
All things interlinked.

Nov 24th, 2018
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  1. Context: After a public discussion regarding a Huangzhouan who had commited a break and enter in Deseti. Sa had authorised William to deal with it, while she learnt to meditate in the mountains to the north of Deseti.
  3. ---
  5. [23:19] Eagleheart says, "Now, Sa."
  6. [23:19] Eagleheart says, "To a place you like."
  7. [23:20] Epsilon nods, then glances to William. "Captain, yes? If we are to depart and find this intruder..."
  8. (Epsilon)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [23:20] Sa Awaret says, "There's.. a spot at the foothills of the mountains, where the sun just hits so perfectly..."
  13. [23:36] Sa Awaret led the way.
  15. Her movement was carefree, joyful. The woman's spirit was as light as her step.
  17. Unless Eagleheart otherwise indicated that he'd rather not, Sa Awaret actually eagerly held his hand. An earnest and authentically friendly gesture as she led Eagleheart to a place which was definitely important to her.
  19. A bridge, spanning the Sun Stream.
  21. The hustle and bustle of Deseti below was muted by distance, and by the soothing sound of water rushing over rocks behind and in front of them.
  23. "When the sunlight is just right, the entire surface of the water just shines like gold." Sa burbled, gesturing to the mountain stream.. and the lake it filled.
  25. With a delighted smile at her lips, Sa focused on her connection with Solaris itself.
  27. The first rays of sunlight illuminated the mountain ridge.
  29. Heart-shaped scepter in hand, that same golden glow of sunlight repeated around Sa Awaret.. rainbows of light refracting in the mist spraying from the waterfall behind them.
  31. "Ehe."
  32. (Sa Awaret)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [23:47] And Eagleheart followed through all of it, hand taken and everything. His movement was calculated, every single piece of it. His statuelike posture seemed to maintain itself and expose through the walk, even if he was somewhat clumsy about being dragged by the hand.
  37. Apparently, communicating with fellow humans wasn't something he knew how to do very well. Or, at least, close things that he managed to be. Soon enough, they reached the bridge.
  39. It was important, but he didn't think of someone like her using the very same spot that he once used to meditate. A spot with unknown meaning to her, and a likewise unknown smile spread under the mask.
  41. "Ah, I imagine that... I could feel the sun. Still, what I believe now is that it is extremely beautiful, no matter the time of the day. I appreciate things a bit... Differently, yes?" He spoke, obviously about his blindness.
  43. And soon enough, the golden glow enveloped Sa, but nevertheless Eagleheart seemed to maintain himself completely calm and composed, a faint cosmic shimmer running through him, but only enough so that he seemed to replicate the same connection, although likely with a different star.
  45. His imagery wasn't as beautiful, the cosmic presence that emanated from him following the imagery of leylines certainly was -- But there was still a sense of corruption, something being purged and pushed out constantly as he focused.
  47. "You see, the most important part of meditation is... Well, it depends. I have plenty of methods, but there's one I'd like for you to try..." He said, before opening both hands in front of her.
  49. "I want you to take both of my hands, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath, and follow my steps-- But do not listen to the sounds around you. I want you to feel the world, but not through sounds, not through smells, but simply because it is around."
  50. (Eagleheart)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [00:02] Even if Eagleheart felt that communicating with fellow humans wasn't something he knew how to do, Sa Awaret didn't appear to notice or be bothered.
  56. The Sun's light surrounding her was warm, friendly, hopeful. It banished fear, chased away despair, and obliterated corruption.
  58. Yes, the imagery of the scene was beautiful. But beyond what she could see, Sa Awaret could feel the beauty within the power Eagleheart wielded.
  60. She stood tall. Exhaled.
  62. And reached out to take Eagleheart's other hand. Her amber eyes shone with earnest, good-natured zeal. And then they fluttered closed.
