Reinventing Equestria (Revived)

Oct 5th, 2015
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  1. = - Break in post
  5. >You are Anonymous
  6. >And quite frankly, Nighttime Bitchface was pissing you off
  7. >"Anon really, do you expect me to believe your poorly-veiled story? Half of these things simply cannot exist without magic."
  9. >Twilight adopts a shit-eating grin to match and rival a thousand pun-loving mexican children
  10. >And it only serves to pour gasoline on the hot coals of your rage
  11. >"Come now Anon, science is a research of magic and how we can further it. Don't be ridiculous."
  12. >It's been like this since she gave you a place in her castle
  13. >That little dragon was a cool enough guy, but when Purpleslut's back was turned, all you both did was shit on her anyway
  14. "No matter how far a crutch is stretched it won't let you walk better. Hell! It's as if you pinheads forgot to walk without it!"
  15. >She looks at you like you just spilled coffee on her research notes
  16. >That was what got her pissed last week
  17. >"Magic is not a crutch! I can do many things without it!"
  18. "Oh yeah? Prove it then, put sugar in your tea."
  19. >Twilight raises her nose in a sneer, eyes closed as she levitates the sugar and a spoon, before dropping two sugarcubes into her glass and stirring the spoon with her teeth
  20. >"Simple!"
  21. >This bitch
  22. >This fucking bitch
  23. >One million tumblr landwhales could not make you this angry back home
  24. >You give her a deadpan expression and point to the glass container full of sugarcubes, still suspended mid-air
  25. >Twilight flusters before looking at you, eyes squinted
  26. >"T-This means nothing! And the fact still stands! You are just making up these stories to make me feel inadequate, there is no way you can do these things without magic!"
  27. >And thats when it happened
  28. >Something inside of you clicked, like a lightswitch.
  29. >In that instant your anger is sated and forms into a calm reality
  30. >She will only accept your words if you show her.
  31. >You slide out of your chair, and march to your room to gather your belongings.
  32. ==============
  33. [spoiler] I return [/spoiler]
  34. >As you walk up the stairs, you feel a strong force pulling you back
  35. >Since being subjected to Twilight's "experiments" you had found out that magic didn't affect you unless it was insanely powerful
  36. >But it did affect your clothes
  37. >"Anon, you come back down her- Eeep!"
  38. >You turn back to see a red faced Twilight as you shrug off all of your clothes except your boxers
  39. >Was it always this cold?
  40. >Once you reach your room, you pull a large suitcase from the back of your closet and begin to fill it with necessities
  41. >Suits? Check.
  42. >Socks? Check.
  43. >Playpony Mags? Check.
  44. >What? You have to pass the time somehow
  45. >On your way out the door, you grab a few books and change into a new suit before closing your door and passing Twilight on your descent back down the stairs.
  46. >"Anon! Wait! You don't have to leave! Just admit you were lying and we can go back to normal!"
  47. >You hear a door opening behind you, followed by a groan
  48. >"Twilight quiet down, I have to make breakfast in the morning for Celestia's sake."
  49. >As Spike rubs his eyes and adjusts to the light, he can see you walking down the steps angrily.
  50. >"Hey Anon, Where are you going? What's going on?"
  51. >You stop and look at the small dragon, not giving the snarky ass equine any attention
  52. "To prove this bitch wrong, you can come with if you want"
  53. >"What happened?"
  54. "If you want to come I'll tell you on the way."
  55. >Twilight is aghast, she looks toward spike who has retreated to his room, where some clanging noises and shuffling can be heard from
  56. >"Spike, I won't let you go with Anon. What if you get hurt?"
  57. >Spike peeks his head through his doorway, looking pretty stern
  58. >"Sure beats being a slave"
  59. >Damn, that one seemed to hit Twilight hard.
  60. >"B-but I thought we were friends?"
  61. >" Quite frankly I don't see doing all your chores, cooking your food, cleaning your clothes, and organizing your books until I pass out from exhaustion as friendship"
  62. >Spike walks past a stunned Purplesmart
  63. >"Ready to go?"
  64. ==============
  65. >Spike seemed to pack efficiently
  66. >A hiking bag with a frying pan, some utensils, some canteens, and a sleeping bag rolled onto it
  67. >He must have been waiting for a reason to get out of this place.
  68. >Well you're glad he has one now
  69. >Twilight regains her composure and regains her snarky bitch-face
  70. >" Fine! Go on then, I know you will both come back when your hungry!"
  71. >Spike turns around with a smug grin
  72. >"You'll probably come looking for me when YOU get hungry, bitch"
  73. >Twilight gets beyond buttmad
  74. >Her face gets all scrunchy
  75. >If she wasn't such a bitch, it would have been adorable
  76. >Showing her your favorite finger, you leave her castle
  77. >As you and Spike walk down the steps toward the cobblestone path, Slutmare runs out and stands by the doors
  78. >She just does not want to fucking give up, does she?
  80. >You stop in your tracks
  81. >Where will you go?
  82. >Oh fuck, what are you gonna do?
  83. >The gravity of the situation hits you
  84. >Are you really going to abandon life in a motherfucking castle over this?
  85. >Spike turns around
  86. >"If we can't find anywhere to go, we will make one!"
