

Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. < [01:04] [Nolsonn#1219] Now my friend is getting super mad at me because i drank
  2. < [01:04] [Nolsonn#1219] jesuschrist
  3. < [01:04] [Nolsonn#1219] fuck this day
  4. > [01:04] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] who
  5. < [01:04] [Nolsonn#1219] Jimmymotanu
  6. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] Idk, look.
  7. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] I've been going through a lot lately.
  8. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] I've lost my best friends, my partner who I have a kid with
  9. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] Fabian/Noxygen did a suicide attempt
  10. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] I lost my discord with my messages with my DEAD friend
  11. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] I fucking had shit happen all in a row
  12. < [01:05] [Nolsonn#1219] in the same money
  13. < [01:06] [Nolsonn#1219] month*
  14. < [01:06] [Nolsonn#1219] and then i started drinking again
  15. > [01:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] sos top it
  16. < [01:06] [Nolsonn#1219] because i got extremely depressed and i wanted to literally
  17. < [01:06] [Nolsonn#1219] kill myself
  18. > [01:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] your fucking kidding
  19. < [01:06] [Nolsonn#1219] and well, Jimmymotanu has been starving himself
  20. > [01:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I can understand that those things are incredibly hard to get
  21. > [01:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] you are just following them and it isn't the way that you want
  22. > [01:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] it isn't the way that you will be
  23. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] and since he was starving himself
  24. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] i said okay
  25. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] if you think thats good
  26. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] then my drinking is good too
  27. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] by that logic
  28. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] because starving yourself
  29. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] is terrible
  30. > [01:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] okay
  31. > [01:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] now
  32. > [01:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] is it real ?
  33. > [01:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] is alcohol makes you good ?
  34. < [01:07] [Nolsonn#1219] and then he practically did this shit of
  35. < [01:08] [Nolsonn#1219] YEAH IT DOES
  36. > [01:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] no
  37. > [01:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] it doesn't
  38. < [01:08] [Nolsonn#1219] i literally cry every goddamn day dude
  39. > [01:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] it does but all in your brain
  40. < [01:08] [Nolsonn#1219] yes and thats at the moment enough for me
  41. > [01:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] ok so
  42. < [01:08] [Nolsonn#1219] i just made this deal with jimmymotanu
  43. < [01:08] [Nolsonn#1219] that if he starves himself i will drink
  44. < [01:09] [Nolsonn#1219] and well, i drank at the pub because my family wanted to celebrate
  45. > [01:09] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] are you 24 years or 12 years ?
  46. < [01:09] [Nolsonn#1219] ... im 21
  47. > [01:09] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] ok
  48. > [01:09] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] in your brain you are 7
  49. < [01:09] [Nolsonn#1219] okay
  50. < [01:09] [Nolsonn#1219] i appreciate it
  51. > [01:09] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] you need this
  52. > [01:09] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] because of you just make me upset
  53. > [01:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] your just following a man who doesn't care about his life
  54. > [01:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and you ?
  55. > [01:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] you are saying if you drink i drink
  56. > [01:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] with alcohol
  57. > [01:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] your just skipping it
  58. > [01:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and it isn't good for you
  59. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] fight against it
  60. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] with dignity
  61. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] not with a thing that makes you ''good''
  62. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] your just making your brain good
  63. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] think about some guy and girl who tried to suicide themselvs
  64. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Noxygen
  65. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Ponz
  66. > [01:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] you maybe
  67. > [01:12] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] if imake that fucking speech
  68. > [01:12] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] it's just to bring back the real stuckerrs
  69. > [01:12] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] who is funny
  70. > [01:12] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] not the one who is just drinking and drinking and drinking
  71. > [01:12] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and pissing off her problems
  72. > [01:12] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] that's it.
  73. > [01:13] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] if you don't care about my speech
  74. > [01:13] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] so follow Jimmy
  75. > [01:13] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and have fun
  76. > [01:13] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and i'm pretty sure that you are understanding
  77. > [01:13] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and you know that i'm true
  78. > [01:14] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] i'm maybe younger than you (19 for information)
  79. > [01:14] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] but that's not a real problem when a REAL FRIEND of me is trying to be one of those guy and girls who is drinking drinking and drinking
  80. > [01:14] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] thank ya.
  81. < [01:15] [Nolsonn#1219] Look. I'm dealing with actual problems here.
  82. < [01:15] [Nolsonn#1219] Not just my drinking habit.
  83. < [01:15] [Nolsonn#1219] All I'm doing is using my drinking to get through the day.