  64. Inhale.
  66. The world was beautiful. The world sounded beautiful.
  68. But she wasn't focused on that. No. She focused on how it all felt.
  70. She could feel the world around her. Feel the refreshing spray of the waterfall against her velvety skin. Feel the cool breezecoming down off the mountain. She could feel the sun warming her skin, both in the light which crested over the mountains and in the aura of sunbeams which surrounded her.
  72. She could feel Eagleheart's hands within hers, feel his pulse as his heart beat within his chest.
  74. She could feel her own heart. A slow, steady beat. Th-thump.
  76. Realisation dawned on her.
  78. "It's all connected." She murmurred. Delighted, her excitement had piqued and her eyes fluttered open to stare at Eagleheart, as if wondering if she'd 'understood' the purpose of this exercise.
  80. "ee." Excited.
  81. (Sa Awaret)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [00:08] Shen crossed his arms, appraising the door. There were most certainly burn marks on the wood, ones that were inflicted by magic. He was able to discern this because the accuracy of said flames busted the door open without burning down the whole house.
  86. "It would seem like whoever broke into this house is a fire mage, which fits the description of Fozin." he discerned after making these observations. "Burn marks that suggest flames, yet it didn't spread to burn down the whole house. Only a flame magician could fine tune the power while manipulating it to do this."
  88. "I'm convinced that it was his doing, although I'd like to see the chest for good measure."
  89. (Shen)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [00:08] Shen says, "Oh. If that is the case, then I'm not interested."
  93. [00:08] Leo Diabolyn says, "The door is runed, so is the chest."
  94. [00:08] Shen says, "- Oh, nevermind."
  95. [00:08] Shen says, "Yes, let's see it."
  96. [00:11] Epsilon says, "Oh."
  97. [00:11] Sugarboy says, "I ain't a doctor, but hopefully it's more metaphorical"
  98. [00:12] Sugarboy exclaims, "Oh yoo!"
  99. [00:12] "Keep focused. Don't do anything yet. He said, before slowly conducting the Sultanah around. Truth be told, he was still in his constant state of meditation, and the cosmic aura that came from Sa was nothing more than a great, delightful help to have at his side.
  101. As her aura seemed to strengthen, so seemed to do the very exposed leylines filled with cosmic energy to the brim of the Order magi, taking a single step, backwards, pulling her together with him gently. "It is all connected, but it is important to not only perceive this, but to continue doing so."
  103. "Because it is all connected, but you must not only realize that. You must realize what are the connections -- What they do and how they react to each other..." And soon enough, as the crusader walked towards the nearby group, he gestured for them to go inside, a single index finger held over his lips. Please, silence.
  105. "Because the Lifestream is the most beautiful engine there could ever be, and we are nothing more than cogs in it. Come..." He said, still continuing to take step after step, softly pulling her and hoping she could keep up with him.
  107. "Stairs, watch out..." He said, before gently taking her, step by step of the climb that took them up through the mountain, mostly resembling stairs. Of course, if any of her steps were going to be fake, she wouldn't know -- His magic would instantly push her up.
  109. "SHHH."
  110. (Eagleheart)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [00:31] "O-oh!" Sa exhaled, closing her eyes. A blush rose to her cheeks as she realised that she'd gotten distracted.. and after she'd sworn to Eagleheart that her people weren't a distraction to her! Embarassing.
  115. "uu." She exhaled, gentle hands gripping Eagleheart's own as she focused on the world around them, and the connections that she could percieve.
  117. The mountain they stood upon, had water flowing over it. Fish swam in the sun-lit stream. Jumped out of the water, wriggling as if for a moment it could fly before falling back into the water. She inhaled. Air filled her lungs. Exhaled. A tree absorbed the deoxygenated air.
  119. Everything was part of a cycle.
  121. Everything was part of a plan.
  123. The petite Sarradian allowed the crusader to lead her about. She didn't stumble, or falter. Though, that was in part due to Eagleheart's assistance. Her feet never missed a step, because if they would have his magic was there to support her.
  125. When he warned her about the stairs, she had parted her lips to ask where they were going. But before she could speak, he had shusshed her. Obediently, the Sarradian instead exhaled.
