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Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. [Droki]: also, maybe don't pressure alyria into giving you secondhand accounts of me venting frustrated
  2. [Droki]: and just ask me why i'm so angry
  3. [Droki]: i've been angry all expansion cus i've felt like you were a jerk to me
  4. To [Droki]: eventually if I dont agree with you, which is gonna be most of the fucking time
  5. To [Droki]: you gotta learn to let it go
  6. [Droki]: i've been frustrated because key showed up, and I never ever ever wanted him, and i feel like he completely disregards us.
  7. [Droki]: and i have made an active effort to get along with him
  8. [Droki]: stop
  9. [Droki]: before you type
  10. To [Droki]: no
  11. [Droki]: you're about to
  12. [Droki]: one sec
  13. [Droki]: please
  14. To [Droki]: you dont know
  15. To [Droki]: ok
  16. To [Droki]: t ype
  17. [Droki]: last night
  18. [Droki]: i said something about to key okay
  19. [Droki]: i was like, can we not call wipes there, we're 380, we can push through stuff
  20. [Droki]: okay
  21. [Droki]: just bear with me for a sec
  22. [Droki]: before you respond pls
  23. To [Droki]: ok
  24. To [Droki]: you have the floor
  25. To [Droki]: (also gul's PC should arrive tuesday)
  26. [Droki]: and key was like
  27. To [Droki]: you should know that
  28. [Droki]: we're going to wipe, i had no mana, it drops us to 20%
  29. [Droki]: and i really really really made it an point (please not done, bear with me) to not say anything else until after the next pull about it
  30. [Droki]: and he totally took my feedback, he tried it
  31. [Droki]: which made me feel better, even tho we wiped and it WAS because of the adds
  32. [Droki]: but
  33. [Droki]: when i said "okay, well, we pushed through one add, but we definitely can't do two, that wrecked us" or something along those lines
  34. [Droki]: instead of key saying something like
  35. [Droki]: "yeah maybe sometimes we can push through one add" or anything or even acknowledging that he had tried to run with my feedback or anything like that
  36. [Droki]: he said "i was oom after first add, and the tanks died to it"
  37. To [Droki]: lemme know when I can talk on this one
  38. [Droki]: and i was so internally angry, cus i knew that was such a stupid fucking copout, like, dude, can you not admit you're wrong even when it's something inconsequential that no one cares about? like my idea was wrong and we DID wipe to adds
  39. [Droki]: but no, tanks did not die to that first add, and they did live, for 9% more, and then an add popped and we wiped so so sos os so hard, and we were CLEARLY behind because of the first add, and he was right, and maybe we can push through one in an emergency
  40. [Droki]: but it's definitely not a good idea
  41. To [Droki]: so you're mad at him for being right but with the wrong reasons
  42. To [Droki]: ?
  43. [Droki]: and i pointed out mana %s cus i knew they weren't oom and checked this time. okay but alriught NONE OF THAT MATTERS, he was right in the big pictures, adds bad idea
  44. [Droki]: yes i wish he would just not be arrogant about it. he was right in the big picture but either misspoke or lied because he can't be wrong about even things that don't matter. i promise i'm almost done and then the floor is yours
  45. To [Droki]: droki if you didnt make mountains out of molehills
  46. To [Droki]: so goddamned often
  47. [Droki]: and i decided i wasn't gonna say anything else about it
  48. [Droki]: listen i promise
  49. To [Droki]: dude you been promisng
  50. [Droki]: i decided i wasn't gonna say anything else about it
  51. To [Droki]: since fucking imonar
  52. [Droki]: listen to this not that
  53. To [Droki]: what the fuck does that
  54. To [Droki]: even mean
  55. [Droki]: not the other promise i mean i promie the floor wiull be yours
  56. [Droki]: i'm so close to done
  57. [Droki]: i just wanna explain this one thing ok
  58. To [Droki]: oh ok
  59. To [Droki]: yah
  60. To [Droki]: sorry
  61. [Droki]: i decided i didn't wanna say anything else about it and escalate it
  62. [Droki]: i was just gonna back off and let it be cus i was annoyed but it wasn't a big deal, right
  63. [Droki]: and then
  64. [Droki]: you came in
  65. [Droki]: and were like
  66. [Droki]: are you still bitching jesus fuck?!
