
Prelude Splitoff, Part 2

Apr 25th, 2020
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  1. <WindStrike> I'll go ahead and drop the recap here
  2. <WindStrike> last time, Kappa, you exited the church and found that Lightwall didn't escape with you
  3. <WindStrike> some thugs cornered you, but with the help of some nearby wandering folks (Neon and Serikka)
  4. <WindStrike> you defeated the thugs
  5. <WindStrike> you found the nearby guards' attitude towards the fight fishy, and after they tried arresting you, Lord Eldin himself appeared and stopped them
  6. <WindStrike> you poked around the guards a bit and found that many of the guards were possessed by a group calling themselves the "True Followers"
  7. <WindStrike> you checked in the alleyways behind the church, and you last found yourselves up against one of the possessed guards with two thugs
  8. <Serikka_Tonatsu>
  10. <DM> *The Guard and two thugs stand before you, readying themselves to battle.*
  11. <Thug1> Don'tcha worry yerselves! We's gonna takes care of yous reeeeeaaaaal good, ye 'ear?
  12. * Kappa readies himself for battle
  13. <Neon_Mercilion> Ha
  14. <Guard> You shall perish before us!
  15. <Neon_Mercilion> Like you could defeat a veteran like myself.
  16. <Guard> We shall see about that!
  17. * Serikka_Tonatsu yawns
  18. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Boring
  19. * Guard draws a flaming White Sword.
  20. * Guard raises his Hylian Shield as well.
  21. <Kappa> You just messed with the wrong Shiekah.
  22. <Neon_Mercilion> Heh
  23. <DM> *Roll initiatives!*
  24. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Darn, why don't I have my two blades with me
  25. <Neon_Mercilion> $init 1d10
  26. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 2.
  27. <Kappa> $1d10
  28. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 9. Total: 9. Successes: 1.
  29. <DM> (cause you're not level 10)
  30. <Kappa> $init 1d10
  31. <Tatl> Kappa: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  32. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (I know)
  33. <Guard> $init 1d11
  34. <Tatl> Guard: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  35. <Thug1> $init 1d10
  36. <Tatl> Thug1: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 3.
  37. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (I was trying to be in character)
  38. * Thug1 is now known as Thug2
  39. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $1d10
  40. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 2. Total: 2. Successes: 0.
  41. <Thug2> $init 1d10
  42. <Tatl> Thug2: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 2.
  43. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Er
  44. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $init 1d10
  45. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  46. <DM> lol
  47. <DM> $init s
  48. <Tatl> The battle has begun!
  49. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Thug1 (3), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  50. <Guard> Alas, I shall strike first!
  51. <DM> (right...... hang on)
  52. <DM> stats - (Hylian Guard and Armored Thugs)
  53. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (One question)
  54. <DM> (sure)
  55. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Are these Thugs armored thugs or just regular idiotic ones?)
  56. <DM> (Armored)
  57. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Thought so)
  58. <DM> (I'm using "Thug1" etc. just cause it's shorter)
  59. * Guard casts Veil of Flames on himself as an Extra Support Spell.
  60. <Kappa> (Shoot. This is going to be tough)
  61. <Neon_Mercilion> (Shit, BRB, emergency stuff...then again, my turn is quite far, so it shouldn't be a problem.))
  62. <Guard> ?h, 2m | Veil of Flames
  63. * Guard readies his sword to the side as he enters Counter Stance.
  64. <Guard> ?h, 2m | Veil of Flames | Counter Stance
  65. <Guard> Come... show me what you got, vermin!
  66. <Guard> $endturn
  67. <Tatl> Guard has ended their turn.
  68. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Thug1 (3), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  69. <DM> (oh, thought I stuck dragonhide armor on him for some reason... guess that would've been too mean, lol)
  70. <Kappa> Hmph.
  71. * Kappa points his staff at Thug1, ready to open fire.
  72. * Thug2 is now known as Thug1
  73. <Thug1> WOT?!
  74. * Kappa fires a blast of magic at Thug1! (Roll Wisdom!)
  75. <Kappa> $11d10
  76. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 6, 7, 10, 5, 9, 8, 9, 6, 9 and 2. Total: 74. Successes: 10.
  77. <Thug1> $2d10
  78. <Tatl> Thug1: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2 and 7. Total: 9. Successes: 1.
  79. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (OP much?)
  80. <Kappa> 10-1 = 9 Damage - Defense
  81. <DM> *Your blast of magic disintegrates the thug upon contact, his scream masked by the vaporizing sound of him turning to dust.*
  82. <Thug1> $removeme
  83. <Tatl> Thug1 has removed theirself from battle.
  84. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  85. * Thug1 is now known as Thug2
  86. <Kappa> Hmph
  87. <Kappa> $endturn
  88. <Tatl> Kappa has ended their turn.
  89. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  90. <Guard> Oh?
  91. * Serikka_Tonatsu uses cover on Kappa (Nothing special, yo)
  92. <Kappa> Thanks.
  93. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $endturn
  94. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu has ended their turn.
  95. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  96. <DM> (gonna give 3 minutes, if he's not back, hitting auto $endturn)
  97. <Kappa> *Orithan plays the waiting game for Neon_Mercilion to turn up from behind the 4th wall*)
  98. <DM> (I've been tempted to stick a general rule up... if there's no declaration of action after 5 minutes, then auto $endturn)
  99. <Kappa> (AFK for a moment)
  100. <DM> (not sure how I feel about it)
  101. <DM> (profiles updated, it didn't copy right)
  102. <DM> (3 minutes have passed)
  103. <DM> $endturn
  104. <Tatl> DM has ended Neon_Mercilion's turn.
