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Jun 15th, 2014
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  1. [5:19] [Zone #47] John Shepard@Highlandrise85: Yeyyyyyy 1St >:D
  2. [5:19] [Zone #49] Evereve@digtalnarcosis: 1st :D
  3. [5:19] [Zone #10] Mike 7@michathree: that space suit slowed you down rayphon
  4. [5:19] [Zone #15] Jaloris@Rangerman: heh...I'm in MACO armor and I just got 1st....:)
  5. [5:19] [Zone #29] Shoni@happynoob1337: Damn i am lagging today :
  6. [5:20] [Zone #48] Joar Markent@azrael605: fucking disco balls
  7. [5:20] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: exploiters. party ball and shield at finish. hope you get an infected fistula. pos
  8. [5:20] [Zone #47] John Shepard@Highlandrise85: I AGREE
  9. [5:20] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: Exploiters? oo
  10. [5:20] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: What's up, Steel? oo
  11. [5:21] [Zone #7] John Stone@js26568: there are no exploiters in the race. You just didn't do the race properly.
  12. [5:21] [Zone #47] John Shepard@Highlandrise85: The Party Ball at the last races Finish Line was FUCKING Annoxing
  13. [5:21] [Zone #47] John Shepard@Highlandrise85: y
  14. [5:21] [Zone #47] S'Mug@psycholandlord: Sounds like someone can't adapt.
  15. [5:21] [Zone #15] Jaloris@Rangerman: i've only seen one true exploiter and they may have already fixed it the other day....some dude jumped off his board the other day and got some kind of red flaming aura around him.....he ended up
  16. [5:21] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: some assnugget dropping engi d=shield wall in front of fionish flag. and party ball. just proving they are worthless then assdroppings
  17. [5:21] [Zone #47] Vel Qua@velqua: I am wondering how they got the shield to be there.
  18. [5:21] [Zone #47] S'Mug@psycholandlord: You'll never win with that attitude.
  19. [5:21] [Zone #15] Jaloris@Rangerman: being WAY faster than anyone else in the race....heh..
  20. [5:21] [Zone #6] Screwtape@mynameisbucket: oh man that is genius
  21. [5:21] [Zone #33] MOTpoetryION@motpoetryion1: its easy to adapt just be the first one there
  22. [5:22] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: You can only be a prick like that if you're actually working with someone else.
  23. [5:22] [Zone #47] Vel Qua@velqua: I thought the shields were not allowed on Risa.
  24. [5:22] [Zone #47] John Shepard@Highlandrise85: they are not but some people find ways......
  25. [5:22] [Zone #47] John Shepard@Highlandrise85: glitch ect O_o
  26. [5:22] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: Someone who's an engineer has to drop the shield by starting combat to disable the ability locks.
  27. [5:22] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: cheating shit always fins a way to cheat
  28. [5:23] [Zone #4] Robin@sumghai: Moar QQing as usual
  29. [5:23] [Zone #33] MOTpoetryION@motpoetryion1: some assclowns dound out how to use them and they have been poping them up duringthe race
  30. [5:23] [Zone #33] MOTpoetryION@motpoetryion1: found*
  31. [5:23] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: and of course. cheating shit will always call it qqing
  32. [5:23] [Zone #6] Screwtape@mynameisbucket: delicious butthurt
  33. [5:23] [Zone #29] Shoni@happynoob1337: :/
  34. [5:24] [Zone #7] John Stone@js26568: wts [Tissues for your tears]
  35. [5:24] [Zone #4] Robin@sumghai: Rellax - it's just a game
  36. [5:24] [Zone #29] Shoni@happynoob1337: In games you cant strangle the person being a jerk4
  37. [5:24] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: lick my asshole
  38. [5:24] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: No, if you want that, you have to engage in real life.
  39. [5:24] [Zone #33] MOTpoetryION@motpoetryion1: oh im relaxed i have no problems with the shield because im usually first : )
  40. [5:26] [Zone #33] MOTpoetryION@motpoetryion1: i really should stop racing though ive already got 282 tags
  41. [5:26] [Zone #28] Ulfric@psycholandlord: For the record, it took sleel half a minute to figure out how to extricate himself from the shield.
