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Cuddlestia & Snuggluna

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Oct 5th, 2013
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  1. "You're so soft, you know that?"
  2. >"R-Really? You think so?"
  3. >Your hand slowly strokes down over Thunderlane's chest before moving back up and lightly resting on it.
  4. "I don't think I've ever cuddled a pony that felt so good."
  5. >You sort of nuzzle in against his neck, ruffling his mane in the process. He shivers and presses himself back into the curve of your stomach.
  6. >"Yeah... Um.. Listen, I-I've gotta go pick up my little bro from school."
  7. >The stallion starts to pull away from you, letting one of his hooves trail over your arm as you stretch it out after him.
  8. "Aww, you'll make sure to come back soon, won't ya? It gets awfully cold without you to keep me warm."
  9. >You pout dramatically and Thunderlane pauses, looking off to the door of your bedroom.
  10. >"Are you free tonight?"
  11. "Sorry, Laney, I've got some mares to rut but I can be all yours tomorrow morning."
  12. >Weekends were always his favourites, without having to take care of his younger brother he'd blow his salary on you.
  13. >"Could I, uh... get a quickie before I go?"
  14. >You sit up and stretch out your arms, beckoning him over.
  15. "Sure, hon', this one's on the house."
  16. >He visibly shudders, rushing over and throwing his hooves and wings around you.
  17. >Even his wings start to quiver as you slowly run your hands up and down his back.
  18. >"Oh Celestia, you're incredible."
  19. >Upon breaking the hug he just sort of stumbles off, wings still half erect.
  20. >There's a few more bumps along his way down the stairs but at least he's able to walk straight enough to open the door.
  21. >And speaking of mares in need of a good time, your afternoon regular should be showing up any minute now.
  22. >You make for the downstairs kitchen; she always liked a cup of hot tea to settle her nerves.
  24. >With that rather unique tail poking out from under her cloak and the way she stops every few seconds to look about fitfully you're sure she's attracting attention.
  25. >But that's not really your concern. What is, is the tea that's left cooling on the kitchen table while you answer the knock at your door.
  26. >"Oh! You're always so punctual, it's a little surprising!"
  27. >Celestia laughs nervously, immediately pushing past you with one last glance backwards.
  28. >Only when you've got the door shut and have gone around to draw the blinds on the windows does she pull back her hood.
  29. >She's blushing fiercely--just as she always does--and any time you move close she jumps away before settling back.
  30. >"I'm really, truly sorry to inconvenience you like this, I'm sure there's many more of my little ponies who need your... unique attention."
  31. >You just sit back into your chair and take up your cup of tea.
  32. >There was always some form of apology, excuse or mumbled explanation.
  33. >It's hard running a kingdom; I just need to feel cared for; everyp0ny's too scared of me to be my cuddle-buddy; they'll probably think I'm just using them anyway; even a Princess needs a good, hard cuddling now and again.
  34. >"My sister's been so good, offering to let me take some time off while she watches things and I just thought... why not!"
  35. >Celestia lets out another nervous little laugh while you sip at your tea.
  36. >"Sometimes I think I'm becoming addicted! It's so much easier than approaching somep0ny and putting my wings-"
  37. >You lean across the table, wrapping one of her unshod hooves in your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
  38. >The effect is immediate: she gasps, a little shudder running along her and her eyes reflexively dart about.
  39. >"Oh Anon, foreplay in the kitchen?" She titters, placing her other hoof on your hand and stroking it. "How delightfully naughty!"
  40. "You want naughty? I've a good mind to cross over there right now and wrap you up in the warmest hug you've ever felt."
  42. >Were it not for the low, open backs on the chairs her wings snapping to attention would surely have knocked one over.
  43. >At least she doesn't have to worry about one of her own, seated on a cushion as she is.
  44. >Her hoof doesn't stroke any more but instead makes quick circular motions on your wrist.
  45. >"Y-You... surely you wouldn't. Hugging a Princess in a place like this while she's put herself in such a position of vulnerability."
  46. >You set the cup down and pull your hand free of her, Celestia watching your every move with wide eyes.
  47. "Oh just you watch me," you growl.
  48. >The room's filled with the sounds of the chair scraping at the floor and Celestia's sudden, heavy panting.
  49. >There's no more to be said as you stride around the table, stopping only when you're in front of her and promptly putting your arms around her withers.
  50. >Her breath catches in her throat and her whole body tenses up.
  51. >"O-Oh..." Just as quickly she goes slack, leaning on you. "Oh yes, hold me."