  105. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  106. <DM> *The Goriya seems to just wait it out.*
  107. <Guard> Kill the Sheikah!
  108. <Thug2> Wit' pleashzah!
  109. <Kappa> (I say go with a little longer than 5 minutes)
  110. * Thug2 draws his Steel Sword and swings at Kapaa! (Roll Courage)
  111. <Thug2> $8d10
  112. <Tatl> Thug2: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 1, 2, 9, 9, 3, 2 and 9. Total: 42. Successes: 4.
  113. * Serikka_Tonatsu is currently covering Kappa
  114. <DM> *Kappa
  115. <DM> (right)
  116. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $7d10
  117. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 9, 8, 1, 5, 2 and 7. Total: 35. Successes: 4.
  118. <DM> ROLLOFF
  119. <Thug2> $8d10
  120. <Tatl> Thug2: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 6, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2 and 7. Total: 40. Successes: 5.
  121. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $7d10
  122. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 1, 6, 3, 5, 10 and 10. Total: 37. Successes: 6.
  123. * Thug2 swings wide and misses.
  124. <Thug2> Gah!
  125. <Guard> Filthy thugs... can't even hit their target.
  126. <Thug2> ?h
  127. <Thug2> $endturn
  128. <Tatl> Thug2 has ended their turn.
  129. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  130. <DM> (what's your affinity, Serikka?
  131. <Kappa> (Light)
  132. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Light 1)
  133. * Guard charges at Serikka_Tonatsu with his White Sword ready. He slices at her with his sword! (Roll Courage)
  134. <Guard> $11d10
  135. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 1, 2, 1, 6, 10, 5, 9, 10, 1 and 7. Total: 61. Successes: 9.
  136. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $7d10
  137. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 8, 6, 5, 5, 1 and 5. Total: 38. Successes: 6.
  138. <Serikka_Tonatsu> And dead
  139. * Guard hits Serikka, dealing 9 - 3 = 3 + 1 + 1 (searing flames) + 1 (veil of flames) = 4 damage + 2 burn damage (neutral) - defense
  140. <Kappa> (You have a fairy)
  141. <Guard> Heh, not so tough after all, are you?
  142. * Serikka_Tonatsu dies right on the spot, glass gannons
  143. * Serikka_Tonatsu but gets revived by a fairy
  144. <Neon_Mercilion> (Back)
  145. <Serikka_Tonatsu> 3h, 1m
  146. <DM> *You burn to a crisp from his blade, but from your ashes rises a fairy, which revives your smouldering corpse and returns you to life.*
  147. <Guard> W-what?!
  148. <Guard> H-h-how do you have fairies?!
  149. * Guard recovers 1 heart and magic from that.
  150. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Probably the same reason why you have a flaming sword
  151. * Guard casts Charge as an Extra Support Spell on himself.
  152. <Neon_Mercilion> $turn
  153. <Neon_Mercilion> $turns
  154. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  155. <Guard> ?h, 0m | Veil of Flames | Charge | Counter Stance
  156. <Kappa> $turns
  157. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  158. <Guard> $endturn
  159. <Tatl> Guard has ended their turn.
  160. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  161. <Kappa> Hey thug!
  162. <Kappa> You are about to get destroyed!
  163. <Maliki> and back
  164. <Thug2> Eh?!
  165. <DM> (by the way, I note something......
  166. * Kappa fires a blast of magic at the other thug! (Roll Wisdom!)
  167. <Kappa> $11d10
  168. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 9, 5, 6, 3, 9, 5, 1, 10, 7 and 1. Total: 59. Successes: 8.
  169. <DM> *There is an abandoned building next to you. It's closer to the enemy forces than it is to you all.*
  170. <Thug2> $2d10
  171. <Tatl> Thug2: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9 and 6. Total: 15. Successes: 2.
  172. <DM> (damage calc?
  173. <Kappa> (Shoot)
  174. <Kappa> 8-2 = 6 damage - Defense
  175. <Thug2> 6 - 1 = 5 damage
  176. <DM> *Your wand blast sends Thug2 flying, but he lives with 1 heart left.*
  177. <Thug2> Grrr... ye'll pay fer dat!
  178. <Thug2> 1h
  179. <Thug2> Dem Wizdumb guys'll get ye? Ain't that roight, boss?
  180. <Guard> Indeed. I shall destroy ALL of you!
  181. <Kappa> Okay, someone else take care of that thug and have someone cover me.
  182. <Kappa> $endturn
  183. <Tatl> Kappa has ended their turn.
  184. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  185. <Kappa> Serrika, I think you can take care of the thug.
  186. * Serikka_Tonatsu attacks the Thugaloom with a Steel Sword (Roll Courage)
  187. <Thug2> Hah! You's thinks you's sooo good, eh missy?
  188. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $8d10
  189. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 5, 7, 7, 9, 5, 7 and 6. Total: 53. Successes: 8.
  190. <Thug2> $5d10
  191. <Tatl> Thug2: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 8, 7, 4 and 7. Total: 29. Successes: 3.
  192. <Thug2> WOT?!
  193. <Serikka_Tonatsu> 8 - 3 = 5 damage - [damage reduction]
  194. <DM> *Serikka, your sword slices and dices the thug, felling him as his own words run away from your attack and watch him die.*
  195. <Serikka_Tonatsu> 3h, 1m
  196. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $endturn
  197. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu has ended their turn.
  198. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5), Neon_Mercilion (2) and Thug2 (2).
  199. <Sephiroth> DM:
  200. <Thug2> $removeme
  201. <Tatl> Thug2 has removed theirself from battle.