  127. Once more returned to the task.
  129. The dawn was well and truly illuminating the valley now. Her eyes were closed, and considering the glow which was her constant companion, there wasn't much difference that she could detect..
  131. And yet, she felt it.
  133. She felt her soul cry out to Sol, and felt her star call back.
  135. She could feel the connection there, between that cosmic entity which had blessed her with the ability to channel its power on Agartha.
  137. And, grip ever-so-slightly tightening on Eagleheart, she almost swore she could feel something similar with her companion too.
  138. (Sa Awaret)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [00:50] Eagleheart continued to move. The very concept that he was looking and often perceiving as his own mind meditated was more metaphysical than physical by itself -- While she perceived most aspects of the world, these were crystal clear to him.
  143. But whatever lesson she was learning, it was working. Instead, he took them up, and it was the only way that they could go. To start from the base of the mountain, and work their way up... Because, after all, it was all blessed the same, wasn't it?
  145. Eagleheart's mana circuits seemed to continue to lighten up, as he finally settled, upon a wholly different bridge, in a wholly different angle, with a much larger waterfall by their side, less illuminated by the sun itself.
  147. And truth be told, his attunement was closer to that of the night, instead of that which came from the day -- Although they were all the same, there were certain affinities which Eagleheart simply could not give up. The certain affinity for thecomforting cold of the night around the warmth of a campfire, often his true companion.
  149. "As we walk, I want you to be entirely sure of everything that will happen. I want you to understand that what I'm doing is quite the unorthodox method, but I need to test your focus." He said, before a hand rested on her head, as he carefully positioned her to have her back turned to the lake which the larger waterfall resulted on.
  151. "Without opening your eyes, I want you to tell me everything that is around you." He spoke, as serenely as ever -- But his voice seemed to simply project itself through her, although it was obviously spoken, but there was the same soothing chime that always accompanied him...
  153. But strong enough that no other sound could be heard clearly. "I want you to list everything you feel that is connected, not to each other, but to you. The Arcane is about connection, but I want to know what is yours."
  154. (Eagleheart)
  155. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. [01:06] Sa Awaret's joy was irrepressible. Her eyes were closed, but a smile was still at her lips and dimples at her cheeks as she followed Eagleheart.
  159. Learning.
  161. Her hands were still in his, resting within the crusader's own as she trusted in him to guide her up the mountain safely.
  163. The sun didn't quite reach this part of hte mountain, blocked out by a peak that stretched up above them. They were in deep shade. Sa could feel the change in temperature.
  165. He let go of her hands, and she let him let go. Allowed him to place a hand atop her head, turning her so that the spray from the large waterfall no longer hit her face but splashed her from behind.
  167. Without opening your eyes, I want you to tell me everything that is around you. Oh! That was easy. Before she realised that Eagleheart was about to say more she burbled off a list of things. Water, grass, Eagleheart, and so on and so forth.
  169. I want you to list everything you feel that is connected, not to each other, but to you.
  171. Oh. A little more tricky.
  173. Sa bit her bottom lip. Wriggled subtly, as she attempted to stretch out her senses.
  175. "I am connected to you, your hand rests atop my head." She began, speaking slowly. Uncertain.
  177. Inhale.
  179. Exhale.
  181. "I am.. connected with the elements. There is no fire on this mountain, but.. I can feel the wind against my skin. The earth below my feet, supporting me. The water which is the lifeblood of my people is behind me... and flowing down the mountain, to Deseti."
  183. Deseti.
  185. There was a moment of silence from Sa Awaret as something stirred within her. What was this that she felt?
  187. "Deseti, where my people live." Eyes still closed, she turned her head. As if she was mentally following the water down the mountain as it flowed towards Deseti.
  189. Love. She felt love.
  191. Sunbeams lit the woman from behind as she stood, silent and with her eyes closed. There was something almost saintly in the imagery that this might have suggested. It was like the dawn cresting over the nearby mountain top. Suggested a halo.
