

Apr 15th, 2019
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  1. # Made by verdreht
  3. on script load:
  4. wait 10 ticks
  5. set {_ver} to text from ""
  6. if {_ver} is not "1.0":
  7. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &6Lade Update herunter." to console
  8. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  9. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &eErfolgreich heruntergeladen." to console
  10. else:
  11. send "{@Prefix} &7Version &e%{_ver}% &7wurde &aerfolgreich &7geladen&8." to console
  12. stop
  14. every 2 seconds:
  15. set {_ver} to text from ""
  16. if {_ver} is not "{@Version}":
  17. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &6Lade Update herunter." to console
  18. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  19. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &eErfolgreich heruntergeladen." to console
  20. make console execute command "sk reload %script%"
  21. send "{@Prefix} &7Lade &eUpdate &7herunter&8." to console
  22. stop
  24. on load:
  25. loop all players:
  26. kick loop-player due to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDer Server wird neugeladen."
  27. set {state} to "LOBBY"
  28. delete {rot}
  29. delete {blau}
  30. delete {rounds::*}
  31. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &6MLGRush &7wurde &aaktiviert&8." to console
  32. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Plugin von &eEisteeRamon&8. &c<3" to console
  33. make console execute command "gamerule sendFommandFeedback false"
  34. make console execute command "gamerule keepInventory true"
  39. Command /setlobby [<text>]:
  40. permission: system.edit
  41. permission message: §8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDazu hast du keine Berechtigung.
  42. trigger:
  43. set {lobby} to location
  44. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Du hast die &eLobby &7gesetzt&8."
  45. play sound "CHEST_CLOSE" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  46. send player title "&8● &6Setup &8●" with subtitle "&7Du hast die &eLobby &7gesetzt&8."
  47. stop
  49. Command /setspawn [<text>]:
  50. permission: system.edit
  51. permission message: §8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDazu hast du keine Berechtigung.
  52. trigger:
  53. if arg-1 is not set:
  54. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Verwende&8: &e/setspawn <Rot, Blau>"
  55. play sound "ARROW_HIT" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  56. stop
  58. else:
  59. if arg-1 is "Blau":
  60. set {spawn.blau} to location
  61. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Der Spawn für &9Blau &7wurde gesetzt&8."
  62. play sound "CHEST_CLOSE" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  63. stop
  65. if arg-1 is "Rot":
  66. set {spawn.rot} to location
  67. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Der Spawn für &cRot &7wurde gesetzt&8."
  68. play sound "CHEST_CLOSE" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  69. stop
  71. Command /start [<text>]:
  72. permission: system.start
  73. permission message: §8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDazu hast du keine Berechtigung.
  74. trigger:
  75. if {state} is "LOBBY":
  76. if {online_listener} is 2:
  77. if {start_counter} is less than 10:
  78. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDas Spiel kann unter 10 Sekunden nicht gestartet werden!"
  79. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  80. stop
  82. else:
  83. set {start_counter} to 11
  84. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Du hast das &eSpiel &7gestartet&8."
  88. on join:
  89. set {online_listener} to number of all players
  90. set join message to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &e%player% &7ist der &6Runde &7beigetreten&8."
  91. if {state} is "Lobby":
  92. set player's gamemode to survival
  93. teleport player to {lobby}
  94. clear player's inventory
  95. set slot 0 of player to bed named "&8» &6Teamauswahl &8● &8&o<&7Rechtsklick&8>"
  96. set slot 1 of player to nether star named "&8» &eStats &8● &8&o<&7Rechtsklick&8>"
  97. set slot 2 of player to 379 named "&8» &bEinstellungen &8● &8&o<&7Rechtsklick&8>"
  98. set slot 8 of player to magma cream named "&8» &eZurück zur Lobby &8● &8&o<&7Rechtsklick&8>"
  100. else:
  101. broadcast "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel &6beginnt &7in &e30 Sekunden&8."
  102. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  104. if {online_listener} is 1:
  105. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Es wird auf &e1 Spieler &7gewartet&8."