  202. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  203. * Thug2 is now known as X__X
  204. <Sephiroth> Fran's identity, revealed.
  205. <DM> (LOL)
  206. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Brilliant)
  207. <Neon_Mercilion> (Hold up, looking at my stats.)
  208. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (...)
  209. <Kappa> (You have 7 Courage and 6 Hearts IIRC
  210. <DM> (usually, you have your profile up already)
  211. <Neon_Mercilion> (Twas busy. ;~;)
  212. <DM> (alrighty)
  213. * Neon_Mercilion strikes the Guard with the Steel Sword. (Roll Courage)
  214. <Neon_Mercilion> $8d10
  215. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 10, 5, 6, 1, 1, 9 and 7. Total: 48. Successes: 7.
  216. * Kappa facepalms
  217. <Guard> Hmph, you think to fight me?
  218. <Guard> $10d10
  219. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 7, 6, 9, 4, 8, 5, 8, 6 and 9. Total: 72. Successes: 10.
  220. * Serikka_Tonatsu facepalms x2
  221. * Guard fends off Neon_Mercilion's attack, not only dealing 1 burn damage to him, but also using a COUNTERATTACK!
  222. <DM> (see Counter Preparation)
  223. <DM> (his active skill)
  224. <Neon_Mercilion> (Wait, what.)
  225. * Guard slices Neon_Mercilion with his sword! (Roll Courage)
  226. <Guard> $11d10
  227. <Neon_Mercilion> $6d10
  228. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 3, 4, 7, 1, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1 and 10. Total: 54. Successes: 6.
  229. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 8, 5, 5, 8 and 2. Total: 36. Successes: 5.
  230. <DM> (question, what's your affinity?
  231. <Neon_Mercilion> (Arcane)
  232. <DM> (kay)
  233. <DM> (anyone here nature or water?
  234. <Neon_Mercilion> (OH MY GOD)
  235. <Kappa> (Nope)
  236. <DM> (lol, kay)
  237. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Non)
  238. <Neon_Mercilion> (Human Flamethrower powers are coming back.)
  239. * Guard hits Neon_Mercilion with his sword just barely, but with all the buffs, it does good amount of scarring...
  240. <Maliki> (i am but thats besies the point?)
  241. <Neon_Mercilion> (Argh, too broken to calculate right now.)
  242. <Guard> 6 - 5 = 1 + 1 (weapon) + 1 (searing flames) + 1 (veil of flames) + 1 (charge0 = 3 damage + 2 burn damage (neutral) - defense
  244. <Neon_Mercilion> (I really need to use the bathroom.)
  245. <Neon_Mercilion> $endturn
  246. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion has ended their turn.
  247. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  248. <Neon_Mercilion> (please calculate my damage, it's getting worse.)
  249. * Guard returns to a Counter Stance and recovers 1 magic from that attac.
  250. <Neon_Mercilion> (ARGH
  251. <DM> (go ahead and use the bathroom)
  252. * Neon_Mercilion is away: Human Flamethrower
  253. <DM> (I'll kill ya last)
  254. <Guard> ?h, 1m | Veil of Flames | Charge | Counter Stance
  255. * Guard charges at Kappa with his sword! (Roll Courage)
  256. <Guard> $11d10
  257. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 1, 10, 6, 10, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6 and 4. Total: 55. Successes: 8.
  258. <Kappa> $6d10
  259. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 1, 2, 6, 8 and 4. Total: 28. Successes: 3.
  260. * Guard slices Kappa, dealing......
  261. <Kappa> (There is NO way I can reroll my way out of this)
  262. <Guard> 8 - 3 = 5 + 4 (total bonuses) = 7 damage + 2 burn damage (neutral) - defense
  263. <DM> (dear god, buff stacking is scary)
  264. <Maliki> (dm i know this may be silly but could i toss kappa a reroll?)
  265. <DM> (nope.avi)
  266. <DM> (these things happen)
  267. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Only those in session can toss a reroll)
  268. * Kappa is fried, but is revived to 3 hearts by his fairy companion
  270. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Assuming they haven't done so in the first place)
  272. <Guard> WHAT IS THIS?!
  273. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Life isn't fair, my friend
  274. * Guard speaks to the sky.
  276. <Guard> ANSWER ME!
  278. * Kappa hands his bombs to Neon
  279. * Guard enters a blood rage, his eyes glowing yellow but starting to turn red.
  280. <Kappa> Now, time to pay!
  281. <Guard> $endturn
  282. <Tatl> Guard has ended their turn.
  283. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  284. * Kappa casts Repression on Guard (Roll Wisdom!)
  285. <Kappa> $7d10
  286. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 8, 5, 6, 4, 5 and 2. Total: 32. Successes: 4.
  287. <Kappa> 3h 1m
  288. <Guard> $6d10
  289. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 4, 3, 8, 3 and 6. Total: 34. Successes: 4.
  290. <DM> ROLLOFF
  291. <Kappa> $7d10
  292. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 10, 9, 9, 7, 2 and 8. Total: 51. Successes: 7.
  293. <Guard> $6d10
  294. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 3, 5, 10, 4 and 9. Total: 36. Successes: 5.
  295. * Guard is hit!
  296. * Guard is knocked back by the attack and is no longer in Counter Stance.
  297. <Kappa> 7-5/2 = 1 Damage - Defense
  298. <Guard> 1 - 1 = 0 damage
  299. * Guard shrugs off any damage from the attack.
  300. <Kappa> (As a note, neither Neon or Kappa should have their Leather Armours now)
  301. <DM> (what's the Wisdom penalty from that?
