

Aug 29th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. @echo off
  2. Rem This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only. The author of this tool does not condone illegal activities, and the tool should not be used to cause harm to any individual, service, or organization. By using this tool, you acknowledge that any misuse of the tool is entirely your responsibility, and you accept full liability for your actions.
  3. Rem Paste this code into notepad and save it as IP-Multi-Tool.bat
  4. Rem Coded by DSTAT. Instagram: @DDoS_Filter
  5. Rem Copyright © [2019] [@DDoS_Filter]
  6. Rem
  7. Rem
  8. Rem | Win10+
  9. Rem Option 9 opens the last API response in a text document. (Works with options 1,2,5,6,7)
  10. title IP Multi Tool
  11. color 0A
  13. set webclient=webclient
  14. set localversion=
  15. if exist "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
  16. :menu
  17. mode con lines=24 cols=70
  18. set ip=
  19. set action=0
  20. cls
  21. echo  IP-Multi-Tool v%localversion%                         Coded by @DDoS_Filter
  22. echo                                  Menu
  23. echo.
  24. echo                            View Your IP: (1)
  25. echo.
  26. echo                            Lookup An IP: (2)
  27. echo.
  28. echo                             Ping An IP: (3)
  29. echo.
  30. echo                          TraceRoute An IP: (4)
  31. echo.
  32. echo                           PortScan An IP: (5)
  33. echo.
  34. echo                         Domain To IP Lookup: (6)
  35. echo.
  36. echo                            WhoIs Lookup: (7)
  37. echo.
  38. echo                              NSLookup: (8)
  39. echo.
  40. echo                         View Response Text: (9)
  41. echo.
  42. echo                         Check For Updates: (10)
  43. echo.
  44. :action
  45. set /p action=Type your choice. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10:
  46. if '%action%'=='1' echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs & echo sRequest = "key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs & goto apirequest
  47. if '%action%'=='2' goto iplookup
  48. if '%action%'=='3' goto ipping
  49. if '%action%'=='4' goto traceroute
  50. if '%action%'=='5' goto portscan
  51. if '%action%'=='6' goto domain2ip
  52. if '%action%'=='7' goto whois
  53. if '%action%'=='8' goto nslookup
  54. if '%action%'=='9' goto opentext
  55. if '%action%'=='10' goto update_ipmt
  56. echo.
  57. echo Please enter a valid choice.
  58. echo.
  59. goto action
  60. :apirequest
  61. if exist "%temp%\response.txt" del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  62. if %action% NEQ update (
  63. set rqst_type=POST
  64. cls
  65. echo.
  66. echo  Waiting for API response. . .
  67. )
  68. echo set oHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  69. echo "%rqst_type%", sUrl,false >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  70. echo oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  71. echo oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(sRequest) >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  72. echo oHTTP.send sRequest >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  73. echo HTTPGET = oHTTP.responseText >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  74. echo strDir = "%temp%\response.txt" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  75. echo set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  76. echo set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDir) >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  77. echo objFile.Write(HTTPGET) >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  78. echo objFile.Close >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  79. echo Wscript.Quit >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  80. start %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  81. set /a requests=0
  82. :checkresponseexists
  83. set /a requests=%requests% + 1
  84. if %requests% gtr 10 goto failed
  85. IF EXIST "%temp%\response.txt" (
  86. goto response_exist
  87. ) ELSE (
  88. ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
  89. goto checkresponseexists
  90. )
  91. :failed
  92. tasklist | find "wscript.exe" >nul
  93. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 taskkill /f /im wscript.exe >nul
  94. del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
  95. echo.
  96. echo  Did not receive a response from the API.
  97. echo.
  98. pause
  99. goto menu
  100. :response_exist
  101. del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
  102. if %action% EQU update if '%dlupdate%'=='y' goto update
  103. find "error code: 1006" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  104. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto banned
  105. find "One more step" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  106. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto cbanned
  107. find "Web server is down" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  108. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
  109. find "Connection timed out" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  110. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
  111. find "404 Not Found" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  112. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
  113. goto verified
  114. :banned
  115. cls
  116. echo.
