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Mar 29th, 2018
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  1. /^what are some films with this aesthetic\?$/
  2. /^\*tushies your path\*$/
  3. /^you're at your aunt's 4th of july party when you feel a tapping on your shoulder\n>hey this party blows, wanna go hang out in my room\?$/
  4. /^rate my sister \/tv\/$/
  5. /^hey faggot, want a donut\?$/
  6. /^\*steals your towel\*$/
  7. /^>stuck in traffic after a long day of shitposting on \/tv\/\n>feel something tickling the back of your ear\n>turn around and see this\n>wat do\?$/
  8. /^>hey faggot, how come I have a cute gf and you don't\?$/
  9. /^>arrive late to your doctors appointment\n>barge in the wrong room\n>"hey mister, are you my doctor\?"\n\nwat do\?$/
  10. /^blocks your path\n\nhey pussy, you're taking me to the movies, and i better have fun or one scream and it's 20 to life for you\n\nwhat flick do you take her to see$/
  11. /^who would you cast for the inevitable lolita remake\?$/
  12. /^\*steals your boat\*$/
  13. /^what are some TITE movies\?$/
  14. /^>5 minutes into coconuts and chill she gives you this look$/
  15. /^\*steals BOTH your donuts\*$/
  16. /^what are some movies with this aesthetic\?$/
  17. /^rate my drawing \/tv\/$/
  18. /^>he's a titguy$/
  19. /^rate my gf's tattoo$/
  20. /^>attend your local tropical theater\n>go to your designated hammock\n>see this\nwhat do\?$/
  21. /^>walking through the park and see this\n>"hey faggot, come stretch out my hammies, lol"\nwat do\?$/
  22. /^\*wink wink\*\n\*blows you a kiss\*$/
  23. /^what are some kinos with this aesthetic\?$/
  24. /^what are some flicks with this aesthetic\?$/
  25. /^what are some god bless america films\?$/
  26. /^why do girls pretend to like tortoises\?$/
  27. /^what is this hairstyle called\?$/
  28. /^\*blocks your redditors$/
  29. /^>walking down the beach\n>this girl gives you this look\n\nwhat do\?$/
  30. /^>at the bar\n>see this\n>wat do$/
  31. /^>look, anon, I'm doing it, I'm doing it!$/
  32. /^>\*grabs shaft\*\n\n>"WHAT did you just say about girls and star wars!\?"\n\nwhat do\?$/
  33. /^Thoughts on this cunny\?$/
  34. /^>babysitting your wife's daughter\n>she looks at you like this and says\n>"w-why are you so handsome, anon\?"\n\nwhat do you say\?$/
  35. /^\*blocks your morning jog\*$/
  36. /^\*blocks your seat\*$/
  37. /^ready for our workout fatty\?$/
  38. /^>anon how come you don't have any abs\? LOL$/
  39. /^thoughts on this tushy\?$/
  40. /^\*blocks your beach path$/
  41. /^hey faggot, how come i have a cute gf and you dont$/
  42. /^>5 minutes into frozen and chill she gives you this look\n\nwat do\?$/
  43. /^is ҫunny the path to enlightenment\?$/
  44. /^>anon why are you staring at me, come sit down$/
  45. /^do you listen to your heart, \/tv\/\?\n\nwhat does it say\?$/
  46. /^>these girls knock on door and says 'trick or treat'\n\n>wat do$/
  47. /^\*finger snaps your path\*\n>two mojitos faggot, pronto, chopchop$/
  48. /^\*bites your watermelon\*$/
  49. /^any single father and daughter kino\?$/
  50. /^\/tv\/ in one picture\.$/
  51. /^>carpooling with a coworker and her daughter\n>suddenly she turns around and says to you\n>"hey mister, I haven't taken a shower in 3 days, come take a whiff"\n\nwhat do\?$/
  52. /^>wait, so you "work" for a website but you don't get paid\?$/
  53. /^>check into a hotel on christmas eve\n\n>only room they have left is the "folâtrer de la nymphe suite"\n\n>it's expensive but you don't really have any choice\n\n>open door\n\n>see this\n\nwat do\?$/
  54. /^How would you rate this tummy\?$/
  55. /^>reddit is that way, mithli aljins$/
  56. /^What is the symbolism of this picture, \/tv\/\?$/
  57. /^What are some good movies to watch with my gf\?$/
  58. /^Guys, I'm crying right now\.\n\nJust looking at her picture makes me feel something strange inside\. I guess you could call it "love"\. I'm in love with this nose\. I've lost interest in all noses, besides her\. Noses who are considered "boopable" by the general male population don't cut it for me anymore\.\n\nThis nose really is all I think about all day, every day\. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never boop her\. If only she knew I existed in this life, if only she knew my deep profound love for her\. I know that will never happen javascript:;though\. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at her\. I'll never boop her, but I'll continue to love her until the day I die\.$/