  67. [Droki]: and i felt so fucking bad
  68. [Droki]: and then key said something like "let me make calls plz" and i felt like everyone was suddenly ganging up on me when i had genuinely just been trying to help and not been trying to be combative at all
  69. [Droki]: and had tried to avoid letting it escalate in any way
  70. [Droki]: and i got frustrated and lashed out and said some bullshit about how he couldn't accept feedback and i wouldn't talk anymore
  71. [Droki]: and then heav said something and i just refused to respond to it in /o. i whispered about it to her, but tried not to be combative there either but i felt like everyone was making out to be some crazy asshole who is trying to blow things up when i really
  72. [Droki]: truly was just trying to say, hey key, can we try to push through stuff sometimes and not call every wipe so often, and see if we can survive some of the mistakes?
  73. [Droki]: and it just blew up in my face and i felt so fucking bad
  74. [Droki]: and that is what happened last night
  75. [Droki]: ok the floor is yours tell me what you will
  76. To [Droki]: you kinda beat up on me
  77. To [Droki]: i need notes
  78. [Droki]: tldr
  79. [Droki]: i was trying to say hey key can we not wipe so fast sometimes and see if we can survive
  80. [Droki]: it started escalating between me and key
  81. [Droki]: i tried to de-escalate
  82. [Droki]: you showed up, not knowing that, and escalated
  83. [Droki]: i lashed out, immaturely, in response
  84. [Droki]: then retreated and stewed in rage the rest of the night.
  85. [Droki]: cliffnotes version. i genuinely just wanted to help
  86. To [Droki]: you're not in a fucking vaccuum droki
  87. [Droki]: i'm not blaming you
  88. [Droki]: i'm just telling you how i felt
  89. To [Droki]: neither am I
  90. [Droki]: I need your help to fix this. Because as of last night, this was going to be permanently fine. I was going to try to talk to Key, and explain to him that I'm trying to offer suggestions or ask questions, not attack him, outside of raid time, which is why
  91. [Droki]: I went out of my way last night to explain to him last night that I wasn't stepping on his toes on that last attempt.
  92. To [Droki]: you realized that for the 2nd time in six months we held a vote to demote you right?
  93. To [Droki]: you LOST the first one
  94. To [Droki]: I fucking pulled a veto
  95. To [Droki]: you WON last night
  96. To [Droki]: but ffs
  97. To [Droki]: then aly was being iffy and I bullied her
  98. [Droki]: But I logged in banned from my own discord and gkicked.
  99. To [Droki]: and goddamned dude
  100. To [Droki]: I was 11 minutes laste
  101. To [Droki]: late
  102. To [Droki]: 11
  103. To [Droki]: I wanted
  104. To [Droki]: I desperately wanted
  105. To [Droki]: to have this talk with you while I did it
  106. To [Droki]: it's why I didnt block you
  107. [Droki]: Bobble, fix it.
  108. To [Droki]: that's not my style
  109. To [Droki]: me?
  110. To [Droki]: droki
  111. To [Droki]: you have a year
  112. To [Droki]: of being a pendulum swinging sack of dickhead
  113. [Droki]: Bobble. The officers voted not to demote me for a reason.
  114. To [Droki]: yah
  115. To [Droki]: then you wanted to kick my ass
  116. To [Droki]: dude
  117. To [Droki]: wtf do I say
  118. To [Droki]: how do I let that shit slide?
  119. To [Droki]: if you say that to atris
  120. To [Droki]: what do I have to do?
  121. To [Droki]: instantly
  122. To [Droki]: ?
  123. To [Droki]: you fucked me dude
  124. [Droki]: You stop bullying Aly and forcing her to give up confidentiality if I vent to her that i'm so frustrated with how mean you've been to me in BFA.
  125. [Droki]: Nobody fucked you. Stop that.
  126. [Droki]: Stop being mean to me. I'll talk to you, and we'll avoid this communication breakdown nonsense.
  127. To [Droki]: I'm also not fucking mean to you droki
  128. [Droki]: Well I feel like you're mean to me. So next time you are, I'll tell you, and let you be the judge.
  129. To [Droki]: yeah but see
  130. To [Droki]: I'm already the judge
  131. [Droki]: Stop it.
