Guest User


a guest
Jun 4th, 2015
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  1. -- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 5.5.43, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
  2. --
  3. -- Host: localhost Database: redbean
  4. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  5. -- Server version 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
  10. /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
  11. /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
  12. /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
  16. /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;
  18. --
  19. -- Table structure for table `branch`
  20. --
  22. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `branch`;
  23. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  24. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  25. CREATE TABLE `branch` (
  26. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  27. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  28. `location_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  29. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  30. KEY `index_foreignkey_branch_location` (`location_id`),
  31. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_branch_location_id` FOREIGN KEY (`location_id`) REFERENCES `location` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL
  32. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  33. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  35. --
  36. -- Dumping data for table `branch`
  37. --
  39. LOCK TABLES `branch` WRITE;
  40. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `branch` DISABLE KEYS */;
  41. INSERT INTO `branch` VALUES (1,'The Meier Group',1),(2,'Maddox Makeshift',2);
  42. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `branch` ENABLE KEYS */;
  45. --
  46. -- Table structure for table `client`
  47. --
  49. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `client`;
  50. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  51. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  52. CREATE TABLE `client` (
  53. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  54. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  55. `email` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  56. `user_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  57. `phone_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  58. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  59. KEY `index_foreignkey_client_phone` (`phone_id`),
  60. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_client_phone_id` FOREIGN KEY (`phone_id`) REFERENCES `phone` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL
  61. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=32 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  62. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  64. --
  65. -- Dumping data for table `client`
  66. --
  68. LOCK TABLES `client` WRITE;
  69. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client` DISABLE KEYS */;
  70. INSERT INTO `client` VALUES (1,'Sandler','',1,1),(25,'Larry Loner','',2,25),(26,'Don Allens','',2,26),(27,'Chad Rogers','',2,27),(28,'Good Guy','',2,28),(30,'Daisy Downer','',2,30);
  71. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client` ENABLE KEYS */;
  74. --
  75. -- Table structure for table `location`
  76. --
  78. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `location`;
  79. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  80. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  81. CREATE TABLE `location` (
  82. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  83. `city` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  84. `state` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  85. `country` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  86. `zip` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  87. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  88. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  89. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  90. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  92. --
  93. -- Dumping data for table `location`
  94. --
  96. LOCK TABLES `location` WRITE;
  97. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `location` DISABLE KEYS */;
  98. INSERT INTO `location` VALUES (1,'Troy','Michigan','United States',48084,'Troy, Michigan 48084, United States'),(2,'Grand Rapids','Michigan','United States',49506,'Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506, United States');
  99. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `location` ENABLE KEYS */;
  102. --
  103. -- Table structure for table `note`
  104. --
  106. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `note`;
  107. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  108. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  109. CREATE TABLE `note` (
  110. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  111. `grid_id` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  112. `client_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  113. `process_id` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  114. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  115. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  116. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  117. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  119. --
  120. -- Dumping data for table `note`
  121. --
  123. LOCK TABLES `note` WRITE;
  124. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `note` DISABLE KEYS */;
  125. INSERT INTO `note` VALUES (1,'1_1',27,1,'chads notes'),(2,'1_1',28,1,'good guynotes'),(3,'2_1',1,1,'\n');
  126. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `note` ENABLE KEYS */;
  129. --
  130. -- Table structure for table `phone`
  131. --
  133. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `phone`;
  134. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  135. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  136. CREATE TABLE `phone` (
