
Mythical Peace: Bloom

Sep 1st, 2014
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  1. Mythical Peace: Bloom
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  4. If someone asked me what the world is to me, I would've told them that the world means everything to me. People have always belittled the beauty and wonders of earth, and only a few saw its majesty. Books are evidence to this. You see, writers have creative imagination floating in their heads, which then would fuel their quest to write a story. Imagine, women so hideous they turned men into stone, or a demigod who had the trial of a lifetime. Writers indeed take inspiration from earth's nature and from human nature, but what they did with it fascinated me even more. When I was a young man, I was surrounded by books. The majesty of gods and mortals fighting each other, or fighting side by side, the environment of which such battles took place, the diversity of the ancient texts and stories ranging from Norse to Greek, Roman to Egyptian. They filled my childhood with glee. Such a shame that for every story involving the gods, it never ends in a happy ending.
  6. Time by time
  7. Place by place
  8. God by god
  9. Mortal by mortal.
  11. It always ends in death and tragedy.
  12. It was a nice Tuesday morning, and the world was alright. Njord seemed to have been in a good mood as the air was at the perfect temperature at that time. Ra's sun shines bright and the dogs, well, shite. After paying respect to my old pet's grave for her 10th year death anniversary, I went on to school. My usual mornings were as tedious as ever. We have classes, projects, fire drills, and of course, social drama. Timothy Typhoon was like my Pythias, even though I consider him to be better than me. He's one of Nolan North's closest friends, and one of Amelia Heartstruck's closest rivals. Although the two care deeply for Nolan's future for some reason, each hating the other by the way of how they both want Nolan to rule. Timothy wants an autocracy, Amy wants a democracy. Honestly if the two were to blow a fuse, it would be the battle of Troy all over again, with Nolan as Helen. Still, they manage to work with each other despite differences. I took Timothy's side, not because I completely believe in him on how Nolan should rule, or because I'm opposing my ex, but because he's one of my oldest friends, but with him finding better company with Nolan, we've grown a bit distant, but he still has my loyalty. In all due respect, he should really just ask Nolan out. I'd understand innocent bromance but he just takes Nolan way too seriously. That Tuesday morning, he was working on Nolan's campaign for Student Council presidency, as usual.
  14. "Hi-ho, félagi. Still working hard, I see?"
  15. >"Valhallen! I thought you have chemistry class at this hour?"
  16. "Ahh, cancelled. The teacher was sick and the substitute decided to give the class the hour for free."
  17. >"That's a stroke of good luck, huh?"
  18. "Yes. I would say that Teche is watching over me right now showering me with fortune, but I'm not in Rome right now."
  19. >"Hah. I'll never get used to your insane ramblings."
  20. "Yeah. So, what are you doing in here anyway? Free class too?"
  21. >"Actually we got dismissed early, so I went back here to finish this."
  22. "A...model of Nolan?"
  23. >"What? No, it's a float."
  24. "For what?"
  25. >"School parade!"
  26. "But this is...what, 7 inches? You're going to need a bigger float than that."
  27. >"This isn't the final float. It's just a paper mache model."
  28. "...You actually made a detailed model of Nolan?"
  29. >"...W-we worked on it on our spare time."
  30. "We?"
  31. >"Amy."
  32. "Ah. You know, you two seem to be getting along better than last year."
  33. >"Only because we've grown more mature."
  34. "And by that you mean better at masking your annoyance with each other?"
  35. >"Exactly. Come take a look at this."
  37. Timothy led me to the other side of the gym. There he unveils the real Nolan float. It's huge, and it's barely finished.
  39. >"Ta-Da!"
  41. The float looked like a cat with Nolan's human head on it. It's on all four legs along with cat ears on top of the head. One can only assume that Amy approved of this.
  43. "Wow."
  44. >"Yeah." Timothy says, facepalming himself. "Wow indeed."
  45. "You made all this?"
  46. >" Me and some of Nolan's friends did. Amy and her friends designed it."
  47. "And you have no qualms about it?"
  48. >"...we lost a bet."
  50. We both laughed at that.
  52. "Still, don't you think that that's a bit too much? A float?"
  53. >"Look man, I got to get some good publicity for Nolan now that his survey ratings have dropped."
  54. "They did? Isn't Nolan like, the sanest of the candidates?"
  55. >"Not since the dog incident."
  56. "Oh gods, don't tell me he has bestiality."
  57. >"What? No! Didn't you read the school paper?"
  58. "I'm joking. I know about the incident. Just saying that a float might be too much. People might say it's just his for his ego."
  59. >"That's for me to go full damage control on."
  60. "Whatever you say. Speaking of the incident, I heard Applejack's sister went into a coma after the story went out."
  61. >"Exaggeration. She's just suffering from severe depression right now. Trouble eating and sleeping, the poor girl."
  62. "Yeah."
