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Aug 15th, 2018
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  1. -- Avalable Layers For: 'Instance' --
  2. VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation, VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_threading, VK_LAYER_LUNARG_object_tracker, VK_LAYER_LUNARG_core_validation, VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_unique_objects, VK_LAYER_LUNARG_parameter_validation,
  3. -- Done --
  4. INTEL-MESA: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete
  5. -- Selected Display: 'Intel(R) Haswell Mobile' --
  6. Type: Integrated
  7. Vendor: Intel
  8. Supports Version: 1.1.80
  9. Header Version: 82
  10. -- Done --
  11. Object: 0x559173a68410 (Type = 2) | vkCreateDevice: pCreateInfo->pQueueCreateInfos[0].queueCount (=2) is not less than or equal to available queue count for this pCreateInfo->pQueueCreateInfos[0].queueFamilyIndex} (=0) obtained previously from vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPropertiesor vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2[KHR] (i.e. is not less than or equal to 1). The spec valid usage text states 'queueCount must be less than or equal to the queueCount member of the VkQueueFamilyProperties structure, as returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties in the pQueueFamilyProperties[queueFamilyIndex]' (
  12. Working Directory: {HIDDEN}
  13. Object: 0x559173c17720 (Type = 3) | vkCreateSwapChainKHR() called with imageExtent = (1080,720), which is outside the bounds returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(): currentExtent = (1080,704), minImageExtent = (1080,704), maxImageExtent = (1080,704). The spec valid usage text states 'imageExtent must be between minImageExtent and maxImageExtent, inclusive, where minImageExtent and maxImageExtent are members of the VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR structure returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR for the surface' (
  14. Renderstage '0' built in 1.508301ms
  15. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | vkCreateImage: The combination of format, type, tiling, usage and flags supplied in the VkImageCreateInfo struct is reported by vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties() as unsupported. The spec valid usage text states 'The combination of format, imageType, tiling, usage, and flags must be supported, as indicated by a VK_SUCCESS return value from vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties invoked with the same values passed to the corresponding parameters.' (
  16. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | vkCreateImageView() pCreateInfo->format VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT cannot be used with an image having the VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL and VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT flags set. The spec valid usage text states 'If image was created with VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL and usage contains VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, format must be supported for sampled images, as specified by the VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_BIT flag in VkFormatProperties::optimalTilingFeatures returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties with the same value of format' (
  17. Renderstage '1' built in 13.263184ms
  18. Renderpass created in 18.998169ms
  19. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Type mismatch on descriptor slot 0.1 (used as type `ptr to const uniform image(dim=1, sampled=2)`) but descriptor of type VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER
  20. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 2 not consumed by vertex shader
  21. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  22. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Deferred/Deferred.frag' created in 570.583130ms
  23. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Type mismatch on descriptor slot 0.0 (used as type `ptr to const uniform image(dim=1, sampled=2)`) but descriptor of type VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER
  24. Compute pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Brdf.comp' created in 60.467163ms
  25. Object: 0x559173d3a080 (Type = 6) | vkCmdBlitImage(): Cannot use image 0x56 with specific layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL that doesn't match the actual current layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL.
  26. Object: 0x559173d3a080 (Type = 6) | Cannot submit cmd buffer using image (0x4a) [sub-resource: aspectMask 0x1 array layer 0, mip level 0], with layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL when first use is VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL.
  27. Object: 0x559173d3a080 (Type = 6) | Cannot submit cmd buffer using image (0x56) [sub-resource: aspectMask 0x1 array layer 0, mip level 0], with layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED when first use is VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL.
  28. Object: 0x4b (Type = 8) | vkCmdBlitImage(): Cannot read invalid region of memory allocation 0x4b for bound Image object 0x4a, please fill the memory before using.
  29. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 2 not consumed by vertex shader
  30. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  31. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Guis/Gui.frag' created in 58.500732ms
  32. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 2 not consumed by vertex shader
  33. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  34. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Fonts/Font.frag' created in 85.961426ms
  35. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Guis/Black.png' loaded in 8.596191ms
  36. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Logos/Flask-02.png' loaded in 54.926758ms
  37. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Fonts/ProximaNova/Regular.png' loaded in 25.114990ms
  38. Xml 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/Player/Player.xml' loaded in 0.549316ms
  39. Json 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/SkyboxChapel/SkyboxChapel.json' loaded in 0.316162ms
  40. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 1 not consumed by vertex shader
  41. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 2 not consumed by vertex shader
  42. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  43. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Skyboxes/Skybox.frag' created in 26.143555ms
  44. Cubemap 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/SkyboxChapel' loaded in 1131.995117ms
  45. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Undefined2.png' loaded in 172.345947ms
  46. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/Testing/Normal.png' loaded in 540.601807ms
  47. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/Testing/Material.png' loaded in 585.599609ms
  48. Texture 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/Testing/Albedo.png' loaded in 1509.252441ms
  49. Obj 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/Testing/Model_Tea.obj' loaded in 105.725098ms
  50. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  51. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Defaults/Default.frag' created in 38.138672ms
  52. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  53. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Defaults/Default.frag' created in 14.070312ms
  54. Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | Vertex attribute at location 3 not consumed by vertex shader
  55. Pipeline 'RESOURCES_DIR/Shaders/Defaults/Default.frag' created in 12.437988ms
  56. Resource 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/Player/Player.xml' erased
  57. Resource 'RESOURCES_DIR/Objects/SkyboxChapel/SkyboxChapel.json' erased
  58. Renderstage '0' built in 0.395996ms
  59. Signal: SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)
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