  137. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  138. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  139. `country` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  140. `area` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  141. `number` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  142. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  143. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=32 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  144. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  146. --
  147. -- Dumping data for table `phone`
  148. --
  150. LOCK TABLES `phone` WRITE;
  151. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone` DISABLE KEYS */;
  152. INSERT INTO `phone` VALUES (1,'1-313-888-3433',1,313,8883433),(2,'1-313-888-3433',1,313,8883433),(3,'1-212-477-7411',1,212,4777411),(4,'1-313-550-6934',1,313,5506934),(5,'1-313-701-6393',1,313,7016393),(6,'1-313-444-5523',1,313,4445523),(7,'1-313-444-2233',1,313,4442233),(8,'1-232-444-2234',1,232,4442234),(9,'1-323-442-3326',1,323,4423326),(10,'1-248-233-9583',1,248,2339583),(11,'1-585-323-4954',1,585,3234954),(12,'1-673-323-5938',1,673,3235938),(13,'1-248-233-9583',1,248,2339583),(14,'1-313-444-2233',1,313,4442233),(15,'1-232-444-2234',1,232,4442234),(16,'1-323-442-3326',1,323,4423326),(17,'1-248-233-9583',1,248,2339583),(18,'1-585-323-4954',1,585,3234954),(19,'1-673-323-5938',1,673,3235938),(20,'1-313-444-2233',1,313,4442233),(21,'1-232-444-2234',1,232,4442234),(22,'1-323-442-3326',1,323,4423326),(23,'1-248-233-9583',1,248,2339583),(24,'1-585-323-4954',1,585,3234954),(25,'1-673-323-5938',1,673,3235938),(26,'1-313-444-2233',1,313,4442233),(27,'1-232-444-2234',1,232,4442234),(28,'1-323-442-3326',1,323,4423326),(29,'1-248-233-9583',1,248,2339583),(30,'1-585-323-4954',1,585,3234954),(31,'1-313-546-9392',1,313,5469392);
  153. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone` ENABLE KEYS */;
  156. --
  157. -- Table structure for table `process`
  158. --
  160. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `process`;
  161. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  162. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  163. CREATE TABLE `process` (
  164. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  165. `user_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  166. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  167. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  168. KEY `index_foreignkey_process_user` (`user_id`),
  169. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_process_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL
  170. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  171. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  173. --
  174. -- Dumping data for table `process`
  175. --
  177. LOCK TABLES `process` WRITE;
  178. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `process` DISABLE KEYS */;
  179. INSERT INTO `process` VALUES (1,NULL,'BASE'),(2,2,'Sandler Training');
  180. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `process` ENABLE KEYS */;
  183. --
  184. -- Table structure for table `process_stage`
  185. --
  187. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `process_stage`;
  188. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  189. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  190. CREATE TABLE `process_stage` (
  191. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  192. `seq` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  193. `user_id` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  194. `client_id` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  195. `process_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  196. `stage_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  197. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  198. KEY `index_foreignkey_process_stage_stage` (`stage_id`),
  199. KEY `index_foreignkey_process_stage_process` (`process_id`),
  200. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_process_stage_process_id` FOREIGN KEY (`process_id`) REFERENCES `process` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL,
  201. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_process_stage_stage_id` FOREIGN KEY (`stage_id`) REFERENCES `stage` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL
  202. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  203. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  205. --
  206. -- Dumping data for table `process_stage`
  207. --
  209. LOCK TABLES `process_stage` WRITE;
  210. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `process_stage` DISABLE KEYS */;
  211. INSERT INTO `process_stage` VALUES (1,1,NULL,NULL,1,1),(2,2,NULL,NULL,1,2),(3,3,NULL,NULL,1,3);
  212. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `process_stage` ENABLE KEYS */;
  215. --
  216. -- Table structure for table `role`
  217. --
  219. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `role`;
  220. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  221. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  222. CREATE TABLE `role` (
  223. `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  224. `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  225. UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
  226. UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
  228. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  230. --
  231. -- Dumping data for table `role`
  232. --
  234. LOCK TABLES `role` WRITE;
  235. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `role` DISABLE KEYS */;
  236. INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (3,'Admin'),(7,'Guest'),(6,'Individual'),(5,'Manager'),(2,'Owner'),(4,'Salesperson'),(1,'Super');
  237. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `role` ENABLE KEYS */;
  240. --
  241. -- Table structure for table `stage`
  242. --
  244. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `stage`;
  245. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  246. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  247. CREATE TABLE `stage` (
  248. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  249. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  250. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  251. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  252. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  254. --
  255. -- Dumping data for table `stage`
  256. --
  258. LOCK TABLES `stage` WRITE;
  259. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stage` DISABLE KEYS */;