  63. >"Anyways, now that you're here, do me a favor and grab some nails from Adam Atomic. He's on the roof right now doing whatever."
  64. "Sure thing."
  66. I left Timothy to fix his scale model of feline Nolan. Up the rooftops where secret meetings usually take place, I saw Adam Atomic, working on some machinery. On the wall was blueprints, though they weren't exactly blue. They were photocopied from the library. I knew because I've read tons of history books, and this one was vaguely familiar.
  68. "Greetings, mechanic."
  70. Adam ignored my call. He seemed to have been down in the dumps.
  72. "Adam." I say while touching his shoulder.
  73. >"Grrkzzzngha?"
  75. He was asleep. I remember seeing bits of blur in his eyeglasses' lens. He needs those checked out.
  77. "You alright?"
  78. >"Oh...y-yeah. Just dozed off."
  79. "You ditched your class too?"
  80. >"Nah. Pretended to be sick so I got a hall pass. Suffice to say, I won't be coming back for another...ehh...ten minutes."
  81. "You sly dog."
  82. >"Heh."
  84. I looked at what he was working on. A huge mechanical glider fashioned from Leonardo Da Vinci's designs. Made from wood and sailcloth, among other materials.
  86. "By the gods. Is that what I think it is?" I asked.
  87. >"Yep. It's a glider based on Da Vinci's sketches. Reminds you of that stealth and slash video game, huh?"
  88. "It's beautiful!"
  90. The glider he made was genuinely impressive. It's already been varnished, feathered (for design) and upgraded from what Leonardo had drawn. It's like something you would find in a museum, only it's not a model. Knowing Adam, I thought to myself was that it was a working machine.
  92. >"Hold those tears, Valhallen. I haven't tested it out yet."
  94. Adam continued to screw a few nails tight. He was barefoot at that time, and each toe was holding a screwdriver with a different head. Hard work indeed.
  96. "Either way, it's majestic. It's like a mix of steampunk and antiquity."
  97. >"Well, it's my science project, and what better way to explain gravity and angles of elevation with a live demonstration?"
  98. "Hah. Reminds me of Daedalus' invention. A glider out of available school material. I'm impressed."
  99. >"Well, I still need to test it out, but I'm really not good with heights."
  100. "I'll do it."
  101. >"That was quick. I mean, are you sure?"
  102. "I'm damn sure!"
  103. >"I'm serious here. Are you sure you want to do this? You might end up with a broken leg."
  104. "A chance to fly is something I wouldn't easily pass off. "
  106. Adam scratched his head, unsure of using someone he barely knew as a test subject for his invention.
  108. >"Well, since you insist, We'll conduct the flight test after classes. Deal?"
  109. "Deal!"
  111. I remember myself getting excited throughout the hours. A chance to glide across Canterlot. It's one of my dreams to fly like a god without using an airplane. I thought to myself that the god of luck must've been watching over me. What I didn't know was that it was another god that watched over me. The god of fate and destiny. The bell rang at last and I rushed up the stairs to meet with Adam again. As I exited the door, I bump into Applejack, who seemed to be in a hurry.
  113. "Ah!"
  114. >"Ah crap."
  115. "Sorry about that. You in a hurry?" I asked her.
  117. She didn't answer and quickly grabbed everything she dropped and ran off without a word. Thinking it was none of my business, I went up to the roof once more.
  119. "Adam!"
  120. >"Oh good, you're here. Did you get the equipment I told you to bring?"
  121. "Got a bicycle helmet, some arm and kneepads and some coal."
  122. >"Wow, you actually found coal?"
  123. "Yeah, the art club has tons."
  124. >"...interesting..."
  126. Adam took note of that little comment.
  128. "Please tell me you're not going to raid the art class for your inventions."
  130. >"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
  131. "...What?"
  132. >"It's Star Tre-...nevermind."
  133. "Besides, I don't think that quote suits what this situation. I mean, you are just one VS a dozen art-"
  134. >"Do you want to fly or not?" He asks in an impatient tone.
  135. "Hah."
  137. I strapped myself under the glider and checked its weight. It was light, not heavier than three encyclopedias in a backpack. I felt like Kratos when I stood up on that roof, gallantly balancing the weight on my back. I felt like an angel who had just sprung wings.
  139. >"Alright, so let me go over the basics."
  140. "Cool. Give it."
  141. >"So, the measurements I got from this building using the angle of depression, which is height divided by the opposite blah blah blah..."
  143. Adam couldn't stop talking over his computations. Bored, I looked over the ledge and found all the students completely oblivious to this experiment. Adam probably knew he would get in trouble for testing a glider without any proper professional watching us, but I guess he doesn't care so long as he gets his results. Among the students, I saw Laine Sunflower stealing Rod's banana, tripping over and accidentally throwing it at Flash Sentry's head, which then caused the students to cheer for Laine because she attacked the school's infamous casanova. There was Applejack looking tired and worried, there was Norman Normal getting dragged back to the school by Pinkamena Pie, there was Roman Roland riding on Peter Pasta's back and so on. It reminded me of how the gods would look down on the mortals, judging and laughing at their actions. It was pretty pricky of them to do. I remember making charts about how each god spied on certain mortals and a score board on whether or not they bothered said mortal or not. But at that time, nothing else but the story of was in my head.