  87. >And like that, you feel something
  88. >Determination
  89. >And holy hell did it feel good
  90. >you turn around and face Twilight
  91. "I'll prove you wrong! I'll give you proof! I'm going to make a new nation! One without limits!"
  92. >Twilight can't hide the incredulous disbelief in her face
  93. "One where the citizens are strong!"
  94. >Twilight's face of disbelief changes to one of amusement
  96. >Spike spits in Twalot's direction before you both turn around and walk away
  98. >You look to Spike
  99. "Can she do that?"
  100. >He smirks and shakes his head
  101. >"Let her have her fun."
  102. >You are Anon
  103. >And nothing can stop you now
  104. ==========
  105. >You are Anon
  106. >And you are totally stopped now
  107. >As soon as the initial rush of sticking it to bookwhorse runs out, you realize something important
  108. >It's fucking cold
  109. >And your fucking homeless
  110. >Spike stops to open his pack and pull out a small blue hoodie
  111. >You mentally facepalm at only packing extra blazers as far as jackets
  112. >"So Anon, whats the plan?" Spike says as he pulls the hood over the green spines on his head
  113. "Well, a good start would be finding a place to sleep."
  114. >Spike nods in agreement
  115. >"So just what did you tell Twi that made her so pissed?"
  116. "Well it's not what I said that got HER pissed, its the other way around. I told her stories about my homeworld and she thought I was lying, she didn't consider that ponies are archaic as my race was hundreds of years ago."
  117. >"What do you mean?"
  118. "I'll tell you once we find a spot to rest"
  119. >As you walk further down the road, you see a sign in front of a building with a few lights on.
  121. >*fee of 20 bits entry
  122. >Well fuck, you also forgot to pack money
  123. >It's not like you could leave in one day or anything, its only been a few hours.
  124. >Spike pulls a fairly sized pouch out of his backpack, handing you 20 bits
  125. >As you walk in you see a dimly lit foyer, not too shabby but its a definate step down from your castle life
  126. >A griffon pops up behind the desk in front of you
  127. >He has an eyepatch and wears a small red skullcap on his head
  128. >"HELLO FRIEND! V'elcome to Shiesty Sheckle's Derelict Homing Complex! As it says on the sign you need 20 bits to enter, yes?
  129. >The griffon is basically salivating as he stops rubbing his hands to grab you and Spike's money
  130. >This guy reminds you alot of those long nosed bastards back home
  131. >"Room upstairs, at ze end of da hall, and on ze left! Many of ze tenants gather in the lobby upstairs, enjoy your stay!"
  132. >He sinks under the desk
  133. >No, for real
  134. >It's like theres an elevator or something
  135. >You decide not to question it as you head up
  136. ============
  137. >>24949540
  138. >As soon as you are both at the top of the stairs, you are welcomed with a large room bathed in darkness.
  139. "So the room down the hall on the left, eh? Well no use in hanging around."
  140. >Walking down the hall, you guess that yours is in the last of the row
  141. >You quickly find your room, and walk inside
  142. >Seems to be filled with 3 bunks, taking up each side of the room
  143. >And they're all empty, except for one
  144. >Which sports a stallion hunched over it, surrounded by pills and passed out
  145. >Spike starts to freak out
  146. >"Anon holy shit! What are we going to do? Oh fuck!"
  147. >You have an idea, but your not sure if it would work
  148. >Go get me charcoal and a cup of water. Did you pack a hammer or something i can grind up the charcoal with?
  149. >"Y-yeah I think so"
  150. >Spike runs out of the room
  151. >You bring your ear to his mouth and your finger to his neck
  152. >You can hear shallow breaths and feel a very light pulse
  153. >You didnt know they even had drugs here. Let alone homeless ponies
  154. >Spike runs back in with an arm full of charcoal and a glass of water
  155. >You lay them out on the mattress next to the bunk the stallion is on
  156. >spike gives you a mortar and pestle, to which you begin grinding up a shit ton of charcoal
  157. >You mix all of the grit and powder with the water, until it makes a thick sludge
  158. "Wake him up somehow!"
  159. >Spike is clearly panicking, and does not know what to do
  160. >So you do what you think is best
  161. >And give him the good ol' Anon pimpslap across the face
  162. >A Pimp Names Slick Black would be proud
  163. >He is stunned before looking at you
  164. "Spike calm down, we have to save a stallion right now, and panicking won't help. Okay?"
  165. >He nods and grabs the sides of his head
  166. >"Y-yeah okay Anon. So what will that do?" He says motioning towards the cup of sludge
  167. "Back home we found out that charcoal absorbs toxins, people drank this when they got sent to the drunk tank. I hope that this will save him"
  168. >Spike sends a hard slap across the stallions face, eliciting a half lidded look and a groan from him
  169. =============
  170. >You take the chance to pour the entire thing down his throat
  171. >He doesn't think to cough, but he only sours his face slightly as he drinks it
  172. >You then lay him at the top of a bunk and let whatever happens happen
  173. >You notice there are still pills on the mattress where he was moments before
  174. >You pick one up, looking at it
  175. >It is actually quite heavy for a pill, as if it were stone
  176. >And quite misshapen too
  177. "Spike what are these exactly?"
  178. >"They look like stones to me, Anon."
