
Beauty Pheremrosa

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. [color=white][center][quote][color=red][b]╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ [/b][/color]
  2. [color=gray][small][color=black]|[/color]Humans:[color=green]✔[/color][color=black]|[/color]Anthros: [color=yellow]?[/color][color=black]|[/color] Ferals:[color=red]✘[/color][color=black]|[/color] Canon Universe: Pokemon[color=black]|[/color] Alt Settings: [color=green]✔[/color][color=black]|[/color]Smut Focus:[color=pink]85%[/color][color=black]|[/color]Story Focus:[color=red]15%[/color][color=black]|[/color]Chrome - Dark Theme -1920x1080[color=black]|[/color][/small][/color]
  3. [color=white][b]╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯[/b][/color]
  4. [i][small]Anthros are questionable due to there being so many varriations with them. Just ask if you're unsure[/small][/i][/quote][hr]
  5. [img=1002703]Roach[/img]
  6. [small]nsfw inline[/small]
  7. [/center][hr]
  8. [indent][color=cyan]⋅[/color] [color=gray][s][big]UB-02 Beauty[/big][/s][/color] [color=yellow]▮[/color] [u][color=white][big]Pheromosa[/big][/color][/u] [color=cyan]⋅[/color][indent][indent][indent][color=purple][small]"A life-form that lives in another world, its body is thin and supple, but it also possesses great power."[/small][/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][hr]
  9. [indent][indent][color=yellow]ꕥ[/color]   [color=purple]◦[/color]  [color=cyan]◦[/color]  [color=purple]◦[/color]   [color=yellow]-[color=gray][big]Background[/big][/color]-[/color][indent][indent][indent]
  10. [i]Pheromosa came to this world from the Ultra Dimension, she really doesn't know how she got here but it looks like she is here to stay until there is a way to go back to her other reality. Back where she came from, she was regarded for her stunning looks and being able to tower all over those who came near her. She was treated like a celebrity who wouldn't take shit from anyone. Outside of her stunning looks, she was also powerful to boot with a single kick of hers being able to shatter blocks of steel, and cut through dozens of trees at a time. When she came to the human world she didn't treat it as if she was the guest in this new world, but rather that she was there to reclaim her "goddess" like status she had in the former one. There are a lot of things though that she doesn't understand about this world, and it does make her one curious bug, but it often leads others getting into trouble for the sake of her own curiosity. The language barrier wasn't that difficult for her to go through, although there are tons of things to which she doesn't understand the earthly meaning too. Since she arrived to this world, she has taken up the name 'Beauty' as that was the code name given to her from some kind of Ultra Beast agency. She loved how the name reflected on her looks, and decided to own that code name as her actual name while in this new world. [/i]
  12. [i]Light profile here, mostly trying out this character. May add more to the character if I like doing stuff as her[/i]
  13. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr]
  14. [indent][indent][color=yellow]ꕥ[/color]   [color=purple]◦[/color]  [color=cyan]◦[/color]  [color=purple]◦[/color]   [color=yellow]-[color=gray][big]Personality/Sexuality[/big][/color]-[/color][indent][indent][indent]
  15. [i]In her former world, Beauty was a hyper competitive bug who competed with other Pheromosa for titles such as the most stunning looking, most powerful kick, most hygienic, etc. She has a certain aura that floats around her that indicates that she is better than you, and you will never beat her. She doesn't out right brag about how she thinks she is the greatest, because her arrogance is so high she just assumes everyone thinks she is just so amazing. Pheromosa has a calm demeanor and moves around slowly with as much grace as she possibly can. This is in contrast with how fast and destructive she can be if ever put in the wrong spot. She can be cold, condescending, rude, and highly dismissive of all other beings and isn't afraid of showing those who view her as being less than perfect why she has such a high ego.
