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a guest
Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. sed -i '' 's/thing/otherthing/g' file.asp
  3. echo("&status=success");
  4. echo("&idLore_Characters=" . $char['id']);
  5. echo("&idLore_Users=" . $user2['id']);
  6. echo("&strCharacterName=" . $char['charname']);
  7. echo("&strCharType=" . $char['chartype']);
  8. echo("&intCharType=" . $char['type']);
  9. echo("&intAccessLevel=20");
  10. echo("&strClassName=" . $char['class']);
  11. echo("&strRaceName=" . $char['race']);
  12. echo("&strSubRaceName=" . $char['subrace']);
  13. echo("&strGuildName=" . $char['clan']);
  14. echo("&intLevel=" . $char['level']);
  15. echo("&intGold=" . $char['gold']);
  16. echo("&intTokens=" . $char['tokens']);
  17. echo("&intExp=" . $char['exp']);
  18. echo("&intSTR=" . $char['strength']);
  19. echo("&intDEX=" . $char['dexterity']);
  20. echo("&intINT=" . $char['intelligence']);
  21. echo("&intEND=" . $char['endurance']);
  22. echo("&intCHA=" . $char['charm']);
  23. echo("&intLUK=" . $char['luck']);
  24. echo("&intArmorMELEE=50");
  25. echo("&intArmorRANGED=50");
  26. echo("&intArmorMAGIC=50");
  27. echo("&intArmorFIRE=0");
  28. echo("&intArmorWATER=0");
  29. echo("&intArmorWIND=0");
  30. echo("&intArmorEARTH=0");
  31. echo("&intArmorENERGY=0");
  32. echo("&intArmorLIGHT=0");
  33. echo("&intArmorDARKNESS=0");
  34. echo("&intArmorICE=0");
  35. echo("&idLore_Faces=" . $char['face']);
  36. echo("&strFaceColors=" . $char['facecolors']);
  37. echo("&intFace=" . $char['face']);
  38. echo("&intShowAd=0");
  39. echo "&intWeaponSortOrder" . $i . "=" . $i;
  40. echo "&idLore_Adj_Weapons" . $i . "=" . $weapon_item['AdjustId'];
  41. echo "&idLore_Weapons" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemId'];
  42. echo "&charid" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemId'];
  43. echo "&strWeaponName" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemName'];
  44. echo "&strWeaponDescription" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemDesc'];
  45. echo "&intWeaponElement" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemElement'];
  46. echo "&intWeaponBaseDamage" . $i . "=" . $weapon['BaseDamage'];
  47. echo "&intWeaponRandDamage" . $i . "=" . $weapon['RandomDamage'];
  48. echo "&intWeaponBonusToHit" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemBonus'];
  49. echo "&strWeaponType" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemType'];
  50. echo "&strWeaponFileName" . $i . "=" . $weapon['Extra'];
  51. echo "&strWeaponElement" . $i . "=" . $weapon_element;
  52. echo "&intWeaponType" . $i . "=" . $weapon_type;
  53. echo "&intWeaponPowerLevel" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemPowerLevel'];
  54. echo "&intWeaponLevel" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemLevel'];
  55. echo "&intWeaponPowerExp" . $i . "=" . $weapon['ItemPowerExp'];
  56. echo "&strWeaponPassword" . $i . "=";
  57. echo("&intActiveWeapon=1");
  58. echo("&intWeaponsNum=" . $i);
  59. echo "&intArmorSortOrder" . $i . "=" . $i;
  60. echo "&idLore_Adj_Armors" . $i . "=" . $armor_item['AdjustId'];
  61. echo "&idLore_Armors" . $i . "=" . $armor_item['ItemId'];
  62. echo "&intArmorFIRE" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorFire'];
  63. echo "&intArmorWATER" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorWater'];
  64. echo "&intArmorICE" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorIce'];
  65. echo "&intArmorWIND" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorWind'];
  66. echo "&intArmorEARTH" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorEarth'];
  67. echo "&intArmorENERGY" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorEnergy'];
  68. echo "&intArmorLIGHT" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorLight'];
  69. echo "&intArmorDARKNESS" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorDarkness'];
  70. echo "&intArmorMELEE" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorMelee'];
  71. echo "&intArmorRANGED" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorRanged'];
  72. echo "&intArmorMAGIC" . $i . "=" . $armor['ArmorMagic'];
  73. echo "&strArmorFileName" . $i . "=" . $armor['Extra'];
  74. echo "&charid" . $i . "=" . $armor['ItemId'];
  75. echo "&strArmorName" . $i . "=" . $armor['ItemName'];
  76. echo "&strArmorDescription" . $i . "=" . $armor['ItemDesc'];
  77. echo "&intArmorElement" . $i . "=" . $armor['ItemElement'];
  78. echo "&strArmorCustomSkinFileName" . $i . "=" . $char['armorcolors'];
  79. echo "&intArmorPowerLevel" . $i . "=10";
  80. echo "&intArmorLevel" . $i . "=" . $armor['ItemLevel'];
  81. echo "&strArmorSkinFileName" . $i . "=";
  82. echo "&intArmorPowerExp" . $i . "=0";
  83. echo "&strArmorPassword" . $i . "=";
  84. echo("&intActiveArmor=1");
  85. echo("&intArmorsNum=" . $i);
  86. echo("&idLore_Adj_Shields" . $i . "=" . $shield_item['AdjustId']);
  87. echo("&intShieldSortOrder" . $i . "=" . $i);
  88. echo("&idLore_Shields" . $i . "=" . $shield_item['ItemId']);
  89. echo("&charid" . $i . "=" . $shield['ItemId']);
