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Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. GR8bit Live! Smash Bros Doubles Tournament
  3. Entry Donation: $20, 32 team entry limit
  4. Registration: 10am-2:30pm
  5. Tournament Begins: 3pm (Be present by 2:50 to ensure you are not missed, tardy participants will forfeit their match/be disqualified, No Entry Donation Refund)
  7. Match Rules
  8. Items/Customs/Equipment:OFF Team Damage:On
  9. No Amiibos allowed
  10. Mii Fighters must use 1111 setups
  11. MewTwo allowed
  12. In Game Pause Disabled
  14. Controllers
  15. Players must provide own controller
  16. Controllers Allowed:
  17. ⦁ Nintendo brand Wii U Pro Controller/ Wii Mote / Fight Pad
  18. ⦁ GameCube Controller- no turbos/mods – must provide gamecube/wii u adapter
  19. ⦁ NOT ALLOWED: Nintendo 3DS, 2DS, and Wii U gamepads
  20. Teams will not be allowed to load anything onto the Wii U.
  22. Tournament Structure
  23. Double Elimination brackets, 4 Pools of 8 teams each
  24. Best of 3 matches – 2 Stock / 5 Minutes
  25. 1st Match – Coin flip determines who selects the first stage.
  26. 2nd & 3rd Matches – The winning team from the previous match will strike a stage first and the losing team from the previous match will then choose the stage.
  27. The team that wins the coin flip must choose their characters first. Character changes are allowed, but the winners of the previous match must choose their characters first.
  29. Stage Choices
  30. Battlefield
  31. Town & City
  32. Duck Hunt
  33. Smashville
  34. Final Destination
  35. DK Kongo Jungle
  36. Lylat Cruise
  37. Delfino Plaza
  38. Skyloft
  39. All Omega Stages
  40. No stage outside the official stage choice list will be allowed.
  42. Top 8 team bracket
  43. Single elimination
  44. 3 Stock / 6 Minute matches – Best of 3
  45. Previous tournament rules apply unless otherwise stated.
  46. Top 2 teams will advance.
  48. Finals Showdown
  49. The top two teams will play the finals set on stage while the band Arc Impulse plays live music.
  50. In game music will be turned off. SFX will stay on.
  51. Best of 3 – 3 Stock / 7 Minute Matches
  52. Previous tournament rules apply unless otherwise stated.
  54. First Match
  55. 1v1
  56. Boxing Ring Omega Stage
  57. Punch-Out!!/ Rocky Theme Song will be performed
  59. Second Match
  60. 1v1 (Teams cannot have the same person in the first and second matches.)
  61. Norfair Omega Stage
  62. Other M Song will be performed
  64. Third Match (If necessary)
  65. 2v2 (Team damage on)
  66. Skyloft Stage
  67. Mystery Zelda song will be performed
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