  302. <Kappa> (4)
  303. <DM> (lol, he's at 0 now)
  304. <Kappa> (Oh wait, it ignores damage reduction)
  305. <DM> (ah)
  306. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Just watch me strike him with blinding light)
  307. <Guard> 7h, 1m | Charge | Veil of Flames | Repression
  308. <Kappa> $endturn
  309. <Tatl> Kappa has ended their turn.
  310. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  311. <Kappa> Serikka, cover me.
  312. * Serikka_Tonatsu covers for Kappa...
  313. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $endturn
  314. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu has ended their turn.
  315. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  316. <DM> *His rage disappears, and the yellow glow consumes his eyes completely. His voice drops from a commanding one to a low-tone drone voice.*
  317. <Guard> I understand. You shall all perish, and then I shall return.
  318. <DM> *It seems the repression had an effect on his mind.*
  319. <Neon_Mercilion> (Back)
  320. * Neon_Mercilion is back (gone 00:08:07)
  321. <DM> (your move)
  322. <DM> (by the way, you have some bombs, courtesy of Kappa)
  323. <Kappa> (Neon, you have bombs and you can try to blow up one of the buildings)
  324. <DM> (and there's an abandoned half-wrecked building next to the Guard)
  325. * Neon_Mercilion throws a bomb at the half wrecked Building.
  326. <Neon_Mercilion> (I forgot how Bombs work
  327. <DM> (roll Power)
  328. <DM> (and follow up with a $1d3 roll)
  329. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  330. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 1, 6, 1 and 1. Total: 19. Successes: 3.
  331. <Neon_Mercilion> $1d3
  332. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 1 Die with 3 Sides. Result: 1. Total: 1.
  333. <Neon_Mercilion> (wAit)
  334. <Neon_Mercilion> (Kappa)
  335. <DM> *Your bomb impacts the base of the building and explodes. The foundation almost collapses, but it's not quite enough to break it down entirely.*
  336. <Neon_Mercilion> (How many bombs do I have?)
  337. <Kappa> (2 now)
  338. * Guard has no awareness of the bomb impact, seeing as his Wisdom was dropped to 0.
  339. <Neon_Mercilion> (How much HP do I have?)
  340. <DM> (grab the bombs from here -
  341. <Kappa> (1)
  342. <Neon_Mercilion> 1h
  343. <Neon_Mercilion> 4m
  344. <Neon_Mercilion> $endturn
  345. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion has ended their turn.
  346. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  347. * Guard points his sword at Serikka_Tonatsu.
  348. <Guard> You. Will. Die.
  349. * Guard charges at her with his sword for a sword slice! (Roll Courage)
  350. <Guard> $11d10
  351. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 9, 1, 2, 4, 2, 5, 6, 10, 8 and 2. Total: 54. Successes: 7.
  352. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (So much character)
  353. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Such wow)
  354. <DM> (lol)
  355. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $7d10
  356. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 5, 7, 1, 8, 5 and 1. Total: 34. Successes: 5.
  357. <Serikka_Tonatsu> And dead
  358. * Guard lands a hit on Serikka_Tonatsu, dealing... 7 - 5 = 2 + 4 (total bonuses) = 4 damage + 2 burn damage (neutral)
  359. * Kappa rerolls Guard
  360. <Guard> $11d10
  361. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 4, 5, 10, 2, 2, 1, 3, 9 and 4. Total: 46. Successes: 5.
  362. <Kappa> (Hope this works)
  363. <DM> ROLLOFF
  364. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $7d10
  365. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 1, 7, 6, 9, 5 and 2. Total: 40. Successes: 6.
  366. <Guard> $11d10
  367. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 1, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 5 and 9. Total: 37. Successes: 4.
  368. <DM> wait
  369. <DM> ah
  370. <DM> wow
  371. <DM> ...... that worked.
  372. <Kappa> (Yes!)
  373. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (THANKS BASED TATL)
  374. * Guard misses Serikka_Tonatsu as a convenient rock trips his legs up a bit. However, his Veil of Flames still nicks her, dealing 1 burn damage (neutral).
  375. <Guard> Grr...
  376. <Serikka_Tonatsu> 2h, 1m
  377. <Guard> 7h, 1m | Charge | Veil of Flames | Repression
  378. <Guard> $endturn
  379. <Tatl> Guard has ended their turn.
  380. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  381. <DM> (seems you're still covering Kappa)
  382. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (I am?)
  383. <Kappa> Prepare to die, you stupid guard.
  384. <DM> (yep, he missed overall)
  385. * Kappa fires a blast of magic at the guard (Roll Wisdom!)
  386. * Guard raises his shield.
  387. <Kappa> $11d10
  388. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 1, 7, 2, 1, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3 and 1. Total: 45. Successes: 5.
  389. <Guard> $2d10
  390. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6 and 10. Total: 16. Successes: 3.
  391. <DM> (lulz)
  392. <Kappa> ...
  393. * Serikka_Tonatsu throws a reroll at Kappa
  394. <Kappa> $11d10
  395. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 8, 6, 9, 4, 9 and 6. Total: 57. Successes: 6.
  396. * Kappa rerolls the guard
  397. <Guard> $2d10
  398. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2 and 10. Total: 12. Successes: 2.
  399. <Kappa> 6-2 = 4 damage - Defense
  400. <DM> *Your blast hits the guard back a bit. He falls to the ground, but after a moment, he rises back up, as if some greater force pulled him back up. He seems unaffected, despite taking 3 damage.*
  401. <Guard> 4h, 1m | Charge | Veil of Flames | Repression
  402. <Kappa> 3h 1m 0rp
  403. <Kappa> $endturn
  404. <Tatl> Kappa has ended their turn.
