

Jul 5th, 2018
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  1. ToxicContagion: Welcome back home Virida
  2. Tzchi: Tzchi, surprisingly enough, was open for every account I changed.
  3. Tzchi: I'm a sucker for united usernames everywhere.
  4. Tzchi: Also, I'm doing pretty well! And thank you, Toxic!
  5. Tzchi: I've been pretty tired from moving and babysitting recently, though.
  6. SlayerShuffle: Oi vey.
  7. SlayerShuffle: I feel ya there.
  8. Tzchi: also i'm trying to keep up the habit of making friends irl and making time for irl stuff and online stuff. xD
  9. Sythel: Thanks Bunny. But I am going to go to bed now, thought I would stop by seeing its been a while seeing I been working for the last eleven days and still working till friday. Night all, hope your evening is well.
  10. Tzchi: just... lots of new things on my plate recently.
  11. Sythel has left the chat
  12. Tzchi: Goodnight, Sythel! Have a good sleep!
  13. SlayerShuffle: No worries hunny, life is hectic.
  14. ToxicContagion: Oh poof.. and No worries Virida ^_^
  15. Tzchi: I should be around every day 100% now, though.
  16. Tzchi: Things are slowing down.
  17. SlayerShuffle: Wewt.
  18. SlayerShuffle: Glad to hear it.
  19. SlayerShuffle: We're gonna be doing rps for Friday, saturday and sunday I think.
  20. SlayerShuffle: Right?
  21. Tzchi: Ooooo, I may come to the friday one if that's alright.
  22. QnDebShadow: -She would walk to the group and yelled for them to stop.- "Let's see your evade moves." -Slooked to the sky, her lightning energy building up around her hands as her eyes would start to go red.- "You dont evade, you get the shock of a life time. HOWEVER, you are not to look to the sky. You are to use your OTHER senses.' -She let the energy from her hands shoot up to the sky, as clouds would form, looking like a few giant disco balls. She yelled out in Draconic.- "zap astahi shio!" -Lightning would start to shoot down towards the soldiers, with enough power to destroy trees. She watched the mens eyes widen as they tried hard not to look up, 90% evading, the others not so well. She called for them to be removed and tended to. She kept it up until she was satisfied, then spoke in draconic once more.- "Pok!" -The lightning stopped as suddenly as it started.. She would walk away and told them to continue. She walked over to Lady Littiah.- "You have anything to add to their training? Never know when King Sai will want to move forward."
  23. QnDebShadow: Virida, is that why i see you in your room by yourself a few times instead of coming in here to check in?
  24. Tzchi: Yeah, for the most part I AFK on IMVU with it open.
  25. Tzchi: There are a few IMVU only friends that leave messages there for me while I'm not there.
  26. QnDebShadow: you do realize you havent come in for over 2 weeks?
  27. Tzchi: I remember coming in a few days ago, I think.
  28. Tzchi: I've definitely at least come in at least once or twice in the span of two weeks.
  29. SlayerShuffle: I think I remember that.
  30. SlayerShuffle: But yea, you should put in the away if you are gonna be away and such.
  31. Tzchi: I agree with that, it's my bad honestly. I'll make sure not to make that same mistake again.
  32. QnDebShadow: I do believe it has been mentioned anytime you are gone for more than 3 days, or think you are going to be gone for more than 3 days, to let someone know or put it in away tab, do you not remember that from your interview or the rules posted?
  33. Tzchi: I did come in a few times, at least. Sometimes it was late, so there wasn't really many people around or they were AFK.
  34. Tzchi: I've been on and off, but not quite away, so I didn't think it counted.
  35. QnDebShadow: it counts cause you didnt come in here, just being online doesnt count
  36. SlayerShuffle: You have to come in and be here for it to count.
  37. Tzchi: But I did enter at least a few times, I believe I stayed for an hour at one point and there wasn't much conversation from the time I entered to the time I left.
  38. QnDebShadow: Lately, after people pass their trial, they take advantage, thinking they dont have to do that anymore
  39. QnDebShadow: i dont see you marked as showing up, on the sheet....we do keep attendance of everyone, even the Sins have to follow the same rule
  40. zombieshuffle: isn't one of the rules also you can be booted from the rp when ever the sins feel like you don't fit, even if your trial is over?
  41. QnDebShadow: Sai has final say i believe
  42. zombieshuffle: mhm
  43. Tzchi: Is it because of my new username?
  44. ToxicContagion has left the chat
  45. Tzchi: People still see me as Virida.
  46. ToxicContagion has joined the chat
  47. Tzchi: But, I don't think quite a few people know about the change.
  48. zombieshuffle: welcome back toxie, your net?
  49. ToxicContagion: Thank you, It was my stupid finger on the 'x'
  50. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: We noted the name change immediatley doll
  51. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: Trust me. It's marked down. We pay attention to every little thing
  52. zombieshuffle: yea exs are annoying
  53. QnDebShadow: we all know who you were before this name
  54. Leszeck: Aren't most exes annoying? -Had to-
  55. ToxicContagion: Lol, yes they are xD
  56. SlayerShuffle: XD Zeckie, you and Zom made the same joke.
  57. SlayerShuffleSlayerShuffle Whisper: ^
  58. QnDebShadow: actually, you have never been decided to have passed your trial because of your long absences
  59. Tzchi: So, at this point, because it's not marked down, I'll just take responsibility for whatever comes next.
  60. Tzchi: And yeah, I haven't yet passed my trial.
  61. QnDebShadow: vote will be tomorrow, we will let you know then
  62. Tzchi: All right.
  63. QnDebShadow: i did mark you as showing up tonight
  64. QnDebShadow: i wasnt here i dont think last time you came in
  65. Tzchi: I didn't see you then, I think I saw Slayer though.
  66. SlayerShuffle: You did.
  67. SlayerShuffle: We spoke briefly, I believe.
  68. SlayerShuffle: I can attest to that.
  69. SlayerShuffle: And maybe the week before as well.
  70. SlayerShuffle: Not sure.
  71. QnDebShadow: longer than 3 days in between
  72. SlayerShuffle: I believe so.
  73. Tzchi: I'm not 100% sure it was, but I'm also not 100% sure it wasn't, so I wouldn't trust my memory xD
  74. KittiahxDiKetxLaMae: THe chart says the last time you were in was the 27th or 28th of June.
  75. Tzchi: I'm not sure which one is right, but I do remember coming in a few days ago at the least.
  76. QnDebShadow: a week ago
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