
ketlun - extra pages

Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. <html>
  2. <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='
  3. '>
  5. <div id=bg></div>
  7. <div id=box1>
  8. <h3>page one</h3>
  9. <div class=text1>
  10. Praesent leo massa, bibendum ut tellus non, <b>ultrices</b> auctor nibh. Vestibulum in scelerisque leo. Integer eu dolor eu eros efficitur euismod. Phasellus id lorem augue. Nunc id turpis at lacus consequat dictum vel sit amet enim. Vestibulum nulla libero, bibendum in finibus nec, finibus eget diam
  11. <br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi <b>tristique senectus et netus</b> et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus luctus ante ut magna malesuada laoreet. Nullam vel scelerisque dui, et hendrerit lacus. Quisque tellus sem, laoreet vitae nisl in, eleifend semper tellus.
  12. </div>
  14. </div>
  15. <div id=box2>
  16. <h3>news</h3>
  17. <div class=text2>
  18. <h4>10 December 2016</h4>
  19. put your news updates here! any upcoming events, etc :)
  20. <br><br>
  21. <h4>6 November 2016</h4>
  22. more updates, blah blah
  23. <br><br>
  24. <h4>28 October 2016</h4>
  25. more updates, blah blah
  26. </div>
  27. </div>
  28. <div id=box3>
  29. <h3>extra box</h3>
  30. <div class=text2>
  31. here's another box! you might like to put nicknames in here or something
  32. </div>
  33. </div>
  34. </html>
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