Guest User


a guest
Nov 8th, 2013
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  1. MOTD: '&dWelcome to the server!'
  2. PLAYER_CONNECT_PROXY: '{player}&e à rejoint le serveur!'
  3. PLAYER_DISCONNECT_PROXY: '{player}&e has left the server!'
  4. PLAYER_DOES_NOT_EXIST: '&cThat player does not exist'
  5. PLAYER_LOAD: Loaded player &9{player}
  6. PLAYER_UNLOAD: Unloaded player &c{player}
  7. PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE: '&cThat player is not online'
  8. NO_PERMISSION: '&cYou do not have permission to use that command'
  9. ALL_PLAYERS_TELEPORTED: '&2All players have been teleported to {player}'
  10. TELEPORTED_TO_PLAYER: '&2You have been teleported to {player}'
  11. PLAYER_TELEPORT_PENDING: '&cYou already have a teleport pending'
  12. PLAYER_TELEPORT_PENDING_OTHER: '&cThat player already has a teleport pending'
  13. PLAYER_TELEPORTED_TO_YOU: '&2{player} has teleported to you'
  14. PLAYER_TELEPORTED: '&2{player} has teleported to {target}'
  15. PLAYER_REQUESTS_TO_TELEPORT_TO_YOU: '&2{player} has requested to teleport to you.
  16. Type /tpaccept to allow'
  17. PLAYER_REQUESTS_YOU_TELEPORT_TO_THEM: '&2{player} has requested you teleport to them.
  18. Type /tpaccept to allow'
  19. TELEPORT_DENIED: '&cYou denied {player}''s teleport request'
  20. TELEPORT_REQUEST_DENIED: '&c{player} denied your teleport request'
  21. NO_TELEPORTS: '&cYou do not have any pending teleports'
  22. TELEPORT_REQUEST_SENT: '&2Your request has been sent'
  23. TPA_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT: '&cYour request to teleport to {player} has timed out'
  24. TPA_REQUEST_OTHER_TIMED_OUT: '&c{player}''s teleport request has timed out'
  25. TPAHERE_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT: '&cYour request to have {player} teleport to you has timed
  26. out'
  27. NO_BACK_TP: '&cYou do not have anywhere to go back to'
  28. SENT_BACK: '&2You have been sent back'
  29. TELEPORT_TOGGLE_ON: '&2Telports have been toggled on'
  30. TELEPORT_TOGGLE_OFF: '&cTelports have been toggled off'
  31. TELEPORT_UNABLE: '&cYou are unable to teleport to this player'
  32. WARP_CREATED: '&2Successfully created a warp'
  33. WARP_UPDATED: '&2Successfully updated the warp'
  34. WARP_DELETED: '&2Successfully deleted the warp'
  35. PLAYER_WARPED: '&7You have been warped to {warp}'
  36. PLAYER_WARPED_OTHER: '&7{player} has been warped to {warp}'
  37. WARP_DOES_NOT_EXIST: '&cThat warp does not exist'
  38. WARP_NO_PERMISSION: '&cYou do not have permission to use that warp'
  39. WARP_SERVER: '&cWarp not on the same server'
  40. PORTAL_NO_PERMISSION: '&cYou do not have permission to enter this portal'
  41. PORTAL_CREATED: '&2You have successfully created a portal'
  42. PORTAL_UPDATED: '&2You have successfully updated the portal'
  43. PORTAL_DELETED: '&cPortal deleted'
  44. PORTAL_FILLTYPE: '&cThat filltype does not exist'
  45. PORTAL_DESTINATION_NOT_EXIST: '&cThat portal destination does not exist'
  46. PORTAL_DOES_NOT_EXIST: '&cThat portal does not exist'
  47. INVALID_PORTAL_TYPE: '&cThat is an invalid portal type. Use warp or server'
  48. NO_SELECTION_MADE: '&cNo world edit selection has been made'
  49. SPAWN_DOES_NOT_EXIST: '&cThe spawn point has not been set yet'
  50. SPAWN_UPDATED: '&2Spawn point updated'
  51. SPAWN_SET: '&2Spawn point set'
  52. KICK_PLAYER_MESSAGE: '&cYou have been kicked for: {message}, by {sender}'
  53. KICK_PLAYER_BROADCAST: '&c{player} has been kicked for {message}, by {sender}!'
  54. PLAYER_ALREADY_BANNED: '&cThat player is already banned'
  55. PLAYER_NOT_BANNED: '&cThat player is not banned'
  56. IPBAN_PLAYER: '&cYou have been IP banned for: {message}, by {sender}'
  57. IPBAN_PLAYER_BROADCAST: '&c{player} has been ip banned for: {message}, by {sender}'
  58. DEFAULT_BAN_REASON: Breaking server rules
  59. DEFAULT_KICK_MESSAGE: '&cBreaking server rules'
  60. BAN_PLAYER_MESSAGE: '&cYou have been banned for: {message}, by {sender}'
  61. BAN_PLAYER_BROADCAST: '&c{player} has been banned for: {message}, by {sender}'
  62. TEMP_BAN_BROADCAST: '&c{player} has been temporarily banned for {message} until {time},
  63. by {sender}!'
