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Faith and Writing while Reading

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Oct 26th, 2016
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  1. I watched your video as I wrote... I debated deleting it once I heard him say he was catholic... but I decided to send it to tell you that what he believes is not what we believes, he is not Catholic, no matter what he says.
  3. I'm about to post this... now, I wish I could post it privately to you and him as it says in the bible to reproach indivdiuals that way first, but I want to inform you of a lie you have been spreading.
  5. Exodus 20:16: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
  6. Which you just did, claiming that the Catholic school system teaches homosexuality (blatantly false). Who is my neighbor? Luke 10:29 leads into a story about an enemy, a samaritan, so even if you view us as an enemy, we are your neighbor.
  7. As your neighbor, I ask that you stop spreading lies against the Catholic church.
  9. I'm not sure where Catholic came from... but watch this video and tell me where and why you say he's Catholic or even Christian. Because I keep watching it hoping to find out why you're condemning my faith.
  10. I am asking you christian to christian, rebuking you in private as the bible commands.... if you are going to condemn us, at the very least it should be with the truth.
  13. Now because of you my church is being condemned falsely by Mr. Robert Smith... and others. I'm still trying to figure out why you think this man is a Catholic when he is blatantly saying things against the teachings of the church. It would be more appropriate to say "This man says he is a Catholic." And I am a broken pot, by the way.
  15. Teachers of lies have comforted your people
  16. and now they stumble, foolishly.
  19. Condemn me only with the truth. If you really want to learn what the Catholic church teaches, there are many cradle catholics who are lost, just as there are many members of every faith who do not believe. Find an authoritative source, but condemn us not from rumors.
  22. Proverbs 26:20 For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.
  24. Imagine if you were judged by the least knowledgeable, most apathetic member of your own parish. I'm still trying to find where this man says he is Catholic.
  27. As for me, when I am condemned falsely it only strengthens my faith. It means that the truth is not enough to condemn me.
  28. Luke 6:26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
  29. John 15:18 If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
  32. Also, as a non-denominational church, what are you founded upon?
  34. The global body of christ?
  35. biblical discipleship, and church planting.
  37. Sola Scriptura???
  39. Matthew 22: 29 But Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
  40. Nor the power of God, nothing in scriptures says that it is sufficient in and of it's-self.
  42. Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
  45. You have the bible... but do you have the keys? It's gonna suck getting to that gate and it's locked... but I hear the wide one is always unlocked... but that's not the way I want to go.
  46. Let's hope that "God always opens a window" saying is true.
  48. Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’
  50. And I know you probably believe in confessing directly to God... but
  52. John 20:21-23 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
  56. So... if you wish to confess this lie (if you care, which I hope you do) I encourage you to confess it to a Catholic priest, as he is both the one condemned by the lie, and one called and bestowed by the authority of the Catholic church to forgive it. I believe he is bestowed with this authority by Jesus, though you may believe us false. Fine, remember that the person who was trespassed against can also forgive you.
  58. Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
  60. I'm not saying you can't condemn us... I'm not claiming to know everything (I haven't even passed RCIA[Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults] yet... so I'm far from knowledgeable about the scriptures.) But... I can state unequivocally that you should not be condemning us with lies and falsehoods.
  62. And yes, I am only citing you for one... but I am citing you for one. And it's breaking a commandment to boot. If you are leading a flock, should you not know better? If you preach the truth, I would hope you will also speak it.
  64. And you say "Catholic who refuses to accept God's way"
  66. If he does not accept God's way, and does not accept Christ Jesus, he is not a Catholic. In order to be in Holy Communion with the Catholic church you must accept it's teaching.
  68. "I believe that it is not a sin." (Homosexuality) is what he said... THAT is ultimately what he believes... he is not a christian, nor a catholic, he simply believes what he wants. He's not even a Christian.
  70. This is america, anyone has a right to preach anything, I can walk up and preach about the flying spaghetti monster as an atheist making a joke... but if you are called to preach for God, preach the truth.
  72. My church is being falsely condemned as promoting homosexuality and your video is being held up as evidence.
  74. As for the 'tourism'. Legalized prostitution brings tourism, does that mean it's right?
  76. The man shows profound ignorance of everything, the law, and I'm still trying to figure out why you think he's catholic... he even has to argue that he believes in God.
  78. 16:28 "I believe there is a God, I'm not going to sit here and say there's not a God."
  79. 17:53 "Jesus walked around all the religious cities back in the day."