  52. "Oh I will. Now put your hooves around me and pull me in."
  53. >In fits and starts her hooves come up, extending around your chest and pulling you tight to her body.
  54. >Celestia nuzzles in against your neck, sighing.
  55. >"What if we're seen?" She shivers, holding you just a little tighter. "I know it's just a hug but the Canterlot tabloids would still have a field day."
  56. >Slowly, agonisingly--for her, at least--you break free of the hug and look her square in the eye.
  57. "All you have to do is give the word and I'd spoon you right on this table."
  58. >There's a sound something like a groan deep in her throat and her eyes roll back in her head as she flops back against the wall.
  59. "And you know what else?" You lean over, making sure she's still got her eyes shut. "I'd let you be the big spoon, too."
  60. >Celestia's chest rises and falls against your own, a hoof reaching out to one side as she paws at the table.
  61. >"I... I... w-we should retire to your bedroom."
  63. >As always, you don't finish the tea. It's not as if it'd do any good at this stage, anyway.
  64. >Celestia's shaking like a leaf as she leads you upstairs, treading familiar ground for the both of you when she magics her cloak from off herself.
  65. >The thing's folded and set aside neatly on your dresser, an act you've come to associate with her setting herself up for the tackle-hug you'd be subjected to immediately after.
  66. >Her reputation for having an insatiable appetite was well deserved.
  67. >But this time she doesn't tackle you, she doesn't grab you in her magic and pull you close or even approach you and draw you into a gentle hug.
  68. >She just sits at the edge of your bed, rolling her hooves together.
  69. >"Anon." You've never heard her so unsure before, either. "Were you being honest with me. Would you really let me be the... b-big... spoon?"
  70. >It was always a little weird doing that for stallions, what with the way certain parts would inevitably rub up against you but for a mare like Celestia?
  71. >You're over to her in a heartbeat, drawing her down onto the bed.
  72. "It's okay, you know I won't judge you."
  73. >She nods, resettling her wings on her back and drawing her hind legs up towards her body.
  74. >"Yes, I know. But still... for a stallion to be the little spoon, it's so," she lowers her voice to a whisper again, "kinky." You're about to lie down next her but she stops you with a hoof. "Are you sure you're comfortable with that? I won't deduct from your payment if you're not, I realise it's an awful lot to ask."
  75. >It pays to keep your clients happy, even if it means telling a little white lie now and again.
  76. "Well... If we're being honest with one another, I've actually fantasised about it."
  77. >She doesn't stop you when you lie down this time, facing her.
  78. >"Fantasised?"
  79. "Mmhm. Something about being held in your gentle grasp and being able to trust you."
  80. >You turn about, as much to hide your grin as to get her started.
  82. >Slowly, haltingly, Celestia extends one of her hooves across your chest and gently pulls you against her body.
  83. >Her hind legs rise up to cup you and she presses her head down to rest on your shoulder.
  84. >"Am I moving too quick? We could hug for a little bit if you'd like."
  85. "Oh no, you feel incredible, your highness."
  86. >Never before had you imagined you'd have royalty paying you for cuddles.
  87. >Then again you never imagined you could make a living from lying down and relaxing for most of the day.
  88. >Knowing there's nothing there makes it easier to nestle yourself in against her stomach, stretching an arm over her foreleg and closing your eyes.
  89. >In a way it was almost unfair how much pleasure these ponies derived from cuddling. If you could be so easily satisfied it'd make things easier.
  90. >Your cuddle-session is not to be, though, as a knock at your door leaves Celestia scrabbling away until she knocks herself off the bed.
  91. >"Oh Tartarus, I thought you said your schedule was clear!"
  92. "It is," you hiss, "it's probably just some salesmare or a someone checking their appointment. Just... stay there, I'll be right back."
  93. >Hoping to steady her, you pick her up from the floor where she cowers and quickly hug her.
  94. >The motion at least stops her shivering but fear still shines brightly in her eyes as you depart.
  95. >There's more knocking at your door, more insistent than the first time and you call out for your guest to keep their bridle on.
  96. >The last thing you needed was Celestia getting spooked and making you do this in Canterlot or worse, cancelling the entire thing.
  97. >One last set of knocks and you're at the door.
  98. "Listen, I don't care who you are but you better have a damn good LUNA!"
  99. >Standing on your doorstep, as prim as you've ever seen her, is indeed the Princess of the night.
  100. >"And a hello to you, Anonymous. We have come to return to thee thy star charts, thou shouldst be pleased with our additions."