  179. >You put it in the mortar and pestle and grind it up
  180. >It grinds up quite easily, unlike a pebble would
  181. >You will have to ask the stallion when he wakes up
  182. >If he wakes up
  183. >....
  184. >Spike is the one to break the silence
  185. >"So, uh. Anon, you said you would tell me about what happened with Twilight once we found a place to rest
  186. "I did, didn't I?"
  187. >Well you dont seem to have a way to pass the time anyway.
  188. "I was telling her about my home, Earth. She didn't believe me and got that know-all-facade we are both so proud of"
  189. >Spike nods in agreement, annoyance etched in his face
  190. "So I figured i would show her, I would build things and prove to her that magic doesn't have to exist for society to move forward, and really I didn't want to deal with her shit anymore."
  191. >But look where that got you
  192. >Inside of a homeless shelter, run by a kike, trying to save a stallion from overdosing?
  193. >And it's only been a few hours!
  194. >Once again silence falls on the room, other than the labored breaths of the stallion above you
  195. >"So, Anon, will you tell me stories of your home?"
  196. >Why not?
  197. "Sure Spike"
  198. "What did you want to know?"
  199. >"What was it like?"
  200. "Well I lived in a place called New York City, it was alot like Manehattan"
  201. ==============
  202. >You wake up to the pony on the top mattress of the otherwise empty bunk suddenly vomiting black ichor onto the carpet
  203. >Classy.
  205. >Right on your suitcase, wonderful
  206. >Atleast he survived though, right?
  207. >After retching a few more times he is hanging over the side of the top bunk and breathing heavily
  208. >The blue earthpony looks over to you and raises an eyebrow
  209. >"Either my Substance was bad, or I share a room with a green ape"
  210. >Your used to that, but still fuck you, horse.
  211. >He stops and ponders to himself for a moment
  212. >"Or I'm still high, and that means I should have taken more to have died by now."
  213. >"FUCK!" The stallion yells after punching the wall, hard enough to cause plaster to fall from the ceiling
  214. >Spike jumps awake, a bit startled with the sudden noise
  215. >"I can't even die right! Why the fuck did Celestia forsake me?!"
  216. >He begins to shake pretty violently
  217. >"Rummy... God Rummy why did this happen?"
  218. >Spike is very confused as to whats happening
  219. >Either way, this doesn't seem to be the time to tell him you saved him
  220. >After about ten minutes more of him sobbing and you and Spike watching with an empathetic look, he looks at his hooves, and then to you.
  221. >"Sorry, are you a hallucination?"
  222. >You slowly shake your head
  223. >He sighs and looks back to his hooves
  224. >"Thought so." He says before hopping off of the bunk and looking at your briefcase
  225. >"Sorry about that, let me pay you back with breakfast?"
  226. "Oh, sure."
  227. >"You too, I assume you came together"
  228. >Spike looks a bit dumbfounded, but grabs his bag nonetheless
  229. >That shit went 0 to 100 in 5 seconds
  230. >And now its awkward
  231. >You both follow him out of the room, Spike tossing you a small rag which you use to wipe the bile off of your suitcase with
  232. >Day One being free.
  233. >Ain't it grand?
  234. ================
  235. >After you clean most of the sick off of your suitcase, you throw the rag into a corner and follow the stallion
  236. >You notice his cutie mark are cards being shuffled
  237. >Quaint
  238. >"So, answer me this."
  239. "What?"
  240. >"What did you do, I don't puke black sludge when I wake up."
  241. >Wait, so he pukes when he wakes up anyway?
  242. >You wouldn't think a gay happy land filled with cute ponies would have drugs anyway
  243. >Or homeless people
  244. >What can you say?
  245. >Better what would get you out of this without him getting mad that you didn't let him die
  246. >Clearly that was his objective
  247. "I- uh well I detoxed your system"
  248. >He turns around and looks at you questioningly
  249. >"You can do magic?"
  250. "No, well not like what you have here"
  251. >He looks confused
  252. >"So how did you do it?"
  253. "Charcoal and water, really"
  254. >He looks disgusted
  255. >"Well anyway, there is a soup kitchen down the road"
  256. >As you walk down the steps and out the door, you can hear a voice from behind you
  257. >"Reimeymber Fraiynd, Eet iz tventy more bits to come bayck, have ze nise day!"
  258. >Goddamnit, that place wasn't much more of a step up from a cardboard box anyway
  259. >Most of the walk is silent.
  260. >"So when you said "Not like we have her" what did you mean?"
  261. "I came from a different world, I used to live with Bookhorse McSnarko"
  262. >"Who?"
  263. "Oh, sorry. You probably know her as Princess Twilight.
  264. >He stops in his tracks, before turning around and looking at you like you had just fucked his wife
  265. >"You live... With a PRINCESS?
  266. ===============
  268. >Spike perks up at his question
  269. >"Yeah we both did, we left last night."
  270. >The stallion looks as if he is going to either punch you in the face, or call you a fucking dumbass
  271. >Really, you deserved either from a hobopone
  272. >"How in the hell could you pass that up?"
  273. "I was tired of dealing with her snarky know-it-all bullshit, and wanted to prove her wrong"
  274. >"And I was finished being a slave"
  275. >The stallion still cant believe what he is hearing, but he composes himself again
  276. >"Anyway here we are, best free food in Canterlot"
  277. >You walk through the doors and are first hit with the sight of about two hundred homeless ponies
  278. >And you are second hit with the smell of about two hundred homeless ponies
  279. >You and Spike are a bit uneasy, but its not like you didn't run over these kinds of times in New York
  280. "So what was your name?"
