

May 7th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. oniprefix: &c[&bOnigokko&c]
  3. prefix: &c[&eServer&c]
  5. command /oni <text>:
  6. permission: oni.admin
  7. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed "oni.admin"
  8. usage: /oni help
  9. trigger:
  10. if arg 1 is "help":
  11. send "{@oniprefix} &b/oni start &aかくれんぼを開始します"
  12. send "{@oniprefix} &b/oni wp &a鬼を決めます"
  13. send "{@oniprefix} &b/oni reset &a隠れんぼをリセットします"
  14. send "{@oniprefix} &b/oni gui &a隠れんぼごっこの設定などを表示します"
  15. send "{@oniprefix} &b/oni pvp <enable:disable> &aPvPをオン、オフ切り替えます"
  16. if arg 1 is "gui":
  17. open chest with 1 row named "&b&lkakureGui" to player
  18. wait 1 tick
  19. format slot 0 of player with clock named "&c隠れんぼスタート" to close then run "oni start"
  20. format slot 1 of player with compass named "&b鬼を決める" to close then run "oni wp"
  21. format slot 2 of player with lava bucket named "&e隠れんぼリセット" to close then run "oni reset"
  22. if arg 1 is "start":
  23. execute console command "/settimer 515"
  24. broadcast "{@oniprefix} &bかくれんぼごっこスタート!"
  25. broadcast "{@oniprefix} &c15秒後に鬼が出現します"
  26. enable pvp
  27. execute console command "/give @a cooked_beef 64"
  28. execute console command "/effect @a[team=oni] 5 10000 127 true"
  29. execute console command "/effect @a[team=oni] 11 10000 127 true"
  30. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join nige @a[team=!oni]"
  31. execute console command "/effect @a[team=oni] speed 60 0 true"
  32. execute console command "/whitelist on"
  33. execute console command "/effect @a[team=!oni] 11 10000 3"
  34. wait 15 second
  35. execute console command "/setblock -3 13 0 redstone_torch"
  36. broadcast "{@oniprefix} &c鬼が開放されました!"
  37. if arg 1 is "wp":
  38. broadcast "{@oniprefix} &b鬼がランダムで選ばれます!"
  39. wait 1 second
  40. execute console command "/tp @r -4 15 0"
  41. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join oni @p[x=-4,y=15,z=0,dy=1]"
  42. if arg 1 is "reset":
  43. broadcast "{@oniprefix} &bかくれんぼ終了!"
  44. disable pvp
  45. execute console command "/tp @a 0 15 0"
  46. execute console command "/scoreboard teams leave @a"
  47. execute console command "/setblock -3 13 0 stone"
  48. execute console command "/effect @a clear"
  49. execute console command "/whitelist off"
  50. execute console command "/clear @a"
  51. execute console command "/gamemode 2 @a"
  52. execute console command "/effect @a saturation 1 5 true"
  53. if arg 1 is "pvp enable":
  54. enable pvp
  55. send "{@oniprefix} &cPvP is now enable!"
  56. if arg 1 is "pvp disable":
  57. disable pvp
  58. send "{@oniprefix} &cPvP is now disable!"
  60. command /settimer <number>:
  61. permission: oni.admin
  62. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed "oni.admin"
  63. aliases: /st
  64. trigger:
  65. loop all players:
  66. set loop-player's level to arg
  67. loop arg times:
  68. wait 1 second
  69. loop all players:
  70. set loop-player's level to arg - loop-number
  71. broadcast "&Bかくれんぼごっこ終了!"
  72. execute console command "/oni reset"
  74. command /help:
  75. trigger:
  76. send "{@prefix} &b鬼はtabの色が水色です"
  77. send "{@prefix} &b隠れる人は500秒間隠れましょう!"
  78. send "{@prefix} &b/help &aでルールが読めます"
  79. send "{@prefix} &b/spawn &aで詰み穴に落ちても戻れます"
  80. send "{@prefix} &b/heal &aで体力を回復します"
  81. send "{@prefix} &b人来次第鬼ごっこを始めます!"
  83. command /walkspeed <number>:
  84. permission: oni.admin
  85. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed "oni.admin
  86. aliases: /ws
  87. trigger:
  88. set the player's walk speed to arg
  89. broadcast "&c[walkspeed]&b走るスピードを%arg%にしました"
  91. command /spawn:
  92. trigger:
  93. teleport player to location (0, 15, 0)
  94. send "{@prefix} &aスポーンへテレポートしました!"
  96. command /heal:
  97. trigger:
  98. heal the player
  99. wait 1 tick
  100. send "{@prefix} &c%player%&bさんの体力を回復しました"
  102. command /broadcast <text>:
  103. permission: oni.admin
  104. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed "oni.admin"
  105. usage: /broadcast <text>
  106. aliases: /bc
  107. trigger:
  108. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%argument%"
  110. command /fly:
  111. usage: /fly
  112. Executable by: players
  113. permission:
  114. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed ""
  115. trigger:
  116. if {fly.%player%} is not set:
  117. send "&7Flight mode is now &benabled&c." to player
  118. set player's flight mode to true
  119. set {fly.%player%} to true
  120. stop
  121. send "&7Flight mode is now &bdisabled&c." to player
  122. set player's flight mode to false
  123. delete {fly.%player%}
  124. stop
  126. command /plugins:
  127. trigger:
  128. send "&fPlugins (5): &aOnigokko&f, &aOnigokkoCore&f, &aWorldEdit&f, &aVault&f, &aViaVersion"
  130. command /pl:
  131. trigger:
  132. send "&fPlugins (5): &aOnigokko&f, &aOnigokkoCore&f, &aWorldEdit&f, &aVault&f, &aViaVersion"
  134. on death:
  135. heal the player
  136. wait 1 tick
  137. teleport player to location (-2, 64, 45)
  138. make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%"
  139. make console execute command "scoreboard teams leave %player%"
  141. on death of player:
  142. if attacker is a player:
  143. if attacker is set:
  144. set the death message to "{@prefix} &c%victim%さんは鬼に襲われた"
  146. on load:
  147. execute console command "/gamerule reducedDebugInfo false"
  148. execute console command "/gamerule sendCommandFeedback true"
  150. on join:
  151. set the join message to "{@prefix} &e%player%&bさんがサーバーに参加しました"
  152. send "{@prefix} &b/help &aでルールが読めます"
  153. send "{@prefix} &b/spawn &aで詰み穴に落ちても戻れます"
  154. send "{@prefix} &b/heal &aで体力を回復します"
  155. send "{@prefix} &b人来次第鬼ごっこを始めます!"
  156. send "{@prefix} &b人が来るまで隠れ場所などを見つけましょう!"
  157. make console execute command "/playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a"
  158. make console execute command "gamemode adventure %player%"
  159. teleport player to location (0, 15, 0)
  161. on quit:
  162. set the quit message to "{@prefix} &e%player%&bさんがサーバーから退出しました"
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