  144. It was one of the first legends that I ever read about. It thought me of a life in prison, a death that could've been avoided and the afterlife of man. With the glider, it felt like a flashback. A nostalgic moment for me. So many-
  146. >"-And if you follow my calculations, you'll be able to fly safely in no time. You got all that?"
  147. ". . ."
  148. >"Umm, Val?"
  149. "Yep, up to every period and question mark."
  150. >"Good, good. You know, we probably will get in trouble for this."
  151. "I know plenty other scientists and inventors who broke the law and at the same time, innovated the world."
  152. >"Hah."
  154. To be honest, I was already impatient with Adam at that time. I wanted to start the damn thing.
  156. >"Alright. Ready?"
  157. "Been ready for twenty minutes, man."
  158. >"Okay, on five. One-"
  159. "FIVE."
  161. I sprung my legs off the building like a man who's attempting suicide. Dark analogy, but other than Icarus, it was the only other thing in my head. I fell off the building for two levels before slowly getting brought back up by the wind. It was a miraculous air-time recovery. The air in my face, the wind in my hair. For the 12.5 seconds of joy I had off ground, what came next was totally worth it.
  163. "OH SHIVA!"
  165. Truth be told, it was actually the coal-powered jetpack attached to the wings that got me back up to the air when I was falling. After ten seconds, I lost control of the wings. The wind was going in all directions, and I had lost my balance.
  167. "AH...Hoh, jeez. ACK!"
  169. I struggled as everyone pointed and stared, down below. The teachers and school staff were surprised, and some were frustrated. I could never forget the feeling I had while I was gliding in the air. I felt above the mortals. I felt like a demigod who had been given wings to fly. Sadly my little fantasy ended too soon as I spiralled all the way out of the campus to a nearby tree somewhere in the city.
  171. "AH...OH NO...CRA-"
  172. *PBLOSH*
  174. Like Icarus, I fell from heaven's grace. Or at least I think I did. The whole thing gave me a huge headache and a slight amnesia on what I did. The tree I landed on luckily had enough leaves to protect me from its spikey branches. However, the impact did not protect me from breaking my leg. I thought to myself I was luckier than poor Icarus from his story. Weak as I was, I tried to feel my leg with whatever strength I had left. Nothing pierced out of my flesh, and only the really bad sore from my knee was the biggest offender there. Along with the sun in my eyes, I slowly faded to unconsciousness as a crowd of people approached from every corner. It wasn't long before I woke up in the ambulance with Adam Atomic and a few doctors. I remember telling them that it was all an accident. A beta testing gone wrong. They didn't seem to understand what with my constant referencing of the mythological gods. Can't help myself, but I think they understood in the long run. Adam was guilty the whole trip, but I told him that it wasn't his fault.
  176. >"Faust, Valhallen. You nearly died!"
  177. "Tis but a scratch."
  178. >"A scratch? Your leg nearly tore off!"
  179. "Exaggeration! I fared better than Achilles! He had an arrow to his heel and died instantly! I survived falling from six stories!"
  180. >"Five stories, mate."
  181. "Six if you counted the air time."
  182. >"Hmm...I guess so. Still, this is all my fault. I should've done more calculations for-"
  183. "Haha. No, my friend. This one's all on me. I guess I got too excited and pressured you to have me play with the glider."I say, trying to calm his guilt down.
  185. To be honest, it was both our faults, but Adam being smarter and less deserving of a punishment, I tried to get him out of the danger zone. Adam still took the blame and is now being 'investigated' by the student council and the faculty for cutting classes and testing dangerous experiments. The ambulance finally arrived at the hospital and I got transferred to a room immediately. Parents contacted, though my mother's abroad. Adam was there to keep my company while he was being interrogated by the doctors. Eventually, I got an X-Ray, some painkillers, a cast and a bed to my own in a public room while they worked on their other patients. In a matter of hours, the pain was gone, and eventually, so was Adam. It was 7:00 when I got myself another roommate, besides the deaf guy lying across the room. At that time, Applejack came in with a bunch of doctors, pushing a wheelchair carrying her sister, Applebloom. I remember the stories of Applebloom and Applejack after the Nolan affair had happened. So much has changed since then, and a lot of people had been affected by the controversy. Nolan's supporters had decreased, and it ranked him just about equal to Roman Roland, which meant that Bonbon, the lesbian feminist, was in the lead. This was due to Bonbon's campaign that made use of Nolan's bad publicity after him running over a dog and 'conspiring' with Applejack. While the dog news wasn't really a big enough thing to bring down Nolan, the whole hidden relationship with Applejack had people doubting over what else he's been hiding. Other than her, there was Photo Finish, who suddenly changed from optimistic and weird photographer to obsessive stalker, Silver Shill being spotted frequently taking trips down the sewer after the incident, Amy being on the edge lately, Soarin being found all over the place either injured or unconscious and so on. Of course, all those stories were somewhat true and false. In the end, they were still rumors to me, so who was I to judge?