  193. And like the dawn, there was a pale pink tint..
  194. (Sa Awaret)
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [01:15] It was through discomfort that he thought she'd allow her true potential to be seen. The first response was lackluster, but it was proof that his myriad of questions were having the intended effect. That, in the end, she was growing uncertain.
  199. "Questioning yourself is the key to improving yourself. Every action you take, every word you say, think about it in the future. It is a... Thought experiment." He said, tapping index and middle finger on her forehead.
  201. However, he was more than satisfied with the results that there were for now, at least. A small smile spread under the mask, unseen to her -- Perhaps sensed, both due to her natural empathy and the fact his chime seemed to take a bit more cheery by itself.
  203. "What matters the most, is the people over this land. The land itself can thrive, the land can adapt -- Even if we call whatever brings itself ashore as corrupt, it is still a byproduct of Eternia itself. But we are immutable."
  205. "And this should be your motivation, above everything else." He said, still serenely. The cosmic aura that enveloped his body was hugging tight to himself, always potent, always growing closer, emitting itself through his hand.
  207. He was almost a filter at that. Cosmic energy went in, through a faint connection to his star, and holy energy was pumped out, alongside excess energy reminiscent of the skies above.
  209. "People. Not your people, but every single person that walks upon this land. The most corrupted person can still be saved, even if the only way to do so is sending them to the lifestream and hoping for the best."
  211. "But whatever you do, do it for others. Never act for yourself." He said, letting out a soft chuckle afterwards, two fingers pressing against her forehead... But soon enough, he removed them. "Open your eyes. I'm not going to test your focus by throwing you into the water... Today."
  212. (Eagleheart)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [01:36] Sa Awaret says, "and they also bake all their own bread.."
  216. [01:52] Sa nodded, biting her bottom lip in concentration once more as she listened to Eagleheart.
  218. Silently, she swore to herself that she would improve. That she would question herself, think about words and actions before she took them.
  220. Dimly, she was aware that Eagleheart was pleased. Sa wasn't certain if it was just her natural empathy, or if there was something more that allowed her to have an intuitive grasp of how other people were feeling.
  222. But she was sure that he was smiling behind his mask! That, in itself, made her smile. Dimples once more at her rich brown cheeks. She liked Eagleheart. Respected him.
  224. Everything he was saying resonated with her.
  226. What matters most is the people over this land, he said. The most corrupted person can still be saved, even if the only way to do so is sending them to the lifestream and hoping for the best, he said. But whatever you do, do it for others. Never act for yourself, he said.
  228. Eagleheart may well have been preaching to the choir in this regard -- everything he had just said was so in line with her own values.
  230. She had only a hazy impression of Deseti. That there were people there. But.. as he spoke about not just her own people, but all people, she exhaled audibly.. that golden glow surrounding her spreading out as she stretched out her senses.
  232. Eagleheart's fingers were at her forehead, and she gasped.
  234. Sa Awaret could almost feel it. She could almost sense the connections between people, a hazy sense of humanity stretching out across Agartha.
  236. It was.. almost an out of body experience. Her knees threatened to grow weak, her chin tilting upwards as she struggled to maintain the concentration.
  238. Open your eyes.
  240. Sa hadn't realised what a toll this exercise had taken on her until she allowed the connection to break. Her skin was flushed. She was trembling.
  242. "O-oh..!" Was all that passed her lips as she regarded her teacher, eyelashes fluttering, as he mentioned throwing her into the water.
  244. Amber eyes sliiid from his form to the rushing water, and then back to him.
  246. "I can't swim."
  247. (Sa Awaret)
  248. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  250. [02:04] He let out a small chuckle, before patting at her shoulder. "This'd just make the break in your focus all the more effective. The moment we focus the most, is when we feel that we're in danger."
  252. "And face it like a metaphor. You will never learn how to swim if you never go into the water. And sometimes... Having someone throwing you in it is what it takes." He said, nodding slightly to her, before a few more pats came towards her back, as he started to leave.
