
Text Adventure Chapter 69 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. >You have selected 1 box of Rifle Lead Slugs (250 bits), 1 box of Concise Lead Ammo (100 bits), and 1 Highguard Shield Wall (360 bits)
  2. >Total: 710 bits
  3. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  7. >Y
  8. [You have bought the respective items!]
  9. [You give Redheart 1 box of Concise Lead Ammo and the Highguard Shield Wall.]
  10. [You give Gable 1 box of Rifle Lead Slugs.]
  12. >”I see you got a few more little ranged contraptions there. Hey, bullets sell better than arrows, so I’m not complainin’.”
  14. >Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  15. “Now, Will here has a yeti-hide base that could use the same treatment that you gave to Pinkie's manticore hide. What's the damage going to be on that?”
  16. >”Well, let’s see here…”
  18. >Modify
  20. >”Alright, let me see this base ya got here.”
  21. >”No problemo, brother.”
  22. [Iron Will gives the shopowner Yeti-Hide Base.]
  23. >Mr. Ironsmith regards the skin carefully.
  24. >”I can make this into full armor, definitely. Since this is the full skin and not just the hide from that manticore you gave me, I can even reinforce it, if you were wantin’ to pay for it…. When did you want it done, by?”
  25. “I don’t really have a time limit, this time. Definitely before tomorrow, though.”
  26. >”Hmm… Let me give you a few specs, see what you like, then.”
  28. [4:00 P.M.]
  29. [Normal Armor]
  30. >Yeti-Hide Armor (+24 PD, +12 MD, -50% chance to bleed)
  31. -5 hours (50 bits)
  32. -3 hours (80 bits)
  33. -2 hours (125 bits)
  34. -90 minutes (“This is what you made me do, last time, puttin’ my whole team on it.”) {180 bits}
  35. -45 minutes (“If you’re in a real hurry, I’ll get on it myself, but it’ll cost you.”) {300 bits}
  37. [Reinforced]
  38. >Reinforced Yeti-Hide Armor (+40 PD, +25 MD, -100% chance to bleed)
  39. -5 hours (100 bits)
  40. -3 hours (150 bits)
  41. -2 hours (230 bits)
  42. -90 minutes (“If you want it reinforced in a hurry, I’ll have to get on it myself here.”) {320 bits}
  43. -45 minutes (“I’d have to call in this greasebag’s entire team to help with that!”) {600 bits}
  45. >”I will note that if you bring me some leather supplements, I could reinforce that manticore armor the pink one has, too. If you want any of this to offer more protection, I’d suggest going down to Fortuna and getting them enchanted. Now, what can do you for time?”
  47. >Which option would you like to choose?
  51. >You have selected 3 hours for Reinforced Yeti-Hide Armor.
  52. >Total: 150 bits
  53. >Do you want to modify this item? Y/N
  56. >Y
  57. >”Good! I’ll have it done by 7 P.M. sharp, make sure you’re back to pick it up!”
  58. “Got it.”
  59. >Mr. Ironsmith calls out one of his employees and sets up the deal, the nameless stallion taking the hide back to be worked.
  60. >”Alright, son. What else did you need?”
  62. >Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  63. “What did you mean by leather supplements before?”
  64. >”Oh, any raw material we could use, whether it’s scraps or similar hides. If you want that manticore armor reinforced, I’d say… At least ten scraps, or one really good hide. Better yet, if you’re looking for quality, find another manticore hide!”
  65. “Ah, I see. Any advice on where to get them?”
  66. >He regards you carefully.
  67. >”Well, seeing as how you’re no stranger to doing the nasty deed, your best bet would be to get some from another animal, and go hunting. If you don’t feel like doing that, well, there’s not too many places that would be sellin’ raw leather like that. I’d either check to see if Ms. Stringtie has any resources at her shop, or if worst comes to worst, head down to Appleoosa. They’re always packin’ hides.”
  68. “Okay, thanks.”
