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May 5th, 2017
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  1. 03[19:21] * [DA]Matt (matthiasla@lord.lalous) has joined #spp
  2. [19:21] <Zorarok> dont even play this game with me lol
  3. [19:21] <Flowton> If every 5th Gen Pok�mon looks as awesome as Zoroark, it'll be my favourite generation as of yet.
  4. [19:21] <spata> "awesome"
  5. [19:21] <+Revan> I won't buy the Gen V games, nor am I buying HG/SS.
  6. [19:21] <spata> hardly
  7. [19:21] <Evil_Bob> zoroark looks a lot more stupid than lucario
  8. [19:21] <Flowton> Aaaawesome.
  9. [19:21] <Zorarok> nope
  10. [19:21] <StrongestBidoof> i'm just waiting to see which 5th generation pokemon will be the next Bidoof
  11. [19:21] <[DA]Matt> hello, is there a hop or higher online except fenix?
  12. [19:22] <Evil_Bob> <+Revan> I won't buy the Gen V games, nor am I buying HG/SS. <-- +1
  13. [19:22] <%Fenix> Revan I finally started my ME playthrough
  14. [19:22] <StrongestBidoof> all usless and such
  15. [19:22] <Zorarok> lucario looks like it has a big bottom.....
  16. [19:22] <%Fenix> no matt
  17. [19:22] <+Revan> ME1 or 2?
  18. [19:22] <[DA]Matt> great
  19. [19:22] <%Fenix> get lost or I will ban you too
  20. [19:22] <%Fenix> 1
  21. [19:22] <+Revan> Oh
  22. [19:22] <Flowton> Sooo.. How about some discussions that isn't all about opinions?
  23. [19:22] <%Fenix> killing that plant thing on Feros
  24. [19:22] <%Fenix> atm
  25. [19:22] <Zorarok> we will see the evolution of pokemon into real battle pokes
  26. [19:22] <[DA]Matt> fenix, why do you ban someone because of a vhost?
  27. 03[19:22] * Wolf_O`Donnell (Wolf@taking.a.break) has joined #spp
  28. [19:22] <Zorarok> no baby charmanders anymore
  29. [19:22] <%Fenix> because I can
  30. [19:22] <StrongestBidoof> never played Mass Effect myself
  31. [19:22] <+Revan> I finished another file
  32. [19:22] <%Fenix> I'll get my ME2 in a week
  33. [19:22] <StrongestBidoof> my brother's been playing it since i bought it for him
  34. [19:22] <+Revan> Romanced Tali.
  35. 05[19:22] * &Asuka ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  36. [19:22] <%Fenix> lol.
  37. [19:23] <StrongestBidoof> :T i'm such a nice big sister
  38. [19:23] <[DA]Matt> fenix: you allready costed me 4 months of spp-wifi because of your <censored>, stop it
  39. [19:23] <spata> i had never heard of mass effect until a couple weeks ago
  40. [19:23] <spata> when people started talking about it here
  41. [19:23] <%Fenix> [DA]Matt, don't like it?
  42. [19:23] <%Fenix> too bad
  43. [19:23] <spata> [DA]Matt: that's not a bad thing though
  44. [19:23] <[DA]Matt> actually i don't
  45. [19:23] <StrongestBidoof> are you good or a jerk Fenix?
  46. [19:23] <spata> more time away from wifi is good
  47. [19:23] <Flowton> Fenix, it's not nice to abuse your powers.
  48. [19:23] <Zorarok> dont get mass effect its a trap
  49. [19:23] <%Fenix> jerk, StrongestBidoof
  50. [19:23] <Flowton> ..If that's what you're doing.
  51. [19:23] <QueenEspeon> g2g guys
  52. [19:23] <Flowton> I really don't know.
  53. [19:23] <%Fenix> Flowton, shutup
  54. [19:23] <Flowton> :I
  55. [19:23] <StrongestBidoof> it's fun being a jerk :D
  56. [19:23] <Flowton> ..
  57. 05[19:23] * Zoroa-100 (SPPGuest04@BCC3069E.E6B32021.845C34FE.IP) Quit (Quit: Rules!!)
  58. [19:23] <%Fenix> actually I should have banned you Flowton
  59. [19:23] <%Fenix> for being a moron
  60. [19:23] <Zorarok> dude i hope they add 150 new pokemon this next gen
  61. [19:23] <StrongestBidoof> my Fallout 3 jerk playthrough was awesome~
  62. [19:24] <Flowton> That's not a legitimate reason for a ban, Fenix.
  63. [19:24] <%Fenix> it is
  64. [19:24] <Zorarok> i hate when they skimp out and release like 100 or less
  65. [19:24] <Dusk> lol
  66. 05[19:24] * Vulpix (Psy@I.Want.Ur.Soul) Quit (Quit: >.<....)
  67. [19:24] <StrongestBidoof> now i have to try a jerk Fallout 2 run
  68. [19:24] <%Fenix> I don't need a "legitimate" reason anyway
  69. [19:24] <Wolf_O`Donnell> I hope they add 500 new Pokemon
  70. 03[19:24] * Renawaylia is now known as Renelia
  71. [19:24] <spata> Zorarok: they've never released less
  72. [19:24] <Flowton> You do.
  73. [19:24] <Flowton> :I
  74. [19:24] <%Fenix> I can ban you because I don't like your face
  75. [19:24] <Flowton> ..
  76. [19:24] <%Fenix> prove me
  77. [19:24] <spata> G/S/C was the only one to release 100
  78. [19:24] <Dusk> dude zorarok fenix doesn't NEED a reason
  79. [19:24] <StrongestBidoof> his internet face?
  80. [19:24] <Dusk> op's discretion
  81. 03[19:24] * SPPGuest9876 ( has joined #spp
  82. [19:24] <[DA]Matt> fenix, i would so punch you in the face irl
  83. 05[19:24] * QueenEspeon (SPPGuest99@59716B7D.E728D713.C2065BE1.IP) Quit (Quit: Cya latah aligators! THE QUEEN IS LEAVING!!!!! ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-O:-O:-O:-O:-O)
  84. [19:24] <Zorarok> lol
  85. [19:24] <%Fenix> I love you too
  86. [19:24] <Flowton> Well, you can risk having your powers "depleted".
  87. [19:24] <Dusk> wut
  88. [19:24] <Zorarok> omg dark pokes
  89. 06[19:25] * Flowton likes that word.
  90. 03[19:25] * Fenix sets mode: +b *!*
  91. 04[19:25] * Flowton was kicked by Fenix (try depleting my powers 1|| 11MOTHERSHIPS QUITTED, 7SOULLESS DOGS SLAIN AND 9WATER SOLDIERS DEFEATED : 9021)
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