
Korash Toreale

Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. Name: Four Sword Samurai Korash Toreale
  2. Race: Dragonborn
  3. Religion: Valkyr and Prothmere
  4. Age: 24
  5. Appearance: Korash is a somewhat human-like dragonborn. She has rather tall standing at 6'11". Her skin is and scales are blue, but they turn into a light tan at around her midsection and over her face. Her face itself is rather human-like, but she has a fierce jaw with fangs that protrude from her mouth. Her hair itself is less hair, and a strange feathering of black that is kept within a small, short, and confined pony-tail, sticking out from her armor making her look much like a samurai. From her head, two horns form, facing backward, starting at just above and behind her ears. Her eyes are a mixture of blue and green, sparkled like a blue-green sapphire. Her arms are covered in scales and tipped with clawed hands. Her legs are very dragon-like, ending in almost a high-heel looking claw. She has a fair bust, that she commonly binds under her armor.
  7. Weapons: Four Unique Katanas:
  9. Dragon's Fury: A rather large, heavy blade, reaching out around 85cm. It's blade is made from a very heavy metal that takes on an almost red-black color. It's blade is tempered and has an almost firey, yellow, orange, and red hamon and grain that appears as if the sword itself is on fire. The tsuba is a dragon circling around and eating at it's own tail as an ouroboros, encircled by spheres and blades made from somewhat rusty and faint black-iron. The handle is wrapped in red dragon-scale leather, and is quite old. The grip of the scales, while rough and damaging to the wielder over time, gives the extra weight of the blade a better handle in the hand. The charm itself is unusual as it's a red tiger's eye jewel. The kashira is a dragon's head, biting down on a sphere. The blade is known for being rather hot during combat. As the battle moves on, the hamon of the blade glows as the sword heats up. During the beginning of a battle, it has to be woken up, it's blade being duller than normal and power lacklustre. As it wakes up, the blade heats and heats, becoming both sharper, stronger, but as well burning what it touches. However, too much excited and it will turn back and burn the wielder through the guard or even begin to chip as it wears itself out. It's scabbard is a red-wood with an intricate dragon circling around, made from a black-iron. The beginning of it ends with the dragon's mouth, completely covering the Tsuba when seal, with it's end being capped with a large black-iron block.
  11. Lament of Angels: A very thin blade made from an equally light metal. The Blade is very short as well, reaching at only over 58cm, barely being a katana. However, the metal is very strong as well for it's size, though it's better suited for cutting rather than blocking an attack. However with it's sharp edge, blocking can almost gaurantee rather cutting the enemy's blade if the user his familiar with techniques to cut iron and steel. The metal itself is a very pale, almost pearly white metal. As well, rather than a metallic sheen coming off, it's more of that of a pearl. The Tsuba itself is made from a rather large mother of pearl piece, made into a mermaid encircling the and holding the blade. The grip is made from a very light, and almost slippery eel leather, bleached to be a faint white. The charm is a small glass oval with a faintly colored, pearl-like liquid rumored to be an angel's tear. The kashira is rather simple, being made of featureless mother of pearl. The entire blade has a purpose of both speed, elegance, but as well discipline. Not only does the wielder have to be disciplined with it's slipper grip, but as well the blade itself grows discipline. If the user wishes for the enemy not to be cut, the blade will refuse to cut. The blade has no scabbard, instead being hung with a silk sheet almost, staying in by sheer fact of it's nature to serve.