  405. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  406. <Kappa> Serikka, why not get a bomb off Neon and try to blow up that building.
  407. * Serikka_Tonatsu takes a bomb from Neon and attempts to blow up the building
  408. <DM> (roll power)
  409. <Neon_Mercilion> (Note: Neon is smaller than most Goriyas.)
  410. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $5d10
  411. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 8, 2, 6 and 2. Total: 26. Successes: 3.
  412. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $1d3
  413. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 1 Die with 3 Sides. Result: 3. Total: 3.
  414. <Neon_Mercilion> (I guess one would call him...Little Goriya )
  415. <Neon_Mercilion> (Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
  416. <DM> *Your bomb explodes, shattering the base of the building. Wood splinters fly out in every direction at... 6 successes. Everyone roll Courage!*
  417. <Neon_Mercilion> $6d10
  418. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 2, 7, 5, 8 and 9. Total: 40. Successes: 5.
  419. <Kappa> $6d10
  420. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 9, 10, 6, 3 and 9. Total: 44. Successes: 6.
  421. <Guard> $10d10
  422. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Courage + Shield?)
  423. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 9, 1, 9, 1 and 1. Total: 51. Successes: 6.
  424. <DM> (yeah)
  425. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $7d10
  426. <Neon_Mercilion> (Welp, I'm dead.)
  427. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6 and 4. Total: 38. Successes: 5.
  428. <DM> *ROLLOFF on Kappa and Guard.*
  429. <Guard> $10d10
  430. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 3, 9, 2, 9, 1, 9, 5, 2 and 1. Total: 45. Successes: 4.
  431. <Kappa> $6d10
  432. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 10, 10, 2, 6 and 10. Total: 42. Successes: 7.
  433. <DM> $1d2
  434. <Tatl> DM: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Heads (1). Results: 1 Head (1) - 0 Tails (2).
  435. <DM> *The splinters deal 1 bleed damage each.*
  436. * Kappa evades the building coming down thanks to his Shiekah senses
  437. <DM> *Guard, Serikka_Tonatsu and Neon_Mercilion take 1 bleed damage (neutral) each.*
  438. * Neon_Mercilion is about to a fairy heals 2 of Neon's hearts and gets stabbed by a splinter.)
  439. <Serikka_Tonatsu> 1h, 1m
  440. <Neon_Mercilion> (My excuse to use a fairy. :3)
  441. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Wut)
  442. <DM> *Half of the building itself falls onto Guard! (Roll Power vs. 10 successes)
  443. <Kappa> (oh no. Party wipe could be imminent)
  444. <Guard> $8d10
  445. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 6, 10, 10, 1, 2, 1 and 9. Total: 46. Successes: 7.
  446. <Kappa> (Can Neon reroll himself?)
  447. <Guard> 3h from splinters...
  448. <Kappa> (Or not...)
  449. <Neon_Mercilion> (Kappa, if I rerolled myself, I probably wouldn't survive.)
  450. <Neon_Mercilion> (Which is why I died and used a Fairy.)
  451. <DM> *The building is seen falling onto the Guard as there's a large crashing sound. It's followed by a moment of silence...
  452. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (To be fair, you did attempt to attack the Guard)
  453. * Guard emerges from the collapsed building, with 1 heart remaning.
  454. <Serikka_Tonatsu> $endturn
  455. <Tatl> Serikka_Tonatsu has ended their turn.
  456. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Guard (9), Kappa (6), Serikka_Tonatsu (5) and Neon_Mercilion (2).
  457. <Kappa> (Serikka is no longer covering Kappa FYI)
  458. <Neon_Mercilion> ...seriously, you're still alive?!
  459. * Guard breathes in and out slowly, covered in blood and splinters.
  460. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Just attack him with a spell)
  461. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Or not?)
  462. <DM> *The yellow glow from his eyes is gone.*
  463. <Kappa> Okay, Neon, cover me!
  464. <Guard> I... will...
  465. <Neon_Mercilion> (Wait, DM, is he in bleeding?)
  466. * Guard looks at you all, barely able to stand.
  467. <DM> (no)
  468. <Neon_Mercilion> Wait a second
  469. <DM> (he's bloodied, but he doesn't literally have the affliction)
  470. <Neon_Mercilion> Guard person
  471. <Guard> You... who are you all?
  472. <Neon_Mercilion> The yellow from your eyes is gone
  473. <Neon_Mercilion> What is your name?
  474. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Why is the sky blue?
  475. <Kappa> My name is Kappa Yagami.
  476. <Serikka_Tonatsu> I am a human being.
  477. * Guard coughs up a block of blood as he stabs the ground with his sword to keep himself up.
  478. <Guard> I... I am...
  479. * DM goes to find a name, hang on.
  480. <Neon_Mercilion> Kappa! Serikka! Do either of you have a potion or something?
  481. <Maliki> bob
  482. <DM> (there's already a bob)
  483. <DM> (and there was a guard named Steve that died yesterday, can't use that)
  484. <Neon_Mercilion> (Go with Fenrick.)
  485. <Serikka_Tonatsu> No potion, but I should be fine
  486. <DM> (Fenrick it is.......
  487. <Kappa> Unfortunately, I don't have any potions.
  488. <DM> (........ okay, what am I referencing, I've heard that name before)
  489. <DM> (nvm, can't find anything)
  490. <Neon_Mercilion> (I have no idea what I'm referencing.)