  132. To [Droki]: You have had
  133. To [Droki]: an EXCEPTIONAL
  134. To [Droki]: amount of latitude
  135. To [Droki]: like
  136. To [Droki]: ffs
  137. To [Droki]: nobody would have gotten away with this
  138. To [Droki]: I should have kicked you the night you got stupid with aly and told her her words didnt mean anything
  139. [Droki]: Bobble, just put me back in and promote me and fix it. You want everything to be right? You want us to succeed? I'll put in the work.
  140. To [Droki]: You'll not be an officer
  141. [Droki]: You KNOW that was a total misunderstanding
  142. To [Droki]: that's not happening
  143. To [Droki]: maybe it was
  144. [Droki]: You KNOW that I was telling her that I didn't know what her words meant.
  145. To [Droki]: but it was emotionally charged
  146. To [Droki]: wihich is the problem
  147. To [Droki]: with every comment you make
  148. [Droki]: Bobble, the officers voted not to demote me.
  149. [Droki]: Make me an officer and fix it.
  150. To [Droki]: no they voted not to kick you cause i typed it wrong
  151. To [Droki]: key wanted to demote, not kick
  152. [Droki]: Now you're backpedalling
  153. [Droki]: And I 100% don't believe you.
  154. To [Droki]: ok wait
  155. To [Droki]: i'll shwo you
  156. [Droki]: I was here long before Key.
  157. To [Droki]: the only wishy washy shit
  158. To [Droki]: was key
  159. To [Droki]: here
  160. [Droki]: And have done far more than him.
  161. [Droki]: For this guild.
  162. To [Droki]: []
  163. To [Droki]: not a back pedal
  164. To [Droki]: just trying to be transparent
  165. To [Droki]: there was a miscommunication in voting
  166. [Droki]: Bobble I've done more for this guild than Key ever has.
  167. To [Droki]: I
  168. To [Droki]: dont
  169. To [Droki]: care
  170. To [Droki]: you get that right?
  171. [Droki]: How can you not? I literally just spent $400 on the computer for one of our raiders.
  172. To [Droki]: nobody has had me woken up while away at work
  173. [Droki]: I put in my time and hours.
  174. To [Droki]: because they were being a dick
  175. To [Droki]: nobody
  176. To [Droki]: has bullied
  177. To [Droki]: fucking zemo
  178. To [Droki]: FUCKING ZEMO DROKI
  179. [Droki]: I donate, I farm, I have made feasts for a year, I show and contribute.
  180. To [Droki]: to the point of being aggressive
  181. [Droki]: I work with people on their DPS.
  182. To [Droki]: ever
  183. To [Droki]: but you
  184. [Droki]: Key bullied Zemo
  185. [Droki]: and I stood up to him over it.
  186. To [Droki]: what? when
  187. To [Droki]: I remember you
  188. [Droki]: The first week of BFA>
  189. To [Droki]: calling zemo a fucking idiot
  190. To [Droki]: because he preferred fury
  191. [Droki]: The first week.
  192. To [Droki]: a
  193. To [Droki]: FUCKING IDIOT
  194. [Droki]: Zemo and I get along.
  195. To [Droki]: now
  196. To [Droki]: you pretend you didnt bully that kid before he spiked you parse
  197. To [Droki]: and i swear to fucking god
  198. To [Droki]: im done with you
  199. To [Droki]: you were an absolute ass to him that day
  200. [Droki]: I go out of my way not to bully anyone. I said something in discord the other night and I was 100% joking and you told me I was being an asshole and I immediately apologized to Kirah because I didn't realize what I said would be taken as like yelling and
  201. [Droki]: not joking
  202. To [Droki]: I dont even know what kirah sounds like
  203. To [Droki]: idk man
  204. To [Droki]: im angry with you
  205. [Droki]: No Zemo 100% got me back on that parse. I was totally mean about fury and he got me and i was steaming made about coven for like a week over it, and now I don't care about it and we're friends
  206. To [Droki]: let it be
  207. To [Droki]: you're not gonna convince me i'm wrong
  208. To [Droki]: I just need to think
  209. [Droki]: I don't need to convince you I'm wrong, I need my fucking guild back.
