
Morrigan Omake

Apr 2nd, 2017
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  1. Mercenary 2030 Quest Omake 1, Morrigan’s thoughts on Will.
  3. *The following is written on several different sheets of rough paper between finger, liquid and food smudges, rough ammo calculations, doodles and the occasional rant about various other things*
  5. Mary says that we’re getting a new recruit, something about the government welfare program that got set up for returning people? I don’t know and frankly I think it’s stupid. Probably some idiot who got trapped behind the frontiers that wandered back in with a half working gun, no manners and hasn’t seen a woman in forever.
  7. I’ll straighten them out if they get wrong ideas, not that any of the girls need my help but I’m the boss around here. If they don’t cut it I’ll send them back or put them in a body bag myself. Me and the girls don’t need any help, anybody they send will have to prove themselves. I don’t need any deadweight around.
  9. *The next entry has several stops and starts scribbled out before it goes*
  11. They gave us a war orphan. Not a goddamn trapper or scavenger or anything like that. A fucking war orphan.
  13. God knows how long he was out there with whatever nutjob group they found him in. Seen the type before, we all have. Thankfully he doesn’t seem like one of the ones they kept hopped up on dope, he just sits there and is quiet if he doesn’t have anything to do. Not that that happens a bunch, I had to fucking tell him off after he tried to clean our gear for the third time in one day. Mary seems to like the kid cause he tries to read just like her, but I’m still just hoping he’s not going to secretly snap on us.
  15. To give credit where it is due the kid follows orders to a T and knows how to work his weapon properly. He’s got a few kills already, kills I’ve seen and they were good ones. He’s not a drain, so I don’t think I’ll kick him out. Still might have to kill him if he wigs out.
  17. *This entry is written with much better handwriting than the previous ones, on a piece of paper that is free of stains and scribbles*
  19. MMS officially has two new members. One of whom currently currently seems to have joined up because of Billy. Billy bless his weird little ass, I think is here to stay. He may not have any fucking clue what to do outside of helping out around the place or on a mission, but he doesn’t cause any problems either. I’d almost say it was nice that he didn’t seem interested in girls, if I didn’t know how absolutely fucked up he has to be for that to happen.
  21. Currently I think Bellona and Sarah are going to stay. Sarah was nothing but solid on mission and while I think Bellona is probably a few rounds short of a full belt, she’s been around for a week and behaved herself. I can’t deny that having six people allows more flexibility than just three either. As long as she doesn’t go coo-coo on us I think things will work out.
  23. Still gotta keep an eye on Billy though. We had a talk on the last mission after he tripped on a bottle. He seemed certain I was going to beat him. Not concerned, absolutely certain I was going to beat his ass because of something that could have happened to anyone. Told him I wasn’t, he seemed more confused than anything. Told him about my first time, what happened. Not sure if he got the whole thing or not, but I think I finally convinced him he’s safe at MMS.
  25. Bell and Nem also put some weird stuff into his head about sleeping together… hopefully nothing comes of it. I said I’d help him if it did… dunno how I feel about it now that I’ve had a chance to think. Still, don’t think it’d turn weird from his end.
  27. *A stub entry on a scrap of paper partially burned by a cigarette*
  29. Billy was fucking AWESOME at Docs. Like, he drank Cath and Bell under the fucking table and carried them home. Never seen Cath do that before, think she’s got some sorta thing going on with Bell about Billy, but it was still nuts. Billy… saw Billy smile. Good stuff.
  31. *This entry is made in what seem to be a diary format, but has several moisture rings on it.*
  33. Well let it never be said I ignore my own fuckups. Nor that of my team. Cath and I both fucked up when it comes to Billy. Cath managed to punch him in the face when he was waking her up and I got piss drunk and pointed a gun at his face.
  35. Billy took Cath hitting him well, but Cath didn’t. For Billy since it was an accident it might as well not have happened. Cath couldn’t even look at him for a few days, but I think they’ve patched it up.
  37. As for me, well Billy took a gun to the face about as well as could be expected from someone in his situation. Which was fucking not at all. He almost had a breakdown in my goddamn room and he certainly had a breakdown in the morning. Ran down the stairs almost tripping over himself to the armory. He didn’t acknowledge me until I practically turned him around.
  39. The look on his face… He was terrified. He was straight terrified of me. Hit me like a punch in the gut after I thought about it. Thankfully he didn’t try to go for a gun or anything, he would’ve had the chance to shoot us… well me. Don’t think he would’ve gone after anyone else. Managed to talk him down and get him to spill his guts. Fucking… every time I hear a horror story and say it won’t make me disgusted next time. Never works. Especially when I know the person. Fucking cowards who hide behind kids deserve whatever they get.
  41. I think Billy got calmed down finally after I told him I wasn’t going to shoot him, but I still hope he doesn’t hold it against me.
  43. *Entry made in even worse handwriting, a spill covers part of the page.*
  45. Fucking Billy is an awesome dude. Like, super awesome. Did da mission, no problems. Got away safe, pretty cool. Fucking slavers not cool. Billy calming down some. Talking more. He seems to be fitting in more. Still won’t say boo to a fucking goose but thems the breaks.
  47. But tonight! Tonight Billy was fucking awesome. Mars came into town and I got suuuper pissed before they even showed up. Went to Doc’s to get wasted and we managed to do that. But Mary got Will to bounce all the Mars fuckheads and they were all like, calm and shit. Then they tried to out drink Will! He drunk nine guys under the table! Nine! He drank so fucking much like holy shit. I drank so much too… should go to sleep.
  49. *Entry made in a more formal manner again.*
  51. Well, that last week has been fucking nuts. First we hit Salina with Mars and Koko, who is still fucking loco. Attack went as well as could be expected, even if we had to deal with that weird chick. Didn’t find much loot but it was enough. Everyone worked together well as a team, no casualties. Will seems to be growing more emotional, at least a bit. We all saw what he did with the women and Cath told me he seemed to notice later as well. That’s good. I like Billy, he’s a good kid and he deserves more than he’s gotten in life.
  53. After that of course we found that gang on their way to Fort Riley. Gang is wrong of course, they were more like a company of trained troops. Don’t know what they were doing or where they came from but they weren’t on our side. Thankfully Will got the garrison to come along with us after I fucked up. If we hadn’t had them it would’ve been a lot bloodier than it was. Might’ve gotten more than just my shoulder beat up.
  55. Of course Will decided to take care of me as well afterwards. “Useful” like he always want to be. Might’ve talked too much to him, but he listens well. No judgment, he just sucks it all up. I swear I even see something in his eyes now. He’s not blank, not fully.
  57. *In much smaller writing in what might be a diary*
  59. I can’t fucking believe I had the talk with Will. Like, how the hell do you explain sex to someone who looks like Will? If this was a few years ago he would’ve been some kind of high school sports jock except maybe not an ass. If I didn’t know it was Will I’d think he was knee deep in girls. Of course I didn’t even explain how tab a goes into slot b, he didn’t need that. Not yet at least. Not that I fucking have much to explain to him about that. Might have Mary explain that bit. Nobody else I’d trust. Nem knows but I mean fucking hell. Cath, and Bell are right out. Sarah I don’t think would be able to do it, not that I’d ask her. Which leaves Mary or I. Fucking hell, he may even ask me if he gets deep enough in those books of his. I’ll need more than a drink if that happens.
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