  281. >"Bad Streak, and if it didn't tell my life story I'm not sure what would"
  282. >You follow Bad Streak into the line, getting soup and a few thin slices of hard bread
  283. >After some walking around, you all find a spot to sit
  284. >And as soon as your tray reaches the table, the doors fly open to reveal none other than your other friends
  285. >And Rarity, who is swooning with a hoof on her forehead
  286. >Goddamm attention whore
  287. >Applejack looks over the many faces before her gaze meets yours
  288. >"Ther' he is!"
  289. >The 5 trot over to you, Fluttershy occasionally stopping to say something you cannot hear to some of the derelict ponies
  290. >"Anon, what in sam' Tartarus did y'all say to Twalight? She seemed pretty mad at'cha."
  291. " I left, she said that everything about my world is a lie, and I can't stand for that."
  292. >Applejack seems taken back abit
  293. >"Hmm, she didn' decide ta' mention that in her letter.."
  294. >Rarity pushes to the front of the group, a clothespin on her nose
  295. >This serves to annoy you something fierce
  296. >"Anon."
  297. "Your mane is so last month, honeybun"
  298. >She scrunches up her nose
  299. >"I will have you know it is post-pre-retro-glamour-pop-revolution-fabulous"
  300. =============
  301. "Whatever gets you your next customer in the alley"
  302. >She raises her nose with a "Hrmph"
  303. >"Spike, can you tell me why you came to this... dirty place with Anon?"
  304. >You can see a flash of Spike's old crush for this hoe
  305. >Hold in Spike, you got this
  306. >"W-we were headed to p-prove Twilight wrong and start a town"
  307. >Rarara looks at him
  308. >"And why would you ever want to do that, my big strong dragon?"
  309. >Rarity caresses Spike's cheek with her hoof
  310. >Spike is sweating bullets, his pupils are changing shape an turning the slightest shade of pink at the edges
  311. >You need a book on cartoon physics
  312. >"I-I um g-got fed up w-with doin-"
  313. >Rarity leans in close to Spike's ear-fin-thing, close enough to breathe on it
  314. >"You know, you've grown so much.."
  315. >Goddamnit NO
  316. >"If you wanted"
  318. >"We could"
  320. >"Enjoy eachothers company~"
  321. >Spike's pupils turn into huge pink hearts
  322. >Thats fuckin' it
  323. >You push Rarity off of him, get up, and stand over her
  324. "Listen, you don't own Spike and I won't let you fuck with his feelings like that If you didn't hop for him so long ago, you won't now, so get the fuck out of our faces, and go back to making dresses to look like some pompous bitch in, when you won't get past manipulating others to gain, especially if what your manipulating is a dick."
  325. >Rarity sticks out her bottom lip and tears well in her eyes
  326. "None of that shit, get out."
  327. >The tears disappear, and she gets up with an angry face, before raising her nose once more and strutting out of the soup kitchen
  328. >Always gonna make top marks on your shit-list
  329. >Spike snaps out of it by shaking his head a few times
  330. >Rainbow Dash pushes up to your face
  331. >"Hey Anon! Don't talk to Rarity like that! Why are you both leaving anyway?!"
  332. "First of all, chill Dashie, I know you wouldn't stand for her shit if you were in my situation either"
  333. >This defuses her a bit, but she still has a determined look
  334. ===========
  335. "Second off, after Twilight called me a liar, she implied that the world cannot function without magic, I intend to prove her wrong."
  336. >Rainbow smirks
  337. >"Anon, the world doesn't work without magic"
  338. >You expected that response
  339. "Other than there being magic and magical horses, this world isn't too far from how mine was. Physics still adhere and I intend on making a world without magic, a place where every race does not have to bend to the whim of magic and unicorns themselves. My town, My NATION, will give everyone of its citizens a chance. A chance at doing something great. Even a second chance for those here who lost theirs here."
  340. >Pinkie Pie shoves herself to the front of the group
  341. >"Really Nonnie? You can do all that? That is so extra-super-duper-looper-awesome-tasti-docious! How will you do it? Howhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowh-"
  342. >You calmly put a hand to her mouth
  343. "With support Pinkie. Spike and I will build a new world"
  344. >This goes past proving Twilight wrong.
  345. >How far back is this world? Hundreds of years?
  346. >Even if technologically, what about medically?
  347. >Scientifically?
  348. >You could bring this world on a straight path to modernization in a matter of years!
  349. >Not to mention putting Twilight in her place
  350. >You feel that great burn in your chest again
  351. >Determination
  352. >"But Anon, Who is gonna follow ya'? It sounds interestin' an' all, but how will ya' get the supplies an' such?"
  353. >Bad Streak stands up
  354. >"I'll go"
  355. >Behind you, you hear another "I'll go"
  356. >One by one stallions and mares, pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns all stand up
  357. >"Nonnie can i go? Pleaase with cupcakes and moose mousse and sugar and candies and-"
  358. "Yes Pinkie, you can come."
  359. >"YAAAA-"
  360. >Once again you put your finger to her lips
  361. >"But you have to try to contain yourself okay?"
