Guest User

Darkside Ransomware

a guest
Oct 4th, 2020
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  1. DarkSide Ransomware skips
  3. Processes
  5. * sql
  6. * oracle
  7. * ocssd
  8. * dbsnmp
  9. * synctime
  10. * agntsvc
  11. * isqlplussvc
  12. * xfssvccon
  13. * mydesktopservice
  14. * ocautoupds
  15. * encsvc
  16. * firefox
  17. * tbirdconfig
  18. * mydesktopqos
  19. * ocomm
  20. * dbeng50
  21. * sqbcoreservice
  22. * excel
  23. * infopath
  24. * msaccess
  25. * mspub
  26. * onenote
  27. * outlook
  28. * steam
  29. * thebat
  30. * thunderbird
  31. * visio
  32. * winword
  33. * wordpad
  34. * notepad
  36. **File names**
  38. * autorun.inf
  39. * boot.ini
  40. * bootfont
  41. * bin
  42. * bootsect
  43. * bak
  44. * desktop.ini
  45. * .iconcache
  46. * .db
  47. * .ntldr
  48. * .ntuser
  49. * .data
  50. * ntuser
  51. * .dat
  52. * .log
  53. * .ntuser
  54. * .ini
  55. * .thumbs
  57. **File extensions**
  59. * adv
  60. * ani
  61. * bat
  62. * cmd
  63. * com
  64. * cpl
  65. * cur
  66. * deskthemepack
  67. * diagcab
  68. * diagcf
  69. * diagpkg
  70. * dll
  71. * drv
  72. * exe
  73. * hlp
  74. * icl
  75. * icns
  76. * ico
  77. * ics
  78. * idx
  79. * ldf
  80. * lnk
  81. * mod
  82. * mpa
  83. * msc
  84. * msp
  85. * msstyles
  86. * msu
  87. * nls
  88. * nomedia
  89. * ocx
  90. * prf
  91. * ps1
  92. * rom
  93. * rtp
  94. * scr
  95. * shs
  96. * spl
  97. * sys
  98. * theme
  99. * themepack
  100. * wpx
  101. * lock
  102. * key
  103. * hta
  104. * msi
  105. * pdb
  107. **Directories**
  109. * $recycle.bin
  110. * bin
  111. * config
  112. * msi
  113. * $windows
  114. * ~bt
  115. * $ws
  116. * windows
  117. * appdata
  118. * application
  119. * data
  120. * boot
  121. * google
  122. * mozilla
  123. * program files
  124. * program files (x86)
  125. * programdata
  126. * system
  127. * volume information
  128. * tor browser
  129. * windows
  130. * old
  131. * intel
  132. * msocache
  133. * perflogs
  134. * x64dbg
  135. * public
  136. * all users
  137. * default
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