
Estrus, Or Else?

Oct 19th, 2013
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  1. >A lonely day at the library.
  2. >It was just past noon, and you had...absolutely nothing to do, which was strange for you.
  3. >You had already organized all the shelves, in alphabetical order...then tore them all back off the shelves.
  4. >Then you set about replacing them again according to the Pony Decimal System.
  5. >That had taken you all of an hour, you knew there was a reason you had Spike do it.
  6. >It was yet another Hearts and Hooves day and you, Twilight Sparkle, were again without a date.
  7. >Ordinarily, you'd ask Anon, but...he was out at the moment, doing something at Celestia's request.
  8. >Amazingly enough, he could speak basic Dragon with a little effort, and was busy securing trade deals with them.
  9. >That was something very few ponies could do.
  10. >Even you had trouble with it, and you had spent time with Spike going over it for roughly 4 years.
  11. >You ruffled your wings, an uncomfortable silence falling over the library.
  12. >All of your friends had dates for tonight.
  13. >Even Spike had managed to ask Rarity out.
  14. >You and Anon hadn't gone public with your relationship yet, though Spike knew.
  15. >He figured THAT one out when he walked in on you two...'in the act'.
  16. >You and Anon were more careful from then on, though you managed to keep Spike quiet.
  17. >You laid your head down on the heart pillow you had bought for yourself two years ago.
  18. >It had been somewhat embarrassing, lying to the salesmare that night, pretending it was for a coltfriend you didn't have.
  19. >You sighed again, a small tear of loneliness trickling out.
  20. >You wanted your Anon home.
  21. >Stupid human, leaving you alone...
  22. >You paused.
  23. >Mood swings? That meant one thing: You were in season.
  24. >So soon though?
  25. >You thought you had at least another month...
  26. >All the more reason for Anon to hurry his flank home.
  27. ===
  28. >You had just stepped off the carriage from the Dragon's Keep, what the Dragons called the entire southern continent.
  29. >Conveniently enough, they spoke Latin.
  30. >Apparently, to ponies, Latin might as well have been an entirely alien language.
  31. >You had remembered enough Latin from high school to barter a trade deal with them, and a rather lucrative one at that.
  32. >They would ship in dragon related materials, scales and claws, things like that.
  33. >In return, Equestria would ship back things unique to pony society.
  34. >Dragons were ever-curious, refined creatures, as it turns out.
  35. >They merely got rowdy and mean-spirited during their 'teen' years, which could last upwards of fifty years.
  36. >You prayed Spike would never get that way.
  37. >Stepping onto the train for Ponyville, you settled in for a well deserved nap.
  38. >You had two hours before you would get back, and you could spend the rest of the day with Twilight.
  39. >Sounded like a plan to you.
  40. --
  41. >Two hours felt like two minutes, as the train pulled into the station.
  42. >You yawned and stretched, working out the kinks in your back.
  43. >Maybe tonight, Twilight could give YOU a back massage.
  44. >Thinking about your girlfriend put a small spring in your step.
  45. >You had missed her this past month, the occasional letter not being enough contact.
  46. >Twilight had felt the same.
  47. >You passed several pink and yellow banners scattered about town, labeled "H&H Day!" or "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony!"
  48. >You were drawing a blank.
  49. >Yet another thing Twilight would have to explain when you got back.
  50. >Pony couples were all around, even more numerous than usual.
  51. >Most were playfully flirting, some were simply enjoying the others company.
  52. >Some sort of Valentine's Day analogy, perhaps?
  53. >In that case...
  54. >You stopped at a flower stand, picking out a handful of tulips and leaving a couple bits, plus five for a tip.
  55. >Twilight had point blank told you tulips were her favorite snack, as you were talking before bed one night.
  56. >Well, less 'told' and more 'hinted so heavily you'd have to be a moron to miss it'.
  57. >You picked up chocolates from another stand, carrying them under your arm.
  58. >The Library quickly grew on the horizon, and you smiled.
  59. >'Forecast' was good for a clear night tonight, courtesy of Luna.
  60. >Of course, the two princesses knew about you and Twilight.
  61. >Celestia was happy for the two of you, Luna thought it was about time the both of you had stopped being dense.
  62. >The Lunar Alicorn had a point.
  63. >You pushed the door open, just in time to hear a sniffle.
  64. "Twilight? I'm hooooome!"
  65. >"ANON!" Came the mare's excited response.