  80. This is a common myth, my uncle (a buddhist) believes this... to counter it I remind you that the people who lived near him knew him... he can't have been gone forever, because they knew him as the son of Joseph.
  82. Of course he wasn't taught that in school... it doesn't sound like he was taught much in school.
  84. Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to.... (well, that's above).
  86. Actually, I want to tell you that I once had a very interesting conversation with a Jewish lesbian and I lost... her argument is that 'Arseno' is men and 'Koitai' is coitus... her argument is that the Tanakh only condemns homosexual act of male-intercourse... and while I had an argument on 'not doing as the egyptians do', it was rather too weak. (The translations in the english version are frome arsenokoitai and she spoke the original language, so using the translation didn't work.)
  88. How do you think this man is Catholic when he doesn't even believe the bible was written by Jesus' apostles?
  90. I love your 90 AD comment, we have references to the Trinity from 108 Ad. Interestingly enough the Muslim Qur'an even confuses Mary with the Holy Spirit and accuses us (Catholics) of worshipping Mary (the devil's favorite lie).
  92. His community flourished throughout the Roman empire teaching the very same message he taught...
  94. And I argue that community is the Catholic church... and you are free to disagree... though I would love to debate it with you. However, I would like it very much if you stopped falsely claiming this man is a catholic and condemning my church for someone who is obviously not even christian and may never have even read the scripture.
  96. He chooses homosexuality and gays over Jesus and the Lord... wow... that's painful. But, looking at it another way, he chose the world and it's ways...
  98. I hear everything you're saying... and you could be a member of my family.
  100. There it is... at the end... he said he was catholic... after debating Jesus, the bible, and everything catholicism stands for... he says he's catholic... he is so very lost.
  101. but I'm telling you... what he believes is not what we believe, and we are being condemned because one person believes something that is wrong. Many are lost... he's probably a cradle catholic whose parents went Christian and Easter only... there are many of those.
  103. In your church... is there not one person who would fail... is there not one child raised in your church who does not believe? Maybe you don't get any of the Christmas/Easter people because your church has not been around for generations... but in a 40 years if your church is still here.... you will.
  105. Read your comments... understand the condemnation you bring upon us because he said one word... see the hate in your comments... we believe in Christ. He does not represent us... he has chosen the world... the world hates us, not because we support homosexuality... but because we oppose it. And it sickens me that you are a convincing fools who know nothing of what we stand for that we support what you condemn... in ignorance... they are being convinced of that.
  107. The way is narrow... and even within your church... many are lost... just as many are lost outside your church. Are you honestly saying nobody in your church supports homosexuality... that there is no spouse of a member of your church who would say they go to your church... who might not believe what you believe.
  109. I've written all this, and now that the man has said he is Catholic (he may have been a child in a catholic church once, but he has not listened to the messages we preach, he may have heard them once, but he did not accept them or Christ Jesus into his heart).... I wonder if I should... but I send this to you to defend my faith.
  111. That man is not Catholic. I doubt he even goes to Church... he didn't even believe the bible, and his comment about Jesus going around to all the religious cities (my uncle, a buddhist, claims Christ visited india and studied hinduism, a common secular lie), has only been said by a buddhist I know... who believes the bible cannot possibly be true.
  113. I notice you didn't say divorce... Mark 10, the world accepts divorce just as it accepts Homosexuality. The catholic church lost the entire country of England over one divorce. (read the formation of the Anglican Church).
  115. I also want to tell you something else interesting...
  118. In 600 AD Muhammad misinterpreted Mary as the Holy Spirit of the trinity. This means that all the criticisms the Catholic Church gets about worshipping Mary(falsely, I might add), would have been the same 1400 years ago.
  120. This also means that the trinitarian doctrine dates from at least 600 AD... I've actually dated it to 108 AD, at the latest. Over 200 years before the bible was written... which means that at the time of the assembling of the bible, the people who chose the books believed in the Trinity, the Church also predated the bible by how many hundred years?
  122. You claim to be non-denominational... that's great...
  124. I bet that muhammad, being illiterate, confused "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" with "Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father" as both Joseph and God are referred to as Jesus father, some by indirect reference... for it is how people knew Jesus "Is he not the son of Joseph?" and how he identified himself "in my father's house". And with two sets of three, two called the father, and two of which were Jesus, he naturally assumed that the third (Mary) must be the Holy Spirit.