  260. INSERT INTO `stage` VALUES (1,'Phone Call'),(2,'Face to Face'),(3,'Delivery');
  261. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stage` ENABLE KEYS */;
  264. --
  265. -- Table structure for table `stage_tab`
  266. --
  268. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `stage_tab`;
  269. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  270. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  271. CREATE TABLE `stage_tab` (
  272. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  273. `seq` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  274. `user_id` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  275. `client_id` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  276. `stage_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  277. `tab_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  278. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  279. KEY `index_foreignkey_stage_tab_tab` (`tab_id`),
  280. KEY `index_foreignkey_stage_tab_stage` (`stage_id`),
  281. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_stage_tab_stage_id` FOREIGN KEY (`stage_id`) REFERENCES `stage` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL,
  282. CONSTRAINT `c_fk_stage_tab_tab_id` FOREIGN KEY (`tab_id`) REFERENCES `tab` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL
  283. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=17 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  284. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  286. --
  287. -- Dumping data for table `stage_tab`
  288. --
  290. LOCK TABLES `stage_tab` WRITE;
  291. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stage_tab` DISABLE KEYS */;
  292. INSERT INTO `stage_tab` VALUES (1,1,NULL,NULL,1,1),(2,2,NULL,NULL,1,2),(3,3,NULL,NULL,1,3),(4,4,NULL,NULL,1,4),(5,5,NULL,NULL,1,5),(6,1,NULL,NULL,2,1),(7,2,NULL,NULL,2,6),(8,3,NULL,NULL,2,7),(9,4,NULL,NULL,2,8),(10,5,NULL,NULL,2,9),(11,6,NULL,NULL,2,10),(12,7,NULL,NULL,2,5),(13,1,NULL,NULL,3,1),(14,2,NULL,NULL,3,11),(15,3,NULL,NULL,3,12),(16,4,NULL,NULL,3,5);
  293. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stage_tab` ENABLE KEYS */;
  296. --
  297. -- Table structure for table `state`
  298. --
  300. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `state`;
  301. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  302. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  303. CREATE TABLE `state` (
  304. `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  305. `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  306. UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
  307. UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
  309. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  311. --
  312. -- Dumping data for table `state`
  313. --
  315. LOCK TABLES `state` WRITE;
  316. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `state` DISABLE KEYS */;
  317. INSERT INTO `state` VALUES (1,'Active'),(3,'Dismissed'),(2,'Pending');
  318. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `state` ENABLE KEYS */;
  321. --
  322. -- Table structure for table `tab`
  323. --
  325. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tab`;
  326. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  327. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  328. CREATE TABLE `tab` (
  329. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  330. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  331. `grid` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
  332. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  333. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  334. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  336. --
  337. -- Dumping data for table `tab`
  338. --
  340. LOCK TABLES `tab` WRITE;
  341. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tab` DISABLE KEYS */;
  342. INSERT INTO `tab` VALUES (1,'Profile','[{\"id\":\"1_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"11\",\"size_y\":\"10\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Contact Profile<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Name<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Email<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Phone Number<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Address<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">&nbsp;<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"1_2\",\"col\":\"12\",\"row\":\"11\",\"size_x\":\"16\",\"size_y\":\"13\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Industry<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">NAICS Code<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"1_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"11\",\"size_x\":\"11\",\"size_y\":\"13\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Company Profile<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Number of Employees<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Anual Revenue<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">&nbsp;<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"1_4\",\"col\":\"12\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"16\",\"size_y\":\"10\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Current Affairs<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Awards<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">Press Releases<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">News<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p style=\\\"padding-left: 30px;\\\">&nbsp;<\\/p>\"}]'),(2,'Call','[{\"id\":\"2_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"13\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><em><strong>Pattern\\/Interrupt Connection Points<\\/strong><\\/em><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Pattern Interrupt<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>(<span style=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\">Their Name<\\/span>) , its&nbsp;(<span style=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\">Your Name<\\/span>) Does my name ring a bell? (Pause, let them answer). &nbsp;Not a problem, wasn\'t sure that it would.