  107. while player is online:
  108. if {state} is "Lobby":
  109. wipe player's sidebar
  110. set name of sidebar of player to "&8⚔ &6&lMLGRush &8⚔"
  111. set score "&2" in sidebar of player to 13
  112. set score "&a✦ &8┃ &fServer&8:" in sidebar of player to 12
  113. set score " &8» &aMLGRush" in sidebar of player to 11
  114. set score "&5" in sidebar of player to 7
  115. set score "&c⚔ &8┃ &fStatus" in sidebar of player to 3
  116. set score " &8» &c%{state}%" in sidebar of player to 2
  117. set score "&9" in sidebar of player to 1
  118. wait 10 seconds
  119. if {state} is "INGAME":
  120. wipe player's sidebar
  121. set name of sidebar of player to "&8⚔ &f&lRushPvP&8.&f&lEU &8⚔"
  122. set score "&2" in sidebar of player to 13
  123. set score "&a✦ &8┃ &fServer&8:" in sidebar of player to 12
  124. set score " &8» &aMLGRush" in sidebar of player to 11
  125. set score "&8" in sidebar of player to 10
  126. set score "&9⚔ &8┃ &fStats" in sidebar of player to 9
  127. set score " &8» &9%{rounds::%{blau}%}%&8/&c%{rounds::%{rot}%}%" in sidebar of player to 8
  128. set score "&6" in sidebar of player to 7
  129. set score "&6✎ &8┃ &fSpieler&8:" in sidebar of player to 6
  130. set score " &8» &6%number of all players%&8/&e2" in sidebar of player to 5
  131. set score "&5" in sidebar of player to 4
  132. set score "&c➜ &8┃ &fStatus&8: " in sidebar of player to 3
  133. set score " &8» &c%{state}%" in sidebar of player to 2
  134. set score "&9" in sidebar of player to 1
  135. wait 8 seconds
  138. on damage:
  139. if {state} is "INGAME":
  140. if damage was caused by fall:
  141. cancel event
  143. on any movement:
  144. if {state} is "INGAME":
  145. if player's y-coordinate < 0:
  146. kill player
  148. every 1 tick:
  149. if {state} is "INGAME":
  150. if {rounds::%{blau}%} is not set:
  151. set {rounds::%{blau}%} to 0
  152. if {rounds::%{rot}%} is not set:
  153. set {rounds::%{rot}%} to 0
  154. loop all players:
  155. set loop-player's action bar to "&8» &9%{blau}% &8● &9%{rounds::%{blau}%}% &8┃ &c%{rot}% &8● &c%{rounds::%{rot}%}% &8«"
  157. on break:
  158. if {state} is "INGAME":
  159. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  160. if event-block is not sandstone:
  161. cancel event
  163. if event-block is bed:
  164. if block below event-block is blue stained clay:
  165. if {blau} is not player:
  166. teleport {rot} to {spawn.rot}
  167. teleport {blau} to {spawn.blau}
  168. add 1 to {rounds::%{rot}%}
  169. loop all players:
  170. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured red
  171. clear loop-player's inventory
  172. wait 1 tick
  173. clear loop-player's inventory
  174. wait 3 ticks
  175. set slot 0 of loop-player to stick of knockback 1 named "&6Stick"
  176. set slot 1 of loop-player to iron pickaxe named "&6Spitzhake"
  177. set slot 2 of loop-player to 32 sandstone named "&6Blöcke"
  179. heal loop-player
  180. loop blocks in radius 50 around event-block:
  181. if loop-block is a sandstone:
  182. set loop-block to air
  184. if {rounds::%{rot}%} is more than 9:
  185. set {state} to "LOBBY"
  186. send all players title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Der Spieler &c%{rot}% &7hat gewonnen&8!"
  187. teleport {blau} to {lobby}
  188. teleport {rot} to {lobby}
  189. loop all players:
  190. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured blue
  191. wait 10 seconds
  192. loop all players:
  193. clear loop-player's inventory
  194. kick loop-player due to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Der &6Server &7wurde nun &cgeschlossen&8."
  195. wait 1 second
  196. make console execute command "stop"
  198. else:
  199. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDu darfst dein Bett nicht zerstören."
  200. play "NOTE_BASS" to player
  202. if block below event-block is red stained clay:
  203. if {rot} is not player:
  204. teleport {rot} to {spawn.rot}
  205. teleport {blau} to {spawn.blau}
  206. add 1 to {rounds::%{blau}%}
  207. loop all players:
  208. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured blue
  209. clear loop-player's inventory
  210. wait 1 tick
  211. set slot 0 of loop-player to stick of knockback 1 named "&6Stick"
  212. set slot 1 of loop-player to iron pickaxe named "&6Spitzhake"
  213. set slot 2 of loop-player to 32 sandstone named "&6Blöcke"
  215. heal loop-player
  216. loop blocks in radius 50 around event-block:
  217. if loop-block is a sandstone:
  218. set loop-block to air
  220. if {rounds::%{blau}%} is more than 9:
  221. set {state} to "LOBBY"
  222. send all players title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Der Spieler &9%{blau}% &7hat gewonnen&8!"
  223. teleport {blau} to {lobby}
  224. teleport {rot} to {lobby}
  225. loop all players:
  226. clear loop-player's inventory
  227. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured blue
  228. wait 10 seconds
  229. loop all players:
  230. kick loop-player due to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Der &6Server &7wurde nun &cgeschlossen&8."
  231. wait 1 second
  232. make console execute command "stop"
  235. else:
  236. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &cDu darfst dein Bett nicht zerstören."
  237. play "NOTE_BASS" to player
  240. on build:
  241. if {state} is "INGAME":
  242. if event-block is not sandstone:
  243. cancel event
  246. on death:
  247. set death message to ""
  248. if victim is a player:
  249. if {state} is "INGAME":
  250. clear victim's inventory
  251. heal victim
  252. if {rot} is "%victim%":
  253. teleport victim to {spawn.rot}
  254. if {blau} is "%victim%":
  255. teleport victim to {spawn.blau}
  256. wait 1 tick
  257. clear victim's inventory
  258. wait 3 ticks
  259. set slot 0 of victim to stick of knockback 1 named "&6Stick"
  260. set slot 1 of victim to iron pickaxe named "&6Spitzhake"
  261. set slot 2 of victim to 32 sandstone named "&6Blöcke"
  266. on quit:
  267. set quit message to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &c« &e%player% &7hat die &6Runde &7verlassen&8."
