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Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. You are John Woodingshire, a peasant living in the medieval city of Polaris. You have just walked out of your poorly built shack ready to face a new day. You heard the previous day that the daughter of the King and heir to the throne, Princess Alice, has gone missing. You have decided to find and free her in the hope that if you do, your life will improve drastically. In order to find and free her, you will need to not only find where she is hidden, but also examine locations around the city of Polaris in the hopes of finding items that will assist you.
  3. --Lower Ave East End--
  4. Both sides of the street you stand in are lined with poorly built shacks typical of Polaris’ lower class housing. Among those on the northern side is the dwelling where you have resided alone since your parents perished in a fire when you were a teenage boy. To the west Lower Ave continues. To the east stands a towering wall.
  5. > go west
  6. --Lower Ave Middle--
  7. Both sides of the street you stand in are lined with poorly built shacks. To both the east and west Lower Ave continues.
  9. > look closer
  10. You see the following:
  11. An oddly shaped key. It seems to be made of whalebone.
  13. > take key
  14. You took the key.
  16. > go west
  17. --Lower Ave West End--
  18. To the north stands the great iron gates marking the entrance to the entry checkpoint that separates the areas of Polaris dwelled by the upper class (and royal family) and the lower class. To the south the lower class area of Polaris sprawls into a network of loosely built slums. To the west stands a towering wall. To the east Lower Ave continues.
  20. > go north
  21. --Entry Checkpoint--
  22. Both to the north and south, great iron gates tower above you. They mark the buffer zone between the part of Polaris dwelled by the royal family and upper class to the north and the part dwelled by the lower class to the south. In the middle of the zone stands a line of guards. Swords in their sheath, they ensure no threats can permeate from the slums of the lower class in the south into the luxury haven of the royal and wealthy to the north. To you however, they pose to immediate threat. A towering wall blocks your view of the east and west.
  24. > go north
  25. --Royal Ave West End--
  26. Despite having seen the street before, you are in awe. Ornate horse drawn carriages travel up and down the street, delivering the wealthiest people in Polaris to their destinations. Along the northern side of the street is the giant Polaris financial complex. Unfortunately, you know that the only institution that would let a commoner such as yourself inside is the Royal Bank of Polaris, an institution owned by the royal family that has operated since the founding of Polaris. To the south stands the great iron gates marking the entrance to the entry checkpoint. To the west stands a towering wall. To the east Royal Ave continues.
  28. > go east
  29. --Royal Ave East End--
  30. Intricately designed horse drawn carriages travel up and down the street, delivering the wealthiest people in Polaris to their destinations. Along the northern side of the street is a line of shops, each purporting to be selling some of the finest (and most expensive) goods you’ve heard of (and even some you haven’t). To the west stands the gates of the Royal Palace, even more ornate and grand than those standing on either side of the entry checkpoint. Not quite as detailed, but still far more so than those at the entry checkpoint, are the Upper Ave Gates to the south. To the east Royal Ave continues.
  32. > look closert
  33. I don't understand 'look closert'.
  35. > look closer
  36. You see the following:
  37. A shiny doorkey. It would probably fetch quite a price to the right buyer.
  39. > take doorkey
  40. You took the doorkey.
  42. > go west
  43. --Royal Ave West End--
  44. Despite having seen the street before, you are in awe. Ornate horse drawn carriages travel up and down the street, delivering the wealthiest people in Polaris to their destinations. Along the northern side of the street is the giant Polaris financial complex. Unfortunately, you know that the only institution that would let a commoner such as yourself inside is the Royal Bank of Polaris, an institution owned by the royal family that has operated since the founding of Polaris. To the south stands the great iron gates marking the entrance to the entry checkpoint. To the west stands a towering wall. To the east Royal Ave continues.
  46. > go north
  47. --Royal Bank Of Polaris--
  48. The Royal Bank of Polaris is bustling with activity, the one place in Polaris where both the upper and lower class conduct their business simultaneously. Customers either line up in front of one of the fifteen tellers or are whisked away by a more senior bank employee. The bank doors leading out onto Royal Ave are to the south. You have no interest in conducting any business in the bank, but for some reason a door marked “Staff Only” to the east catches your attention. Perhaps it would be worth examining the door further.