<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Connection Point <\\/strong>(If you have one)<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_2\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"10\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"11\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>30 Second<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I\'m with a company in Troy called Sandler Training, are you familiar with us? (pause, let them speak). &nbsp;(whether yes or no doesn\'t matter) Not unusual. &nbsp;We\'re a sales and sales management training company. &nbsp;We work with well run, growing companies, but there\'s a gap in their business. &nbsp;They tell us that they\'ve got great sales teams, but they\'re not getting in front of enough new prospects, and their pipelines might be a little thin. &nbsp;Other times they say that they get in front of great opportunities to sell and get new clients, but are concerned that they walk away with things like \\\"think it over\\\" and a sales cycle that takes too long. &nbsp;Or, they might be closing new business, but there\'s a lot of increased competition, and they\'ve got to cut price and margin to get the deal done, and its begining to affect the bottom line.<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Negative Reverse<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I don\'t know your business like you do, is any of that relevant and worth a conversation?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_3\",\"col\":\"14\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"14\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Mini UFC 30 Commercial Neg Reverse<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Mind if I take a half minute, share with you why I called, and you can let me know if it makes sense for the two of us to talk?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_4\",\"col\":\"11\",\"row\":\"21\",\"size_x\":\"8\",\"size_y\":\"12\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>UFC for 1st Meeting<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Can I make a suggestion? &nbsp;It sounds like what you\'ve just shared is important, lets do this... Why don\'t we look at our calenders and find a date and time in the next two weeks to get together for an hour. &nbsp;You can tell me more about the issue we just covered, and I\'d be happy to answer any questions you\'ve got for me about how we\'ve solved similar problems. &nbsp;Would you be comfortable setting that up?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_5\",\"col\":\"19\",\"row\":\"21\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"12\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>If no pain<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>It doesn\'t look like I can help you,&nbsp;but maybe you could help me. &nbsp;Who do you know, that might benefit from a conversation with me, not unlike the one you and I just had? &nbsp;Maybe a vendor, supplier, or business collegue? (let them speak) &nbsp;Thank you for the time.&nbsp;<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_6\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"21\",\"size_x\":\"10\",\"size_y\":\"12\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Pain Questions<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Can you tell me more about that?<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Can you be more specific, maybe give me an example?<\\/p>\"}]'),(3,'Templates','[{\"id\":\"3_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Referral\\/Marketing Email<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p><span style=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\">(their name)<\\/span> Thank you for reaching out, I\'d love to find a date\\/time to connect for a short 10-15min phone call in the next week. &nbsp;This would give me a chance to learn a little more about you and the company, and answer any questions that you\'ve got for me. &nbsp;At the end of the call, we can decide together, if a face to face meeting makes sense as a next step. &nbsp;Would you be comfortable scheduling that phone call with me?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"3_2\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>LinkedIn Email<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I noticed that you\'re connected with (name). Are you just LinkedIn, or do you know them personally? &nbsp;If you know them in the real world, would you be comfortable sending a referral email to them on my behalf? &nbsp;I\'ll shoot you a quick email with the language you can cut and paste if that\'s easier. &nbsp;Thank you!<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"3_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"16\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Voice Mail Scrips<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>1. (their name) its (your name) my number is (your number)<\\/p>\\n<p>2. (their name) its (your name). &nbsp;It may be important for us to speak, call me at (your number)<\\/p>\\n<p>3. (their name) its (your name). &nbsp;I was doing some research on your company. &nbsp;I\'ve found some interesting things. &nbsp;We\'ve worked in your industry, maybe even with one your key competitors. &nbsp;Call me at (your number)<\\/p>\\n<p>4. (their name) its (your name). &nbsp;I\'ve left you a couple messages, I\'m guessing that you\'ve thought through the concept and decided that at this point it doesn\'t make sense to speak. &nbsp;Thats ok. &nbsp;Please have someone from your office give me a heads up and we can close the file.<\\/p>\"}]'),(4,'Homework','[{\"id\":\"4_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"6\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Send Pain Survey<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"4_2\",\"col\":\"14\",\"row\":\"7\",\"size_x\":\"14\",\"size_y\":\"6\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Post call debrief<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>What went well?<\\/p>\\n<p>What went wrong?<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"4_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"7\",\"size_x\":\"13\",\"size_y\":\"6\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Coordinate other people<\\/p>\"}]'),(5,'Tools','[{\"id\":\"5_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"15\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Automation of: Proposals Presentations Contracts E-signature Etc.