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Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. adminlynn@Lynnux-Dell:~$ apt-cache search perl-JSON
  2. adminlynn@Lynnux-Dell:~$ apt-cache search JSON
  3. jq - lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
  4. libjq-dev - lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor - development files
  5. libjq1 - lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor - shared library
  6. cliff-tablib - tablib formatters for cliff
  7. devscripts - scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
  8. gir1.2-json-1.0 - GLib JSON manipulation library (introspection data)
  9. libcpan-meta-perl - Perl module to access CPAN distributions metadata
  10. libdbusmenu-jsonloader-dev - library for passing menus over DBus - Test lib development files
  11. libdbusmenu-jsonloader4 - library for passing menus over DBus - Test lib
  12. libjs-jquery-metadata - jQuery plugin for parsing metadata from elements
  13. libjs-yui3-common - Yahoo User Interface Library v3 (common files)
  14. libjson-c-dev - JSON manipulation library - development files
  15. libjson-c-doc - JSON manipulation library - documentation files
  16. libjson-c2 - JSON manipulation library - shared library
  17. libjson-c2-dbg - JSON manipulation library - debug symbols
  18. libjson-glib-1.0-0 - GLib JSON manipulation library
  19. libjson-glib-1.0-0-dbg - GLib JSON manipulation library (debug symbols)
  20. libjson-glib-1.0-common - GLib JSON manipulation library (common files)
  21. libjson-glib-dev - GLib JSON manipulation library (development files)
  22. libjson-glib-doc - GLib JSON manipulation library (documentation)
  23. libjson-perl - module for manipulating JSON-formatted data
  24. libjson-xs-perl - module for manipulating JSON-formatted data (C/XS-accelerated)
  25. libjson0 - JSON manipulation library (transitional package)
  26. libjson0-dev - JSON manipulation library (transitional package)
  27. libmono-system-json-microsoft4.0-cil - Mono System.Json.Microsoft library (for CLI 4.0)
  28. libmono-system-json2.0-cil - Mono System.Json library (for CLI 2.0)
  29. libmono-system-json4.0-cil - Mono System.Json library (for CLI 4.0)
  30. libqjson-dbg - Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects, debug info
  31. libqjson-dev - Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects - development files
  32. libqjson0 - Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
  33. libqjson0-dbg - transitional dummy package for qjson's debugging symbols
  34. libraptor2-0 - Raptor 2 RDF syntax library
  35. libtest-cpan-meta-perl - test module to validate package metadata for CPAN
  36. libunity-scopes-json-def-desktop - binding to get places into the launcher - desktop def file
  37. libyajl-dev - Yet Another JSON Library - development files
  38. libyajl-doc - Yet Another JSON Library - library documentation
  39. libyajl2 - Yet Another JSON Library
  40. libyajl2-dbg - Yet Another JSON Library - debugging symbols
  41. perl-modules - Core Perl modules
  42. php5-json - JSON module for php5
  43. python-anyjson - Common interface for the best available JSON implementation
  44. python-bson - Python implementation of BSON for MongoDB
  45. python-bson-ext - C-coded extension to the python-bson package
  46. python-django-piston - Django mini-framework creating RESTful APIs
  47. python-json-patch - library to apply JSON patches - python 2.x transitional package
  48. python-json-pointer - resolve JSON pointers - python 2.x
  49. python-jsonpatch - library to apply JSON patches - python 2.x
  50. python-jsonpath-rw - extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 2.x
  51. python-jsonrpclib - implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
  52. python-jsonschema - An(other) implementation of JSON Schema (Draft 3) for Python
  53. python-msgpack - Python implementation of MessagePack format
  54. python-nose-testconfig - test configuration plugin for nosetests
  55. python-simplejson - simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
  56. python-simplejson-dbg - JSON encoder and decoder for python-dbg
  57. python-simplejson-doc - documentation for the simplejson Python library
  58. python-warlock - object model built on top of JSON schema - python 2.x
  59. python3-bson - Python3 implementation of BSON for MongoDB
  60. python3-bson-ext - C-coded extension to the python3-bson package
  61. python3-checkbox-support - collection of Python modules used by PlainBox providers
  62. python3-json-patch - library to apply JSON patches - python 3.x transitional package
  63. python3-json-pointer - resolve JSON pointers - python 3.x
  64. python3-jsonpatch - library to apply JSON patches - python 3.x
  65. python3-jsonschema - An(other) implementation of JSON Schema (Draft 3) for Python 3