  70. >”Now, anything else you needed, hairless?”
  72. -Buy
  73. -Sell
  74. -Modify
  75. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  76. -Exit
  80. >Exit
  81. “I think that’ll be all for now. Thanks for the business.”
  82. >”T’was a pleasure. Remember, 7 o’clock!”
  83. >With a wave, you and your party exit the shop and back into the afternoon sun.
  84. “Hey, Iron?”
  85. [You give Iron Will your Crystal Poleaxe.]
  86. >A casual toss is met with a confused catch, Iron examining the spear that is nearly as long as he is.
  87. >”Whoa… Isn’t this the thing you found in the palace when we fought those weird-ass black monsters?”
  88. “Yeah. Figured you could use it more than I could.”
  89. >A thankful nod is all you really get before he starts swinging.
  90. >”Hoh boy, you can hear it whistling through the air! Normally I’d opt for my fists in any combat situation, but with the stuff we’ve been takin’ on… this probably isn’t that bad of an idea.”
  91. >He sets up the sheath and he drapes it over his back, now better equipped.
  92. >Before you think about where to go next, you turn back to Gyro.
  93. “So, you were about to say something about the draining and holding of magic. Was the cartridges related to that? What was the problem with storing spells like you were talking about?”
  94. >Gyro readjusts his glasses, thinking about your query.
  95. >”Well… Uh, t-to put in laystallion’s terms, spells, in their, uh, ph-physical form make it impossible to, uh, store them because they’re so complex… It’s not feasible to do it the w-way I wanted to do it, and there’s no other way to… you know, do it.”
  96. “Oh, I see.”
  97. >”I’m not saying that it’s… not possible to do it at all, it’s just… The magic is out of my realm. I’m n-not a wizard, just a s-scientist.”
  98. >Gyro isn’t even a unicorn, he’s an earth pony. Not even crystal, at that.
  99. >His knowledge of magic is astounding taking that into account.
  100. >Of course, you’re one to talk.
  101. >It’s a little after 4 p.m.
  102. >What would you like to do?
  106. “How about we split up for the day, guys? Do our own thing? I need to head back to the alchemy store and to the hospital real quick, maybe check on those guards.”
  107. >They look around at each other, not expecting this sudden change of course.
  108. >”Well, I guess Iron and I can go see what’s happening at the bar, right?”
  109. >”A chance to arm wrestle the biggest stallions in town? Count me in!”
  110. “Actually Iron, is there any chance you could go to your trailer and order some more mics?”
  111. >Iron stops admiring his biceps and nods at you.
  112. >”Right, right, forgot about that. I’ll be back in a jiffy, sugarlump.”
  113. >He gives Berry a big smooch on her cheek that she reluctantly takes, and the minotaur takes off quickly, wanting to get back as soon as possible.
  114. >Applejack breaks the following silence by throwing an arm around the abandoned mare.
  115. >”Ya know what? Ah think I’ll join ya, BP. Give ya some company while yer waitin’ for your bullfriend.”
  116. >Pinkie rears up and starts bouncing even more than usual.
  117. >”I’m with AJ, let’s partaaay!”
  118. >Even Gable joins in.
  119. >”You still owe me that drink, Berry.”
  120. >While the group begins discussing who’s coming, you nudge Gyro and Wheaties.
  121. “And you two should hang out some more. There’s plenty of daylight left, and you guys seem to be getting along. Go ahead and go with them.”
  122. >Wheaties and Gyro look at each other, a bit of blush already forming.
  123. >”Er… did you want to-”
  124. >”I-I could, I guess, if that’s what you-”
  125. >”Of course, I-I mean… yeah.”
  126. >”Y-yeah.”
  127. >After another second or two of awkward staring, they wordlessly follow the retreating drunkards as they make their way to the bar, leaving you alone with Redheart.
  128. >”I’m not going anywhere. Let’s go, babe.”
  129. “Are you sure?”