  187. I was lying in bed at that time. The doctors placed Applebloom on a bed beside me. I overheard their conversations, though Applebloom didn't seem to give a fly's notice about it. Doctor was talking to Applejack on how she was lucky that she only inflicted a minor wound on herself and that it was nothing too serious. Applejack's face was in a state of relief and fear. She was happy enough to place Applebloom at the care of the hospital though. After a while, the doctor left and Applebloom sat beside her little sister.
  189. >"Hey sugarcube, how you been?"
  190. >>". . ."
  191. >"It's not your fault, sis. It's was just an accident. You should be more careful in the future. Look where you're going and what-not."
  192. >>". . .[spoiler] I want to go home. [/spoiler]" Applebloom whispered with a whimper."
  193. >"Doctors only needs to check up on you. You nearly ki-...I mean, you nearly hurt yourself real bad pulling off a stunt like that!"
  194. >>"I never hear you say that when me and my friends go do crazy stunts with for our girl scout badges."
  195. >"That's because they're there to make sure y'all don't go over the line. You wandered off into a dump fell on hundreds of scrap metal! What were you thinking?"
  196. >>". . ."
  197. >"Applebloom, I don't want you to get hurt."
  198. >>"..."
  199. >"Wionna was...ahh, she...I mean..."
  200. >>". . ."
  201. >>"Nolan ran her over after she jumped off my arms. There was nothing I could do."
  202. >". . ."
  203. >>"Bloom to me."
  204. >". . ."
  206. Times like this I wish I brought some food along. Depressing stories makes me hungry. Surprised I didn't grow into a round blob since half the legends I read about were depressing. Guess all that time trying to mimic Hercules' body worked out in the end. Applejack's eyes indicates that she hasn't had much sleep for a long while. She holds her stomach, letting out a quiet noise from her mouth. She probably hasn't eaten as well.
  208. "Hey, uhh, Applejack, right?"
  210. She turns her head to me.
  212. >"Hey...err...guy. One of Nolan's friends, I assume?"
  213. "Close enough. You look like you haven't eaten in a long time."
  214. >"Ah. I guess I forgot to. Had to rush my sister here, haha." She says, trying to lift spirits up."
  215. "Go get something to eat. You look horrible."
  216. >"No, I have to watch Applebloom."
  217. "She's going to be fine. Worst case scenario, you pass out from hunger on her body and she'd suffocate."
  219. Applejack was about to speak, but she decided that it's a good idea to get something for the old tummy.
  221. >"Just, keep watch on her, alright?"
  222. "Count on it."
  224. Applejack goes on to buy herself something from the hospital's canteen. I looked at the side of Applebloom's bed and there was a magazine on the desk.
  226. "Psst. Hey, kid."
  227. >>". . ."
  228. "Uhh, little help?" I say, pointing to the desk.
  230. She turns her head to me.
  232. "Get me one of them magazines on your right."
  234. She turns to her side and grabs the magazine.
  236. "Thanks. Was getting bored of trying to sleep here, haha."
  238. She stayed quiet. In her hand was the magazine, and she froze after looking at the cover. I had no idea that the magazine was "Paws To Remember". A pet magazine. She broke down at that moment and started to cry silently.
  240. "Ah, jeez. D-Don't cry."
  241. >>"W-W...Wionna...*sniff*"
  243. With all my might, I reached and grabbed the magazine from her hands and threw it out the window. I think I heard a car crashing as I did so.
  245. "Hey, Applebloom?"
  246. >>"*sniff*"
  247. "I heard about what happened with your dog. Sorry she...passed away."
  248. >>"[crying noises]"
  249. "Uhh..."
  250. >>"I...I j-just really miss her."
  251. "I never knew your dog, but she has my prayers. To Hades, may the dog swiftly pass unto the dead world peacefully, as so he may...reach doggy heaven."
  252. >>". . ."
  254. Applejack soon returned eating three granola bars and a pear.
  256. >"Hey sugarcube."
  257. >>". . ."
  258. >"Doctors say that you'll be out tomorrow morning after they check to see if there's any trace of rust left from those blood samples they got from you."
  259. >>". . ."
  260. >"Sigh."
  261. "I'd say give her some space, but I don't really know if that's the right thing to do."
  262. >"I'm just so...tired right now."
  263. "Losing a dog's hard, but she's gotta let go. No offense, but I don't think she'd do well in the long run if she doesn't learn."