  362. >She nods behind your finger
  363. >Fluttershy flutters (no shit right?) in front of you
  364. >"Uhm, Anon? C-could I come along aswell?"
  365. =============
  366. >You never really disliked Fluttershy, Hell she was always adorable really
  367. >But you didn't want to pander around her when you were hunting, or defending yourself, or hurting things in general
  368. >But she did have medical prowess, not all things could wait for a unicorn to cast healing spells when you had to take care of tons of animals, especially when it was urgent and Twilight wasn't around
  369. >Hmm....
  370. >"Wait a gall dang second. We don' even know where y'all would go in the first place, let alone how you would get there."
  371. >Spike stands up
  372. >"There is a place past the badlands that isn't marked on modern maps."
  373. >All eyes in the room are on Spike, and he flusters a bit
  374. >"P-ponies call it the Valley of Abundance, and its outside of Equestrian borders, we could go there."
  375. >Damn, he really must have been waiting for a chance to leave, he knows where he would go to be out of Twilight's jurisdiction
  376. >Still, if it's called the badlands, it must hold the title for a reason.
  377. >Applejack looks surprised
  378. >"Spike, the badlands are dangerous! What if y'all get hurt, or worse!"
  379. >"Applejack, come with. We need someone to help us defend the caravan, and you could help us grow food!"
  380. >"Spike Ah have a farm Ah have to take care of, Ah'm not sure Ah coul-
  381. "If you set up a second orchard, you would have a second farm, and could set up trade for food when we have excess for the ponies we meet along the way"
  382. >Applejack is conflicted, and it shows
  383. >"Ah don't rightly know, Anon. What about Big Mac an' Granny? Hell, Applebloom! Ah'm just not sure..."
  384. >Rainbow Dash flies in front of you
  385. >"You can count me in Anon, I want to be apart of something great and DO something. Plus you need someone to regulate weather for when it gets crazy out there. In fact, I can clear the sky in ten seconds flat"
  386. >Rainbow was always kind of a bro
  387. "Sure Dash, welcome aboard."
  388. >Dash looks to Applejack
  389. >"C'mon, you can always come back to see them, and we really need you Applejack."
  390. ==============
  391. >Applejack looks to you
  392. >"Ah wanna hear ya say that ya will look out for alla us, that you care for everyone in this room as if they was kin."
  393. >If these people who don't know you past an alien that walked in the door a few minutes ago would stand up for you, you would stand up for them
  394. "I swear Applejack, these people hardly know me and they are ready to follow me to a new world. I will do whatever it takes in my power to help them thrive and be secure."
  395. >"Then ya got yerself a workhorse"
  396. >You give her a warm and sincere smile, before shifting your attention to Fluttershy
  397. "Fluttershy, you know we will have to defend ourselves from time to time, and that means hurting things."
  398. >She winces
  399. "And some things we cannot save, rehabilitate, or tame. I understand if you cannot handle that, it is alot to ask of you. But if you truly want to come, I always need a medical pony and a friend"
  400. >she looks at the ground, conflicted, before she looks at you with a fierceness in her eyes
  401. >"As long as we give better lives to these ponies, I will do whatever it takes!"
  402. >You hear the door open
  403. >" Oh wonderful! So we are all going on a tri-"
  404. "No"
  405. >"Oh Anon, what ever do you mean?"
  406. "You aren't coming Rarity."
  407. >She looks offended and puts a hoof to her chest
  408. >"I am Equestria's finest designer and will make clothes for the peop-"
  409. >She is cut short as an elderly brown stallion wearing a straw hat with long white beard and tired eyes stands up and takes off his hat before speaking
  410. >"Sir, I can make clothes and sew"
  411. "What is your name?"
  412. >"Patches, this here's my grandson,
  413. Pincushion"
  414. >A shy and dirty cream colt with a brown mane hides behind Patches, his eye peaking from the side of his foreleg
  415. >Rarity is dumbfounded
  416. >"Anon please, you can't really take him over me, can you?"
  417. "I have no room for harlots, and i have no nerve to give special treatment nor deal with your bitching and moaning"
  418. >Her brow furrows as she walks outside, slamming the door behind her
  419. ==============
  420. >You look to the crowd behind you, stallions and mares of all races sit and wait, eager and hungry for your words
  421. "I know you all wish for a second chance. A chance at life and a chance at doing things. There will be dangers, as there will be hardships. If you wish to follow me I want everyone to meet in front of Twilight's castle tomorrow morning with what you wish to bring, and goodbyes said before noon.
  422. >You can see that some of the ponies have stars shimmering in their eyes, some hold who you assume to be their family close, and some look on stoically.
  423. "You are all beings of choice, and I give you a choice here. You can come with me and settle a frontier, build your home, and not be judged. You will work, and I will work alongside you. We will show that we are more, together we will build and move forward."
  424. >Some of the stoic lookers-on have begun to let a few tears flow and drop from their cheeks, those who are not crying continue to look on with wonder
  425. "Together we will be strong. And I promise you all, that we will build our own world. A WORLD WITHOUT MAGIC!