  130. >Redheart slaps your leg playfully.
  131. “Haha, alright. I’m just doing what I said though, it’ll probably get boring.”
  132. >You and Redheart start walking in the opposite direction, headed for Fortuna Potions.
  133. >You feel like you’ve been neglecting your magic training, so you scan the immediate area for anything that you can pick up with your levitation.
  134. >There’s nothing that’s heavy enough to give you a workout, but nothing light enough to where you’re actually able to pick it up.
  135. >Not without stealing something, anyways.
  136. >Oh, there we are!
  137. >You heave the double-bladed spear out of your pack that you decided to keep, snap it together, and slowly levitate it above your head.
  138. >It’s a good deal heavier than the shotgun that Iron now possesses, and the strain just tells you it’s working.
  139. >Is there anything else you’d like to do on the way there?
  143. >By the time you reach the store with Red, you feel like the spear you’re levitating is a good deal lighter than before.
  144. >Your mana’s a bit shrunken from using it for so long, but no pain, no gain.
  145. [-20 MP]
  146. >You reach Fortuna Potions, and let Redheart in first like the gentleman you are.
  147. “Beauty before age.”
  148. >”Oh my, how noble~”
  149. >Letting her go first is a good way to stare at her ass, too.
  150. >Mmm.
  151. >Your increasingly lewd thoughts are suddenly broken by another familiar voice.
  153. [Fortuna Potions - Owner: Sunwhirl the Stached]
  154. >”Oh, welcome back Anonymous! I trust that you’ve brought the notes with you? Oh, sorry, manners- How are you doing this fine afternoon?”
  156. -Buy
  157. -Sell
  158. -Modify/Enchant
  159. -Talk to Sunwhirl
  160. -Exit
  164. >Talk to Sunwhirl
  165. “Sorry, but I’ve still got use for the notes. Things have been sort of hectic at the palace and I haven’t got done what I’ve wanted to. As soon as I’m done with that, they’re yours.”
  166. >Sunwhirl lightly sighs, nodding in defeat.
  167. >”Yes, yes. If not for that, what is it you seek from me?”
  168. “There is somepony in the hospital named Steel Magnolias, and he’s currently afflicted with something called the Jovius Curse. It attaches itself to the pony’s magic and drains them of their life force, and it’ll kill him if nothing’s done about it, and worse, could end up spreading.”
  169. >”The Jovius curse… This is the illness that I told you of the first time we met. I remember now, yes, It was supposed to be eradicated by the Princess of the Sun.”
  170. >That’s right, he told you that it would end the life after four full moons.
  171. >That’s about four months, if it’s anything like your world.
  172. >Redheart steps in, just as concerned as you are about this issue.
  173. >”If you know about it, why haven’t you done anything?”
  174. >”Trust me, my dear, if I had any way to stop it, I would go down there myself.”
  175. “If I recall correctly, you’re very well educated with many different types of knowledge from your travels. It’s a long shot, but is there any chance you might be able to cure curses?”
  176. >Sunwhirl steps away from his counter, and beckons you and Redheart.
  177. >You look at each other for a moment before hesitantly following him.
  178. >He leads you to tbe back of his shop, through the padlocked door that he quickly locks behind you, and through a dark room where you promptly start up your lumination spell to see.
  179. >The wizard then leads you through a few corners until you reach an open room, doorway covered by those flimsy tassle things you hang from the frame.
  180. >Inside leaves you breathless.
  181. >It’s his sanctuary, with his enchanting table in the far corner, multitudes of floating orbs of different aspects of magic simply sitting in the center of the room, as if he were experimenting on them.
  182. >Across the walls are enough books of magical qualities to rival the library.
  183. >Redheart seems just as surprised as you, even a little frightened by the odd sight.
  184. >Someone from Ponyville probably doesn’t have too much experience with advanced magic, besides Twilight, maybe.
  185. >”Wow… It’s very… intimidating.”