  17. She is made to be a dominant, someone who leads on the harsher sides of things and isn't afraid to show those why she sees herself as some kind of Queen. She will do things to you such as step on you, turn you into one of her slaves while she remains in this new dimension of hers, use trainers as nothing more but storage for her eggs, and so on. She is cruel by our standards, but in her world it was just a common practice for Pheromosa to come off as oppressive and sadistic towards those who approach them. For scenes involving trainers who do manage to prove themselves to the roach and are able to dominate her, they are going to have the fight of their lives because Beauty isn't going to give in easily at all. [/i]
  18. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr]
  19. [indent][indent][color=yellow]ꕥ[/color]   [color=purple]◦[/color]  [color=cyan]◦[/color]  [color=purple]◦[/color]   [color=yellow]-[color=gray][big]Appearance[/big][/color]-[/color][indent][indent][indent]
  20. [i]According to the pokedex, Pheromosa only stands at being 5'11, however I really can't imagine her being the same size as a normal human being (although will play a more "normal height on request". I like the thought of Pheromosa towering over everyone she encounters, always looking down on them and never the other way around. Having her tower over other characters is the main goal here, but I don't have a specific height that I want to set as the default. Playing her somewhere between 7'0 and 10'0 feels like a good starting point for Pheromosa.
  22. There are also two ways that I'd want to play her. There is the body type where she is closer towards her "feral" form where she has a lithe body and it is very bug like. She still can do all the lewds that a lot of people could do, but she is pretty much a very tall stick bug (err roach). This form isn't always desirable by myself or those who are interested in Pheromosa though so there is a form where there are features that are heavily exaggerated such as her breasts, ass, waist, etc etc. There are a bunch of images thrown in the image gallery of the profile, and you can see the differences between the thicc roach and the stick bug. [/i]
  23. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr]
  24. [indent][indent][color=yellow]ꕥ[/color]   [color=purple]◦[/color]  [color=cyan]◦[/color]  [color=purple]◦[/color]   [color=yellow]-[color=gray][big]Settings[/big][/color]-[/color][indent][indent][indent]
  25. [i]The setting that serves Beauty well should be obvious as afterall she comes from the Pokemon setting. There are numerous types of scenes that can be done in this setting such as a trainer trying to catch Beauty here, or some kind of role reversal where the bug is out to catch people instead. Beatuy's basic background though is that she comes from an alternative dimension and has to make due with living in this world, even if some of her the things she does are extreme and can threaten those around her. She works good in sci-fi scenes because of the whole "alien theme" she can have at times. Her character is not going to be someone who can jump right into a casual modern play or anything like that, her presence should always feel some what threatening, and she should be a foreign specimen in whatever world she does exist in. [/i]
  26. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr]
  29. [hr][center][collapse=Out of Character][color=white][left][hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][quote]
  30. This is the out of character collapse tab that I post on all of my character profiles. I do not require anyone to read through all the bullet points for this tab, as it really isn't necessary to do so. This is just to have a list so new people who approach me have something to skim over and get a better understanding of how I go about doing things here. The first section is all about what I seek out in partners on this site, the second section is all basic overview stuff for all my characters, and the last section contains bullet points about how I use my characters. I like to think of this section as more of the 'answers' section of a Q&A rather than strict guidelines that anyone has to play. Just simple little explanations of what to expect from me.
