

Jun 16th, 2017
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  1. Attributes [110]
  2. ST 16 (30) [No Fine Manipulators, SM 1 -50%], DX 16 (60) [No Fine Manipulators -40%], IQ 11 (0), HT 12 (20)
  3. 16 HP, 11 Perception, (-) FP,
  4. Basic Speed 7, Basic Move 7, (Land Speed 28 Yards/Second) Basic Lift 96/182/278/364/462
  5. SM 1, 1d+1/2d+2
  6. [-13] Robot Wolf Traits
  7. • Machine Meta-Trait (Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30], Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving) [25], Unhealing (Total) [-30] + Machine Features
  8. • Quadruped Meta-Trait (No Fine Manipulators [-30], Horizontal [-10], Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5])
  9. • Uplift Meta-Trait IQ+1 (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [16]; Wild Animal or Domestic Animal (Mitigator, -70%) [-9]; Stress Atavism (Mild, 12) [-10]. -3 points.
  10. [-50] Disadvantages
  11. Electrical [-20], Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10], Social Stigma (Uplift) [-5], Sense of Duty (Humanity) -15
  12. [178] Advantages
  13. 4x Chip Slot (Electrical, -20%) (4 point limit) [16 + 39], DR 5 (Cannot Wear Armor, -40%) [15], Sharp Claws [3], Sharp Teeth [1], Ultrahearing [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Move (Land) 2 [40], Lifting ST 6 (15), Discriminatory Smell [21] (Emotion Sense +50%, Revulsion (Strong Smells) -5%), Infravision [8] (Electronic -20%), Striker (Large Piercing (6)
  14. Skills [20]
  15. [2] Easy: 16 Brawling (DX)
  16. [14] Average: 16 Stealth [DX], 10 Running [HT], 11 Observation [Per], 11 Search [Per], 11 Shadowing [IQ], 11 Tracking [Per], 11 Survival (Colony) [Per]
  17. [4] Hard, 16 Acrobatics (DX)
  18. Chips: 12 Soldier [IQ, Average], 10 Hacking (IQ, VH), 11 Forward Observer (Per, H), 16 Mount [DX, Average]
  19. 178 + 110 + 20 = 302 – 63 = 251 +2, -3 = 250.
  20. Perks – Penetrating Voice, Fur
  21. Quirks – Congenial, Nosy, Personality Change (Lecherousness)
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