  84. < [01:16] [Nolsonn#1219] Because I genuinely cannot.
  85. > [01:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I know
  86. > [01:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And I bring it to the table
  87. > [01:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That is not a good idea to
  88. > [01:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] All of your problems
  89. < [01:16] [Nolsonn#1219] I lay in bed, I cry, I hate myself, I sleep more, I wake up, cry, have dinner, go back to bed x200
  90. < [01:16] [Nolsonn#1219] I drink so I'm actually capable of something right now.
  91. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Yeha
  92. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because of stupid things that you are doing with
  93. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Alcohol
  94. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay your doing better
  95. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But as long as the time is going
  96. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You will be more bad
  97. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] more bad
  98. > [01:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] and more bad
  99. > [01:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And who is gonna be bad
  100. > [01:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Me
  101. > [01:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] your friends
  102. > [01:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] family
  103. > [01:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm just helping you
  104. > [01:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm not a demon I think
  105. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I just want you to get better
  106. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And better
  107. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So now
  108. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You will just stop it
  109. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Drinking
  110. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And go out with some friend
  111. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] or alone
  112. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you want
  113. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Drink some soda
  114. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Water
  115. > [01:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] NOT ALCOHOL
  116. < [01:20] [Nolsonn#1219] I just celebrated with my parents I'm moving out.
  117. < [01:20] [Nolsonn#1219] That's all I did today.
  118. > [01:20] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I you do what I want you to do
  119. > [01:20] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I will feel myself as good as possible because I helped a girl that I love
  120. > [01:20] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Pass some time with
  121. > [01:20] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Funny moment
  122. > [01:21] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or hangry moment
  123. > [01:21] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you won't just hear me
  124. > [01:21] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Then do whatever you want
  125. > [01:21] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But you can't tell me after that
  126. > [01:22] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That I made anything for you
  127. > [01:22] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you need help
  128. > [01:22] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or just talk
  129. > [01:22] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm there
  130. > [01:22] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And if you don't care
  131. > [01:22] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Then yeah do whatever you want with alcohol
  132. > [01:24] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] See
  133. > [01:24] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] What alcohol is bring to you
  134. > [01:25] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] bringing*
  135. > [01:25] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Thank ya.
  136. < [01:25] [Nolsonn#1219] :/ Look, as much as you have a point and it's true
  137. < [01:26] [Nolsonn#1219] I don't think you understand how much harder it is to do this than it is to just say that I'll stop.
  138. > [01:29] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] SO
  139. > [01:29] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] The best way to stop
  140. > [01:29] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Is to go out
  141. < [01:29] [Nolsonn#1219] I did.
  142. > [01:29] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Have fun moment
  143. < [01:29] [Nolsonn#1219] I went out.
  144. < [01:29] [Nolsonn#1219] To the pub.
  145. > [01:29] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Now ?
  146. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] No.
  147. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] It's 1:30 am
  148. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] lol
  149. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] i cant just go out right now
  150. > [01:30] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So tomorro
  151. > [01:30] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You will
  152. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] My town has nothing fun.
  153. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] I live in the middle of nowhere
  154. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] at a place called Oudebildtdijk
  155. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] where old people come
  156. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] for silence
  157. > [01:30] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And that's what you need
  158. < [01:30] [Nolsonn#1219] i never had friends at this area
  159. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Just walk up
  160. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] WIth silence
  161. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] In a forest
  162. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you have
  163. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or in the town
  164. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It is good
  165. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Really
  166. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] For a girl who is stoping to drink
  167. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It's perfect
  168. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Even if you don't have fun
  169. > [01:31] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Just do it
  170. < [01:31] [Nolsonn#1219] I would literally come home and drink again though?
  171. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I don't care
  172. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you do that
  173. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It's just that you are not listening me
  174. < [01:32] [Nolsonn#1219] It's easier said than done
  175. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  176. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Proove me that you can
  177. < [01:32] [Nolsonn#1219] I can't.
  178. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  179. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You can't
  180. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or you won't ?
  181. < [01:32] [Nolsonn#1219] I literally can't.
  182. > [01:32] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  183. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Then do whatever you want
  184. < [01:33] [Nolsonn#1219] I just can't.
  185. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And have just fun
  186. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] In your town
  187. [01:33] [•] 31
  188. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] With that shit who is named alcohol
  189. < [01:33] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm sorry.
  190. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] No you are not
  191. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You really can do that
  192. < [01:33] [Nolsonn#1219] I am. I'm just not strong enough at the moment.