  13. Oni's Anguish: A very wide, but ultimately short blade. The Width and Height of the blade are nearly double that of a normal katana, but the length only comes to about 64cm. It's blade is a very simple steel, coming out to a duller, and almost-very rusted color. However, this isn't a sign of true damage. The hamon of the blade looks more like the sword itself was bleeding. However the blade does bleed, actual blood, constantly dripping any time it's taken out, taking the blood of it's wielder quite literally. The blade is very prone to chipping, breaking, or even tearing in half. However with it comes a very nasty wish to rip and tear. The blade itself wants to damage the foe and seeks it out and dealing heavy damage to them or their armor if it ever makes contact, drawing blood from the user if it can't get any from the enemy. As well it's heavy design means it can bash through armor or weapon if need be. Since the blade also damage itself quite a bit, it also has the ability to heal itself, by drawing iron from the blood of it's user and victims to repair it's blade. As well, the more blood it gets if it's already "fed" and healed it grows in length, size, and power. The tsuba is a block of iron with sharp metal edges that are worn, cracked, and rusted. The handle itself is bare wood, semi-decayed, and somewhat broken wood, making it prone to both slipping out of the hand as well as splintering. It has no charm or kashira. It's scabbard is a very unusual iron block. It was never made with an original scabbard, but one was made to almost seal it and it's demons in.
  15. Dreams of Man: A very elegant, long, thin, and short blade. The blade is a very simple, and very shiny, silver color and stands at 72cm. It lacks a hamon, instead being a single sheet almost, where the sheen makes it's hard to distinguish where the blade itself starts. It's often polished to a near perfect mirror, making it hard to distinguish at times of battle. It's blade has no real specialty, being averaged all around in weight, cutting potential, and durability. However it does all of these things well and somewhat above average, just never excelling or mastering in any quality. It itself is a serving blade, meant to highlight the traits of the wielder and suit many people. If given to someone with no knowledge in blades, they won't end up cutting themselves and suit to their needs very well. It realizes their potential, though not giving them actual skill, just raw talent they hadn't fully used.It's tsuba is a mirrored silver block, with beveling near the edges, and in the shape of a rounded rectangle. The guard is eel skin with a fine grip, and a mirror charm. It's scabbard is a plain, light wood, very dull in appearance, but very functional and light.
  18. Armor: Samurai Armor with an Ogre Shaped mask. The armor is made traditionally, but with lighter materials and less-restricting coverings. However, the cuirass and mask both act to conceal her gender and identity by binding her chest and concealing her body.
  20. Misc. Equipment:
  21. Riches: 0
  23. Notable Skills: Quad-Wielding Swordsmanship III, Speed II, Cutting-Metal I, Flexibility I, Strength I, Sword-Throwing II
  25. Fighting Style: 4 Swords: Wielding 2 swords normally and throwing or wielding two other blades between joints or in her teeth.
  27. Abilities:
  29. Oni's Rush: A fierce attack designed to damage the foe in a pure offensive volley. She wields both her Oni Blade and Dragon Blade in her hands while wielding her Dream Blade in her teeth, pointed outward towards her right. She begins the attack by taking out her final blade, the Angel Blade, and resting it on her knee, as she keeps it steady while standing on one leg. She then lowers it, resting it from the end of the handle on her foot, throwing it forward with a spin, clockwise. She then rushes forward, swinging all three blades out from the right as the Angel Blade connects from the left, before catching it from the opposing side by grabbing the handle with her leg between her knee.
  31. Dragon's Ascent: Dragon's Ascent starts with her throwing bother her Angel Blade and her Dragon blade into the air at the opponent, both spinning towards them. She then takes both of her other blades out and rushes forward, taking a swipe with each and sheathing them immediately, before her two other swords connect. She then grabs both blades that she threw and makes another dual-strike, onto her foe.
  33. Angelic Strikes: Angelic strikes is a spinning rush of blades. Both of her fierce blades, dragon and oni, wielding in her hands, with the Dream Blade in her teeth. The dragon blade is wielded in her left hand normally, with the oni blade held in reverse. The angel blade is then held under her left armpit, then spinning her whole body to deliver a blow with all four blades, spinning additional times for more damage.
  35. Weathering Blow:
  37. Backstory: Anything you wanna put down can be added to later, just not replaced.
  38. Family:
  40. Example character sheet:
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