

Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. Information:Gradle tasks [:app:generateDebugSources, :app:generateDebugAndroidTestSources]
  2. :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
  3. :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
  4. :app:checkDebugManifest
  5. :app:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
  6. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportAnimatedVectorDrawable2321Library UP-TO-DATE
  7. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72321Library UP-TO-DATE
  8. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportDesign2321Library UP-TO-DATE
  9. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportRecyclerviewV72321Library UP-TO-DATE
  10. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42321Library UP-TO-DATE
  11. :app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportVectorDrawable2321Library UP-TO-DATE
  12. :app:prepareDebugDependencies
  13. :app:compileDebugAidl UP-TO-DATE
  14. :app:compileDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
  15. :app:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
  16. :app:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
  17. :app:mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
  18. :app:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
  19. :app:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
  20. :app:mergeDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
  21. :app:processDebugManifest
  22. :app:processDebugResources
  23. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug/values-ldltr-v21/values-ldltr-v21.xml
  24. Error:(3) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Spinner.Underlined'.
  25. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/
  26. Error:(3, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:textAlignment'.
  27. Error:(6, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
  28. Error:(10, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_marginEnd'.
  29. Error:(13, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
  30. Error:(16, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_marginStart'.
  31. Error:(19, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_alignParentStart'.
  32. Error:(19, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:textAlignment'.
  33. Error:(23, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
  34. Error:(23, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingStart'.
  35. Error:(27, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_alignParentStart'.
  36. Error:(30, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_toStartOf'.
  37. Error:(33, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_alignParentEnd'.
  38. Error:(36, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_toEndOf'.
  39. Error:(36, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_toStartOf'.
  40. Error:(40, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_marginStart'.
  41. Error:(43, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
  42. Error:(43, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingStart'.
  43. Error:(47, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
  44. Error:(47, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingStart'.
  45. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/src/main/res/values-v21/styles.xml
  46. Error:(2, 13) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:statusBarColor'.
  47. Error:(2, 13) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds'.
  48. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug/values-v21/values-v21.xml
  49. Error:(19) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Inverse'.
  50. Error:(21) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Large.Inverse'.
  51. Error:(27) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Medium.Inverse'.
  52. Error:(34) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Small.Inverse'.
  53. Error:(207) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ProgressBar'.
  54. Error:(209) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ProgressBar.Horizontal'.
  55. Error:(217) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Material'.
  56. Error:(227) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Material.Light'.
  57. Error:(169) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.AutoCompleteTextView'.
  58. Error:(180) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.EditText'.
  59. Error:(12) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Button'.
  60. Error:(9) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material'.
  61. Error:(10) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Body1'.
  62. Error:(11) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Body2'.
  63. Error:(13) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Caption'.
  64. Error:(14) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display1'.
  65. Error:(15) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display2'.
  66. Error:(16) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display3'.
  67. Error:(17) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display4'.
  68. Error:(18) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Headline'.
  69. Error:(20) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Large'.
  70. Error:(22) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Large'.
  71. Error:(24) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Small'.
  72. Error:(26) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Medium'.
  73. Error:(28) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Menu'.
  74. Error:(29) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.SearchResult.Subtitle'.
  75. Error:(31) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.SearchResult.Title'.
  76. Error:(33) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Small'.
  77. Error:(35) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Subhead'.
  78. Error:(36) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Title'.
  79. Error:(37) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Subtitle'.
  80. Error:(39) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Subtitle.Inverse'.
  81. Error:(41) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Title'.
  82. Error:(43) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Title.Inverse'.
  83. Error:(45) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionMode.Subtitle'.
  84. Error:(47) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionMode.Title'.
  85. Error:(49) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button'.
  86. Error:(50) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Large'.
  87. Error:(52) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Small'.
  88. Error:(54) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Button'.
  89. Error:(55) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem'.
  90. Error:(56) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Subtitle'.
  91. Error:(58) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Title'.
  92. Error:(158) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionBar.TabText'.
  93. Error:(160) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionBar.TabView'.
  94. Error:(162) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton'.
  95. Error:(164) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton.CloseMode'.
  96. Error:(167) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton.Overflow'.
  97. Error:(172) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button'.
  98. Error:(173) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Borderless'.
  99. Error:(174) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Borderless.Colored'.
  100. Error:(175) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Small'.
  101. Error:(176) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ButtonBar'.
  102. Error:(177) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.CompoundButton.CheckBox'.
  103. Error:(178) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.CompoundButton.RadioButton'.
  104. Error:(179) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.DropDownItem.Spinner'.
  105. Error:(183) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ImageButton'.
  106. Error:(184) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.ActionBar.TabText'.
  107. Error:(186) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.ActionBar.TabText'.
  108. Error:(188) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.ActionBar.TabView'.
  109. Error:(190) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.PopupMenu'.
  110. Error:(196) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ListPopupWindow'.
  111. Error:(198) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ListView'.
  112. Error:(199) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ListView.DropDown'.
  113. Error:(201) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.PopupMenu'.
  114. Error:(211) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.RatingBar'.
  115. Error:(212) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.SeekBar'.
  116. Error:(213) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Spinner'.
  117. Error:(214) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.TextView.SpinnerItem'.
  118. Error:(215) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Toolbar.Button.Navigation'.
  119. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/
  120. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
  121. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
  122. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
  123. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
  124. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
  125. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
  126. Error:(58, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
  127. Error:(102, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowElevation'.
  128. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
  129. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
  130. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
  131. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
  132. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
  133. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
  134. Error:(105, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
  135. Error:(149, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowElevation'.
  136. Error:(186, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:overlapAnchor'.
  137. Error:(197, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:overlapAnchor'.
  138. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
  139. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
  140. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
  141. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
  142. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
  143. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
  144. Error:(231, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
  145. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug/values-v23/values-v23.xml
  146. Error:(36) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Spinner.Underlined'.
  147. Error:(3) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Menu'.
  148. Error:(4) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Inverse'.
  149. Error:(33) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Colored'.
  150. Error:(34) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.RatingBar.Indicator'.
  151. Error:(35) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.RatingBar.Small'.
  152. /Users/winfo1/Workspace/Android/_Personal/Training & Tutorials/Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Basics/HelloWorld/app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/
  153. Error:(129, 5) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:elevation'.
  154. Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
  155. > org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/Applications/ADT/sdk/build-tools/21.1.2/aapt'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
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