<\\/p>\"}]'),(6,'B&R','[{\"id\":\"6_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"11\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Thank you for inviting me in. &nbsp;This is a beautiful place you\'ve got here.<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Thank you for making the trip. &nbsp;Can I get you a coffee or water?<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I\'m always curious to know my clients story...<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_1432849991882\",\"col\":\"12\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"16\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><span style=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\"><strong>Items to remember<\\/strong><\\/span><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Match and Mirror<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Include visual, auditory, and kinesthetic components to your conversation<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Use your nurturing parent and adult tone and body language<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Paraphrase and Re-state<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_1432850144894\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"10\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"5\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>How did you get into the business?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_1432850145135\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"15\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"5\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>What are you doing now that\'s interesting or exciting?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_1432850145571\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"20\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"6\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>What does it look like 4-5yrs from now if everything is going well?<\\/p>\"}]'),(7,'UFC','[{\"id\":\"3_2\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Thanks again for taking this meeting, I appreciate you sharing some&nbsp;time with me today. &nbsp;We had set aside an hour, do you still have that available?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"3_3\",\"col\":\"19\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Obviously I\'ve got a couple myself, specifically around the areas of (specific agenda)<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"7_1432850489255\",\"col\":\"10\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Naturally, you\'ve got some quesitons for me, are you comfortable asking anything that you need to know about me and my company?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"7_1432850645587\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"8\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Typically, we\'ll be looking at three outcomes from todays meeting. &nbsp;At some point during the conversation, you might come to a point where you feel like we\'re not going to be the right solution and partner for you. If that happens, would you feel comfortable telling me that your answer is \\\"no\\\"? &nbsp;It won\'t hurt my feelings... We could shake hands, and part as friends. &nbsp;Would you be ok with that? (let them answer). &nbsp;I\'ll share the same courtesy for you. &nbsp;As I learn more about you and your company, if I don\'t think I\'m going to be the right fit, I\'ll stop and tell you \\\"no\\\" too. &nbsp;Would that be ok? (let them speak). &nbsp;If neither of us come to that conclusion, we\'ll take the last 5 minutes of today\'s meeting to schedule another get together a week or two from now. &nbsp;If we have to, we can take that time to coordinate any other\'s who need to be at the next meeting. &nbsp;Comfortable with that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"7_1432851114708\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"16\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Items to remember<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Be clear with \\\"no\\\" and be clear with what \\\"yes\\\" means.<\\/p>\"}]'),(8,'Pain','[{\"id\":\"8_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Can you tell me more about that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"4_2\",\"col\":\"8\",\"row\":\"29\",\"size_x\":\"20\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Up Front Contract to Transition to Budget<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Would it be ok if we took 5-10 minutes, talked about what it would take to solve a problem like this, and you can let me know if we run into any roablocks or hard stop points?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"4_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"29\",\"size_x\":\"7\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>SVIC (Summarize, Validate, Important, Confirmation)<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"8_1433281542340\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"5\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Can you be more specific, maybe give me an example?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"8_1433281573425\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>How long has that been a problem?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"8_1433281600876\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"13\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>What have you tried to do to fix that? &nbsp;Did it work?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"8_1433281630996\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"17\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>How much has this cost you?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"8_1433281657404\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"21\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>How do you feel about that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"8_1433281683986\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"25\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"4\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Have you given up trying to deal with the problem?