  491. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Just go with Freddy Krueger)
  492. <Guard> I am Fenrick, of the Hylian Gua-
  493. <Neon_Mercilion> (I've used the name Fenrick a lot, though.)
  494. <Kappa> (Out)
  495. <DM> *The Guard's sword, when he stabbed the ground to keep himself standing, ended up hitting one of the planks. The fire has spread to it, and he catches fire.*
  497. * Neon_Mercilion attempts to pull the guard out.
  498. <Serikka_Tonatsu> ...
  499. <Neon_Mercilion> Somebody!
  500. <DM> *However, he seems to be unaffected by it... and the yellow glow returns to his eyes.*
  501. <Neon_Mercilion> Get water!
  502. <Serikka_Tonatsu> Neon, out of the way
  503. <DM> (roll Power, Neon... by the way, he still has Veil of Flames, so... you're gonna take damage doing that)
  504. * Kappa notices the yellow eyes.
  505. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  506. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 6, 8, 4 and 7. Total: 35. Successes: 5.
  507. * Guard grins mightly as his eyes turn insane.
  508. <Neon_Mercilion> (How much damage do I take?)
  509. <Guard> $8d10
  510. <Tatl> Guard: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 1, 8, 5, 1, 4, 6 and 3. Total: 37. Successes: 4.
  511. <DM> *You manage to pick him up, but you take 1 burn damage (neutral).*
  512. <Neon_Mercilion> 2h
  513. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Dammit Neon)
  514. <DM> *Roll Courage vs. 4 successes to get away fom the spreading fire!*
  515. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Why did we hire you in the first place)
  516. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  517. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 8, 1, 6 and 5. Total: 27. Successes: 4.
  518. <Kappa> $6d10
  519. <Tatl> Kappa: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 1, 2, 4 and 3. Total: 16. Successes: 1.
  520. <DM> (just Neon)
  521. <DM> ROLLOFF
  522. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  523. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 2, 8, 5 and 8. Total: 29. Successes: 4.
  524. <Kappa> (Oh)
  525. <DM> lulz
  526. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (...)
  527. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  528. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 3, 6 and 8. Total: 32. Successes: 4.
  529. <DM> .........
  530. <Neon_Mercilion> (FUCK)
  531. <DM> screw it
  532. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  533. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 7, 8, 1 and 5. Total: 29. Successes: 4.
  534. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (TATL)
  535. <Neon_Mercilion> FUUUUUUUUUCK
  536. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  537. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 10, 2, 2 and 7. Total: 27. Successes: 4.
  538. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (TATL NO)
  539. <Kappa> (So no damage)
  540. <Neon_Mercilion> $5d10
  541. <Tatl> Neon_Mercilion: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 7, 5, 3 and 3. Total: 27. Successes: 3.
  542. * Maliki has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  543. <DM> *You manage to keep away from the fire.*
  544. <Neon_Mercilion> (ROFL)
  545. <Neon_Mercilion> (That is a TON of 4s.)
  546. <DM> *You notice a number of rocks bounce back and forth around the area as the Geodudes run away from the area.*
  547. * Guard is no longer engulfed in the flames, and he returns to his senses. The Veil of Flames also dissipates.
  548. <Kappa> *Orithan seals the Geodudes behind the 4th wall*
  549. * Guard breathes in and out heavily.
  550. <Guard> W-what happened to me?
  551. * Kappa is still weary.
  552. <Kappa> You seemed to be possessed.
  553. <Kappa> Not sure by what though.
  554. <Guard> I... I remember...
  555. <DM> $init r
  556. <Tatl> DM: The bot has been reset.
  557. <DM> *The repression wears off.*
  558. * Kappa gives voice to Neon_Mercilion
  559. <Neon_Mercilion> Don't worry
  560. <Neon_Mercilion> You're okay.
  561. <Guard> I remember... voices. I tried to break free, but... every time I tried...
  562. <Guard> I kept hearing.... a female voice. She was calm, soothing...
  563. <Guard> Her name.. it started with an N...
  564. <Kappa> Maybe that's what caused the posession?
  565. <Guard> It was like a Goddess. I couldn't resist.
  566. <Neon_Mercilion> Either way, we need to get him to an inn.
  567. <DM> (oh don't tell me you can't figure it out from that)
  568. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Was it not Nayru)
  569. <DM> (indeed, that is who he's referring to)
  570. <Neon_Mercilion> (Note: Neon's not to up to speed on his Hylian lore.)
  571. * Guard passes out. He's mostly dead, but not completely dead.
  572. <Neon_Mercilion> Yeah
  573. <Neon_Mercilion> Let's get him to an inn
  574. <DM> (let's see...
  575. * Neon_Mercilion carries Fenrick
  576. <DM> (since you didn't kill the Guard, the loot drop is......
  577. <DM> +20 EXP
  578. <DM> +150 Rupees
  579. <Kappa> (So, EXP and rupees?)
  580. <DM> $2d2
  581. <Tatl> DM: You flipped 2 coins. Values: Heads (1) and Tails (2). Results: 1 Head (1) - 1 Tail (2).
  582. <DM> *A Restoration Heart and a Magic Jar drop! -
  583. * Kappa takes the Magic Jar
  584. <DM> *Additionally, 2 Leather Armors and 2 Steel Swords drop. You can grab 'em in the Thug's descriptions.*
  585. * Neon_Mercilion levels up!
  586. <DM> (auto-travel to inn?)
  587. <Neon_Mercilion> (Remember, DM. I said if I leveled up, I would break my stats. :3)
  588. <Neon_Mercilion> (And yes.)