  193. > [01:33] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] With experience
  194. > [01:34] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Of course you are
  195. < [01:34] [Nolsonn#1219] I don't have that fight in me anymore.
  196. > [01:34] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Alcohol is talking
  197. < [01:34] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm a 2 times rehab visitor.
  198. > [01:34] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Not Stuckerrs
  199. < [01:34] [Nolsonn#1219] And I've been addicted to alcohol 4 times already.
  200. < [01:34] [Nolsonn#1219] I constantly return to it.
  201. > [01:34] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Yeah
  202. < [01:34] [Nolsonn#1219] And always have.
  203. > [01:34] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You have experience
  204. > [01:34] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And you does it 3 times
  205. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So you know you can
  206. [01:35] [•] 29
  207. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Your just saying that you can't because of it
  208. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] 1 time you did
  209. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] 2 times you did
  210. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] 3 times you did
  211. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] why not 4
  212. < [01:35] [Nolsonn#1219] ... This is the 5th time.
  213. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Proove to yourself that you are fighting for
  214. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] don't care about how many ties
  215. > [01:35] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So now
  216. > [01:36] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Last time
  217. > [01:36] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You can't or you won't ?
  218. > [01:36] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Tell me
  219. < [01:36] [Nolsonn#1219] Nolsonn. If you knew the whole picture of me you'd understand how much harder this all is.
  220. < [01:36] [Nolsonn#1219] There's so much shit you're missing about me.
  221. < [01:36] [Nolsonn#1219] That you dont know.
  222. > [01:36] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That's why i'm there for you
  223. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because I don't know a thing about you IRL
  224. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But
  225. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You are a good person
  226. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And I know it
  227. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And YOU know
  228. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That you can fight
  229. < [01:37] [Nolsonn#1219] I've fought since I was a little kid against this shit already.
  230. < [01:37] [Nolsonn#1219] I genuinely at the moment
  231. > [01:37] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You alright with the thing that I don't know a big part of you
  232. < [01:37] [Nolsonn#1219] am just a bit tired of fighting and want to have a moment of rest.
  233. < [01:37] [Nolsonn#1219] I want to just relax it out
  234. < [01:37] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm genuinely really exhausted.
  235. < [01:38] [Nolsonn#1219] I just need a break.
  236. < [01:38] [Nolsonn#1219] I need a break from fighting man.
  237. > [01:38] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It isn't a break
  238. [01:38] [•] 33
  239. > [01:38] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You are just openning a door who is named ''Hell''
  240. > [01:38] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] SO now
  241. > [01:38] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I said last time
  242. > [01:38] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You can't or you won't ?
  243. < [01:39] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm sorry.
  244. < [01:39] [Nolsonn#1219] :/
  245. > [01:39] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  246. > [01:39] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] There's no problem Stu
  247. < [01:39] [Nolsonn#1219] I really am sorry.
  248. < [01:39] [Nolsonn#1219] I said it a thousand times to Jimmy too.
  249. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Is Jimmy you ?
  250. < [01:40] [Nolsonn#1219] No.
  251. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Is Jimmy deciding in your place
  252. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Actually
  253. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Tell me
  254. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Who has the control
  255. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Jimmy or you
  256. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Not Jimmy
  257. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Not you
  258. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] alcohol
  259. > [01:40] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Here
  260. < [01:40] [Nolsonn#1219] Ugh, Jimmy and me just had the deal that as long as Jimmy doesnt starve himself
  261. < [01:40] [Nolsonn#1219] then i wont drink
  262. < [01:40] [Nolsonn#1219] and I broke that deal.
  263. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] Because I have no control over my alcoholic issues at all
  264. > [01:41] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] SO
  265. > [01:41] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] WHAT HAPPENNED HERE
  266. > [01:41] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Why is it a ''deal''
  267. > [01:41] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] To drink if he is drinking
  268. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] He tried to make me stop as well.
  269. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] no, he's not drinking
  270. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] he was starving himself
  271. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] he didnt eat at all
  272. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] he didnt take care of himself at all
  273. < [01:41] [Nolsonn#1219] and i wanted him to stop that
  274. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Where you here for him ?