<\\/p>\"}]'),(9,'Budget','[{\"id\":\"9_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"11\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Time<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>We\'re going to have to spend some time working together, probably over a period of years, spending about 2-3 hours a week together. &nbsp;Is that something you could see yourself\\/your team participating in and making a commitment too?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"5_2\",\"col\":\"10\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"11\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Effort<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Learning to master the material also takes a special commitment of effort. &nbsp;I\'m going to need your team to show up regularly to training sessions, week in and week out. &nbsp;They\'re also going to have to learn on their own time, this could include reading material, listening to audio files, and stretching their comfort zones. &nbsp;Do you see any issues with this kind of effort?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"5_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"12\",\"size_x\":\"14\",\"size_y\":\"10\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Money - How much, payment terms, payment source<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Can we talk about money now? &nbsp;We\'re likely going to need an investment on your part in the range of x-y. &nbsp;Any problems or roadblocks with that idea? &nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Where would you find that kind of money if you decided to make the investment in your team?&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>How would you like to pay, &nbsp;assuming we get to a point where working together is the appropriate next step?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"5_4\",\"col\":\"19\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"11\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Energy<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I\'m also going to be looking for some energy from you. &nbsp;Vocal support isn\'t going to be enough, for a team to get great, the leader has to be actively participating in training. &nbsp;They\'ve also got to be my counter point to hold the team accountable to using the material they learn, even if it\'s a little uncomfortable in the begining. &nbsp;Can I count on you to help support that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"5_5\",\"col\":\"15\",\"row\":\"12\",\"size_x\":\"13\",\"size_y\":\"10\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Transition talk track to Decision<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I\'m a student of the decision making process. &nbsp;When I partner with great clients, I love to learn and truly understand how they make decisions in their business. &nbsp;Would it be ok if we spent the next 5-10 minutes talking about how you make decisions, and what steps are involved in that process?<\\/p>\"}]'),(10,'Decision','[{\"id\":\"10_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Who<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Who besides you would be involved in the decision making process?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_2\",\"col\":\"10\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>What<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>What do you need to hear\\/see\\/feel in order to be comfortable making a decision about whether or not we should work together?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"18\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Ultimate Upfront Contract<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>At this point, it looks like we might be able to come up with a solution to the problems we\'ve been talking about. &nbsp;What I\'d love to do, is schedule a meeting in the next week to get back together and go over our version of a solution. &nbsp;We\'ll cover everything that I believe will help solve the problem, give you a chance to ask any additional questions that you\'ve got for me, and at the end of the meeting we can come to a decision of \\\"yes\\\" we should work together, or \\\"no\\\" we\'re not going to be the right partner. &nbsp;Are you comfortable with that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_4\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Where<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Where should we get together to have that discussion? &nbsp;Is it better to do it at your place, or should we invite you out to our training center?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_5\",\"col\":\"19\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Why<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Why do you do it this way?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_6\",\"col\":\"10\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>How<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>How do you normally come to a point where you feel comfortable making a decision?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"6_7\",\"col\":\"19\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>When<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>When would you like to have that conversation?<\\/p>\"}]'),(11,'Fulfilment','[{\"id\":\"11_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"10\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p>Thank you again for getting back together with me, I\'m looking forward to talking today. &nbsp;Before we get started, what, if anything, has changed since the last time we got together, that has an impact on the conversation we were supposed to have today?