  64. TEMP_BAN_MESSAGE: '&cYou have been temporarily until {time} for {message}, by {sender}!'
  65. PLAYER_UNBANNED: '&2{player} has been unbanned by {sender}!'
  66. NEW_PLAYER_BROADCAST: '&d Welcome {player} the newest member of the server!'
  67. CHANNEL_DEFAULT_GLOBAL: '&c[{channel}]&e[{server}]{prefix}&f{player}&f{suffix}&f:
  68. &f{message}'
  69. CHANNEL_DEFAULT_SERVER: '&e[{server}]{prefix}&f{player}&f{suffix}&f: &7{message}'
  70. CHANNEL_DEFAULT_LOCAL: '&9[Local]{prefix}&f{player}&f{suffix}&f: &7{message}'
  71. CHANNEL_DEFAULT_ADMIN: '&9[Admin]{player}:{message}'
  72. CHANNEL_DEFAULT_FACTION: '&a{factions_roleprefix}{factions_title}{player}:&r {message}'
  73. CHANNEL_DEFAULT_FACTION_ALLY: '&d{factions_roleprefix}{factions_name}{player}:&r {message}'
  74. PRIVATE_MESSAGE_OTHER_PLAYER: '&7[&3me&7->&6{player}&7] {message}'
  75. PRIVATE_MESSAGE_RECEIVE: '&7[&b{player}&7->&6me&7] {message}'
  76. PRIVATE_MESSAGE_SPY: '&7[&b{sender}&7->&6{player}&7] {message}'
  77. MUTE_ALL_ENABLED: '&cAll players have been muted by {sender}'
  78. MUTE_ALL_DISABLED: '&2All players have been unmuted by {sender}'
  79. PLAYER_MUTED: '&2{player} has been muted'
  80. PLAYER_UNMUTED: '&c{player} has been unmuted'
  81. MUTED: '&cYou have been muted'
  82. UNMUTED: '&2You have been unmuted'
  83. PLAYER_NOT_MUTE: '&cThat player is not muted'
  84. NO_ONE_TO_REPLY: '&cYou have no one to reply to'
  85. CHANNEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST: '&cThat channel does not exist'
  86. CHANNEL_NOT_A_MEMBER: '&cYou are not allowed to join this channel'
  87. CHANNEL_TOGGLE: '&2You are now talking in the channel {channel}'
  88. CHANNEL_UNTOGGLABLE: '&cYou are unable to toggle to the channel {channel}'
  89. FACTION_TOGGLE: '&eFaction only chat mode'
  90. FACTION_ALLY_TOGGLE: '&eAlly only chat mode'
  91. FACTION_OFF_TOGGLE: '&ePublic chat mode'
  92. FACTION_NONE: '&cYou do not have a faction'
  93. NICKNAMED_PLAYER: '&2You have set {player}''s name to {name}'
  94. NICKNAME_CHANGED: '&2Your nickname has been change to {name}'
  95. NICKNAME_TOO_LONG: '&cThat nickname is too long!'
  96. NICKNAME_TAKEN: '&cThat nickname is already taken by a player!'
  97. NICKNAME_REMOVED_PLAYER: '&cYou have removed {player}''s nickname!'
  98. NICKNAME_REMOVED: '&cYour nickname has been removed!'
  99. PLAYER_IGNORED: '&2{player} has been ignored'
  100. PLAYER_UNIGNORED: '&2{player} has been unignored'
  101. PLAYER_IGNORING: '&c{player} is ignoring you'
  102. PLAYER_NOT_IGNORED: '&c{player} is not ignored'
  103. CHATSPY_ENABLED: '&2ChatSpy enabled'
  104. CHATSPY_DISABLED: '&cChatSpy disabled'
  105. AFK_DISPLAY: '&5[AFK]&r'
  106. PLAYER_AFK: '&6{player} &6is now afk'
  107. PLAYER_NOT_AFK: '&7{player} &7is no longer afk'
  108. SENT_HOME: '&2You have been sent home'
  109. NO_HOMES_ALLOWED_SERVER: '&cYour are not able to set anymore homes on this server'
  110. NO_HOMES_ALLOWED_GLOBAL: '&cYour are not able to set anymore homes globally'
  111. NO_HOMES: '&cYou do not have any set homes'
  112. HOME_UPDATED: '&2Your home has been updated'
  113. HOME_SET: '&2Your home has been set'
  114. HOME_DOES_NOT_EXIST: '&cThat home does not exist'
  115. HOME_DELETED: '&cYour home has been deleted'
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