  32. [/quote][hr][b][u][color=white]What I look in a profile/partner. [/color][/u][/b]
  33. [color=red]▬▬▬[/color][color=orange]▬▬▬[/color][color=yellow]▬▬▬[/color][color=green]▬▬▬[/color][color=blue]▬▬▬[/color][color=purple]▬▬▬[/color][indent][indent][color=red][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The main things I look for in a profile is the character's [b]Background, their Personality, their Appearance, and Sexual Information[/b]. This can usually be written in a paragraph or two, through the info and pictures tab, and the custom kinks. You don't need to have a complex profile in order to gain my interest, but these things pretty much make an ERP Profile [/color]
  34. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- If you are going to [b]Approach Me[/b], please do it [b]OOC[/b], as I'm most likely going to ignore a set up that is in character. [/color]
  35. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- When it comes to [b]Furry/Anthro[/b] characters, I can be a little bit picky at times. There are a lot of furry/anthro characters which do not appeal to me for various reasons. However, there are two artists which draw furrys/anthros which I admire and they are [url=]Smutbunny[/url] and [url=]CookingPeach[/url].[/color]
  36. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- There are a lot of [b]Kinks I'm Interested In[/b], but I don't expect every person to be into all the weird kinky fetishes that I'm into. All I ask is that you have some common ground with some of the stuff listed in my favorites. [/color]
  37. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I would much rather have a scene that focuses on [b]Kinks, Sex, and Character Interactions[/b] than a scene that focuses on Story and Non Sexual/Kinky Acts. Build Ups to the sex and smutty stuff are fine, but I prefer it if the build up to the smutty stuff doesn't drag on too much. [/color]
  38. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- [b]Don't Be Intimidated[/b], as the worst thing I can do is decline you. I also try my best not to ignore people who approach me, unless I'm afk. [/color][/indent][/indent]
  39. [hr][color=white][b][u]OOC Background Information[/u][/b][/color]
  40. [color=red]▬▬▬[/color][color=orange]▬▬▬[/color][color=yellow]▬▬▬[/color][color=green]▬▬▬[/color][color=blue]▬▬▬[/color][color=purple]▬▬▬[/color][indent][indent][color=red][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- All [b]Other Characters[/b]can be found at [user]The Heart Hub[/user][/color]
  41. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- An [b]Extended List of my Kinks[/b] can be found on [user]The Heart Kinks[/user][/color]
  42. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Canonical Character's[/b] I play are sexualized and are not going to be 100% true to canon.[/color]
  43. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I don't have a strict [b]Post Length Preference[/b], but I average around 1 paragraph per post (4-7 lines)[/color]
  44. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- My [b]Average Reply Time[/b] for a post of my average length is usually between 5 - 10 minutes. [/color]
  45. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- Private Messaging on F-Chat is my [b]Preferred Platform For RP[/b], other wise its Rooms > Discord/IM > Notes.[/color][/indent][/indent]
  46. [hr][color=white][u][b]Basic Character Information.[/b][/u][/color]
  47. [color=red]▬▬▬[/color][color=orange]▬▬▬[/color][color=yellow]▬▬▬[/color][color=green]▬▬▬[/color][color=blue]▬▬▬[/color][color=purple]▬▬▬[/color][indent][indent][color=red][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Orientation[/b] is listed as being gay (or straight for male profiles). I actually identify as being Pansexual in the sense that a characters gender, gender status, or genitals don't determine my interest in the characters. I'm only interested in [b]Feminine and Androgynous[/b] characters, and a majority of those characters happen to be pink, purple, and orange names with a few blues sprinkled in the mix. [/color]
  48. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Listed Gender[/b] that is set on my character by default is going to be female for girls and male for boys. I'm flexible though with my characters and their genitals, as well as open to the idea of gender-bending my characters. [/color]
  49. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I do not engage in [b]Profile Play[/b], nor do I have any interest in modifying a character profile based around a scene they partook in. [/color]
  50. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I'm someone who is a fan of [b]Alterations[/b] for my characters such as modifying their gender, age, body type, setting, orientation, etc. I'm usually open about whenever I want to do an alteration, and I do try to avoid using alterations to try and force an RP to go on. Please feel free to request alterations of any of my characters for a scene, as I'm usually open to the idea. [/color]
  51. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Kinks List[/b] on the profile is a shared list among all of my characters, so there may be some kinks which are on the characters page which may not apply to them. [/color]
  52. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I [b]Don't[/b] expect anyone to [b]Read The Entire Profile[/b]. You can usually get an idea of who my character is by skimming through the info tab, reading the first few lines in the intro or background paragraph, and just sort of skimming through the profile. Its really not going to break the scene if you didn't read the part where my character's favorite color is a light shade of blue. [/color][/indent][/indent]
  53. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][/left][/color][/collapse][/center][hr][/color]
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