  66. python3-msgpack - Python 3 implementation of MessagePack format
  67. python3-simplejson - JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3
  68. python3-simplejson-dbg - JSON encoder and decoder for python3-dbg
  69. ruby-json - JSON library for Ruby
  70. aeson-pretty - JSON pretty-printing tool
  71. bear - generate compilation database for Clang tooling
  72. clojure-contrib - user contributed set of libraries for clojure
  73. coderay - Helper programs for CodeRay Ruby lib for syntax highlighting
  74. collectd-core - statistics collection and monitoring daemon (core system)
  75. couchdb - RESTful document oriented database - system-wide instance
  76. couchdb-bin - RESTful document oriented database
  77. couchdb-common - RESTful document oriented database - common data
  78. ctpp2-utils - Tools for ctpp template conversion
  79. drizzle-plugin-json-server - JSON HTTP (NoSQL) interface for Drizzle
  80. eiskaltdcpp-cli - EiskaltDC++ command-line interface
  81. eiskaltdcpp-daemon - EiskaltDC++ daemon
  82. erlang-jiffy - JSON NIFs (Native Implemented Functions) for Erlang
  83. foremancli - commandline search interface to Foreman
  84. freecode-submit - remote submission of release updates to
  85. golang-log4go-dev - Go package for level-based and highly configurable logging
  86. gyp - Cross-platform build script generator
  87. irker - submission tools for IRC notifications
  88. jparse - JSON parser utility
  89. jsdoc-toolkit - automatic generator for HTML documentation of Javascript sources
  90. jshon - Command line tool to parse, read and create JSON
  91. jsonbot - Framework for building bots for IRC, XMPP and the Web
  92. kamailio-json-modules - Json parser and jsonrpc modules for Kamailio
  93. kwalify - parser, schema validator, and data-binding tool for YAML and JSON.
  94. libandroid-json-org-java - androids rewrite of the evil licensed
  95. libandroid-json-org-java-doc - Documentation for androids rewrite of the evil licensed
  96. libarc-php - Flexible RDF system for semantic web and PHP practitioners
  97. libatdgen-ocaml - OCaml code generator for biniou and JSON - plugins
  98. libatdgen-ocaml-dev - OCaml code generator for biniou and JSON - executable and dev files
  99. libbiniou-ocaml - flexible binary data format in OCaml - plugins
  100. libbiniou-ocaml-dev - flexible binary data format in OCaml - development files
  101. libbusiness-edi-perl - class for generating U.N. EDI interchange objects
  102. libcajun-dev - C++ headers for JSON generation and parsing
  103. libcatalyst-modules-perl - modules for Catalyst MVC Web Application Framework
  104. libcgi-application-plugin-ajaxupload-perl - run mode to handle a file upload and return a JSON response
  105. libcgi-application-plugin-json-perl - plugin to facilitate manipulation of JSON headers
  106. libconfig-any-perl - module to load configuration from different file formats
  107. libconfig-json-perl - parser for JSON-based configuration files
  108. libconfig-merge-perl - umbrella interface to configuration modules
  109. libcpan-meta-requirements-perl - set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
  110. libcpanel-json-xs-perl - module for fast and correct serialising to JSON
  111. libdata-pond-perl - Perl-based open notation for data module
  112. libdist-zilla-plugin-test-reportprereqs-perl - module to report on prerequisite versions during automated testing
  113. libghc-aeson-dev - Fast JSON parsing and encoding library
  114. libghc-aeson-doc - Fast JSON parsing and encoding library; documentation
  115. libghc-aeson-pretty-dev - JSON pretty-printing library
  116. libghc-aeson-pretty-doc - JSON pretty-printing library; documentation
  117. libghc-aeson-pretty-prof - JSON pretty-printing library; profiling libraries
  118. libghc-aeson-prof - Fast JSON parsing and encoding library; profiling libraries
  119. libghc-download-curl-dev - High-level file download based on URLs
  120. libghc-download-curl-doc - High-level file download based on URLs; documentation
  121. libghc-download-curl-prof - High-level file download based on URLs; profiling libraries
  122. libghc-heist-dev - template system supporting both HTML5 and XML
  123. libghc-heist-doc - template system supporting both HTML5 and XML; documentation
  124. libghc-heist-prof - template system supporting both HTML5 and XML; profiling libraries
  125. libghc-highlighting-kate-dev - syntax highlighting library based on Kate syntax descriptions
  126. libghc-highlighting-kate-doc - library documentation for highlighting-kate; documentation
  127. libghc-highlighting-kate-prof - highlighting-kate library with profiling enabled; profiling libraries
  128. libghc-json-dev - Haskell library for serialising data to and from JSON