  102. >If she could be any louder surely she'd be using that damned royal Canterlot voice thing.
  103. "Haha, that's... that's great, Princess but I'm just a little busy right now so-"
  104. >"We insist!" She puts a hoof to the door you were slowly closing on her. "Thou wert most clear in thy instructions that we were to return these charts with much haste. Thou spake of how they held thy fortune in the balance."
  105. >She winks dramatically, snickering at her own humour.
  106. "Really, I can't take those charts right now, I've got a-"
  107. >"Oh Anonymous, thou need not be so reserved!"
  108. >You don't have a moment to act before she leaps towards you, pushing open the door and wrapping you up in her hooves.
  109. >A twirl of her body later and the door's shut with you still held in her grasp.
  110. >"We have secured this time outside of our duties that we might visit thee without the sands of time smothering our desires."
  111. >Christ but she could lay it on thick. It wasn't quite so bad once you'd gotten her in your arms and she'd been reduced to a stammering mess before quietly slipping into silence broken by the odd request for you to squeeze her tighter or gentler.
  112. >"Oh is this not wonderful! Our beloved, we do so lament that our duties deprive us of thee so!"
  113. >Oh good grief, here she goes with the 'beloved' shtick again.
  114. "Your highness, I really am kind of busy right now so-"
  115. >"Do not fear." She finally sets you down, keeping one hoof on your shoulder. "We know of thy obligations and we do not judge thee. If others may know the joy thou dost bestow how could we?"
  116. >Oh. Crap. So she knows you're with someone.
  117. >The only good thing is that it would appear she doesn't realise who it is or at least isn't letting on.
  118. "Exactly. So, uh, would you mind maybe waiting for me?" Think man, think! "I hear Sugarcube Corner does some great dark chocolate profiteroles if you'd like to avoid what's going on here."
  120. >Luna stares at you for a moment before her smile falls and a blush rises to her cheeks.
  121. >"Oh... Oh! Thou art... right now?"
  122. >She begins to lean towards you, sniffing loudly.
  123. >"Yes, we can smell her upon thee. Her scent is so delicate, a mare of high station?"
  124. >It probably wasn't the best idea to wear the same clothes but somehow the idea of spooning naked with Celestia didn't seem like the best idea to suggest to the Princess.
  125. "Uh, you could say that. So, about those-"
  126. >"Dost she occupy thy thoughts so?" You're not sure whether she sounds more hurt or angry but in either case this is something that needs smoothing, fast. "Are we of no import?"
  127. "No, no, Princess, you've got it wrong!" She looks away, turning up her nose but you quickly take one of her hooves and gently stroke it with a thumb. "I take high class mares when you're not here so at least I can pretend you are! C'mon, do you really think anyone could hold a candle to that beautiful smile?"
  128. >Still turned away she glances at you sidelong, her lips curling back slightly.
  129. "Aha, I see it!" Now to strike while the iron's hot: you dash in towards her, slipping an arm around her back while holding her hoof with the other.
  130. >Luna can only gasp, her cheeks darkening significantly.
  131. >"Anon! Thou-Thou-Thou art so... free!"
  132. "I'm sorry, your highness but every time I see that little smile of yours I just... mmm, I just want to scoop you up into my arms and hug you like a blanket."
  133. >She's panting, eyes locked with your own and her body lies limp in your grasp. You've got this.
  134. "But you know I've got to finish this first. Then I'm all yours."
  135. >"All mine." She echoes, her breathing finally settling into something calm.
  136. "We'll spoon."
  137. >"Mmph."
  138. "We'll cuddle."
  139. >"Hah!"
  140. "We can even... snuggle under the sheets."
  141. >"Ooh-Oh!"
  142. >Luna's shaking, her whole body limp in your arms.
  144. >"She... She would not enjoy such salacious acts too, would she?"
  145. >Luna bites down on her lip as you stroke her hoof, pressing your forehead to her own and narrowly missing the horn - you've got to work on that.
  146. "I would never dream of sharing my most intimate desires with anyone but you."
  147. >It takes a few more shuddering breaths before she's quite able to stand under her own power, setting her hooves down and sighing heavily.
  148. >"We... shall depart and dine. We feel that we shall be in need of much energy for our evening's activities."
  149. >With a stupefied smile you gently lead her out, watching a moment after her as she stumbles off back into the town.
  150. >This is by far the nearest you've come to being discovered, second only to that time Spike came running in with a scroll for Twilight.