  186. >”Don’t fret, nurse. It is simply a collaboration of all the ponies I’ve met in my old, decrepit lifetime working to condense this collection of the magical arts into a single sanctuary for all needs. I may not have the answer, but it could be in here.”
  187. “If you don’t know how to cure it, then perhaps you might have something that could destroy his mana, or better yet, a way to drain it?”
  188. >Sunwhirl looks at you with condensation.
  189. >”Are you implying what I believe you are?”
  190. “I was theorizing before that I could drain his mana completely away from his body, which would kill the curse, but I have to have something to put the magic. I thought about something like this.”
  191. >You remove the Magic Recombobulator out of your pack, letting his take it with his levitation. He examines it closely as you continue.
  192. “I’m not sure if it’s strong enough to hold the entirety of his mana, and I was wondering if you knew a way to fix that?”
  193. >”... I don’tknow what you’re expecting to do here, but I can very well assure you that if you were to follow with your so called ‘theory’, you would do nothing else than remove the curse from his physical form.”
  194. >Redheart looks a bit confused.
  195. >”...That’s good, right?”
  196. >”Oh, yes. The problem with Anonymous’ logic is that the curse would still be attached to the magic that he drained. It wouldn’t ‘kill’ the curse, for something that does not have life can’t be killed, only banished. To banish something from pure magic sounds easy, but in practice is almost as difficult as healing magic. There’s a reason why curses aren’t very common nowadays; it’s too unstable, and it’s far too permanent…”
  197. “Celestia had spoken with me through letter, stating that removing the mana from her subjects is what destroyed the curse.”
  198. >”Oh, I assure you it did not destroy it… Merely took it away from the victim to save their life. They were left manaless, powerless, flightless, what have you…”
  199. >Redheart steps a bit closer, as if to challenge the old wizard.
  200. >”Then if she didn’t destroy it, where did she put it!?”
  201. >Sunwhirl looks at her with intense, sea blue eyes.
  202. >The illusion of grandeur is great enough to make her back off.
  203. >”If you’re asking me, I do not know. You would have to ask the Princess that. But no matter, it’s something that’s obviously worked for a very long time… I just don’t know why it came back, unless somepony cursed him directly.”
  204. “That’s what Twilight Sparkle and I were talking about before, but she said it was too late to track down his magical signature since it’s been too long since he casted it, and he’s probably too far away.”
  205. >Sunwhirl nods, levitating a certain book out of his collection and beginning to leaf through it.
  206. >”She is right…”
  207. “Then what do we do?”
  208. >”As I said, all I can help you with is to let you view these books. I ask you not to take them with you, for I fear their safety outside of these walls. But browse at your liesure… If you need me, I believe I hear another visitor in the shop. I’m sorry I could not be of more help.”
  209. >You and Redheart give him a formal goodbye as he leaves the two of you within his sanctuary.
  210. >”...Well, what now?”
  211. >You see that there’s a multitude of books stashed across the entire wall, but there’s no categorization system.
  212. >Upon closer inspection, it seems to be alphabetized.
  213. >...
  215. >”Oh Celestia, what the hell is that?!”
  216. “Err, sorry, it’s the preview… Gonna put this on silent…”
  217. >You just changed the ringtone on your phone.
  218. >Not that you’re gonna get any calls on this thing here, but you know, just in case.
  219. >What would you like to do?
  223. [You give Redheart the Amulet of Heart’s Calling.]
  224. [-5 HP down]
  226. [Rehdeart has gained +5 HP!]
  229. >You undo the latch to the amulet you found in the depths of the train, and drape it over Redheart without warning.
  230. >”Huh? Oh… Anonymous, this is your necklace… Why are you giving it to me?”
  231. “I feel like you need it more than I do… Besides, I should’ve given it to you in the first place.”
  232. >Red holds up the amulet with her hoof, taking time to appreciate it.
  233. >The smile on her muzzle when she looks up at you is genuine.