  117. echo  Error: You have been banned for abuse.
  118. ping -n 4 -w 1000 >nul
  119. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  120. exit
  121. :cbanned
  122. cls
  123. echo.
  124. echo  Error: Your IP has been blocked for security purposes.
  125. echo  Contact @DDoS_Filter on instagram for help.
  126. echo  Sorry for any inconvinience.
  127. echo  If you are using a VPN and have received this error message,
  128. echo  turn off the VPN, and try again.
  129. ping -n 8 -w 1000 >nul
  130. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  131. exit
  132. :offline
  133. cls
  134. echo.
  135. echo  Error: The API is offline.
  136. ping -n 4 -w 1000 >nul
  137. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  138. goto menu
  139. :verified
  140. set "data=findstr /R /N "^^" %temp%\response.txt | find /C ":"",
  141. for /f %%i in ('!data!') do set lines=%%i
  142. if %lines% LSS 10 (
  143. set /a lines=20
  144. ) else (
  145. set /a lines=%lines% + 3
  146. )
  147. if '%action%'=='update' goto checkversion
  148. if '%action%'=='1' goto parseiplookup
  149. if '%action%'=='2' goto parseiplookup
  150. if '%action%'=='5' goto parsepscan
  151. if '%action%'=='6' goto parsedomain2ip
  152. if '%action%'=='7' goto parsewhois
  153. goto menu
  154. :iplookup
  155. cls
  156. echo.
  157. echo                          Type an IP to lookup
  158. echo.
  159. set /p ip=IP:
  160. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  161. echo sRequest = "key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&ip=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  162. goto apirequest
  163. :parseiplookup
  164. mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
  165. cls
  166. echo.
  167. for /f "delims=     " %%i in ('findstr /i ":" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  168.     set data=%%i
  169.     echo !data!
  170. )
  171. echo.
  172. pause
  173. goto menu
  174. :ipping
  175. rem Inteli-Ping by @DDoS_Filter
  176. set /a replies=0
  177. set /a timeouts=0
  178. set /a packets_sent=0
  179. set responsetime=N/A
  180. set avgtime=N/A
  181. set min=N/A
  182. set max=N/A
  183. cls
  184. echo.
  185. echo                       Type an IP or URL to ping
  186. echo.
  187. set /p ip=Host:
  188. echo.
  189. set /p ipv6= IPv6? y/n:
  190. if '%ipv6%'=='y' (
  191.     set tokens=5
  192.     set searchstring=: time
  193. ) else (
  194.     set tokens=7
  195.     set searchstring=time
  196. )
  197. mode con lines=16 cols=30
  198. :ping
  199. set success=false
  200. for /F "tokens=%tokens% delims=<>= " %%i in ('ping -n 1 %ip% ^| find "%searchstring%"') do (
  201.     set responsetime=%%i
  202.     set responsetime=!responsetime:~0,-2!
  203.     set success=true
  204. )
  205. set /a packets_sent=packets_sent + 1
  206. if %replies% EQU 0 if %success% EQU true if %replies% NEQ N/A set min=99999 & set max=0
  207. if %success% EQU false (
  208.     set status=Host is offline
  209.     set /a timeouts=timeouts + 1
  210.     color 0C
  211. ) else (
  212.     set status=Host is online
  213.     set /a replies=replies + 1
  214.     set /a totaltime=%totaltime% + %responsetime%
  215.     set /a avgtime=totaltime / replies
  216.     color 0A
  217.     if %responsetime% LSS %min% (
  218.         set min=%responsetime%
  219.     )
  220.     if %responsetime% GTR %max% (
  221.         set max=%responsetime%
  222.     )
  223. )
  224. set /a packet_loss=((packets_sent-timeouts)*100)/packets_sent
  225. cls
  226. echo Pinging %ip%
  227. echo.
  228. echo  %status%^^!
  229. echo.
  230. echo  Successful Replies: %replies%
  231. echo.
  232. echo  Requests Timed Out: %timeouts%
  233. echo.
  234. echo  Success Percentage: %packet_loss%
  235. echo.
  236. echo  Avrg Response Time: %avgtime%ms
  237. echo.