  59. /^what do you think of her body of work\?$/
  60. /^What are some good movies to watch with my wife and daughter\?$/
  61. /^\*blocks your morning swim\*$/
  62. /^>you wanted to see me after class sir\?$/
  63. /^what are some films about cute pet bunnies$/
  64. /^hey anon, hang out by the pool with me, I do not want to be lonely while there is no one at the pool!$/
  65. /^what are some films to watch with your wife and her daughter$/
  66. /^>you will never have abs like Anna Kapshuk\n\nWhy even live\?$/
  67. /^\*blocks your path\*\n\n>hey faggot, can you do this\?\n\nwat do\?$/
  68. /^\*catches you staring at the porn section\*\n\nwhat do\?$/
  69. /^What are some movies I can watch with my exotic black wife and my cute biracial daughter\?$/
  70. /^name our band \/tv\/$/
  71. /^\*makes deep eye contact with you\*\n\nhow do you react\?$/
  72. /^>why don't you take your tshift off anon\?$/
  73. /^>hfw she hears the camera\n\nwhat do\?$/
  74. /^What are some good movies to watch with your wife and your daughter\?$/
  75. /^\*blocks your front door\*$/
  76. /^>ready for our workout, anon\?$/
  77. /^>get a delivery in the mail\n>open it\n>see this\nwhat do\?$/
  78. /^>hey faggot, wanna pet my chihuahua\?$/
  79. /^>I borrowed one of your shirts, anon\. Hope you don't mind\.$/
  80. /^>y-you want me to be your moose\? \.\.\.alright$/
  81. /^watchu lookin' at, ese\?$/
  82. /^>Thanks for the burger Anon it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's \*swallows\* really \*burps\* good \*farts loudly\*$/
  83. /^>watchu thinkin bout, anon\?\n>\*giggles and snorts loudly\*$/
  84. /^\/cbot general\/\n\n- comments\n- suggestions\n- thread submission\n\nthe cbot luvs you all :3$/
  85. /^Thoughts on this tummy\?$/
  86. /^What are some films about cultural appropriation\?$/
  87. /^Write a movie script with this cast\.$/
  88. /^>bartender a glass of this fine young lady's foot sweat please \n\nwhat did he mean by this\?$/
  89. /^are those bullet holes\?$/
  90. /^>makes deep armpit contact with you\n\nwhat now, hombres\?$/
  91. /^>get to your blind date\n>see this\n\nwhat do\?$/
  92. /^\*blocks your piano\*$/
  93. /^>5 minutes into frozen and chill she gives you this look$/
  94. /^>wait, so you "work" for a website but you don't get paid\? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT$/
  95. /^>how much would you put into this\?$/
  96. /^thoughts on my daughter's drawing \/tv\/\?$/
  97. /^is this outfit kino\?$/
  98. /^>so you're a 4chan mod wow, that site is very popular you must make a lot of money$/
  99. /^>Open door on Halloween\n>See this standing there\n>"Trick or Treat, smell my feet faggot"\n\nHow do you react\?$/
  100. /^>Judging by those rolls you don't do a lot of exercise, you fa\/tv\/irgin, so why are you staring at us modelling sports wear, faggot$/
  101. /^>just another day at the beach\n\*slowly floats towards you\*\n\nwhat do\?$/
  102. /^>hey faggot, wanna pet my llama\?$/
  103. /^what piece is she sitting on\?$/
  104. /^>walk into bedroom\n>see dis\nwat do\?$/
  105. /^20 minutes into frozen & chill and she gives you this look\.$/
  106. /^>hey faggot, stop staring at me and teach me how to do a fakie smith kickflip!$/
  107. /^Hug Marry Kiss$/
  108. /^>I don't know what you put in those brownies anon, but I'm feeling really funny$/
  109. /^>OMG stacy you were right, anon LITERALLY wears his shirt at the pool!$/
  110. /^rate my daughters outfit \/tv\/$/
  111. /^>you went on a date with a beautiful angel like ME and you want to SPLIT the bill\?$/
  112. /^What sound effect would you use for this scene\?$/
  113. /^where can I buy one of these\?$/
  114. /^now that dust has settled who won\?$/
  115. /^\*ding ding\*\n>hope in faggot, we're going for some ice cream$/
  116. /^>cmon faggot if you win i'll let you rub my tummy\n\nwhat do\?$/
  117. /^>this authentic Russian babushka approaches you and asks you to buy her some ice cream\n\nwat do$/