  268. if {state} is "INGAME":
  269. if "%player%" is {blau}:
  270. set {state} to "LOBBY"
  271. send all players title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Der Spieler &c%{rot}% &7hat gewonnen&8!"
  272. teleport {rot} to {lobby}
  273. loop all players:
  274. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured blue
  275. wait 10 seconds
  276. loop all players:
  277. kick loop-player due to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Der &6Server &7wurde nun &cgeschlossen&8."
  279. if "%player%" is {rot}:
  280. set {state} to "LOBBY"
  281. send all players title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Der Spieler &9%{blau}% &7hat gewonnen&8!"
  282. teleport {blau} to {lobby}
  283. loop all players:
  284. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured blue
  285. wait 10 seconds
  286. loop all players:
  287. kick loop-player due to "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Der &6Server &7wurde nun &cgeschlossen&8."
  290. #LOBBY
  292. on rightclick:
  293. if held item of player is a nether star named "&8» &eStats &8● &8&o<&7Rechtsklick&8>":
  294. if {dealy::%player%} was less than 3 seconds:
  295. send player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&cWarte bitte noch einen Moment."
  296. play sound "ITEM_BREAK" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  297. stop
  299. set {dealy::%player%} to now
  300. make player execute command "stats"
  302. on spawn:
  303. if event-entity is not a player:
  304. kill event-entity
  306. on drop:
  307. cancel event
  309. on pickup:
  310. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  311. cancel event
  313. on inventory click:
  314. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  315. if {state} is "LOBBY":
  316. cancel event
  318. on damage:
  319. if {state} is "LOBBY":
  320. cancel event
  322. on any movement:
  323. if {state} is "LOBBY":
  324. if player's y-coordinate < 0:
  325. teleport player to {lobby}
  327. on break:
  328. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  329. if {state} is "LOBBY":
  330. cancel event
  332. on build:
  333. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  334. if {state} is "LOBBY":
  335. cancel event
  337. on weather change:
  338. set weather to sun
  342. every 1 second:
  343. if {state} is "Lobby":
  344. set {online_listener} to number of all players
  345. if {online_listener} is 1:
  346. set {start_counter} to 30
  347. loop all players:
  348. set the loop-player's level to 30
  349. if {online_listener} is 2:
  350. remove 1 from {start_counter}
  351. loop all players:
  352. set the loop-player's level to {start_counter}
  353. if {start_counter} is 15:
  354. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  355. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &e15 Sekunden&8." to loop-player
  356. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &e15 Sekunden&8."
  357. if {start_counter} is 10:
  358. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  359. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &e10 Sekunden&8." to loop-player
  360. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &e10 Sekunden&8."
  361. if {start_counter} is 5:
  362. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  363. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &e5 Sekunden&8." to loop-player
  364. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &e5 Sekunden&8."
  365. if {start_counter} is 4:
  366. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  367. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &e4 Sekunden&8." to loop-player
  368. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &e4 Sekunden&8."
  369. if {start_counter} is 3:
  370. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  371. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &e3 Sekunden&8." to loop-player
  372. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &e3 Sekunden&8."
  373. if {start_counter} is 2:
  374. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  375. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &e2 Sekunden&8." to loop-player
  376. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &e2 Sekunden&8."
  377. if {start_counter} is 1:
  378. play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  379. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Das Spiel beginnt in &eeiner Sekunde&8." to loop-player
  380. send loop-player title "&8● &6MLGRush &8●" with subtitle "&7Das Spiel beginnt in &eeiner Sekunde&8."
  381. if {start_counter} is 0:
  382. make console execute command "/serverhide true"
  383. clear loop-player's inventory
  384. wait 1 tick
  385. clear loop-player's inventory
  386. wait 1 tick
  387. clear loop-player's inventory
  388. set slot 0 of loop-player to stick of knockback 1 named "&6Stick"
  389. set slot 1 of loop-player to iron pickaxe named "&6Spitzhake"
  390. set slot 2 of loop-player to 32 sandstone named "&6Blöcke"
  393. if {rot} is not set:
  394. set {rot} to loop-player
  395. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Du bist im Team &cRot&8." to loop-player
  396. teleport loop-player to {spawn.rot}
  397. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured red
  398. if {blau} is not set:
  399. if {rot} is not loop-player:
  400. set {blau} to loop-player
  401. send "§8» &6MlgRush §8┃ &7Du bist im Team &9Blau&8." to loop-player
  402. teleport loop-player to {spawn.blau}
  403. launch firework at loop-player timed 0 coloured blue
  405. play sound "NOTE_PLING" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  406. set {state} to "INGAME"
  410. on hunger meter change:
  411. set player's food level to 20
  413. every 1 minute:
  414. make console execute command "time set 0"
  420. on load:
  421. set {map::%server%} to "Tree"
  423. on server list ping:
  424. set motd to "%{map::%server%}%"
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