  264. >"You think it's that easy?" She says, annoyed.
  265. "She's not the only one who lost a pet in this world, Applejack, and she won't be the last. I've been through what she's been going through. It's not healthy for her."
  267. Applejack gives me an angry face. Applebloom just looks at us both with a curious-sad expression. At that moment, my father had arrived bearing a bag of cooked ham. He came at the right moment. I feared I was getting too much on her nerves at that time.
  269. >>>"HI-HO, SON." He says as his glorious beard flows through the wind.
  270. *CRACK*
  271. >>>"Ooops. Sorry about the door, doc!" He says as he accidentally breaks the door down due to his extremely strong and muscular arms.
  273. Applejack and Applebloom looked in fear at his physique. They probably thought to themselves that it would rival Odin's!
  275. >>>"Sorry I was late. I had a few loose ends that needed some good old fixing."
  276. "And by that you mean duct tape and plywood while screaming at whatever loose end you had?"
  277. >>>"Exactly my boy~! WAHAHAHAHAHA~."
  279. His laugh was so loud Applejack fell from her chair.
  281. >>>"Now what's this I've been hearing about? Some stunt done with a flying machine, my boy?"
  282. "Nothing to worry about! All those times I've been jumping off tables pretending to be Apollo paid off in the end!"
  283. >>>"Show no fear or pain! That's my boy! WAHAHAHAHAHA~." He says as his laughter echos through the halls, scaring the children.
  284. >"Err...excuse me sir..." Applejack managed to utter.
  285. >>>"HRMF?"
  286. >"C-Can you please just q-quiet your voice a little? That would be g-great!"
  287. >>>"Oh. OH. My bad, missy! Say Val, she's pretty cute. You know her?"
  288. "N-No."
  289. >>>"Well you should! You already look like a hardened viking, just your old man. WAHAHAH...err...hahaha..."
  290. "Ha..ha..."
  292. Just like mom, he was deaf to his own tone. I wonder why I never got deaf from those two's laughter. Just when he was about to talk, the nurse reminds Applejack and my dad that visiting hours are over.
  294. >>>"Ah bullfart! Well, I guess I'll just visit tomorrow to keep you company. Here's some ham if you're hungry." he says, throwing the cooked ham on the desk.
  295. "Thanks dad! I was hungry for some good meat!"
  296. >>>"See you in the morning, and thank the gods for your survival skills. Now if only you had skills to find yourself a lady. WAHAHAHAHAHA~"
  297. "R-Right."
  298. >>"Alright Applebloom. We'll see each other tomorrow. Hopefully you'll be able to go home soon enough."
  300. Applejack then looks at me.
  302. >"Hey, can you keep a watch on her? Call the doctors if she does anything out of the ordinary, alright...err..."
  303. "It's Valhallen, and yes, I'll watch over."
  304. >"Many thanks. Goodnight Applebloom!"
  305. >>". . ."
  307. Applejack left the room and we were alone in it with a deaf patient across our beds. Applebloom stayed quiet and stared at the wall, sitting up on her bed.
  309. "Hah. Err, sorry about my dad. He can be a bit loud."
  310. >". . ."
  311. "A bit too jolly for his own good if I say so myself. Ah well."
  312. >". . ."
  313. "So...what are you in for? Rust poisoning?"
  314. >". . ."
  315. "Alright, alright, I'll stop talking. We both had a dog-gone day."
  316. >""
  318. I thought to myself at that moment, "crap". I thought she was going to cry, but instead, she asked me a question.
  320. "Oh, I'm sorry. I should shut up-"
  321. >"What was his name?"
  322. "Huh?"
  323. >"Your dog. You mentioned a dog when you were talking to my sister." She says, maintaining her sad, calm voice.
  325. I didn't actually mention myself having a dog. I did mention having a lost pet though.
  327. "Ah. My dog. Yeah. Her name was Persephone. Originally Brutos, but then I found out she was a bitc-I mean a female dog, so I renamed her Persephone, from Zeus' daughter."
  328. >"That's...nice."
  329. "Yeah. You see, she was a diggin dog and would always find a bone somewhere near the cemetery so I got the name from that."
  330. >" did she die?"
  332. For some reason, I saw where the conversation was going. I asked her if we both should talk about this, considering the rumors of her having a sensitive PTSD-like illness.
  334. "Whoa, félagi. Are you sure you wanna talk about this? I mean, aren't pets the reason you're here?"
  335. >"...It is, but...tell me anyway." She says, maintaining her soulless sad-sounding voice.
  336. "W-Well, she accidentally drank some sewer rat's urine and instantly got poisoned by it. We brought her to the vet but it was too late. She was gone."
  337. >"...oh."
  338. "Taken too soon, my dad said to me."
  339. >"How did you take it?"
