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a guest
Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. # Alpha Module UI funciton
  2. alphaUI <- function(id) {
  3. # Create a namespace function using the provided ID
  4. ns <- NS(id)
  6. # NOTE: All referenced input variables must be wrapped with a call to ns(), ex. ns("someInputID")
  8. # Define the UI for the app
  9. tagList(
  10. fluidPage(
  11. titlePanel("Alpha Diversiy"),
  13. # Sidebar layout
  14. sidebarLayout(
  16. # Sidebar panel
  17. sidebarPanel(
  18. selectInput(
  19. inputId = ns("dataSelection"),
  20. label = "Choose a Dataset",
  21. choices = c("Global Patterns" = "global", "Esophagus" = "esophagus"),
  22. selected = "global"
  23. ),
  24. checkboxGroupInput(
  25. inputId = ns("groupSelection"),
  26. label = "Select Metrics",
  27. choiceNames = c("ACE", "Shannon", "Simpson", "InvSimpson", "Fisher"),
  28. choiceValues = c("ACE", "Shannon", "Simpson", "InvSimpson", "Fisher")
  29. ),
  30. selectInput(
  31. inputId = ns("plotTheme"),
  32. label = "Choose a theme for the Plots",
  33. choices = c("Grey theme", "Black & White theme","Classic theme"),
  34. selected = "Grey theme"
  35. ),
  36. fileInput("file1", "Choose a Phyloseq file in Rda format",
  37. multiple = FALSE,
  38. accept = c(".Rda"))
  39. ),
  41. # Main panel
  42. mainPanel(
  43. plotOutput(outputId = ns("phylo"))
  44. )
  45. )
  46. )
  47. )
  48. }
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