
Takakashi z Edgy eye app...

Aug 26th, 2019
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  1. Key: Takakashi z
  2. Character: Mori
  3. Skill(or transformation): Sharingan (t1)
  5. Reasoning: After witnessing Pwcca being nearly butchered by an insidiously glowing frog-warrior, it sets its sights upon a child and himself. Pwcca is forced to flee after the beast goes upon a rampage, and is nearly killed in the process. Forced in a situation in which he has never properly been prepared for, Mori's left with little option other than to try his hand at defending himself. He has been left in the dust, in comparison to his peers. He preferred to study and analyze, which left him feeling particularly useless when he's placed in dangers way. While Pwcca isn't the closest friend to him, he respected the half-makyo greatly, and to see her reduced to a bloodied pulp certainly triggers him into taking some sort of action...
  7. His love for his comrades, and his anger towards this murderous enemy drive him to take a stand, to at least attempt to make a difference in this harrowing battle. With Tsuru throwing herself to defend the duo, Mori feels compelled to assist his human comrade, if only to ensure the safe get-away of the small child asking for help. He aspires to be a hero, and this is a rare opportunity to try doing just that, even if he is naive..and relatively out-classed.
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