

Jul 7th, 2018
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  1. #MCScoreboard
  2. #MCGamer - v1
  3. #options:
  4. #Death
  5. on death of player:
  6. attacker is player
  7. add 1 to {öldürme.%attacker%}
  8. add 1 to {ölme.%victim%}
  10. #List
  11. on login:
  12. "%{sunucu.listesi::*}%" does not contain "%player%":
  13. add player to {sunucu.listesi::*}
  15. #Board
  16. on join:
  17. delete {skortablosu.%player%}
  18. set {skortablosu.%player%} to 1
  19. while {skortablosu.%player%} is 1:
  20. display scoreboard named "&2%player% &7- &c%minute%:%second% " to player
  21. loop {sunucu.listesi::*}:
  22. {öldürme.%loop-value%} is not 0:
  23. set {_v::%loop-value%} to rounded {öldürme.%loop-value%}
  24. set {_v::*} to {_v::*} sorted from highest to lowest with output "@index;s;@value"
  25. set {_n} to 2
  26. loop 5 times:
  27. set {_v} to "%{_v::%{_n}%}%" parsed as text
  28. set {_p::*} to {_v} split at ";s;"
  29. if "%{_p::1}%" is "<none>":
  30. make score of "&7{_n}" in scoreboard of player to {_n}
  31. else:
  32. make score of "%{_p::1}%&8" in scoreboard of player to {_n}
  33. add 1 to {_n}
  34. make score of "&7&l» &fTime" in scoreboard of player to 14
  35. make score of " &e%now%" in scoreboard of player to 13
  36. make score of " &e%hour%:%minute%" in scoreboard of player to 12
  37. make score of "&f" in scoreboard of player to 11
  38. make score of "&7&l» &fServer" in scoreboard of player to 10
  39. make score of " &6TR&8: &e1" in scoreboard of player to 9
  40. make score of "&e" in scoreboard of player to 8
  41. make score of "&9You&8: &f%{öldürme.%player%}%" in scoreboard of player to 1
  42. move display of player to sidebar
  43. wait 1 minute
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