  234. >”Thank you..”
  235. “Can you do something for me, Red?”
  236. >”Sure!”
  237. “Can you go out there and ask Sunwhirl if it’s alright to bring Twilight and Spike down here, and if so, can you go fetch them real quick while I start searching here?”
  238. >She nods, pulling you down to plant a sloppy wet kiss on your lips.
  239. >”I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
  240. >You wave goodbye to her, a bit tongue-tied from the tongue-love.
  241. >She disappears into the darkness behind the tassles, and you get to work.
  242. >You crack your knuckles, stretch out your hands and begin to search entirely through levitation for maximum training potential.
  243. >...
  246. [ASSESSING LIST . . .]
  248. B: Banishment . . . (1)
  249. C: Curses . . . (1)
  250. D: Draining mana . . . (1)
  251. E: Ethereal Plane . . . (1)
  252. J: Jovius Curse . . . (0)
  253. M: Magic (general) . . . (15) (Scrap)
  254. N: Nirvana . . . (0)
  255. P: Pure magic . . . (1)
  256. R: Removing mana . . . (0)
  260. >You’ve found a multitude of books, so you split them up in two categories.
  261. >Trash.jpg and Useful.exe
  262. >Your inner Penn begins to channel through your body as you telekinetically throw the trash straight into…
  263. >Back into their respective spots on the shelves.
  264. >Then you spread out the useful books on the center table to get a better look:
  266. -Zorodai’s Guide to Banishment: Advanced
  267. -The Evils of Equestria [Things You Weren’t Meant to Know]: Curses and Hexes
  268. -Kindred Spirit’s Ethereal Love: Ghosts Are Always There
  269. -Purity of Mana by Unity Bound
  270. -Sunwhirl’s Theorems: Magic Drain Spells and Incantations
  272. >They’re all huge textbooks worthy of a dictionatlas.
  273. >Being completely overwhelmed by page after page of text all alone is not going to do you much good.
  274. >But then, you have an idea.
  275. “Sir Ducksalot, my master, I ask of you to aid me in my quest.”
  276. ~...~
  277. >He isn’t responding?
  278. >You look over at your shoulder where he’s been this whole time, but he looks like he’s been muted, as if by interference.
  279. >That’s when you sense a horribly powerful magical signal in the room.
  280. >You whip your head to the culprit, and your eyes widen in surprise.
  281. >There’s another Sir Ducksalot.
  282. >This one is more grey than red, however, sitting there.
  283. >Staring at you.
  284. >What do you do?
  288. “Who dares profane the light of Sir Ducksalot, and take his face in blatant mockery of my liege? Speak, creature, be you friend or foe?”
  289. >The toy doesn’t move. You are just about to give up and go back to your business when it speaks.
  290. {Oh dear me, looks like we have a little paragon white knight on our hands. Now, I couldn’t help but notice you’re having a little problem with this, what do you call it, curse?...}
  291. “... I’m trying to find a cure for the Jovius Curse, yes.”
  292. {Oh, that little thing? Oho, did the Princess have a little slip of the mind, a little black splotch on her perfect permanent record? Oh, this simply won’t do, would it? We have to eradicate this little nuisance before it smudges her pristine image, right?}
  293. “I’m trying to cure Steel Magnolias, a stallion afflicted with this curse.”
  294. {Even better…}
  295. ~My child, do not listen to this false idol, as he is wicked.~
  296. {Get a room, pops, I’m talking, now! You’re not even from this series!}
  297. ~If you wish to cure this curse, you will listen to me!~
  298. {No, listen to ME! I can help you just as well as your friend over there. Besides, I highly doubt that HE has anything that can assist in this vital task. Well, Sir Quacksalot, what do you have to say?}
  299. ~That is not my name, and as a matter of fact, I do.~
  300. {Oh yeah? And what is THAT, hm?}
  301. >The brighter of the two ducks remains silent.