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_2\",\"col\":\"11\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"17\",\"size_y\":\"8\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Ultimate Up Front Contract (Review)<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Last time we were together, we laid out an agenda for today, can we review that together? &nbsp;We agreed that today we would go over the solution that I\'ve created to the problems that we\'ve been discussing, and at the end of the meeting, we would decide that \\\"yes\\\" we should start working together, or \\\"no\\\" its not going to be the right fit. &nbsp;If that\'s the case, we\'ll shake hands and part as friends. &nbsp;Are you still comfortable with that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"10\",\"size_y\":\"5\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Review Pain<\\/strong><\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_4\",\"col\":\"11\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"8\",\"size_y\":\"5\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Review Budget<\\/strong><\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_5\",\"col\":\"19\",\"row\":\"9\",\"size_x\":\"9\",\"size_y\":\"5\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Review Decision Making Process<\\/strong><\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_6\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"14\",\"size_x\":\"10\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Presentation<\\/strong><\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"2_7\",\"col\":\"11\",\"row\":\"14\",\"size_x\":\"17\",\"size_y\":\"9\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>10 Scale<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>On a scale of 1-10, \\\"10\\\" is that we\'re good to go, you can see us working together and this solution solving your problems, and \\\"1\\\" is that we missed the mark completely, where are you at? &nbsp;(if anything less then \\\"10\\\" negative reverse) &nbsp;I thought you might be even lower then that, why did you choose that number? &nbsp;(let them respond). &nbsp;Assuming we can get to a \\\"10\\\", what would you need to hear\\/see\\/feel before you were comfortable with next steps? (create roadmap with client, answer all their questions)<\\/p>\\n<p>What would you like for me to do now?&nbsp;<\\/p>\"}]'),(12,'Post Sale','[{\"id\":\"12_1\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"1\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Buyers Remorse<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I\'m really looking forward to working together. &nbsp;Can I ask you a quick question before we wrap up? &nbsp;I don\'t see it happening, but on the off chance that you wake up this morning at 3am, and second guess the decision you made today, how would you handle that?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"3_2\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"8\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"7\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Vendor Vengance<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>I\'m really looking forward to working together. &nbsp;Can I ask you a quick question before I go? &nbsp;There\'s a possibility that you will be getting a call from your old vendor, they may even try to keep you on as a client by giving a reduction of price, a free service or two, anything to keep your business from changing hands. &nbsp;If you got that call, how would you handle it?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"3_3\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"20\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"6\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Ask for Referrals<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>One last thing, a large part of my business comes from introductions that clients make for me. &nbsp;Would it be ok if I asked you for some referrals? Who do you know in your inner circle, some of your business friends, vendors or suppliers, that you think would benefit from having a conversation with someone like myself?<\\/p>\"},{\"id\":\"12_1433284605066\",\"col\":\"1\",\"row\":\"15\",\"size_x\":\"27\",\"size_y\":\"5\",\"htmlContent\":\"<p><strong>Confirm next steps\\/coordinte kick off for delivery<\\/strong><\\/p>\"}]');
  343. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tab` ENABLE KEYS */;
  346. --
  347. -- Table structure for table `user`
  348. --
  350. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user`;
  351. /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
  352. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  353. CREATE TABLE `user` (
  354. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  355. `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  356. `email` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  357. `password` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  358. `creator` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  359. `landing_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  360. `landing_table` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  361. `state_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  362. `role_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  363. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  364. KEY `index_foreignkey_user_state` (`state_id`),
  365. KEY `index_foreignkey_user_role` (`role_id`),
  366. KEY `index_foreignkey_user_branch` (`landing_id`)
  367. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  368. /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  370. --
  371. -- Dumping data for table `user`
  372. --
  374. LOCK TABLES `user` WRITE;
  375. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `user` DISABLE KEYS */;
  376. INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (1,'Guest','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,0,'0',1,7),(2,'Super Admin','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,1,'branch',1,1),(3,'Max Miller','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,1,'branch',1,1),(4,'Eric Meier','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,1,'branch',1,2),(5,'Mike Brown','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,1,'branch',1,3),(6,'Ken Seawell','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,1,'branch',1,4),(7,'Maddox Owner','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,2,'branch',1,2),(8,'Maddox Admin','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,2,'branch',1,3),(9,'Maddox Salesperson','','c8036bee60344ec95938bebb4a1899501791efb6',NULL,2,'branch',1,4);
  377. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `user` ENABLE KEYS */;
  379. /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */;
  381. /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
  387. /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;
  389. -- Dump completed on 2015-06-04 13:33:45
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