

Apr 20th, 2020
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  2. [00:53] It certainly felt strange to be displaying public affection in front of her Mistseers.
  4. Indeed, she had told Aerilon herself that she never intended to love Regulus. She intended to use him. To exploit him so that she may extend control over Osrona and bend it to her will.
  6. Now, it seemed like the opposite was equally likely. Here they were, hugging and kissing in front of the very people she said these things to. The heart of the great High Lady of Myllenoris belonging solely to a mere human. A great shame to the Teraphim people. Yet she gladly accepted his display of affection, wrapping both arms around him and returning his kiss with, perhaps, a little too much eagerness.
  8. She parts after a bit. Her eyes wander over toward Aerilon and Elred.
  10. As she talks, she's still only a few centimeters away from her husband's face. Perhaps a bit... insulting.
  12. "Elred, to clarify, I'm putting you in charge of our military organization," she says. "It is you who will whip the Greycloaks to shape. Regardless of whether or not we truly go through our declared intent to destroy Ilburg."
  14. She presses her cheek against Regulus'. His beard tickled against her skin. It felt strange, but comforting.
  16. "You have as much power as I do. Both of you. Exercise this as you will. I trust you enough to offer that to you. But know, that if there is anything I truly do not agree with, I will override it. But this shan't happen outside of extreme circumstances. I trust, and adore, the both of you. Your opinions. Your devotion to myself and Aschea's Faith."
  17. (Asta Hargrave)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [01:00] Elred nods and it's about time he get himself the proper gear at this point still one of the many things he's yet to do. Elred would do what is needed to assist the people no matter what and that was shown a little while ago.
  21. "Thanks you Lady Asta and I'll only do things that benefit everyone one. I offered a bit of advise as well as training session with various Grey-cloaks this evening.
  23. I'm glad to say that each one has above par skill in combat so, if the times comes where we needed to strike they'll be ready.
  25. I'll ensure they are properly equip to deal with anything that might come in are way -if- it's deemed necessary. I'll continue with the training session, so you don't need to worry about that part.
  27. I'll continue to research the carious warriors to ensure we know what we're dealing with at all times."
  29. Elred had been on top of things as of late and would continue brining in useful information.
  30. (Elred Yindove)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [01:17] Asta momentarily lowers her head, still keeping her cheek against his.
  34. "They are-" she says.
  36. "They killed Randor." This was still a sore topic for her. There was hate in her crystal heart for the Rhoynish people. "Randor was... he thought he could make me his bride. But I loved him, as a brother. I won't- I won't ever forgive them for that."
  38. Odd, since it was just one sole Rhoynur that did it. Not their collective people. She still lumped them all together in an incredibly racist way. Asta was far from a perfect woman. She had a long way to go.
  40. "It's entirely up to you if you want to... involve yourself in our conflict," she says, to Regulus, squeezing him a bit so he knows she's talking to him. "And thank you, Elred, for taking the initiative. I entrust you to show the world the might of our people, as you did in the tournament. So close to winning the first place." She flashes him asmirk.
  42. "Perhaps this'll make up for that." The High Lady can't help but chuckle. A joke. She didn't truly fault Elred for losing.
  44. "I think... that's all the business I wanted to discuss. I hope Hadwin's industrious endeavors fair well. Speaking of industry. I still need someone to... tune-up, my staff. Ah well. If any of you know an artificer that could do so, bring them my way."
  47. Unless Regulus could do it? She didn't know if he could improve the magic runes on her staff.
  48. (Asta Hargrave)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [01:21] Elred chuckled a little at the last part, but he knew it was only jest on her part. He would let them down not when everything was start to turn around for the better, but with that said they still needed to prepare.
  52. "You're welcome I have to ensure we're all ready for what comes and what we need to do to achieve out goals. With all that being said Tonak should have some gear for me, but I haven't seen him in a while I'm sure he'll turn up soonish."
  54. Elred nods.
  55. (Elred Yindove)
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