
letter MIH + Bites the Dust

Aug 1st, 2017
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  1. "Oh, looks like they've started," Elizabeth said, eyes on the sky. I looked up. Outside Great Britain, time was going backwards an hour at a time. Pop. Popop. Popopopopopop. The speed quickly grew faster, and smoother. The moon and sun rose backwards across the sky, and fell. The speed grew even faster. Which meant Cars was making Kira's Bites the Dust blow him up more often. And each explosion took him back an hour, and Cars was planning on doing this until he went back thirty-five universes from now. Once the repairs to the armor Penelope was making were good enough we could put Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem in Cars and make that hour shorter...but that would only shrink his perception of the explosion, not the number of explosions needed. And Cars had agreed to do that all himself.
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