and intend to test my experiences with this and see where it takes me.
  194. 01:19 Codifier
  195. 01:19 Codifier Let's see which one that is
  196. 01:20 Forge i was making fun of you
  197. 01:20 Forge for being a fucking idiot
  198. 01:20 Forge so the last one
  199. 01:20 Codifier Ah, that's name-calling
  200. 01:20 Effendil The whole universe including the astral planes did not come out of nowhere. There was an architect somewhere.
  201. 01:20 Forge Effendil, my personal experience says the architect is the unconsciousness.
  202. 01:20 *** Lookis joined #astralponies
  203. 01:21 Effendil And what is the unconsciousness ?
  204. 01:21 Forge everything
  205. 01:21 Codifier Btw, it isn't nihilism
  206. 01:21 Codifier It's solipsism
  207. 01:21 Forge everything in existence is just new ways the unconsciousness is exploring itself
  208. 01:21 Effendil I guess this is what people call God in this case.
  209. 01:22 Forge Codifier i say nihilism because its built on the same belief but saying nihilist makes you sound like the edgy teenager you are
  210. 01:22 Forge not really Effendil
  211. 01:22 Forge god is sentient
  212. 01:22 Forge the unconscious isnt
  213. 01:22 Codifier I don't need to call you anything because you make it obvious how butthurt you are about everything
  214. 01:22 Forge Codifier please stop talking to me
  215. 01:22 Codifier Then stop calling me names~
  216. 01:22 Forge Codifier please stop talking to me
  217. 01:23 Codifier Then stop calling me names~
  218. 01:23 Effendil So the next question: do you believe in God, Forge ?
  219. 01:23 Forge Codifier please stop talking to me
  220. 01:23 Codifier Then stop calling me names~
  221. 01:23 Forge depends on your definition of god Effendil
  222. 01:23 Effendil Tell me yours.
  223. 01:23 Forge if you mean YHVH, jehovas, allah, or God, then yes, this is an entity that exists
  224. 01:23 Forge if you mean a single being that has complete power over everything, then no
  225. 01:23 Forge omniscience and omnipotence do not exist
  226. 01:24 Effendil So there is no intelligence behind the unconscious ?
  227. 01:24 Forge no
  228. 01:24 Forge only existence
  229. 01:24 Effendil Yet the complexity of the world tend to prove the contrary.
  230. 01:25 Forge i didnt say it doesnt have direction
  231. 01:25 Forge whats the best way for the unconscious to experience itself than to become conscious
  232. 01:26 Effendil A part of the unconscious has become conscious I guess, no ?
  233. 01:26 Forge everything is part of the unconsciousness
  234. 01:27 Forge thus consciousness in itself is just another way for the unconsciousness to experience itself
  235. 01:27 Forge so yes
  236. 01:27 Effendil What will happen when all the unconscious becomes conscious?
  237. 01:28 Forge i dont see that as a possibility
  238. 01:28 Effendil The unconscious is it really unlimited ?
  239. 01:28 Forge i dont know
  240. 01:29 Effendil And if you die, what will happen?
  241. 01:29 Effendil I guess you do not believe in heaven or in hell.
  242. 01:30 Forge yes i do
  243. 01:30 Forge all of the different personifications of it exist
  244. 01:31 Forge but that doesnt mean this is where i am going to end up when i die
  245. 01:31 Effendil I know some believe remain in the form of astral body thereafter.
  246. 01:32 Forge thats the plan
  247. 01:32 Forge i like to think of my spiritual journey here on earth as "preparing for retirement"
  248. 01:33 *** Lookis quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  249. 01:33 Effendil So I guess all your astral travel and energy manipulation are for you a training for the hereafter ?
  250. ____________________________________________
  251. Forge. One last question, quite important. Can't we choose to go in a world on the astral plane which is an important timing delay time over it ? For example, a world where there one second IRL = One year there.
  252. 01:42 Codifier Can I answer?
  253. 01:42 Forge time is not universal wherever you are, so yes.
  254. 01:42 Forge and no you may not, it was directed to me.
  255. 01:42 Codifier sadface ;_;
  256. 01:43 Effendil By doing this, our experience of life could be greatly extended, right?
  257. 01:43 mqi3 If Forge is correct about Van's Equestria, then the reason it abides by Earth's time is because it is a reality perceived entirely in his mind.
  258. 01:44 Forge i didnt say it was his entire ponyland
  259. 01:44 Forge just the entity he was channeling earlier
  260. 01:44 Forge please stop putting words in my mouth
  261. 01:44 Forge and Effendil correct
  262. 01:44 Codifier We're not putting words in your mouth, we're just misunderstanding you
  263. 01:45 Effendil In this case it's perfect. This is what I wanted. Astral projection worth it.
  264. 01:45 Codifier A simple clarification is fine
  265. 01:45 Forge ji clearly stated multiple times it was only a track on the entity he was channeling that he called celestia
  266. 01:45 Forge as far as i can tell, van does project, frequently.
  267. 01:45 Codifier Which has a minor implication that the plane from which she came from was also within his mind
  268. 01:45 mqi3 The only reason we put words in your mouth is because you make it so easy.
  269. 01:45 Forge or that he wasnt channeling her at all even though he believes he was
  270. 01:46 Forge which is much more believable to me
  271. 01:46 Codifier But you left that pretty vague
  272. 01:46 Effendil So he made instead a tulpa ?
  273. 01:46 Codifier It was just a misunderstanding, not some malicious attempt to put words in your mouth
  274. 01:46 Forge especially because channeling takes a huge toll on the body and an even bigger one on the mind, even for short periods of time, yet he did it like it was nothing
  275. 01:47 Effendil So channeling could be done ?
  276. 01:47 Forge yes
  277. 01:48 Forge channeling is not fun
  278. 01:48 Effendil It is true that some people do it with the dead, I'm a bit stupid.
  279. 01:48 Forge yes
  280. 01:51 Effendil The fact that Van has interacts with ponies probably created versions of them in his mind, of tulpas basically. Since he already had a tulpa himself, the process has been simplified so that he isn't realized it.
  281. 01:51 Forge tthere is also a good chance that it wasnt a tulpa
  282. 01:51 Forge and was just his imagination
  283. 01:52 Akwa That's what I was worried about, personally
  284. 01:52 Codifier Eh
  285. 01:52 Codifier Doesn't matter in any case
  286. 01:52 Effendil It is not too hard to think clearly after an astral journey too ?
  287. 01:53 Forge not really
  288. 01:53 Forge channeling is just a rather violent experience
  289. 01:53 Codifier Maybe for you..
  290. 01:53 Codifier Anyway
  291. 01:53 Codifier I have to go
  292. 01:53 Codifier Bibi
  293. 01:54 *** Codifier quit (Quit: Leaving)
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