  129. libghc-json-doc - Documentation for the Haskell JSON library; documentation
  130. libghc-json-prof - Profiling version of the Haskell JSON library; profiling libraries
  131. libgoogle-gson-java - Converts Java objects into their JSON representation
  132. libgoogle-gson-java-doc - Documentation for libgoogle-gson-java
  133. libgraph-d3-perl - module to create ref/json to show node-edge graph with D3.js
  134. libhtml-embedded-turtle-perl - embedding RDF in HTML the crazy way
  135. libhtml-html5-outline-perl - implementation of the HTML5 Outline algorithm
  136. libhtml-microformats-perl - parse microformats in HTML
  137. libhtml-tiny-perl - HTML::Tiny - Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation
  138. libhyena-cil - set of utility libraries for the CLI
  139. libhyena-cil-dev - set of utility libraries for the CLI - development files
  140. libjabsorb-java - Java to Javascript object request broker
  141. libjackson-json-java - streaming fast powerful standard conformant json processor in java
  142. libjackson-json-java-doc - standard conformant json processor in java - API documentation
  143. libjackson2-annotations-java - fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- annotations
  144. libjackson2-annotations-java-doc - Documentation for Jackson-annotations
  145. libjackson2-core-java - fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- core library
  146. libjackson2-core-java-doc - Documentation for Jackson-core
  147. libjackson2-databind-java - fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- data binding
  148. libjackson2-databind-java-doc - Documentation for jackson-databind
  149. libjackson2-dataformat-smile - fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Smile dataformat
  150. libjackson2-dataformat-smile-doc - Documentation for Jackson-dataformat-smile
  151. libjackson2-dataformat-yaml - fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- YAML dataformat
  152. libjackson2-dataformat-yaml-doc - Documentation for jackson-dataformat-yaml
  153. libjansson-dbg - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data (debug)
  154. libjansson-dev - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data (dev)
  155. libjansson-doc - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data (doc)
  156. libjansson4 - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
  157. libjaula-dev - JSON parser/writer library for C++ (development files)
  158. libjaula-doc - JSON parser/writer library for C++ (documentation)
  159. libjaula1 - JSON parser/writer library for C++
  160. libjenkins-json-java - Library for transforming Java objects between XML and JSON
  161. libjenkins-json-java-doc - Documentation for libjenkins-json-java
  162. libjenkins-xstream-java - Java library to serialize objects to XML and back again
  163. libjenkins-xstream-java-doc - Documentation for libjenkins-xstream-java
  164. libjettison-java - collection of StAX parsers and writers for JSON
  165. libjs-backbone - some Backbone for JavaScript applications - browser library
  166. libjs-json - JSON encoders/decoders implemented in JavaScript
  167. libjs-of-ocaml - OCaml bytecode to JavaScript compiler (runtime)
  168. libjs-simile-timeline - JavaScript library for web-based interactive timelines
  169. libjs-yui - Yahoo User Interface Library
  170. libjson-any-perl - wrapper class for the various JSON classes
  171. libjson-java - library for transforming Java objects and XML to JSON and back again
  172. libjson-maybexs-perl - interface to the best available JSON module
  173. libjson-pp-perl - module for manipulating JSON-formatted data (Pure Perl)
  174. libjson-rpc-perl - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
  175. libjson-simple-doc - documentation for libjson-simple-java
  176. libjson-simple-java - Simple, lightweight and efficient JSON toolkit for Java
  177. libjson-spirit-dev - C++ JSON Parser/Generator implemented with Boost Spirit
  178. libjson-static-camlp4-dev - JSON validator and converter for OCaml
  179. libjson-types-perl - variable type utility for JSON encoding
  180. libjson-wheel-ocaml-dev - OCaml API to JSON data format
  181. libjsoncpp-dev - Library for reading and writing JSON for C++ (devel files)
  182. libjsoncpp0 - Library for reading and writing JSON for C++
  183. liblua5.1-json - Transitional package for lua-json
  184. libmessage-passing-filter-regexp-perl - regexp capture filter For Message::Passing
  185. libmodule-depends-perl - Perl module to identify the dependencies of a distribution
  186. libmodule-install-trustmetayml-perl - trust META.yml list of dependencies
  187. libmoosex-types-json-perl - module providing JSON-constrained strings
  188. libmsgpack-dev - binary-based efficient object serialization library