  340. "*sigh* Hard. She was like a sister to me. We did everything together, we jumped, played, wrestled and picked fruits by the mountains. We were inseparable, like bread crumbs in an apple pie. We were-"
  342. I noticed that Applebloom was tearing up when I was reminiscing about my dog. I bit my tongue and tried to end it in a lighter note.
  344. "In the end, there was nothing I could do. My dad built a small boat and gave old Persephone a viking's funeral, literally using a bow and arrow to light the coffin up. He told me 'Son, a true man shows his tears at a funeral *sniff*, but a real man never cries for more than three seconds after the initial tear.', and I told him 'Dad, you've been crying for three minutes!' ".
  345. >"Ah...haha..." She manages to say, albeit in a weak laugh.
  346. "And that was the end of that. I never got a new dog though. No one could replace my girl. She's with Hades now. I doubt he'd approve of someone naming a dog after her daughter. Maybe she's playing with Ceberus now."
  347. >"Y-Yeah. I hope so too."
  348. "What about you? What's your story with the dog?"
  350. Applebloom's smile slowly vanishes.
  352. "I mean, if you want to talk about it-"
  353. >"I...I would. I couldn't talk to my friends or my family about it b-because they always say the same thing."
  354. "She's in a better place now? Move on? We're sorry?"
  355. >"Any of those. They'd tell me that like they're a bunch of broken records."
  356. "How was your dog?"
  357. >"Very. Like your Persephone, we would play all day and night, and she always kept me company whenever I couldn't sleep."
  358. "Must've been hard for you when you found out."
  359. >"My sister...planned to hide the truth by buying me a new dog. I would've found out anyway."
  360. "Why the effort to do so? What's your story?"
  361. >"Excuse me?"
  362. "I heard that you got put into therapy or something when you suffered from a breakdown after hearing the news."
  363. >"...That's true."
  364. "Tell me girl, was that your first breakdown, or was there another one from your past?"
  365. >". . ."
  366. "Applebloom."
  367. >"...There was." She whispered.
  368. "Another pet?"
  369. >""
  370. "...A family member?"
  372. She nods.
  374. "I'm...sorry."
  375. >"I saw my mom and dad die before my eyes. If I remember, I was in denial. I spent 3-6 months in therapy from what I saw."
  376. "Not to bring up more bad memories or anything, but your parents...did they die-"
  377. >"They died in a plane crash." She says with a serious, quiet tone. "They died coming home."
  378. ". . ."
  379. >"When I heard that Wionna died, I kept having flashbacks over my parents' accident. I couldn't stop thinking about them. Why them? There are worse people on the planet. Why did they have to die so early? I mean, oh god-"
  381. Applebloom started to cry.
  383. "Hey now. You don't need to continue. "
  384. >"I...I n-need some sleep."
  385. "Sure. Sorry I had to bring this up."
  386. >" . . ."
  388. Applebloom tucked herself in and tried to go to sleep. I did the same, pondering on Applebloom's sad past. That night, I had a peculiar dream. It was nothing special, but it was a bit trippy. I was in a canoe sailing through a cave. There were moving skeletons around but they weren't out to get me. They were busy with cleaning the cave up with their brooms and dusters. The canoe docked at a brighter part of the cave. Lit by torches mounted on the walls, the cave was filled with minerals as far as the eye can see. At the end of the cave was an old friend of mine, playing with the skeletons. I did not know who the dog was, but I soon realized it wore Persephone's collar.
  390. It was my dog.
  392. >"Bark!"
  394. I couldn't speak in my dream, but I went to her and hugged that dog with all my might while it tried to lick me without a tongue. I don't remember crying in that dream, but I might as well have. As a piano played in the wind, we spent our time there playing and dancing with each other. I was happy, but soon, she stopped with her optimistic jumping. A hole opens up on the wall. I couldn't enter it because of some invisible wall, but Persephone can. She whimpered, trying to say goodbye. I gave her one last hug before she ran off. I could feel tears on my face. I was crying in real life. I met my dog again in my dream. She was dead, but we both moved on. I woke up in the middle of the night. 2:00 AM to be exact. I wiped the tears from my face and looked at my side.
  395. Applebloom wasn't there in her bed. The door was left slightly open. Given my promise to her sister, I got up from my bed and limped outside. Doctors say I shouldn't force myself to walk, but I thought to myself a little limping wouldn't hurt.
  397. "Applebloom? Ah...shite...Applebloom?" I say while trying to hide the pain.
  399. I found Applebloom by the waiting area. There was a window out there that had a better view of the city.
  401. "There you are, félagi!"
  402. >"Ah! Your leg!" She says, noticing my limp.
  403. "I'm fine! I'm fine. Just needed to make sure you're alright. You're not trying to jump out of there, are you?"
  404. >""
  405. "Good, good. Want some ham?"
  406. >"...I'm good."
  407. "Suit yourself."
  409. I sat beside her in the waiting area and we both looked out the window, admiring the night.
  411. "Couldn't sleep, huh?"