  275. < [01:42] [Nolsonn#1219] and he would stop
  276. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  277. < [01:42] [Nolsonn#1219] as long as i didnt drink
  278. < [01:42] [Nolsonn#1219] and now hes mad at me
  279. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And now
  280. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You are actually in the same spot
  281. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Just you are in the place of Jimmy
  282. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And i'm in your place
  283. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm trying to tell you that it is not a good idea
  284. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] To drink
  285. > [01:42] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Just i don't know you IRL
  286. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That's what you can bring in the table
  287. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And that's true
  288. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But if there's a girl or a man who isn't good
  289. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And she or he is my friend
  290. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Then i'm here for them
  291. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Anyhow
  292. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Anyway
  293. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I can help
  294. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm there
  295. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So
  296. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Last last last time
  297. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You can't
  298. > [01:43] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or you won't ?
  299. < [01:45] [Nolsonn#1219] ... nolsonn.
  300. < [01:45] [Nolsonn#1219] I really appreciate it.
  301. < [01:45] [Nolsonn#1219] But I really can't do it.
  302. > [01:45] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay.
  303. > [01:46] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You know what
  304. > [01:46] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I think that's it beetwen us
  305. < [01:46] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm seriously sorry.
  306. < [01:46] [Nolsonn#1219] :/
  307. > [01:47] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I had fun when a person named Stuckerrs connected and play with me
  308. > [01:47] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] At this game
  309. < [01:47] [Nolsonn#1219] Man... I've been drinking now for a month.
  310. < [01:47] [Nolsonn#1219] And you just now noticed.
  311. < [01:47] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm still the same person.
  312. < [01:47] [Nolsonn#1219] I never changed.
  313. > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] See
  314. > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] With that shitty thing
  315. > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Named alcohol
  316. > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That you just left another friend
  317. > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And no it isn't the real Stuckerrs who is talking to me
  318. > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] The one who was funny
  319. > [01:49] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] The one with who I can say whatever I want
  320. < [01:49] [Nolsonn#1219] This isn't helping me get sober Nolsonn.
  321. > [01:50] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I just want you to know
  322. < [01:50] [Nolsonn#1219] I can't just stop drinking when I have nobody left anymore.
  323. < [01:50] [Nolsonn#1219] When everyone left me.
  324. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  325. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So
  326. < [01:51] [Nolsonn#1219] When everyone is disappointed at all my failures.
  327. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Why everyone left you
  328. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Tell me why
  329. < [01:51] [Nolsonn#1219] It's not related to my drinking at all.
  330. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] They are just doing that just for you
  331. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] ALL FOR YOU
  332. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] They want you to get better
  333. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And have fun
  334. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Is that a life
  335. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] To drink ?
  336. > [01:51] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] No it isn't
  337. < [01:52] [Nolsonn#1219] So they make me depressed by making me lose all my friends?
  338. < [01:52] [Nolsonn#1219] I don't think that's a way to quit drinking
  339. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Of course it is
  340. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because you ''can't'' do anything
  341. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you won't
  342. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If could be really good
  343. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because you can
  344. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But you won't
  345. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] With future
  346. [01:52] [•] 32
  347. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You will want
  348. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But if you say
  349. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That you can't
  350. > [01:52] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Anything can happen
  351. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Anything
  352. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And you know that the problem is drinking
  353. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I asked you 3 times
  354. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If you can't
  355. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or you won't
  356. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You answered 3 times the same
  357. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So
  358. > [01:53] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] What can I do now for you
  359. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If I do that
  360. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It's for you
  361. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because you are one of the best person in the world
  362. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Making everyone happy
  363. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And funny
  364. < [01:54] [Nolsonn#1219] And you're leaving that person.
  365. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I am not
  366. < [01:54] [Nolsonn#1219] When she's struggling.
  367. < [01:54] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay.
  368. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Look at how many messages
  369. > [01:54] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] From me
  370. > [01:55] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Do you really think I am leaving ,
  371. > [01:55] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] ?
  372. < [01:55] [Nolsonn#1219] Yes.
  373. > [01:55] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  374. > [01:55] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Nevermind
  375. < [01:55] [Nolsonn#1219] > [01:46] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You know what> [01:46] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I think that's it beetwen us
  376. > [01:55] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Yup
  377. < [01:55] [Nolsonn#1219] > [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] With that shitty thing> [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Named alcohol> [01:48] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] That you just left another friend
  378. < [01:55] [Nolsonn#1219] Yeah, I did lose you.
  379. > [01:56] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Yeah you did
  380. > [01:56] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Now
  381. > [01:56] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Look at how many moment that I tried to convince
  382. < [01:56] [Nolsonn#1219] ... I know.
  383. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And what is the answer for ?