  589. <DM> (oh dear)
  590. <Serikka_Tonatsu> If nobody is going to take those swords, I will take them
  591. <Neon_Mercilion> (Auto-travel)
  592. <DM> *You all go to the nearest inn, which would be the North Inn, where you rest up for the night.*
  593. <DM> *Full heals for you all!*
  594. <DM> *You all awaken the next morning, fully refreshed. The guard (now Fenrick) still rests.*
  595. * Guard is now known as Fenrick
  596. <Neon_Mercilion> (DM, look at my skill points.)
  597. <Neon_Mercilion> (Yes, I'm about to use them.)
  598. <DM> (might I recommend spending them sometime? lol)
  599. * Neon_Mercilion wakes up with his stats boosted.
  600. <DM> *Kappa, you suddenly remember that Eldin wanted the report to him by the morning.*
  601. <Kappa> (Has anyone taken the Heart yet?)
  602. <Neon_Mercilion> +5 Power, +5 Courage, +2 Wisdom, +3 HP
  603. <DM> (I don't believe so)
  604. <DM> (so... go ahead and yoink it)
  605. <Kappa> Oh wait, now I remember what to do.
  606. * Kappa also takes the Heart.
  607. * Kappa takes a Leather armour also.
  608. <Kappa> (And I can't load ZURPG)
  609. <DM> (loadin' fine for me)
  610. <Serikka_Tonatsu> (Same)
  611. <DM> (just fix your profile up later, let's finish the quest out for now)
  612. <Kappa> Looks like I need to report to Lord Eldin now.
  613. <DM> *Indeed. The sun indicates it has been 3 hours since dawn.*
  614. <DM> *Time to run!*
  615. <Kappa> Okay, I should be leaving to meet Eldin now.
  616. <Kappa> *report to
  617. <Kappa> See yah.
  618. <DM> (since there's nothing left in the quest, auto-travel?)
  619. * Kappa runs out of the inn towards Eldin
  620. <Kappa> (Loading?)
  621. <DM> *You head towards the barracks, and after a little while, you reach it. You head up the stairs to the second floor and reach Eldin's office at the end.*
  622. * Nexas ( has joined #zurpg
  623. * Nexas is now known as Gina_Valiants
  624. <Neon_Mercilion> Gina, look after Fenrick, I'm going to go follow this person.
  625. * Neon_Mercilion rushes to follow Kappa
  626. * Gina_Valiants has quit (Quit: Gina_Valiants)
  627. <DM> *Neon, you follow Kappa and reach Eldin's office just after him.*
  628. * Kappa knocks on the door to Eldin's office.
  629. <DM> *You hear someone say "Come on".*
  630. * Fenrick is now known as X_X
  631. * Kappa opens the door and enters the office.
  632. <DM> *You enter the office to see Eldin sitting at his desk, his hands crossed and his head resting on them.*
  633. * X_X is now known as Eldin
  634. <Kappa> Morning Lord Eldin.
  635. <Eldin> Ah, there you are. You just missed Lightwall, he was here a few minutes ago with a big man called Garrett.
  636. <DM> (don't forget that one baneroot you found)
  637. <Kappa> Oh snap.
  638. <Kappa> But, I did find what I suspect to be Baneroot.
  639. <Eldin> Oh?
  640. * Kappa produces the Baneroot from his pockets.
  641. <Eldin> That is Baneroot. Take it to Goswin afterwards, see if he needs some more for his experiment.
  642. <Eldin> Seems he was using Baneroot all this time to find an anti-poison.
  643. * Neon_Mercilion spies on this.
  644. <Kappa> Yes Eldin.
  645. * Eldin notices Neon at the side.
  646. <Eldin> Ahh, are you the Goriya mercenary that Tessa was telling me about?
  647. * Neon_Mercilion jumps out
  648. <Neon_Mercilion> Mhm
  649. <Neon_Mercilion> I see you've heard of me
  650. <Eldin> Indeed.
  651. <Eldin> Thank you for aiding her. She's one of the few pure-hearted people in this corrupting village.
  652. <Eldin> So, what else did you encounter?
  653. <Kappa> After you came to arrest the possessed guards outside the church last night, we encountered a couple of thugs and another possessed guard.
  654. * Eldin squints his eyes slightly. He tightens his hands a bit as well.
  655. <Neon_Mercilion> We managed to save the guard
  656. <Kappa> We dealt with them and after a big battle, we managed to get the guard under control.
  657. <Eldin> Another one do- what?
  658. * Eldin raises from his desk immediately.
  659. <Eldin> Saved? Really?!
  660. <DM> How? Who was it?!
  661. <Neon_Mercilion> Well, that certainly awoken you.
  662. <Neon_Mercilion> He was a guard named...Fenrick, I believe it was.
  663. <Eldin> Fenrick... yes, he was accepted into the guard shortly before you and Lightwall came to me.
  664. * Eldin begins pacing slowly.
  665. <Neon_Mercilion> Oh? So he's a newbie?
  666. <Eldin> I remember him being... a bright, young man.. beaming with energy.
  667. <Eldin> Yes, indeed he is...
  668. <Kappa> He should be in the North Inn
  669. <Neon_Mercilion> My assitant, Gina, should be watching him.
  670. <Neon_Mercilion> *assistant
  671. <Eldin> In his entrance mission, the other guards told me he wouldn't stand down, no matter how beat up he was...
  672. * Eldin bows to you both.
  673. <Kappa> He gave us a clue on how the guards are getting possessed.
  674. <Eldin> Thank you for saving him...
  675. * Eldin raises his head.
  676. <Eldin> Oh?
  677. <Kappa> He said that a female, almost godly voice was controlling him.