  426. >The crowd cheers, clapping and whooping to your words
  428. >The cries of joy grow louder
  430. >The crowd fucking explodes. Ponies have all gotten out of their seats to jump and root you on
  431. >You look to the girls
  432. "If you all truly want to go, the offer stands the same as everyone. I hope you all come"
  433. >"Count on it, Anon"
  434. >"Ah believe this could be fun, I'm witcha"
  435. >"Oh Nonnie! I'm so excited!"
  436. >Fluttershy opts to hug you closely, before whispering into your eat
  437. >"Thank you Anon."
  438. >You hug her back and wave them all goodbye before sitting back down.
  439. >The crowd is still cheering, and people give you extra pieces of bread
  440. >It's going to be hard, but you will manage
  441. >You have to
  442. >For them
  443. ============
  444. >The rest of the day is pretty hectic
  445. >Not that you would object to being paraded around by the homeless
  446. >But when they try to give you things, you kindly refuse
  447. >These are your people, they need what they can get, and you aren't some communist shitlord
  448. >Yet
  449. >But as the day comes to a close, you head back to the homeless shelter only to be reminded of the fee to sleep in a place for those without money
  450. >Fucking kike
  451. >A few of the ponies from the soup kitchen offer for you to come with them
  452. >Not really having another option, you and Spike accept
  453. >After a lengthy walk, you find yourself on the edge of canterlot, you see a fire with a few figures sitting around it
  454. >Getting closer you see Pincushion and Patches, along with an elderly mare with a bobbin for a cutie mark
  455. >Probably his wife
  456. >Once you take your place around the fire with the others, you lay down your suitcase and stare into the crackling embers
  457. >"So, a new world, huh? How are you gonna manage that?"
  458. >You look over to see that the words come from a grey mare with a yellow and black mane
  459. "To be honest, support and wishful thinking'
  460. >"Yeah, wishful thinking seems to be all we got these days"
  461. >"Better than nothing, I would take it over depressing thoughts" ,says Spike, not looking up from the fire
  462. >The mare nods before asking you a question
  463. >"Whats your name?"
  464. "Anon, you?"
  465. >"Test Tube, but they call me Spillway around here"
  466. ============
  467. >You wake up on the ground, your blazer used as a makeshift pillow
  468. >Today is the big day, the campfire group is already packing up what they have
  469. >Spike is talking with Patches and a sky blue stallion with a guitar for a cutie mark
  470. >You get up, stretch your back, and smell something... bland cooking
  471. >Seems that a few ponies are using dinged up cookware to make hard tack
  472. >Probably for things to eat on the way
  473. >You shake the dust and dirt off of your blazer, making it look fly as fuck once more before putting it back on
  474. >You grab your suitcase, and head to the fire to get a piece of hardtack for breakfast
  475. >You have been here for about a year now, and you were still eager to suck dick for red meat
  476. >Mmmm... Steak and potatoes always sounded good
  477. >Can ponies eat meat? Or do they just choose not to?
  478. >Would these ponies?
  479. >These are questions to be answered when your establishing a culture.
  480. >Grabbing your hardtack, you walk towards Spike
  481. >"-o the Appleloosa?"
  482. >"Matter of fact, I have some kin up round those parts"
  483. >"Really? Plan on seeing them if we head through?"
  484. >"Naw, they wouldn't quite accept the notion of this here "Technical Revolution" we got goin on"
  485. >"Aw c'mon, they're your family, who knows, maybe they'll come along?"
  486. "Hey Spike, Patches, and...?"
  487. >" Six String, pleased t' meetcha, though by no means do Ah not know yer name"
  488. >You don't remember seeing him by the fire last night
  489. >He was probably at the soup kitchen
  490. >You chuckle
  491. "Yeah, seems I am growing quite the following already, do you plan on coming?"
  492. >"Shoot, y'all need someone to play some music, don'tcha? Someone's gotta keep morale up"
  493. >You nod before looking to Spike
  494. "How much time do we got?"
  495. >"About 45 minutes for a trip to the castle, and about 15 if you want to make a speech again"
  496. >Once more you nod, taking a bite of your breakfast
  497. ===========
  498. >Mmm, nothing like water and flour to start the day
  499. >When you finish, most of the makeshift camp is packed up
  500. >Tents are stuffed inside of tattered bags and slung over ponies' backs
  501. >Some carry little bags over their necks
  502. >Some carry nothing at all
  503. >Six String carries a beaten up guitar case, and he is now sporting a black stetson
  504. >Spike hikes his backpack onto his shoulders, and you grab your suitcase, straightening your tie and leading the charge to the castle
  505. >You earn alot of stares as you walk through Canterlot
  506. >You can hear some nobles whisper as you get closer to the castle
  507. >"Why is there a well dressed green ape leading those ruffians to the castle?"
  508. >"Probably to ask for more money like the moocher they are"
  509. >"Why don't they just get jobs like real ponies?"
  510. >"Maybe they will just leave and go somewhere and we wouldn't have to worry about them"
  511. >You hear hardly-silenced guffaws coming from the rich pricks
  512. >Oh if only you pompous bastards knew how right you were
  513. >As you get closer to the castle, you can see about twice the ponies you saw in the soup kitchen yesterday, huddling around the front of the castle
  514. >They cheer and open a split for you and the group behind you to pass
  515. >Spike nudges your shoulder, and when you look at him he has a dopey ass smile on his face
  516. >Hell you probably do too
  517. >As you get closer you can hear some of the most beautiful stress filled cries of the princess of friendship
  518. >"Please everypony! Disperse before I call Celestia! Why are you all in front of my castle in the first place? Any matters in Canterlot must be brought to the Royal Sisters!"
