

Feb 8th, 2018
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  1. Why should whites be in a breeding war with non-whites? Does that sound stable or sane? Whites would lose so why play that game? Asians are less fecund than whites but are in a better spot for keeping their nations.
  2. Fertility rates would sort out over time or the government would step in, like in Russia Israel and Japan, to fix them if importing more people wasnt an option. It would be fixed naturally as well as the fecund replace the barren
  4. It wouldnt matter if we didnt import fast breeders essentially. And this is just a way to evade the fact they were brought in on a lie and that our elites seem to want to dewhiten or diversify our nations
  6. Normally I'd say there doesnt need to be a plan but the splc does support mass immigration to dewhiten America. And wapo ran an article crying that Trump's immigration plan could delay it for years
  8. If well meaning idiots enact policies which do result in demographic replacement without a deliberate plan being followed, does demographic replacement still exist?
  10. Of corse, it isnt just accidental. They do want immigration and diversity. It isnt malicious perhaps, dangerously delusional
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