  42. [5:26] [Zone #7] John Stone@js26568: ha!
  43. [5:26] [Zone #28] Ulfric@psycholandlord: So he might be lashing out due to embarrasment.
  44. [5:27] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: thanks for letting me know who dropped the shield
  45. [5:28] [Zone #14] Potrzebie@mynameisbucket: so rectum ruined
  46. [5:28] [Zone #28] Ulfric@psycholandlord: Wasn't me, I was too busy laughing at you, so I lost too.
  47. [5:28] [Zone #7] John Stone@js26568: the shield isnt an exploit. Don't keep crying about it
  48. [5:28] [Zone #28] Ulfric@psycholandlord: Shame, that.
  49. [5:28] [Zone #45] Mil'ena@MillyBun: it'll likely be patched out eventually, usually these things slip through
  50. [5:28] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: if youy have to game the system to be able to use disabled abilities, it's an exploit
  51. [5:29] [Zone #4] Robin@sumghai: I joined the race for giggles - it's not like I'll die or something if I lose
  52. [5:29] [Zone #7] John Stone@js26568: Jeez, stop crying over 2 monkey tags and maybe 5 favors you shameless pauper
  53. [5:29] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: OMG ROBIN! YOU MUST WIN OR FORFEIT YOUR SPLEEEEEEEN! DX
  54. [5:29] [Zone #28] Ulfric@psycholandlord: All of this anger could have been avoided by a lazy drift to the left.
  55. [5:29] [Zone #4] Robin@sumghai: NOOOO! NOt THE SPLEEN! NOOO! XD
  56. [5:29] [Zone #29] Shoni@happynoob1337: He really wants a monkey to spank
  57. [5:30] [Zone #19] Devkalish@Rangerman: LUCY!!!! YOU GOT SOME SPLEENING TO DO!!!!!!
  58. [5:30] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: i'm not, you useless fucktard. I just don't like lame ass shits who feel the need to fuck other people over for their pathetic version of shits and giggles. obviously that is beyond your feeble grasp
  59. [5:30] [Zone #3] Oblitus@bytingfangs: I am so sorry, I couldn't help myself... xD
  60. [5:30] [Zone #10] Mike 7@michathree: Forget you Batman - Give up your own spleen!
  61. [5:30] [Zone #1] Moreh@tousseau: wow... rage much?
  62. [5:30] [Zone #29] Shoni@happynoob1337: Sleel
  63. [5:30] [Zone #4] Robin@sumghai: This is pure, sliced and fried gold - someone is raging over pixels on a screen.
  64. [5:30] [Zone #29] Shoni@happynoob1337: You needa hug]
  65. [5:31] [Zone] Ulfric@psycholandlord: Good lord son.
  66. [5:31] [Zone #16] Syanda@Syanda: gotta love butthurt, huh.
  67. [5:31] [Zone] Ulfric@psycholandlord: The race doesn't even give you anything worthwhile.
  68. [5:31] [Zone #7] John Stone@js26568: Me no get monkey tag... me so angweeee
  69. [5:31] [Zone #27] S'chn T'gai Spock@sageofsarcasm: I don't even want my monkey tags.
  70. [5:32] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: so. if the race doesn't give you anything worthwile, it means those dropping shields and p[arty balls are even more pathetic wads then ever
  71. [5:32] [Zone #45] Mil'ena@MillyBun: if people feel slighted by players using unintentionally-allowed abilities in something like the board race, which costs them potential marks, accolades, and favors during their short >
  72. [5:32] [Zone] Sleel Tun Gestya@sleel43: and moreso those that defend them
  73. [5:32] [Zone #45] Mil'ena@MillyBun: > time online, that means potential money lost for Cryptic/PWE if those players stop logging in for a time over it, all former exploits, it'll likely get patched out eventually
  74. [5:33] [Zone #9] Boudica@mynameisbucket: you know what really discourages trolls? crying
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