  412. >"No."
  413. "Me neither."
  414. >"...I keep seeing my parents faces whenever I close my eyes."
  415. "That may be my fault. Sorry. I guess I shouldn't have brought up the subject."
  416. >"No, it wasn't your...fault...I... needed to get something off my chest. My heart feels heavy."
  417. "Loss is something that hits us hard, Applebloom."
  418. >" . . . "
  419. "It's a part of life. Your parents, our pet dogs, they died young, but it's a part of a life's experience."
  420. >"Why? Why did they have to die?"
  421. "...I don't know. Nobody knows."
  422. >"It's not FAIR!" She yells.
  424. She stood and threw a water bottle at the wall.
  426. "I know, I know, but life isn't fair."
  427. >"Why?" She asks, crying. "Why does this happen?"
  428. "I...I don't know."
  430. She continues to cry. I stood up and looked out to the streets.
  432. " Félagi, come here."
  433. >"Huh?"
  434. "Look down there. Tell me what you see?"
  435. >"...A...homeless man."
  436. "Now tell me what else you see?"
  437. >"A bunch of people. Some stray cat. A 24-hour convenience store."
  438. "You know, grandfather once told me that the gods of the old age would look at their people from this angle. Their people were oppressed by each other. They suffered, they prayed and they went to war."
  439. >"But why? Couldn't the g-gods help with their fights?"
  440. "Their gods helped whenever they wanted to, but that doesn't mean that they help everyone. They can't change human nature."
  442. Applebloom looked with a confused expression.
  444. "The point is Applebloom, these people probably have it harder than your life. Look at that woman exiting the hotel. She probably had to do a bunch of nasty things just to keep her job, and that hobo petting that cat. He probably had a good life only to be brought down by the choices that he made."
  445. >"W-Where is this going?"
  446. "Imagine you and me were gods spectating the earth. Now, notice that these people have had their own share of misfortune and good tidings. They don't have control over where life takes them, but they have the power to make the best of their situation, because misfortune is part of life."
  447. >"I..."
  448. "Mortality is a dark subject to discuss, I know, but now is as good as time as any for you. A being's death can affect someone else greatly, but that someone can't live in the past forever. No one wants their loved ones to be torn from them, but we all have to accept that death happens."
  449. >"You sound like my therapist."
  450. "You have a therapist because you have a hard time accepting the reality of death."
  451. >"Why are you t-telling me all this."
  452. "Because I don't want you to keep living in the past. Soon, all the sadness you have right now will pile up in your heart until you do something...bad. You have to learn to let go, move on and make the best of things."
  453. >"I...I don't know how. Everytime I see my sister right now, I see my mom and d-dad, and my dog."
  454. "Well, I can't force you to get over your grief. We both know that, but think about your sister and your family. The longer you mope around, the harder it is for your friends and family to connect with you."
  455. >"I just...can't forget about them."
  456. "Neither can I with my dog. You know, I had a dream a few minutes ago about her."
  457. >"You saw her in your dream?"
  458. "Yeah. A skeleton with her collar still on in Hades' domain. I was half-aware that I was dreaming, but I wished it wasn't. When the dream was coming to a close, I hugged her tight, and soon, let her go. Maybe it's because of our earlier talk that triggered the dream, maybe it was just coincidence."
  459. >"I g-guess it's the former?"
  460. "Yeah. Maybe. Do you know about the story of Icarus and his father, Daedalus?"
  461. >"Y-yes."
  462. "Well, after Icarus died, Daedalus mourned for him, and not even the gods can bring back his dead son. He moved on to innovate many things for construction. If he continued to mourn rather than move on, the people of his story would've lost a good innovator."
  463. >". . .."
  464. "Life is the greatest gift and the greatest curse. It only matters if we make good of it."
  466. Applebloom stayed quiet for a few minutes. Both of us sitting down admiring the night's sky once more, only with me munching on the ham my dad gave me. Applebloom was probably reflecting on her own. She took out from her pocket a small handkerchief. One that's probably connected to her dog in some way. See clenches the handkerchief tight and soon, cries on it. I stayed quiet during that moment, and soon, she wipes away her tears.
  468. >"Valhallen, right?"
  469. "Yep."
  470. >"Is there an easy move on?"
  471. "There never is, but there is a way to repress it."
  472. >"How?"
  473. "Remember your sister when she brought you here? She was tired and hungry trying to make sure you're alright, and in your moment of brooding, you ignore her feelings. Think about that the next time you mope around for your dog. You can stand up and move on, or you could just lie down and be less useful than that hobo right there."
  474. >"I...guess."
  476. Applebloom stops crying and tries to smile at me. I smile back and pat her on the back.
  478. >"Val?"
  479. "Yeah?"
  480. >"T-Thanks."
  481. "For what?"
  482. >""
  483. "I'm surprised your therapist never said all this to you."
