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Oct 24th, 2015
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  1. We see her sidle into a Heavenly Skin booth one evening. Small metal room. The body inside is male. Yoshimi takes her clothes off and hangs them up and scans her credit card over the terminal.
  2. Please remember that the management is responsible for your well-being and happiness. Please remember that only you can make the decision to allow yourself to be well and happy.
  3. ねえ、気持ちいい?
  4. The setting is 'well-lit bedroom'.
  5. Yoshimi gets bored midway through.
  6. This faceless body holding her, kissing her. Hot against her skin.
  7. Her sweat drips onto him.
  8. She has paid for this.
  9. It's what she's here for.
  10. She has earned it. Did a job for Kikazaru that involved delivering ten separate packages to different locations around the city, for some reason with a time limit of ten minutes. She managed that and took her money from Mizaru and this is her reward. There's a disco ball above them. This doesn't strike her as very
  11. what?
  12. Romantic.
  13. Another word no longer used.
  14. She wants the body to tell her it loves her.
  15. Love between people. Between human beings.
  16. She'd laugh at the absurdity of it if she wasn't so busy.
  17. We watch. Of course it's arousing. Like with Iwazaru. Yoshimi, little girl body and all, is still enjoying herself, and the flesh she's using is doing a good job of imitating enjoyment. But even what we saw of her and Iwazaru had this spark to it that's lacking here. Makes sense to us. To her it's confusing and annoying. She's still enjoying herself though. The management would like to remind us that in the end, even when they're not human, people are still inherently biological. She kisses its unresponsive lips, sews futile bite marks upon its perfectly-formed chest. It doesn't bite or kiss her back. As an indication of ownership the SEGA logo is tattooed across the front of its head, on what we might call the 'helmet' around its skull. Black plastic on grey flesh. The logo shimmers at her from above.
  18. It loves her.
  19. Suddenly a tightness.
  20. Yoshimi has figured out what to do now. She moves her hips. The body makes noises of pleasure, faster and faster. Her own breathing all disorderly.
  21. A phrase in her head, reminding her of childhood.
  22. In here she's safe.
  23. Content.
  24. a time, long ago
  25. a softening of all the sharp edges of her life today
  26. a moving back into
  27. an embracing of a blanket
  28. She bites her lip
  29. squeezes
  30. a long, ragged gasp comes out of her and she's taut and then limp. The body releases mood lubricants from its penis into her and Yoshimi then chills, back to normal. The phrase that triggered this euphoria still bouncing around her skull.
  31. To be this good takes ages.
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