  118. /^Thoughts on this tushy\?$/
  119. /^thoughts on these gams\?$/
  120. /^>hey mister, how do you want your popcorn\?$/
  121. /^Hey, oppa!\n\nHow do you respond$/
  122. /^why is he so smug\?$/
  123. /^>me on the left$/
  124. /^\*steals your bag of chips and gives you this look\*\nwat do\?$/
  125. /^any single father and daughter flicks\?$/
  126. /^hey faggot, wanna donut\?$/
  127. /^\*makes deep third-eye contact with you\*\n\nhow do you react\?$/
  128. /^rate my sister's leotard \/tv\/$/
  129. /^Hey mister guess my favorite movie and I'll let you lick my lollipop\.$/
  130. /^>be sitting on the beach sipping on a rum and coke\n\n>suddenly this little Bedouin ҫunny appears and says "Hey faggot, wanna ride my camel\? Be careful, he might bite your ass off…"\n\n>then she hands you the reins\n\nwat do\?$/
  131. /^Find a flaw\.$/
  132. /^What is the pineapple of films\?$/
  133. /^YOU GON GET CNNYD$/
  134. /^\[spidercun\]\n\[spidercun\]\n\[does whatever a spider cun\]$/
  135. /^rate my daughter's halloween costume \/tv\/$/
  136. /^\*steals your cat AND your heart\*$/
  137. /^she asks what's you're favorite russian movie\n\nhow do you respond\?$/
  138. /^rate my gf's outfit \/tv\/$/
  139. /^>hey mister, do you like my cherries\n\nhow do you respond\?$/
  140. /^>go to get a quick drink at the beach bar\n>see this\n\nwhat do\?$/
  141. /^do you want a fucking donut or not faggot\?$/
  142. /^>walk into cinema\n>find your assigned seat\n>see this\n>wat do\?$/
  143. /^>5 minutes into Walmart and chill she gives you this look$/
  144. /^>YOU want to take ME to a "capeshit" movie\?$/
  145. /^>fist day into Jamaica&Chill she gives you this look\n\nwhat do, mon\?$/
  146. /^>what movie are we going to watch, daddy\?$/
  147. /^>is this for me\? thank you so much anon!\n\nwhat's in the box\?$/
  148. /^I dare you to find a more beautiful pair of eyes than these\n\nPROTIP: you cant$/
  149. /^\*steals your watermelon\*$/
  150. /^>hey faggot, stop staring at me and teach me how to ollie!$/
  151. /^\*blocks your afternoon swim\*$/
  152. /^>wake up\n>see this\n>wat do\?$/
  153. /^>wait so you "work" for a website but you dont get paid\?$/
  154. /^PROTIP: if you prefer right over left you don't belong here and should go back to rёddit\.$/
  155. /^>look faggot, I'm Freddie Mercury, RAWWWWRRRRRRRRRRR$/
  156. /^\*blocks your boop\*$/
  157. /^aesthetic\?$/
  158. /^>your at a party and this beautiful woman makes direct eye contact with you and says "hi"\n\nhow do you react\?$/
  159. /^\/tv\/ in a nutshell$/
  160. /^>just another normal sunday mowing your grandma's lawn\n>go inside to get some cold lemonade\n>come outside to finish the job\n>see this\n\nwat do\?$/
  161. /^what are some movies\?$/
  162. /^\/pol\/ memes aside, why is there so many jews in the media business\?$/
  163. /^objectively speaking, how would you rate this tummy\?$/
  164. /^\*blocks your staircase\*$/
  165. /^>come on, draw me like one of your french girls, faggot$/
  166. /^what went so right\?$/
  167. /^>ANON IM TOTALLY DRUNK COME GIVE ME A HUG\n\nwhat do\?$/
  168. /^>hey anon i emptied your piss jugs for you$/
  169. /^what kind of beach is this\?$/
  170. /^Thoughts on this tushy\?\n\nSerious aesthetic replies only\. No lewdness\.$/
  171. /^>tfw a little girl rocks your world\n\nany movies for this feel\?$/
  172. /^why do little girls have such big feets\?$/
  173. /^\[loud kissing noises\]$/
  174. /^FREE THE CUNCUN$/
  175. /^What are some movies where womanlets finally get what they deserve\?\n\nAlready seen Keeping Up With The Joneses$/
  176. /^>hey mister, you owe me not ONE but TWO tummy rubs\n\nshe obviously has the wrong guy, but how do you play it\?$/
  177. /^what episode of Mad Men is this\?$/
  178. /^Who is the new queen of \/tv\/\?$/
  179. /^You're in the beach and this faggot goes and grabs you're ҫunnyfu on the tushy\. What do you do\?\n\nKeep in mind he's Vladimir Putin favorite nephew\.$/
  180. /^el cunniña$/
  181. /^thoughts on my daughter's drawings \/tv\/\?$/
  182. /^>hey mister, how do you like these cherries\n\nhow do you respond\?$/