  384. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I can't
  385. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] No, you can
  386. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Your meaning you can
  387. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I know
  388. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because you already leave alcohol
  389. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] 4 times
  390. > [01:57] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And 5th times will happen
  391. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm just giving you my energy
  392. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And same if you lose me
  393. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I know that you will stop it
  394. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But then
  395. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You lose me yeah
  396. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] All because of one word
  397. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And it's actually destroying you
  398. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So now
  399. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It's on me to say
  400. > [01:58] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm sorry.
  401. < [01:59] [Nolsonn#1219] That's it? You just leave me just like that?
  402. < [01:59] [Nolsonn#1219] Because I open up and tell you that I have a drinking problem?
  403. [01:59] [•] 28
  404. < [01:59] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay.
  405. > [02:02] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You are kidding
  406. > [02:02] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I hope you are kidding
  407. < [02:03] [Nolsonn#1219] You tell me I can go to you for my problems, my issues
  408. < [02:03] [Nolsonn#1219] And I do.
  409. < [02:03] [Nolsonn#1219] And then this happens.
  410. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Yeah
  411. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I did help you
  412. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I wanted
  413. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I did
  414. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And what happens
  415. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] If I help you
  416. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I can't
  417. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Want's more ?
  418. > [02:03] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm sorry
  419. < [02:04] [Nolsonn#1219] Some people just need some support, since they're getting barely.
  420. < [02:04] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm leaving.
  421. > [02:04] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Leaving what
  422. < [02:04] [Nolsonn#1219] Be my friend, or not.
  423. < [02:05] [Nolsonn#1219] I don't know.
  424. < [02:05] [Nolsonn#1219] I didn't mean to cause any harm.
  425. [02:05] [•] 29
  426. > [02:05] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I will
  427. > [02:05] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I am
  428. > [02:05] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And I were
  429. > [02:05] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I am friend with Stuckerrs
  430. > [02:05] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Not alcohol
  431. > [02:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Not with a person who is telling for sure that she can't change
  432. > [02:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] She can't go out of her problems
  433. > [02:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Go out and walk is like leaving your firsts problems
  434. > [02:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Because they are in your house
  435. > [02:06] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Your new appartement is a real benefice
  436. > [02:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And now
  437. > [02:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Look at how many times that I helped Stuckerrs
  438. > [02:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Can I ask a question ?
  439. > [02:07] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You can't or you won't ?
  440. > [02:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Oh no
  441. > [02:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I have better
  442. > [02:08] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Are you listening to me and wants to leave alcohol and problems
  443. > [02:09] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Or do you prefer to be like that
  444. < [02:09] [Nolsonn#1219] You wouldn't want to be my friend, if I'd tell you that right now I'd prefer drinking and dying.
  445. > [02:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Okay
  446. > [02:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So i'll follow you
  447. > [02:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You'r not alone
  448. > [02:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Let's drink
  449. > [02:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Have fun
  450. > [02:10] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm with you x)
  451. > [02:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] In fact
  452. > [02:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] You alright
  453. > [02:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Alcohol is pretty good
  454. > [02:11] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] To drink
  455. > [02:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Ok nevermind
  456. > [02:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] So
  457. > [02:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm here
  458. > [02:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] What is bringing alcohol to you ?
  459. > [02:16] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] Tell me
  460. < [02:16] [Nolsonn#1219] Nolsonn. I really need a little break.
  461. < [02:16] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm going to just lay down.
  462. < [02:16] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with a lot at the moment.
  463. > [02:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I understand
  464. > [02:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I just want you to know that i'm here
  465. > [02:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] But if you want to drink
  466. > [02:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] DOn't drink a lot
  467. > [02:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] PLEASE
  468. > [02:17] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I'm asking that for you
  469. < [02:17] [Nolsonn#1219] I try.
  470. > [02:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I love that
  471. > [02:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] I try
  472. > [02:18] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] It seems that you can
  473. > [02:19] [it] [Nolsonn#1219] And i love that
  475. @Jimmymotanu#0000
  476. > [01:20] [e2] [Jimmymotanu#0000] are you actually telling him
  477. > [01:22] [e2] [Jimmymotanu#0000] oi
  478. > [01:23] [e2] [Jimmymotanu#0000] you're actually taking the absolute piss now
  479. > [01:23] [e2] [Jimmymotanu#0000] if you're telling him all these
  480. > [01:24] [e2] [Jimmymotanu#0000] how about i expose all these shits about you to someone completely irrelevant
  481. > [02:11] [e2] [Jimmymotanu#0000] unlock pls
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