  484. >"He probably did, but unlike him, he never lost a pet dog. W-What you said came from the heart. Thank you."
  485. "Maybe going head on with the subject wasn't such a good idea in retrospect, but at least it worked out better in the end."
  486. >"...Yeah. I guess it did."
  487. "You'll be fine, Applebloom. Just don't burden your sister too much. I actually felt bad for her. Reminded me of my mother when she comes home for Christmas from the airport. Boy, let me tell you, she had more black lines down her eyes than a wild boar."
  488. >"I'll...I'll do that."
  489. "...You alright? Wanna go back to the room?"
  491. She nods.
  493. "Come on."
  494. >"Hey Val?"
  495. "Yeah?"
  496. >"What happened to your leg anyway?"
  497. "I tried to visit the heavens."
  498. >"Did you reach it?"
  499. "I almost felt like I reached it."
  500. >"I hope you did."
  501. "...Me too.
  503. The night was uplifting for both of us. I was surprised how calm she was when we were talking about the dark truth of fate and mortality. Well, she wasn't completely calm the whole night, but at least she wasn't a deaf waterfall as I would've feared. The next day, Applebloom was discharged from the hospital. She kept our conversation from that night a secret from Applejack. One can only imagine what a teenager would want with a thirteen year old girl in the middle of the night. She was still moody, but more responsive than before. Applejack was happy with that. As she left the room, she waved goodbye. I prayed to the gods for her future. I may have just met the girl, but I'm glad enough that I helped her in a way. I never did find out why she wandered into a junkyard. Maybe she was still in a haze of thinking about her dog, but I guess that wasn't important. Adam later came to visit me.
  505. "Adam!"
  506. >"Hey Val. You still look like crap."
  507. "Hah. How's life out there?"
  508. >"Well, I'm being investigated. It's only been one day and already I feel so guilty."
  509. "Yeah well, like I said yesterday, it's my fault for getting you in this mess."
  510. >"Nah. I was going to test the glider on my own, but in the end, I got a test subject *cough* you *cough*, so how could I say no?"
  511. "Eh, well, we're both being punished anyway."
  512. >"How's the leg?"
  513. "Doctor gave me some pain killers. Maybe a 6 week recovery. Only need one crutch. Nothing too serious."
  514. >"Good, good." He says, wiping the sweat off his face.
  515. "So, what did the school do about the glider?"
  516. >"I hid it from them. Well actually they got to it first. I just stole it back and tried fixing whatever went wrong. What I lacked was a barometer. The glider was pretty much complete. We didn't account for the airless weather."
  517. "I see. Well, I did glide well enough. I felt like a demigod, flying like an angel."
  518. >"When you put it that way, I don't feel half as guilty."
  519. "Haha."
  520. >"So, I noticed that Applebloom stayed at the same room. She seemed...alright."
  521. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  522. >"I heard she was like a soulless woman from my classmates. She doesn't seem too...soulless to me."
  523. "Well, maybe she got over her dog's death."
  524. >"Doesn't she have PTSD?"
  525. "Eh. Psychology isn't really my thing. Who knows what could be going on in her head."
  526. >"You're right. So, I assume you had some 'close encounters' with Applejack?" He asks while nudging my arm with a smile.
  527. "Besides the view of her butt, no. Besides, I'm not really after her."
  528. >"Ah, still after *her*, huh?"
  529. "Yeah. My Helen of Canterlot."
  530. >"Why not go after her? It's been a year."
  531. "Her happiness comes first, and right now, she's doing fine with the dog killer."
  532. *CRASH*
  533. >>"WAHAHAHAHAHA~"
  534. >"AGH!? Lauren Faust, what was that?"
  535. "That...would be my dad."
  537. My dad burst into the room bearing a picnic basket.
  539. >>"MY BOY!" He enthusiastically says.
  540. "Hey fóstri."
  541. >"Is that's your dad? Holy crap, he looks like Stoick!"
  542. "He gets that alot."
  543. >>"Come! Let us celebrate your second day in this medical prison with some buttermilk and lamb!"
  544. >"AHH!"
  545. " Fóstri! You brought a live lamb!?"
  546. >>"What? Doc says you gotta stay healthy, so I brought the freshest lamb from the market!"
  547. >>>"Baaaaa~"
  548. >>"WAHAHAHAHAHA~"
  550. My books from my childhood taught me many things, about life, love, choices and mortality. Things people take for granted. I nearly lost my life with Adam's experiment, but I made it out alive in the end. Applebloom reminded me of myself when I lost my dog, but like the gods and the mortals from old legends, we either move on or stay in limbo, being idle and useless. I'm glad that Applebloom is feeling better right now. Maybe the gods wanted me to spend my yesterday talking to the girl. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Eitherway, I don't regret a single moment of it. May the gods bless our lost love ones, and may they find peace in Valhalla, or the land of the dead.
  552. The End.
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