  238. echo  Last Response Time: %responsetime%ms
  239. echo.
  240. echo  Min: %min%ms  Max: %max%ms
  241. ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
  242. goto ping
  243. :traceroute
  244. mode con lines=30 cols=100
  245. cls
  246. echo.
  247. echo                                   Type an IP or URL to trace route
  248. echo.
  249. set /p ip=Host:
  250. tracert %ip%
  251. echo.
  252. pause
  253. goto menu
  254. :portscan
  255. cls
  256. echo.
  257. echo                        Type a host to port scan
  258. echo.
  259. set /p ip=Host:
  260. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  261. echo sRequest = "key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&ip=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  262. goto apirequest
  263. :parsepscan
  264. mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
  265. cls
  266. echo.
  267. for /f "delims=     " %%i in ('findstr /i "Results Port Error" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  268.     set data=%%i
  269.     echo !data!
  270. )
  271. echo.
  272. pause
  273. goto menu
  274. :domain2ip
  275. cls
  276. echo.
  277. echo                         Type a domain to lookup
  278. echo.
  279. set /p ip=Domain:
  280. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  281. echo sRequest = "key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&host=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  282. goto apirequest
  283. :parsedomain2ip
  284. mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
  285. cls
  286. echo.
  287. for /f "delims=     " %%i in ('findstr /i "IP Error" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  288.     set data=%%i
  289.     echo !data!
  290. )
  291. echo.
  292. pause
  293. goto menu
  294. :whois
  295. cls
  296. echo.
  297. echo                       Type a host to WhoIs lookup
  298. echo.
  299. set /p ip=Host:
  300. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  301. echo sRequest = "key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&host=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  302. goto apirequest
  303. :parsewhois
  304. mode con lines=%lines% cols=100
  305. cls
  306. echo.
  307. for /f "delims=     " %%i in ('findstr /i ":" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  308.     set data=%%i
  309.     echo !data!
  310. )
  311. echo.
  312. pause
  313. goto menu
  314. :nslookup
  315. cls
  316. echo.
  317. echo                    Type an IP or Domain to NSLookup
  318. echo.
  319. set /p ip=Host:
  320. cls
  321. echo.
  322. echo Name Server Look up using Cloudflare DNS. . .
  323. echo.
  324. nslookup %ip%
  325. echo.
  326. pause
  327. goto menu
  328. :opentext
  329. if exist "%temp%\response.txt" start %temp%/response.txt
  330. goto menu
  331. :update_ipmt
  332. cls
  333. set action=update
  334. set rqst_type=GET
  335. echo.
  336. echo  Checking for updates. . .
  337. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  338. goto apirequest
  339. :checkversion
  340. set /p version=<"%temp%\response.txt"
  341. if %localversion% EQU %version% (
  342. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  343. echo.
  344. echo  You are on the latest version^^!
  345. echo.
  346. echo  Version: %version%
  347. echo.
  348. pause
  349. goto menu
  350. )
  351. cls
  352. echo.
  353. echo  An update is available for IP Multi Tool^^!
  354. echo.
  355. echo.  New version: %version%
  356. echo.
  357. echo   Your version: %localversion%
  358. echo.
  359. set /p dlupdate= Would you like to download the update? y/n:
  360. if '%dlupdate%'=='y' (
  361. cls
  362. echo.
  363. echo  Downloading to Downloads folder. . .
  364. echo.
  365. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  366. goto apirequest
  367. :update
  368. find "6Ip5ithetropU1lSpiwRlcrLN5ro6er7" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  369. if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
  370. echo  Error downloading update^^!
  371. echo.
  372. pause
  373. goto menu
  374. )
  375. move %temp%\response.txt C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\IP-Multi-Tool.bat >nul
  376. set dlupdate=0
  377. echo  Starting updated version. . .
  378. ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
  379. start C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\IP-Multi-Tool.bat
  380. exit
  381. ) else (
  382. goto menu
  383. )
  384. Rem Coded by DSTAT. Instagram: @DDoS_Filter
  385. Rem
  386. Rem
  387. Rem | Win10+
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