  210. To [Droki]: then stop
  211. To [Droki]: fucking
  212. To [Droki]: poisoning it
  213. To [Droki]: you're a leader droki
  214. To [Droki]: people look up to you
  215. [Droki]: Then stop making everything I say feel like I'm in a fight
  216. To [Droki]: goddamn it listen to me
  217. [Droki]: You took my leadership away.
  218. [Droki]: You jsut said you did
  219. To [Droki]: give me the respect I showed you
  220. [Droki]: Give it back and I'll fix everything.
  221. To [Droki]: and let me finish
  222. To [Droki]: You're a strong personality
  223. To [Droki]: you're gifted
  224. To [Droki]: you're a great but selfish player
  225. To [Droki]: you're hungry and competitive
  226. To [Droki]: none are exactly bad things
  227. To [Droki]: but dont think when you get mad because of some dumb shit
  228. To [Droki]: it doesnt ripple through the guild
  229. To [Droki]: because of the same reasons you're strong
  230. [Droki]: So I won't. I made a decision last night and I told you what I would do, and you threw a panic instead and I logged in gkicked with not a word to me
  231. To [Droki]: but ffs
  232. To [Droki]: it's a year
  233. To [Droki]: it's been
  234. To [Droki]: a long time
  235. To [Droki]: cuase you'd logged off
  236. To [Droki]: i wanted you on for it
  237. To [Droki]: I missed it by 11 mins
  238. [Droki]: I got so fucking frustrated last night, and realized a lot of what I say has been taken into some kind of combative context, and I can make things better but I need to speak less often and slowly and work to improve things
  239. [Droki]: And decided to do something about it
  240. To [Droki]: you need to realize when people are in the middle
  241. [Droki]: And I logged in to this fucking mess
  242. To [Droki]: of fucking leading 20 people
  243. To [Droki]: they may not have the facilities to respond
  244. To [Droki]: to an ansinine response about an early wipe
  245. [Droki]: What did I just say tho?
  246. To [Droki]: much less entertain a 20 minute wipe
  247. To [Droki]: I dont care
  248. To [Droki]: what you JUST said
  249. To [Droki]: dude
  250. To [Droki]: this is a LONG time coming
  251. To [Droki]: just
  252. To [Droki]: just let it be
  253. To [Droki]: for now
  254. To [Droki]: please
  255. [Droki]: That I would speak less oftena nd slowly and work to improve things was what I decided last night. That's the decision I made, 100%, not to bring shit up in the middle of a 20man raid about asinine things
  256. [Droki]: Like we're saying the same shit
  257. To [Droki]: yeah
  258. To [Droki]: just let it sit
  259. To [Droki]: k?
  260. [Droki]: No.
  261. To [Droki]: well fine then
  262. To [Droki]: no
  263. [Droki]: I'm not letting you just take away my friends and my guild like that
  264. [Droki]: Please fix it.
  265. To [Droki]: you fucking broke it droki
  266. [Droki]: I didn't break anything.
  267. [Droki]: You and me failing to communicate as a team broke some shit.
  268. [Droki]: The guild is fine.
  269. To [Droki]: and they are still
  270. To [Droki]: your friends
  271. To [Droki]: fuck IM still your friend
  272. To [Droki]: just goddamn it I dont want to be your guildie for a while
  273. [Droki]: No you're not. You removed me from btag
  274. [Droki]: I don't care if you don't want to be my guildie, I want to be with the rest of my guild
  275. [Droki]: And it's about a lot more than you.
  276. [Droki]: And if you can't realize that, you're not fit to be GM
  277. To [Droki]: then you should have acted right LAST time we talked about it
  278. To [Droki]: then find a new guild i guess
  279. To [Droki]: I just told you to let it sit a bit and I'm unfit
  280. To [Droki]: gg I guess
  281. To [Droki]: now threaten to beat me up IRL /yawn
  282. [Droki]: If you think it's exclusively about you
  283. [Droki]: And not anyone else
  284. To [Droki]: droki
  285. To [Droki]: I've rebuilt this
  286. [Droki]: I don't see how you can a good leader
  287. To [Droki]: enough times
  288. To [Droki]: I dont care
  289. To [Droki]: we'll be fine
  290. To [Droki]: honestly I dont want you to fail
  291. To [Droki]: I just want you away from me for a while at least
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