  519. >As you and Spike walk through the front of the crowd, Twilight's eyes widen in surprise before rapidly changing to a mask of annoyance
  520. >"What did you do Anon? Invent poverty?" Twilight snorts
  521. >Fuck you too, horse
  522. "No, just giving a life to the ponies you forget about."
  523. ==============
  524. >Spike laughs
  525. >"Surprising to see how many there are, isn't it? You're doing something wrong Twi."
  526. "Something like that, either way its all good. We're gonna take care of them for you."
  527. >Twilight's brow furrows deeper
  528. >"What are you saying Anon?"
  529. "Well, Spike and I plan on leaving Canterlot in about...?"
  530. >You motion to Spike, who looks up
  531. >"About ten minutes"
  532. "And there's another thing, but you should see it soon enou-"
  533. >And with cartoonishly good timing, AJ, Fluttershy, Dashie, and Pinkie burst from the front of the crowd
  534. >"Hey Twilight! OH! Nonnie are you telling Twilight goodbye? Oh your so sweet that you can get over past grudges so fast!"
  535. >"Ya almost ready Anon? Ah got plenty a wagons and seeds for us from the orchard."
  536. >"I brought my animals, i convinced the bigger ones to pull the carts"
  537. >"I brought some tents and my personal cider reserve"
  538. >"And I brought cake and instruments! What kind of going away party is a going away party without music?"
  539. >Twilight looks at you, and boy is she surprised
  540. >You try your hardest not to look as smug as you feel
  541. >But you can feel it leaking through
  542. >Twilight looks from you, to the girls, and to you again
  543. >"Girls, your going with Anon too?!"
  544. >"Well duh Twilight! Nonnie is gonna make a whole new world with fancy contraptions!"
  545. >"Ah thought seein his doohickeys and thingamajigs would be fun, An' maybe help me grow more crops away from home"
  546. >"But girls! He's obviously lying to you all! None of it makes sense!"
  547. "Twilight where I come from, people told that to the geniuses that changed the world forever, I encourage you to remember that even Starswirl was ridiculed"
  548. >Atleast you hope
  549. >All you know is that Starswirl is like the Copernicus of this world
  550. >and Twilight has a raging mareboner for him
  551. >"Starswirl wasn't a complete.... a complete..!"
  552. >Come on, you can do it
  553. >"ASSHOLE!"
  554. >Twilight notices what she said, and quickly puts a hoof to her mouth, now blushing a furious red shade
  555. =============
  556. "Feels good don't it? Anyway, I should get going. I have history to rewrite."
  557. >You walk back down the steps to the crowd, who are now shuffling children into carts, the adults opting to walk.
  558. >One more step, and your new life begins
  559. >"Anon! Wait."
  560. >You stop and tilt your ear to hear Twilight's words
  561. >"I'm... sorry.."
  562. "Me too Twilight, but it's too late for that."
  563. >The crowd is silent as you walk through it again, Spike, the Four, and the Campfire group following
  564. >You are lifted by a few earth ponies, which surprises you as they place you and Spike on a covered wagon at the front
  565. >The campfire group walks alongside you, the Four being huddled onto a wagon next to you
  566. >You notice on your right, Six String is driving a wagon filled with children
  567. "Hey Six String, you got your guitar?"
  568. >"Ne'er leave home without it Anon, Why?"
  569. "Play me something somber"
  570. >"You got it cap"
  571. >He pulls a beautiful black guitar with white trim out of the beaten up case
  572. >He coughs a few times and strums the guitar to make sure its in tune
  573. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB3SeEiRWlg [Embed]
  574. >The other ponies provide backup tones, and some play the instruments pinkie brought
  575. >You will never get tired at how quickly ponies here fall into a musical number
  576. >You gain five times as many stares as before, now the hairless ape is leading a musical band of hobos
  577. >And onward you ride
  578. ==========
  579. >After a few more singing numbers, a dance routine, and a death metal vigil, you see the sun starts to fall under the horizon
  580. >Horses are fuckin wierd
  581. >You are about a mile away from the Everfree according to Spike's map.
  582. >You decide this is as good enough place to rest
  583. >You get up and yell to the crowd behind you
  585. >You hear a distant cheer
  586. >After stopping the convoy of wagons, a few campfires are erected and lit, the small specks of light going farther and farther back
  587. >It seems that more ponies have joined you in your exodus
  588. >Many more ponies, holy shit
  589. >You will address them when you get closer, you need to make as much headway as possible to make the 3 day trip
  590. >Laying out a bedroll that was given to you by Granny Smith when you passed through Ponyville, you drift off to sleep fast
  591. >Hopefully the rest of the trip will go without much hardship
  592. >Hopefully
  593. ===========
  594. "Yes, thank you scribe, and be sure to tell Cadence that the diplomats have recieved they're pension"
  595. >"Thank you, Miss Sparkle."
  596. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  597. >And you are a wreck inside
  598. >But you have to look prim and proper now that you are a princess
  599. >All Day
  600. >Every Day
  601. >Alcohol only goes so far, sadly
  602. >Many things are going to chaos, with Anon and Spike taking a quarter of Canterlot's population with them on their mission.