  183. /^>BRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAP designer fashion beanies actually exist\n\nHow the fuck are you faggots getting away with this\?$/
  184. /^\*steals your cookie\*$/
  185. /^\*steals ALL your balloons\*$/
  186. /^thoughts on my new bamboo wall \/tv\/\?\n\nmade it myself :\)$/
  187. /^movies with this feel\?$/
  188. /^\*steals your surfboard\*$/
  189. /^>hey faggot, wanna play a few holes\?$/
  190. /^hey \/tv\/ rate my daughters$/
  191. /^>hey faggot hand me that towel will ya, I'm burning my tushy here$/
  192. /^>"meet your new secretary, anon"\n\nwhat do\?$/
  193. /^movies with this aesthetic\?$/
  194. /^>walk into malt shop\n>see this\n>what order\?$/
  195. /^what do we think of her body of work\?$/
  196. /^>Thanks anon for taking me out instead of spending another night watching your "kinos"\n\nWhat do you respond\?$/
  197. /^\*robots your path\*$/
  198. /^Hey \/tv\/, I just got home and found my son dressed like this\.\n\nIs this normal\?$/
  199. /^>5 minutes into frozen and chill she gives you this look\n\nw\/d\?$/
  200. /^\*makes deep armpit contact with you\*\n\nhow do you react\?$/
  201. /^what are some movies about champs\?$/
  202. /^\*drinks all your milk\*$/
  203. /^is this cultural appropriation\?$/
  204. /^>normal day browsing \/tv\/\n>suddenly \*doorbell\*\n>"hey mister, I need a big strong guy like you to help me practice my cheer-leading routine for the upcoming game\. all you need to do is throw me up in the air and catch me a few times\. you think you can handle that\?"\n\nwat do\?$/
  205. /^what do you guys think of her body of work\?$/
  206. /^>thou art at a party and this quite quaint mistress maketh directeth eye contact with thee and sayeth "valorous evening, m'lord"\n\nhow doth thee react\?$/
  207. /^>having lunch by yourself at some hipster cafe\n>girl dancing next to you turns around and says "hey numbnuts, do me a solid and ask the waitress for 2 tequila shots, do it and we'll buy you one the next round, come on don't be a pussy ass bitch"\n\nwhat do\?$/
  208. /^I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby and Yulenka, now what do I watch\?$/
  209. /^>It says here you've been posting on \/tv\/ everyday for almost a year but you don't have a ҫunny folder yet\. Care to explain\?$/
  210. /^>estás en una fiesta y esta bella mujer te mira directamente a los ojos y dice "hola"\n\n¿como reaccionas\?$/
  211. /^I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, and Curfew, now what do I watch\?$/
  212. /^POW$/
  213. /^hey faggot, wanna pet my ferret\?$/
  214. /^You're in the park and this girl slaps you're ҫunnyfu on the tushy\. What do you do\? \n\nKeep in mind she's holding a water balloon full of warm piss\.$/
  215. /^>walk into pyramid\n>girl says 'hey faggot stop making so much noise you'll wake up my mummy'\n>what do\?$/
  216. /^\*eats your popcorn\*$/
  217. /^>make it happen\n\nmake WHAT happen\?$/
  218. /^\*blocks your ocean view\*$/
  219. /^\[loud slurping noises\]$/
  220. /^>5 minutes into bubble bath and chill she gives you this look\n\nwat do\?$/
  222. /^>he doesn't have a daughterfu$/
  223. /^>that star wars movie sucks anon\. please dont ever ask me to watch movies with you ever again!$/
  224. /^rate my daughters yoga attire \/tv\/$/
  225. /^>get caught in the middle of hostage situation while working at Nakatummy Plaza\n>quickly hide in nearest room\n>turn around and see this\n>she slowly begins to put her hands behind her head exposing BOTH armpits and starts laughing\n\nHow do you proceed\?$/
  226. /^>hey fatty, catch$/
  227. /^>Thanks for the burger Anon \*puts on gloves\* it's \*swallows\* really \*small hiccup\* good \*farts quietly\*$/
  228. /^>walking through the beach and see this\n>"hey faggot, come stretch out my hammies, lol"\nwat do\?$/
  229. /^I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, Curfew, Show Me Love, Ozark, Alice in the Cities, A Little Princess and these final hours, now what do I watch\?$/
  230. /^guess the actress \/tv\/$/
  231. /^>old \/tv\/: worshiped beautiful little girls = highly intellectual kino discussion\n>neo\/tv\/: worships reddit meme actresses = nothing but capeshit, manchild franchises, e-celebs\n\ncoincidence\?$/
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