  189. libmsgpack3 - binary-based efficient object serialization library
  190. libmsgpackc2 - binary-based efficient object serialization library
  191. libnet-gpsd3-perl - Perl interface to the gpsd server daemon protocol version 3 (JSON)
  192. libnewtonsoft-json-cil-dev - high-performance JSON framework for .NET -- development files
  193. libnewtonsoft-json5.0-cil - high-performance JSON framework for .NET
  194. libqtweetlib-dev - twitter library for Qt4 - development files
  195. libqtweetlib1.0 - twitter library for Qt4
  196. librdf-trine-perl - RDF Framework for Perl
  197. libredstone-xmlrpc-java - A small and verstile implementation of the XML-RPC Specification
  198. libsbjson-dev - Objective-C JSON library (development files)
  199. libsbjson2.3 - Objective-C JSON library
  200. libsolr-java - Enterprise search server based on Lucene - Java libraries
  201. libsqlite3-mod-impexp - SQLite3 extension module for SQL script, XML, JSON and CSV import/export
  202. libtemplate-plugin-json-escape-perl - module for embedding JSON strings in Template Toolkit
  203. libtest-cpan-meta-yaml-perl - test module to validate a META.yml file
  204. libtest-json-perl - module for testing JSON data
  205. libtypes-serialiser-perl - module providing simple data types for common serialisation formats
  206. libunity-scopes-json-def-phone - binding to get scopes into the launcher - phone def file
  207. libwebservice-solr-perl - Perl interface for the Solr (Lucene) web service
  208. libwiki-toolkit-plugin-json-perl - A Wiki::Toolkit plugin to output RecentChanges JSON
  209. libwww-facebook-api-perl - Facebook API implementation
  210. libxml-atom-microformats-perl - parse microformats in Atom content
  211. libxstream-java - Java library to serialize objects to XML and back again
  212. libyajl-tulip4.4.0 - yajl shared library, built for Tulip
  213. libyaml-syck-perl - Perl module providing a fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
  214. libyojson-ocaml - JSON library for OCaml - runtime package
  215. libyojson-ocaml-dev - JSON library for OCaml - development package
  216. libzabbix-api-perl - abstraction layer over the JSON-RPC API provided by Zabbix
  217. lua-cjson - JSON parser/encoder for Lua
  218. lua-cjson-dev - JSON parser/encoder for Lua, development files
  219. lua-json - JSON decoder/encoder for Lua
  220. mapnik-reference - Parseable specifications of mapnik - Node.js module
  221. monodoc-hyena-manual - compiled XML documentation for Hyena
  222. monodoc-newtonsoft-json-manual - compiled XML documentation for Json.NET
  223. ngrok-client - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost - client part
  224. ngrok-server - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost - server part
  225. node-backbone - some Backbone for JavaScript applications - Node module
  226. node-dirty - tiny and fast key-value store for Node
  227. node-jsconfig - Node async configuration loader with command line support
  228. node-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify with circular references module for Node.js
  229. node-jsv - extendable, fully compliant JSON schema validator for NodeJS
  230. node-normalize-package-data - Normalizes package metadata - Node.js module
  231. node-read-package-json - Read package.json for npm module for Node.js
  232. node-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects module for Node.js
  233. node-tilejson - tile source backend for online tile sources
  234. node-tilelive-vector - Tilelive store for rendering mapnik vector tiles - Node.js module
  235. node-yajsml - Yet another (Common)JS module loader
  236. ohai - Detects data about your operating system and reports it in JSON
  237. orthanc - RESTful DICOM server for healthcare and medical research
  238. phantomjs - minimalistic headless WebKit-based with JavaScript API
  239. photofloat - Web 2.0 Photo Gallery Done Right via Static JSON & Dynamic Javascript
  240. php-services-json - PHP implementaion of json_encode/decode
  241. potrace - utility to transform bitmaps into vector graphics
  242. psensor-server - Psensor server for monitoring hardware sensors remotely
  243. python-bjsonrpc - asynchronous bidirectional JSON-RPC protocol over TCP/IP
  244. python-cfflib - Multi-modal connectome and metadata management and integration
  245. python-cjson - Very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
  246. python-cjson-dbg - Very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python (debug extension)
  247. python-demjson - encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON in Python
  248. python-django-jsonfield - JSON field for Django models (Python 2)
  249. python-gpyconf - Python configuration framework with support for multiple backends
  250. python-jmespath - JSON Matching Expressions (Python 2)