  603. >You levitate out the clear and intricately carved bottle of crystal once the scribe leaves
  604. >With a deft movement of your hooves, the large golden cork pops out of the bottle, letting the dark amber fluid flow into your glass
  605. "Spike, cancel my appoi-"
  606. >Right.
  607. >Taking a drink from your glass, you let your head drop into your hooves
  608. >It hurts so much, having them gone
  609. >You shouldn't have done that to Anon, your mouth is so big sometimes
  610. >And Spike, you did overwork him sometimes
  611. >Just to give yourself a few seconds of breathing time, with all of your new royal duties you can barely find time to yourself anymore
  612. >That didn't make you a bad pony did it?
  613. >....
  614. >Oh Celestia what have you done? You drove out your two closest friends and told one of them that his past world was a lie
  615. >There has to be a way to make it up to them.
  616. >You have to try.
  617. >Somehow, you will make everything right again.
  618. >Somehow...
  619. =========
  620. >You are Anon, and you are munching on a small apple tart
  621. >Granny Smith and Big Mac donated a heap of food to your cause
  622. >It is now about midday, and you have made it to the edge of the Everfree
  623. >Many of the ponies you had taken with you shuddered at the name, let alone the sight of this place
  624. >You had heard some freaky shit about the Everfree, wolves made of wood and brought to life by tainted magic, blue flowers that messed with you on an atomic level, literally just for a laugh.
  625. >And even a stray zigger living somewhere in a hut
  626. >You shudder, remembering your homeworld
  627. >You could go around, but that would add another day and a half to your travel time
  628. >You had planned on getting to the Valley that Spike had talked about in another day
  629. >It isn't like you didn't have the food for the trip, but apparently passing through the desert in the day meant a slightly safer passage
  630. >If your calculations were right, you would get to Appleloosa tonight, and pass the desert tomorrow morning
  631. >You really have to pass through, don't you?
  632. >Maybe it would be smarter to send a scouting party ahead to find a safe way through
  633. >You were going, of course
  634. >Spike would follow you, no doubt
  635. >You should ask AJ
  636. >And pinkie, she seems to know when stuff is going to happen
  637. ==============
  638. >"Anon, everytime Ah been in this place, it never went good, Ah think we should head back."
  639. >"AJ, we have to atleast try to find a safe spot to travel through, if we can't we can just go around, easy!"
  640. "Yeah, I want to atleast find out if we can get through here safely."
  641. >"But Nonnie, even if we do find a way through, what's stopping a meanie wolf from hurting somepony anyway?"
  642. >"That's a good point, Pinkie, but we have weapons we can defend ourselves with. And besides that w-"
  643. >"STOP!"
  644. >Spike pulls you back as you were about to walk into a patch of blue vines with small blue flowers pocked down them
  645. >What did they call that stuff again?
  646. >Poison Joke?
  647. >You heard it was pretty nasty stuff, apparently you can die from eating it, aswell
  648. "N-nice save Spike"
  649. >You cut the vines, making a way to pass
  650. >After you sever the vines, the whole plant dies instantly
  651. >Strange
  652. >You carry on down the dirt path
  653. "It doesn't seem so bad here anywa-"
  654. >"ANON WATCH OUT!!!"
  655. >Before you can turn around, a flower next to you shoots a thick red cloud of spores at your head
  656. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QuTPiaSjAs [Embed]
  657. >"ANON! DON'T WORRY, AH KNOW WHERE ZEcoraszzzzzzzzzz..
  658. >The world in front of you slowly turns into static, like from the TVs back home
  659. >The image in front of you breaks like a hammer hitting glass
  660. >You fall into a vortex, shades of pink swirling around you
  661. >Pinkie Pie's head pops through the distortion around you
  662. >"Take. Me away, Directionless"
  663. >Applejack's is the next
  664. >"It doesn't have, to make any sense"
  665. >Fluttershy's pops out after
  666. >"Use what you have, I'll follow you"
  667. >Dash's head follows
  668. >"Use what you have, don't you worry now"
  669. >They all start to sing, as you stop falling, and instead float, all of the color washing away like melted ice, revealing a black abyss around you
  670. >You see yourself, walking towards you
  671. >Followed by another
  672. >And four more, All of them looking different
  673. =============
  674. >One wears a general's attire, ribbons and medals adorning his green suit with a military cap atop his head
  675. >One covered in blood, suit torn and stab wounds adorning his body, a noose around his neck
  676. >One in royal attire, wearing a crown and jewels around his neck
  677. >One without any clothes except a meager burlap sack
  678. >One in a brown suit, a red armband with a "=" in the middle around his shoulder
  679. >And one that is normal, looking exactly like you, who proceeds to put his hands on your shoulders
  680. >"Choose what to be, take a side"
  681. >You feel yourself speak, not of your own accord
  682. "What if I don't want to step out of the light?"
  683. >"Give to others, just let it go now"
  684. >They all speak
  685. >"Give it to others, don't you worry now."
  686. >With that sentiment, they all fade away into nothing, and a pillar of light sucks you up higher and higher into a bright nothing
  687. ==========
  688. (Anything happened, this is gonna get a reboot when my shits together, expect it mates.)
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