  254. It was almost like his body was cooling down -- The overpowering cosmic energy that ran through him was slowly being controlled, having already purged out the corruption that seeped within his very system, although not entirely.
  256. The holy mana seemed to manifest stronger than most. "Remember, if you ever need to choose." He continued, still walking away. "When asked if you would save someone very dear to you or any other person-s, the correct answer is simple. It varies from who you ask the question, but the answer will always be correct, even if it is like me."
  258. "And what would I answer? 'I don't know', or maybe 'I can't choose'." He finished off, before turning towards her. A faint cosmic glimmer came from him, shining through the mana circuits that were still present upon his form.
  260. "This should be our lesson for the day, I believe." He said, already a few feet away, clapping both hands together. Another deep breath, before his whole mana circuitry seemed to vent, slowly losing its own cosmic taint.
  262. "Any questions, Sa?"
  263. (Eagleheart)
  264. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. [02:19] Eagleheart's hand was large in comparison to her own. And, considering the light-headedness she felt after her attempts at embracing the Arcane, his pats threatened to stagger Sa Awaret backwards.
  268. But somehow she remained standing.
  270. "Oh!" She said. Well, if learning to swim was part of learning the secrets of the lifestream, then she'd do it. A broad smile at her lips, she looked up at Eagleheart, dimples at her cheeks.
  272. And nodding, she raised her own hand to rest against his, before his hand trailed from her shoulder to her upper back.
  274. "I.. I will do so!" She chirruped, giving another enthusiastic nod. The energy in which sent her mess of soft curls cascading over her shoulders.
  276. Exhale.
  278. The lesson really had been about the connection between her, between all things. And now it was time to stop focusing.
  280. Still listening, she gently willed the active connection between her and the sun to ease. The odd stray beam of sunlight flickered across her skin, as she momentarily reflected on the connection she had felt not just with that which she was used to (the sun, the elements!) but other people.
  282. Like her understanding of the Sun, this understanding of the correspondence between souls would never leave her.
  284. But.. she stopped drawing on it, for now.
  286. The light around her dimmed.
  288. When asked if you would save someone very dear to you, or any other persons, the correct answer is simple. Eagleheart's words puzzled her.
  290. "Is.. it wrong to want to save both people?" She asked, following him down off the mountain.
  291. (Sa Awaret)
  292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. [02:21] Eagleheart says, "That is why I wouldn't know, or be unable to choose."
  295. [02:21] Eagleheart says, "There is nothing wrong in wanting to save both -- At times, it just simply can't be done."
  296. [02:25] Sa Awaret asks, "Ehe?"
  297. [02:25] Arashi Zao asks, "Mn?"
  298. [02:25] Sa Awaret says, "Ugu.."
  299. [02:25] Arashi pats Sa on the head.
  300. (Arashi Zao)
  301. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. [02:26] Sa smiles, complete with dimples!
  304. (Sa Awaret)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. [02:26] Arashi Zao says, "Yih, lafotaeib."
  308. [02:27] Eagleheart says, "Umu."
  309. [02:27] Eagleheart coughs.
  310. (Eagleheart)
  311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. [02:28] Arashi Zao asks, "Wuh ire auy gnoud?"
  314. [02:28] Sa Awaret says, "O me lliw, gnokneht auy! "
  315. [02:29] Arashi Zao says, "Mm... Lliw, M'o dirunuh ut plih nithgorb rauy yed. Iv'auy dinithgorb ym nwu htow rauy inovod ytaeib.~"
  316. [02:30] Sa Awaret asks, "Ehe?"
  317. [02:33] Arashi hugs Sa before he leaves ok.
  318. (Arashi Zao)
  319. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  321. [02:34] Eagleheart says, "Well."
  322. [02:34] Eagleheart says, "I'll go up the mountain, to call it a day."
  323. [02:34] Eagleheart says, "Order binds us, Sa."
  324. [02:34] Eagleheart exclaims, "And... Everyone else!"
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