  302. {I didn’t think so…}
  303. ~Silence. I only speak when the time is right.~
  304. {Fine, whatever. We’ll just leave it up to Mister Anonymous here to decide. So, who do you choose?}
  306. >You stand there for a few minutes, trying to figure out who to trust.
  307. >It’s too difficult to decide, they both speak in such mysterious ways!
  308. >Suddenly, an idea strikes you.
  309. >You sit Sir Ducksalot down next to the grey duck, then hold your arms out, facing them.
  310. [Used Blessing of Harmony! (- 8 MP)]
  311. >The energy begins to flow about as usual.
  312. >It begins to encase them both, and you wait for the results.
  313. >Unexpectedly, the magic begins to distort a bit, growing in size, then shrinking while contorting into various odd shapes.
  314. >It begins to grow one last time, to the point of popping.
  315. *QUACK!*
  316. >Well, that was an interesting way for magic to dissipate…
  317. {Tsk tsk tsk… Your silly little spell won’t affect me. Good try, though!}
  318. >You let out a growl of frustration.
  319. “Shut it! You already insulted my duck, I’m not letting you get the better of me! Now, I’ll ask you, are you friend, or foe?”
  320. >You swear you see the grey duck bounce as he chuckles.
  321. {But of course! I have no other interest but helping you!}
  322. >You furrow your brow.
  323. "Look, I've heard this song and dance before. You're pretty suspicious; I'm Doctor Anon, not Doctor Faust. So what's the real cost of your knowledge, Mephistopheles?"
  324. >The grey duck lets out a gasp.
  325. {I am appalled! I would never ask anything in return for my services!}
  326. ~My child, I’m warning you, do not trust him!~
  327. {And I’m warning you not to trust HIM! I’ve got info that can help you, and I’m willing to share it! Unlike that prude in your pocket.}
  328. >It’s so hard to pick the good one. They both have valid points.
  329. >The question stands again. Who do you choose?
  332. >Looking down at the two seemingly inanimate objects, you speak.
  333. "So you ask 'nothing', hm? Then why am I being asked to choose between you? I won't be abandoning my liege. If you wish to offer your counsel, I will afford you my attention. My trust, though, is not so easily won."
  334. >The grey duck scoffs.
  335. {Oh really now? Your trust is easier to get than a night of fun in a whore house! I mean, first you pick up that duck that just appeared out of nowhere on the bathroom floor one day. Then you made it your “master”! The same goes for when you found it in a store! Even when it was redder than it once was! Don’t even get me started on that changeling. Also, I’m not making you choose; I’m telling you not to trust that duck you adore so much, and listen to what I have to say!}
  336. >Sir Ducksalot’s words enter your mind.
  337. ~Anonymous, do not listen to what this monster has to say. Ignore him and be on your way.~
  338. >Then the grey duck’s words sound in your head.
  339. {Are you really going to follow this thing without a second thought? You don’t even know it’s intentions! How do you know it won’t lead you into a trap? Honestly, it might be best to just ignore both of us. Who knows?}
  340. >You still can’t tell who you trust.
  341. >As much as you hate to admit it, what he says is true. You’ve never know Sir Ducksalot’s true intentions.
  342. >Another idea comes to you.
  343. “Well, can you tell me what it is that you have that will help me?”
  344. >The grey duck sighs in your head.
  345. {If you must know right now, I know of something that will make you much stronger than you are now. I prefer to keep the rest private until I know whether or not you will accept this offer of mine, though.}
  346. ~Do not do it, my son.~
  347. >That’s all? There’s not much to go on, there.
  348. “Okay then… Both of you. Could you tell me a bit about yourselves?”
  349. >The newest duck is the first to speak.
  350. {Of course, ask me anything!}
  351. >You wait for a response from Sir Ducksalot.
  352. ~If I must… Though I cannot guarantee clear answers all the time.~
  353. >What do you ask to the ducks?
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