  50. > unlock door
  51. By some miracle, the lock clicks when you insert the doorkey you picked up earlier.
  53. > open door
  54. The door swings open.
  56. > go door
  57. --Bank Backroom--
  58. The backroom you stand in doesn’t appear that exciting. The corridor back into the lobby of the bank is to the west. Somes piles of paper are strewn across the floor and a painting of Prince Henry, Princess Alice’s brother, leans against a wall. Now that you think about it, that is an odd place to put a painting.
  60. > take painting
  61. You took the painting.
  63. > go tunnel
  64. --Secret Private Room--
  65. You stand in a room cut roughly into the hard stone Polaris was built over. The secret tunnel up into the bank backroom is to the west. A battered stone staircase leads downwards to the north. The stone forms both a natural ceiling and a wall to the south. To the east is an entrance to another tunnel.
  67. > go north
  68. --Dungeon--
  69. You stand in a dungeon cut roughly into the hard stone Polaris was built over. A battered stone staircase leads upwards to the south. The stone forms both a natural ceiling and walls to the north, east and west.
  71. And straight ahead of you stands Princess Alice shackled to the wall. You can barely comprehend that you, a peasant from Lower Ave, have actually managed to find her. You notice that the lock on the shackles seems to be a weird shape.
  73. > unlock shackles
  74. By some miracle, the lock clicks when you insert the key you picked up earlier.
  75. You unlock Princess Alice’s shackles. “Thank you so much!” she says. “Now let’s get out of this place.” she continues.
  77. > go south
  78. --Secret Private Room--
  79. You stand in a room cut roughly into the hard stone Polaris was built over. The secret tunnel up into the bank backroom is to the west. A battered stone staircase leads downwards to the north. The stone forms both a natural ceiling and a wall to the south. To the east is an entrance to another tunnel.
  81. > go east
  82. --Prince Henry's Private Quarters--
  83. You are in no doubt that the room you stand in belongs to someone of true wealth. Clothes made of the finest imported silk are hung carefully on the whalebone hooks embedded in the walls. The bed is expertly made, no doubt by one of the most skilled servants in Polaris. The painting hiding the secret tunnel to the secret room is just one of many decorating the walls. To the south is a corridor leading to the King’s throneroom. Walls block your movement to the north, east and west.
  85. > go south
  86. --King's Throneroom--
  87. You quickly kneel before the King, who stands up from his throne in surprise. The walls of the room are decorated with paintings and tapestries of all varieties. The throne itself is ornate, a golden frame wrapped in the finest red silk for optimum comfort. Guards stand in all four corners of the room. To the east is the corridor leading to the palace courtyard. To the west (behind the throne) a corridor leads to the King’s private quarters. To the north and south, corridors lead to Prince Henry’s and Prince Alice’s private quarters respectively. Princess Alice steps forward. “Prince Henry kidnapped me so that he could claim the throne,” she says. “John Woodingshire rescued me from the dungeon Prince Henry locked me in.” she continues while pointing to John. The King pulls Princess Alice to a side and they begin whispering to each other. After about two minutes, they stop and Princess Alice steps forward and gives the King a hug. The King then calls you over while picking up his ceremonial sword from its perch to the side of the throne room. He beckons for you to kneel before him.
  89. > kneel
  90. You comply. Arise, Sir John”, he says while touching the ceremonial sword to the top of your both your shoulders. Once again, you comply. The King then thanks you for rescuing his daughter. The next thirty days are a blur for you. Prince Henry is caught, stripped of his royalty and banished for his wrongdoing. Hopelessly in love, you and Princess Alice marry just days after you free her. You are no longer John Woodingshire from Lower Ave, but rather Sir John Woodingshire, husband of the heir to the throne Princess Alice. You live happily ever after.
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