

Aug 29th, 2019
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  2. Strangelove: Deadly Mutant Atomic Supermen... For Hire!
  4. Just like it says on thier Patreon page: A mercenary war band using a loophole in PMC laws to classify themselves as military hardware, Strangelove hire themselves out for a variety of tasks, everything from protecting crazed African warlords to crushing local drug syndicates for their rivals. No task too deadly, no paycheck too big.
  6. Chrenkov: Russian scientist, his experiments with subatomic particles and building his own supercolider failed catostrophically, enriching him with unknown particles. He can cause his atom's vibrations to approach light speed, creating a bright blue-shift phenomena around him,which he takes his name from. In this state he can fling himself at light speed. This movement can be in any direction, but sadly only in straight lines, and only through unobstructed vectors. Any physical object of his own mass or greater stops him, so walls, even windows, can't be penetrated with this power, and he is unable to deliver attacks out of his movement. Still, it does amount effectively to teleportation. An unhinged genius in both theoretical physics and practical engineering. Belligerent and cantankerous; tends to shout.
  8. Boomtown: Hispanic former gang member turned US Navy Seal. His unit stumbled onto an illegal research lab expirement with new kinds of atomic weapons and were vaporized. He was surprised to find himself reformed several months later. When his body suffers sufficient physical impact, he "explodes", his mass converting to energy in a powerful blastwave. His control is limited, and he can(through strategic use of specific force areas) detonate only parts of himself to create limited blasts. The bigger the blast, the more of him it takes and the longer it takes to reform. Skilled in weapons, tactics, and hand-to-hand combat. Beatboxes competitively on the side.
  10. Fallguy: Lottery ticket winner, got 100 million dollars, used it to buy a civilian access on a spaceshuttle mission. A deadly solar flare destroyed the shuttle, and he survived... by crashing to earth, unscathed. The strange energy flare changed his body, making him immune to the effects of a variety of advanced particles. This has resulted in him becoming "unstuck from Entropy"; his body doesn't age, doesn't need food, air, or water. Physical trauma and energy have no harmful effect on him. A lightning bolt would pass right over him, and a shotgun at point blank, while it would catapult him physically back, would do no damage to him. Despite his immunity, his physical abilities are those of a typical 19 year old fratboy, his team typically using him as a human shield, battering ram, or occasionally just a big club. Spends weekends terrorizing Skydiving instructors.
  12. Laserlord™: Laserlord™ made sure to secure the rights to his name at age 9 when his powers first began manifesting, assuming he would eventually be a much more potent super. Sadly, his abilities never actually matured in that way. Able to produce, control, and order radio waves and light in coherent modes, he is able to creates lasers, masers, and tight-focus energy beams. These beams can be directed at will from his person in any direction (a maximum of 12 of such beams at a time). But they have no particular power behind them. Each produces, at best, a dot of light about the size of a typical laser pointer, where directed. In his teens, frustrated at his lack of increased power, he threw himself into research and began to experiment with his powers, eventually increasing, not his power, but his level of control. Today, able to see in the infrared spectrum(by projecting beams from his eyes) he has perfect night vision and can duplicate the frequency of things like motion detectors, making them unable to sense him. Also able to dazzle cameras and other sensor devices, as well as interface with bluetooth/RFID frequencies, he's turned his powers into the toolset of the perfect infiltrator, able to ghost into and out of even high security facilities leaving behind no trace except for scrawling "Laserlord™ was here!" with sharpie on the wall on the way out.
  14. Esoteric: Given her abilities by her parents, research scientists studying abnormal powers, she was separated from them by Child Protective Services before they "disappeared". Spent her life training and developing her powers in order to track down information on them. Can creates pockets of Metaunstable Quantum Particles, essentially condensed potential energy. When thrown, it becomes kinetic force, projecting itself forward. When it meets a solid object, it transfers its force into it, transitioning its mass into energy and knocking it backward with surprising force. When exposed to other energy types over a certain threshold including thermal(either high or low), kinetic/explosive, electricity, radiation, then it converts this mass into energy of that type. By surround small grenades which induce that kind of reaction, she can generate blasts of steel melting heat, massive concussive burst, blinding flashes, or more according to the situation. Her powers can also interface with her allies in unique ways (ie, empowering Boomtown's explosions, or creating powerful light blasts or focused laser blasts with Laserlord™).
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