  151. >Explaining to the little guy that you'd just fallen with Twilight landing on you--and that she'd knocked herself out which was why she only appeared to be asleep--had really been more amusing than worrying but these ponies had that way of making everything so adorable.
  152. >And speaking of adorable things, one awaits you upstairs.
  153. >You call out her name as you mount the stairs but there's no response, even when you get to the door of the bedroom.
  154. >The only indication that she's even still here is a white horn conspicuously sticking out of your closet.
  155. "Princess, the coast is clear."
  156. >You pull open the doors, finding Celestia pressed back against the interior wall. A look of relief washes over her face before being immediately replaced by a deep frown.
  157. >"I heard my sister talking to you down there."
  158. >Crap. You hadn't even considered that she might hear or how you'd ever explain that Luna had been sneaking off for midnight hugs and dawn snuggles.
  159. "Are you sure it was her? It could've been... Rarity?"
  160. >She was the only pony you could think of that sounded remotely like Luna.
  161. >Judging by the way Celestia continues to frown at you she's not buying it. Neither would you.
  163. "Okay, so it was your sister!" You toss up your arms in exasperation, making a decent show and hoping to buy yourself some time to figure a way out of this one.
  164. >"Is she still there now?"
  165. "You know she's old enough to- What? No, I sent her off on some errand, she'll be away for a while."
  166. >"Good."
  167. >Celestia picks you up in her telekinetic grasp and lightly tosses you onto the bed, leaping over after you and landing with a much softer pomf.
  168. >"I'm sorry to frighten you, Anon but I don't wish to waste this opportunity." She traces a hoof down your side. "If you would like to call this off I'll understand, naturally but this has been a difficult week. Even a little cuddle would be enough."
  169. >Whatever about the other ponies you serviced you at least liked Celestia.
  170. >She had the decency to consider your feelings, to make the experience enjoyable for more than the monetary gain.
  171. "C'mon, you've got a little spoon that needs a home."
  172. >If you'd ever heard her squeal in delight before you can't recall but it's a sound that'll stick with you.
  173. >She doesn't waste any time in shimmying close to you, taking things slower this time in extending a hoof over your chest and holding herself there for a moment.
  174. >"You know, it's wonderful that you provide for so many ponies. Even stallions too, I hear."
  175. >You make no reply except to move yourself a little closer in to her, letting her take over when you feel the tug of her hoof.
  176. >This time it's Celestia who moulds your body to the contours of her own.
  177. >"That's quite... delightful. That you'd cuddle a stallion, I mean. Have you ever... I mean, have any asked you to be their... little spoon?"
  178. >You try to settle yourself on the bedclothes but with all her questioning it's hard to relax.
  179. "Couple of times. I never say no to a request unless they want me to get naked too."
  180. >"Oh yes, of course," she murmurs, stroking your arm, "but presuming one was insistent and was willing to pay..."
  182. >In your haste to get things settled after that encounter with Luna you'd completely forgotten: Celestia had quite the fetish for dirty talk.
  183. "I guess that'd depend on how gentle he was. I mean if he's gonna grip me like he was paying for a hardcore snuggle session then no way. But."
  184. >She squeezes you just a little bit tighter before you continue.
  185. "If he'd be nice and gentle and I mean real nice about it? Yeah, I might even let him hop between the sheets to do it."
  186. >A shiver runs through her body at your words, her breath coming out in a shaky gasp. This was why you were the one she returned to.
  187. >"Wh-What about those... that underwear." One of her hind legs rubs up against your hip. "Surely you wouldn't deprive him of a little comfort with those."
  188. >You take her hoof in your hand and draw it further around your chest and Celestia willingly pulls you in alongside.
  189. "If we're gonna snuggle then we're gonna snuggle. It's a little hard to really get down there and cuddle in against him when you're cut off like that." She's making that soft little noise in the back of her throat when she's really getting into it. "Sometimes I even imagine--with the bigger stallions I mean--that it's you, and you've changed yourself into a stallion so you can hold me even firmer."
  190. >That little noise rises into a whine and she buries her head into your shoulder, gripping you tightly.
  191. >This was the point where you'd both just lie there and relax, soaking in each other's company and warmth.
  192. >It was really kind of nice, even if it was some kind of perverse enjoyment on her end. If you were lucky you could even get a little shut-eye while Luna was away.
  193. >Celesticuddles were always the best.
  194. >You suppress a groan at that thought; you've been doing this too long, you're starting to think like them!
  195. >No matter, you can figure all of that out later after Celestia stops being so comfortable.
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