  251. python-jsonpickle - Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 2)
  252. python-jsonpickle-doc - Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (documentation)
  253. python-jsonpipe - Convert JSON to a UNIX-friendly line-based format
  254. python-jsonrpc2 - Python WSGI Framework for JSON RPC 2.0
  255. python-pyflot - interface from Python to libjs-flot
  256. python-reconfigure - simple config file management library
  257. python-tnetstring - python library for data serialization using typed netstrings
  258. python-transmissionrpc - Transmission RPC client module for Python
  259. python-transmissionrpc-doc - Transmission RPC client module for Python (documentation)
  260. python-turbojson - plugin to use JSON templates in Python templating engines
  261. python-validictory - general purpose Python data validator (Python 2)
  262. python-validictory-doc - general purpose Python data validator (Documentation)
  263. python-voluptuous - Python library to validate data
  264. python-withsqlite - uses an sqlite db as a back end for a dict-like object
  265. python3-anyjson - Common interface for the best available JSON implementation (Python3 version)
  266. python3-jmespath - JSON Matching Expressions (Python 3)
  267. python3-jsonpath-rw - extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 3.x
  268. python3-jsonpickle - Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 3)
  269. python3-transmissionrpc - Transmission RPC client module for Python 3
  270. python3-validictory - general purpose Python data validator (Python 3)
  271. python3-voluptuous - Python 3 library to validate data
  272. python3-warlock - object model built on top of JSON schema - python 3.x
  273. r-cran-rjson - GNU R package for converting between R and JSON objects
  274. ruby-bson - Ruby implementation of BSON
  275. ruby-coderay - Ruby library for syntax highlighting
  276. ruby-crack - Ruby library to parse XML and JSON
  277. ruby-faraday-middleware - various middleware for Faraday HTTP/REST library
  278. ruby-httparty - quick web service consumption from any Ruby class
  279. ruby-jwt - JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby
  280. ruby-msgpack - Ruby library for MessagePack
  281. ruby-multi-json - Ruby library to provide easy switching between different JSON backends
  282. ruby-oj - fast JSON parser and serializer for Ruby
  283. ruby-rabl - Ruby templating library with JSON, BSON, XML and MessagePack support
  284. ruby-rabl-rails - fast Rails 3+ templating system with JSON and XML support
  285. ruby-rack-cors - enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing in Rack apps
  286. ruby-sinatra-contrib - collection of useful extensions to the Sinatra web framework
  287. ruby-yajl - Ruby interface to Yajl, a JSON stream-based parser library
  288. solr-common - Enterprise search server based on Lucene3 - common files
  289. solr-jetty - Enterprise search server based on Lucene3 - Jetty integration
  290. solr-tomcat - Enterprise search server based on Lucene3 - Tomcat integration
  291. syslog-ng - Enhanced system logging daemon (metapackage)
  292. syslog-ng-core - Enhanced system logging daemon (core)
  293. syslog-ng-dbg - Enhanced system logging daemon (debug symbols)
  294. syslog-ng-dev - Enhanced system logging daemon (development files)
  295. syslog-ng-mod-amqp - Enhanced system logging daemon (AMQP plugin)
  296. syslog-ng-mod-basicfuncs-plus - Enhanced system logging daemon (extra template functions)
  297. syslog-ng-mod-geoip - Enhanced system logging daemon (GeoIP plugin)
  298. syslog-ng-mod-json - Enhanced system logging daemon (JSON plugin)
  299. syslog-ng-mod-mongodb - Enhanced system logging daemon (MongoDB plugin)
  300. syslog-ng-mod-redis - Enhanced system logging daemon (Redis plugin)
  301. syslog-ng-mod-riemann - Enhanced system logging daemon (Riemann destination)
  302. syslog-ng-mod-rss - Enhanced system logging daemon (RSS destination)
  303. syslog-ng-mod-smtp - Enhanced system logging daemon (SMTP plugin)
  304. syslog-ng-mod-sql - Enhanced system logging daemon (SQL plugin)
  305. syslog-ng-mod-stomp - Enhanced system logging daemon (STOMP plugin)
  306. syslog-ng-mod-trigger - Enhanced system logging daemon (trigger source)
  307. tarantool - In-memory database with Lua application server
  308. tcllib - Standard Tcl Library
  309. trove-api - Database as a Service for OpenStack - API server
  310. tt-rss - Tiny Tiny RSS - web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator
  311. vim-syntax-gtk - Syntax files to highlight GTK+ keywords in vim
  312. yajl-tools - Yet Another JSON Library - tools
  313. golang-objx-dev - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data.
  314. adminlynn@Lynnux-Dell:~$
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