
Kyouko - Pirates

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. Kyouko Kirigiri - Pirate Ronpa!!
  3. Name: Kirigiri Kyouko
  5. Age: 17
  7. Gender: Female
  9. Kirigiri Kyouko, captain of the "Lavender Noise", was a young naval captain of only 17 years of age. However, after the events happening in a neighboring country, she had watched all of her crew and fellow captains be forced to retire, causing her to become alone and afraid quickly.
  11. Her father, Jin Kirigiri, had retired a few years to her signing on with the Royal Navy. However, she was practically forced into the business via her last name, and despises him for it. Contrary to popular opinion, she does not hate her job as a Naval Scouting Warship, and in fact, enjoys going out and gaining information of the waters.
  13. She constantly desires to be let go of her duties, however, so that she won't have to be told where to go or what to do by her higher-ups, and wished that she be let go when they were asking sailors to retire. But of course, being a female in the Royal Navy (a rare thing, if possible at all), she was expected to not have any say in her position, and from here, she was stuck. All because of a last name.
  15. Her outfit, during wear on the ship, consists of a highly-decorated white uniform jacket and shirt, a tie-like necklace hanging around her neck. On her hands are white gloves to cover up childhood burns caused by an accident that she refuses to bring up, and she never brings it up in front of anyone. On her bottoms is a white pencil-esque skirt since she was denied pants as part of her uniform. This makes it very hard to fight in, which is why she carries the large rifle on her back instead of the sword that most naval officers carry.
  16. Her rifle, dubbed the "Glider", is her most prized possession and her final gift from her father. It's rare to find ammo for its model, so it's even rarer that Kyouko actually fires it, and in actuality, she uses it as more of a club when she actually fights, whacking her opponents in various body parts with the butt of the gun.
  18. Her ship is one of the smaller boats of the Royal Navy, which caused her to have an even smaller crew, which, in turn, caused her crew to be one of the first to be picked from to be asked to retire. However, through their hardships, the crew of the "Lavender Noise" is one of the most hardworking groups of sailors that anyone has ever seen.
  21. Kyouko has formed no lasting relationships with anyone yet.
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