  126. Oh, and one final argument regarding the Qur'an... it relies entirely on the testimony of one man who 'Barked like a camel', whom many feared was possessed by a demon. And even in the Qur'an it requires two men to testify, just as Jewish law required (or one man and two women).
  129. And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men.
  131. It strikes me as odd that all Muslims accept for their faith, what would not be accepted as a contract for a debt... but is not the Qur'an claimed as a contract for a debt?
  134. Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise.
  136. Also, islam promises very worldly pleasures.
  139. I tell you this because at some point you will debate Islam... and I want you to remember one thing.
  142. But even the archangel Michael, when he disputed with the devil over the body of Moses, did not presume to bring a slanderous judgment against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”
  145. How much more so his servants.
  147. The most dangerous muslims are the ones who have read the Hadith and wish to do as Muhammad did...
  151. Why do muslims accept a book, an entire faith... with less than is required for a simple contract of debt, and why would God provide it with less... and with less than is required for Jewish testimony as well. (If they are wondering why Jews do not and cannot convert... that is why... because there is only one witness. We have Christ, but we also have 12 apostles, miracles, John the Baptist (a good second witness if ever there was one), and others. "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."
  154. It also occurs at other points in the Bible. Luke 3:22
  156. So... we have quite a few witness... always with at least two corroborations
  158. John the baptist makes a good example, and a very important one.
  160. Ah well....
  161. Luke 6:26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
  163. John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
  165. What is one more condemnation of the church Christ founded? We are called the whore of babylon, we are called Gog or Magog, it has even been said that Catholicism will conquer the world and force it's-self upon everyone... such is impossible.
  167. Christianity is banned in 4 countries (Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia among them), and is heavily restricted in China. Though, any world religion that were willing to restrict food and let the Chinese starve would be able to force China to acquiesce... simply by controlling it's own food exports, much as Saudi Arabia exports oil... :/
  169. If you'd like to challenge anything I have said... I believe my gmail is... I'd appreciate if you didn't share it publicly. :)
  171. 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
  173. The interesting thing is that the Gospel's weren't written down right then... when paul wrote his letter to Timothy, his letters were not yet considered scripture. We tend to think of it that way, but scripture was primarily the old testament... and gospel the new testament, which is considered christian scripture... but some of it did not exist then. The truth was passed orally, preached, at that time.
  175. I believe that Christ came to found a church... not simply to write a book... or he could have simply sat down and written one. He was clearly literate and well-versed in Jewish Scripture, even capable of outsmarting the devil himself.
  177. Christ was called to found a church... and yet every non-denominational church must either claim that it does not still exist... that everyone has lost their way... or that all churches are the church christ came to found... or that all biblically based churches are... then why is peter the rock...
  179. How many people have the right to bind things in heaven?
  185. But in a world of a thousand churches, many of which disagree, some of whom actively promote homosexuality... who has the authority to bind and loose.... how can you know? Is it every disciple... do I have that authority... then I loose everyone from their sins, and bind everyone to God that all might be saved... could you not say the same? Do you have that authority? Are you Peter, the rock?
  187. With all that binding and loosing up there... things must be nuts in heaven. 30,000 non-denominational churches... all with that authority?
  190. The gods must be crazy... good movie... good movie...
  194. Kinda funny that in 600 AD christians were accused of worshipping Mary... or at least one group... just like today.
  196. Controversy still exists Today whether the authority to loosen or bind is still in effect, if it passed at some point during the church's early development, or to what extent gospel and doctrine as been loosened or bound by either the Catholic, Eastern, Coptic, Protestant and other organizations.
  198. The mormons also have to take the word of a single person, Joseph Smith, much like Islam does and they also claim that the authority to bind and loose on earth was lost when the apostles died... and that somehow they now possess it. Hmm...
  200. Worshipping mary, lost authority, edited scripture... they are three of Satans favorite lies... I will agree that some of the translations are imperfect, but the errors in those are known and can be researched.
  204. While I do agree that scripture should be read, studied, and understood... it does not rule on all things, nor is it all-in-all or sufficient. Christ came to found a church. And while King James would not have claimed that it does not exist... every non-denominational church must...or must claim that every church is the church of Christ... then must all have the keys to the kingdom, and the power to bind on earth and in heaven.
  206. Matthew 6:24 No man can have two masters...
  207. Or maybe I'm taking it out of context...
  212. I hope you read those... why do I challenge you...
  214. 1 Peter 1:7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
  216. And also... because I do not want you to labor in vain.
  218. And if you didn't read my last two links... this won't make much sense.
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