  90. echo("&strShieldName" . $i . "=" . $shield['ItemName']);
  91. echo("&strShieldDescription" . $i . "=" . $shield['ItemDesc']);
  92. echo("&intShieldElement" . $i . "=" . $shield['ItemElement']);
  93. echo("&intShieldFIRE" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldFire']);
  94. echo("&intShieldWATER" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldWater']);
  95. echo("&intShieldICE" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldIce']);
  96. echo("&intShieldWIND" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldWind']);
  97. echo("&intShieldEARTH" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldEarth']);
  98. echo("&intShieldENERGY" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldEnergy']);
  99. echo("&intShieldLIGHT" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldLight']);
  100. echo("&intShieldDARKNESS" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldDarkness']);
  101. echo("&intShieldMELEE" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldMelee']);
  102. echo("&intShieldRANGED" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldRanged']);
  103. echo("&intShieldMAGIC" . $i . "=" . $shield['ShieldMagic']);
  104. echo("&strShieldFileName" . $i . "=" . $shield['Extra']);
  105. echo("&intShieldPowerLevel" . $i . "=" . $shield['PowerLevel']);
  106. echo("&intActiveShield=1");
  107. echo("&intShieldsNum=" . $i);
  108. echo("&intPetSortOrder" . $i . "=" . $i);
  109. echo("&idLore_Adj_Pets" . $i . "=" . $pet_item['AdjustId']);
  110. echo("&idLore_Pets" . $i . "=" . $pet_item['ItemId']);
  111. echo("&charid" . $i . "=" . $char['id']);
  112. echo("&strPetName" . $i . "=" . $pet['ItemName']);
  113. echo("&strPetNamed" . $i . "=" . $pet_name['name']);
  114. echo("&intPetPowerExp" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetPowerExp']);
  115. echo("&intPetPowerLevel" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetPowerLevel']);
  116. echo("&strPetTraining" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetTraining']);
  117. echo("&strPetElement" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetElement']);
  118. echo("&strPetDescription" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetDesc']);
  119. echo("&intPetLevel" . $i . "=" . $pet['ItemLevel']);
  120. echo("&intPetBuyable" . $i . "=" . $pet['Buyable']);
  121. echo("&intPetPrice" . $i . "=" . $pet['Price']);
  122. echo("&intPetBuyType" . $i . "=" . $pet['BuyType']);
  123. echo("&intPetBaseHP" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetBaseHP']);
  124. echo("&intPetElement" . $i . "=" . $pet['ItemElement']);
  125. echo("&strPetCharisma" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetCharisma']);
  126. echo("&strPetTraining" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetTraining']);
  127. echo("&strPetNumberofHits" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetNumberofHits']);
  128. echo("&intPetWeaponType" . $i . "=" . $pet['ItemType']);
  129. echo("&intPetWeaponBaseDamage" . $i . "=" . $pet['BaseDamage']);
  130. echo("&intPetWeaponRandDamage" . $i . "=" . $pet['RandDamage']);
  131. echo("&intPetWeaponBonusToHit" . $i . "=" . $pet['PetWeaponBonusToHit']);
  132. echo("&strPetFileName" . $i . "=" . $pet['Extra']);
  133. echo("&strPetCat" . $i . "=");
  134. echo("intPetNextId" . $i . "=0");
  135. echo("&intActivePet=1");
  136. echo("&intPetsNum=" . $i);
  137. echo("&intSpellSortOrder" . $i . "=" . $i);
  138. echo("&idLore_Adj_Spells" . $i . "=" . $spell_item['AdjustId']);
  139. echo("&idLore_Spells" . $i . "=" . $spell_item['ItemId']);
  140. echo("&charid" . $i . "=" . $char['id']);
  141. echo("&strSpellName" . $i . "=" . $spell['Spellname']);
  142. echo("&strSpellDescription" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellDescription']);
  143. echo("&intSpellElement" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellElement']);
  144. echo("&intSpellLevel" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellLevel']);
  145. echo("&intSpellPowerExp" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellPowerExp']);
  146. echo("&intSpellPowerLevel" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellPowerLevel']);
  147. echo("&intSpellCost" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellCost']);
  148. echo("&intSpellHP" . $i . "=" . $spell['SpellCostHP']);
  149. echo("&intSpellBaseDamage" . $i . "=" . $spell['BaseDamage']);
  150. echo("&intSpellRandDamage" . $i . "=" . $spell['RandDamage']);
  151. echo("&intSpellBonusToHit" . $i . "=" . $spell['BonusToHit']);
  152. echo("&intDropable" . $i . "=" . $spell['Dropable']);
  153. echo("&intBuyable" . $i . "=" . $spell['Buyable']);
  154. echo("&intSpellPrice" . $i . "=" . $spell['Price']);
  155. echo("&intSpellSellPrice" . $i . "=" . $spell['SellPrice']);
  156. echo("&strSpellFileName" . $i . "=" . $spell['Extra']);
  157. echo("&intSpellBuyType" . $i . "=" . $spell['BuyType']);
  158. echo("&intSpellNextId" . $i . "=0");
  159. echo("&strSpellCat" . $i . "=");
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