  678. <DM> (Congrats, you managed to get the highest level guy in the game to bow to you!)
  679. <Neon_Mercilion> Something to point out, then.
  680. * Neon_Mercilion gives Eldin a bill.
  681. <Neon_Mercilion> Can you give this to Fenrick for me?
  682. <Eldin> What is this?
  683. * Sephiroth has quit (Ping timeout)
  684. <Neon_Mercilion> I'm a Mercenary.
  685. <DM> *Apparently, it's Sephiroth's exit bill.*
  686. * DM runs.
  687. <Neon_Mercilion> I am more or less requesting a pay from him is all.
  688. <Neon_Mercilion> Of about 50 rupees, since it was an emergency.
  689. * Eldin throws 200 Rupees at each of you along with 1 Heart Container and 1 Magic Container each.
  690. <Neon_Mercilion> Well then
  691. <Eldin> I'm the head, you ask me, not one of them.
  692. * Neon_Mercilion rips the bill.
  693. <Neon_Mercilion> (lol)
  694. * Eldin turns back to Kappa.
  695. <Eldin> ... Kappa, you came to me, looking to join the guard, yes?
  696. <Kappa> Yes, that was the intention.
  697. * Neon_Mercilion gains one Heart Container and Magic Container.
  698. <Eldin> The results of your mission were exemplary... but before you accept, there's something you need to know...
  699. <Kappa> But... considering the circumstances relating to the possessed guards.
  700. <Neon_Mercilion> 10h
  701. <Neon_Mercilion> 5m
  702. * Sephiroth ( has joined #zurpg
  703. * ChanServ sets mode +q #zurpg Sephiroth
  704. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Sephiroth
  705. <Eldin> Those possessed guards earlier... there's no warning of anyone being possessed.
  706. <Eldin> It just happens.
  707. <Eldin> Already a third of the guard have fallen to possession. Just recently, one of my high ranking guards was reported missing.
  708. <Kappa> I would thought so.
  709. <Kappa> As a result, I elect to not join the guard.
  710. <Neon_Mercilion> It seems that nearly killing a guard will put them back to their senses after a while.
  711. <Eldin> Indeed. Lightwall did not join either.
  712. <Neon_Mercilion> We need to find a different method, though.
  713. <Eldin> Hmm, I question that... let's hope we can find another way.
  714. <Eldin> It worked for Fenrick... he was resilient, but others... it may simply kill them.
  715. <Neon_Mercilion> Fenrick had a collapsing building collapse onto them.
  716. <Neon_Mercilion> *him
  717. <Eldin> I have a question for you both...
  718. <Eldin> Have either of you heard of the Followers of Wisdom?
  719. <Kappa> No.
  720. <Neon_Mercilion> I have not, I apologize, I'm not too up to speed with my lore.
  721. <Eldin> Not surprised. We know they're inside Hyrule Village... but we don't know who they are.
  722. <Eldin> They're responsible for the mass possessions recently.
  723. <Neon_Mercilion> Kinda like how nobody's heard of my Mercenary band
  724. <Neon_Mercilion> What a suprise
  725. <Eldin> Your band is small. This group is large and powerful.
  726. <Eldin> I've heard of several fights with them from outside the village... their powers are not to be trifled with.
  727. <Eldin> I cannot help but think the Underworld may be responsible, but there's no proof.
  728. <Eldin> Prepare yourselves for the future. Something is stirring within the village... whatever it is, it's going to arise soon, and we'll need to be ready.
  729. <Eldin> I'll be counting on the services of you two soon.
  730. * Eldin sighs.
  731. <Eldin> Whoever is hiding behind the door, come in.
  732. * Serikka_Tonatsu opens the door slowly
  733. * Eldin turns to Neon and Kappa.
  734. <Eldin> Friend of yours?
  735. <Kappa> Yes.
  736. <Kappa> Helped us out when we fought the thugs and guard.
  737. <Eldin> Indeed.
  738. * Eldin throws 200 Rupees and a Heart and Magic Container at Serikka_Tonatsu.
  739. <Eldin> I'll be asking for all of your services in the near future.
  740. <DM> (brb 2 minutes, gotta get a pizza into the oven)
  741. * Serikka_Tonatsu doesn't really need the extra stuff, but accepts them anyway
  742. <Neon_Mercilion> I'm fairly easy to bargain with anyways.
  743. <Kappa> Yes, Lord Eldin
  744. <DM> (back)
  745. <Eldin> If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go talk with Fenrick. May you all fare well.
  746. <Neon_Mercilion> He should still be resting at the inn with Gina.
  747. <Eldin> Indeed.
  748. * Eldin walks out of his office. As he walks out, a force pushes you all out, and the door shuts and locks.
  749. * Kappa walks back home.
  750. * Neon_Mercilion gets sudden motion sickness from that.
  751. * Eldin is now known as X_X
  752. <Neon_Mercilion> Argh
  753. <Kappa> (Quest End?)
  754. <DM> *Kappa, you walk back home and keep the baneroot for yourself.*
  755. <DM> *cough*
  756. * Serikka_Tonatsu walks out
  757. * Kappa walks to Goswin
  758. <Kappa> *to where Goswin was*
  759. <DM> (we'll just say you give the baneroot to Goswin at the witch's place, unless you wanna roleplay this out)
  760. * Neon_Mercilion follows Kappa while having Motion sickness
  761. <Kappa> (Yep)
  762. <Kappa> (no roleplaying here)
  763. <DM> *You give the baneroot to Goswin, who thanks you and accepts it, and you walk home afterwards.*
  764. <DM> -=QUEST END=-
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