  66. >You heard her get up from wherever it was, then watched her tumble head over hooves down the stairs in her rush.
  67. >She shook it off as you chuckled, trotting over and nuzzling your waist.
  68. >"Welcome home, love." Twilight greeted amorously. "I thought you'd be gone for another day!"
  69. "I would have been, had this deal not gone as well as it had." You replied, taking a load off on the couch. "You want to go out tonight? I'll buy."
  70. >She giggled, before draping herself on you and rolling over, exposing her soft belly to you.
  71. >"You know you wanna!" She teased.
  72. >Something was up, you just couldn't place it.
  73. >Which is when you felt it.
  74. >Twilight was drenched, her honeypot practically overflowing.
  75. >Was she in season? She was a month early if so.
  76. >"Aaaanon, can you do something for meeeee?" The horny alicorn asked, drawing out your name.
  77. "What is it, Twi?"
  78. >"I want you to rut me. Here, now." The princess demanded. "I've felt this way since this morning, but this year I have an outlet."
  79. >You offered her the tulips, which she merely grabbed and placed on the table.
  80. >The chocolates suffered the same fate, completely ignored.
  81. >You chuckled wryly, giving the princess a belly rub.
  82. >Twilight's wings flared out almost immediately as she melted into your touch.
  83. >"'re stalling..." The ex-unicorn groaned happily.
  84. "You know I'm not the type of guy to rush things." You replied, keeping up your ministrations.
  85. >She was definitely either starting estrus, or was struck by some sort of horny bug.
  86. >Her horn lit up, which grabbed your hand and forced it lower, between her legs and under her tail.
  87. >You thought Twilight had melted before?
  88. >You just barely touched her slit, and she came almost instantly.
  89. >Twilight huffed in frustration, a heavy blush lighting her cheeks.
  90. >"A-already...?" The alicorn half-moaned. "Now can you see how much I need this...?"
  91. >An evil smirk had found its way to your expression.
  92. "On one condition."
  93. >"Name it."
  94. "Beg the predator for it."
  95. >Your fingers traces both sides of her flank, and she shivered in delight and anticipation.
  96. >"Please..."She started quietly, embarrassed. "Rut your little pony...make her scream, please?"
  97. >Even as ready and raring to go as she was, she still had reservations about doing certain things.
  98. >Begging was one, though her awkwardness about it only made her undeniably cute.
  99. >Something you wouldn't change for the world.
  100. "I'll think about it." You teased, slipping two fingers into her.
  101. >She squeaked and squirmed, trying to get the invading digits even further in.
  102. >Your fingers explored every inch of her, right up until you touched a particular spot.
  103. >Twilight froze, eyes rolling into the back of her head.
  104. >Muscles all across her body tensed up, and her inner walls started grabbing and pulling at your fingers, trying you coax in cum that wasn't there.
  105. >To Twilight's body, you were essentially cheating.
  106. >Neither of you cared, though.
  107. >The two of you knew you had ruined Twilight' appetite for any actual stallion.
  108. "You okay, Twi?"
  109. >"Ah...ah...ah..." was her reply, coming down off the high you had just given her.
  110. >Your pants and the couch were absolutely soaked, though they now smelled heavily of Twilight.
  111. >Always a plus, in your opinion.
  112. >You began gently groping her wings, which were still flared to their maximum.
  113. >"N-no..."
  114. >That was different, were you hurting her?
  115. >You stopped.
  116. >"No fair, you stupid, sexy human..." Twilight finished, taking a deep breath.
  117. >You gave her a moment to recover, picking her up and carrying you both upstairs.
  118. >Her bed had a new addition: A bright red heart pillow.
  119. >Stitched into it were the words "I will always love you!"
  120. >You hadn't noticed that before, was it a new addition?
  121. >You'd ask Twilight when she could actually form coherent sentences.
  122. >Placing Twilight on the bed, you stripped, laying the drenched clothing on the floor.
  123. >The lavender mare had recovered enough to speak, though simply chose to eye you hungrily.
  124. >You sat on the bed, and she tackled you.
  125. >Her mouth encased your erection, horn lighting up to tease herself.
  126. >You helped her along, one hand massaging her slit gently while the other hand groped her flank.
  127. >She stiffened and pulled away, looking back to you.
  128. >"Please, please, stop teasing...I need this..."
  129. >Twilight looked desperate, maybe this was a little more serious than you thought.
  130. "Alright, get that sexy flank up here." You patted on your chest, and she sat on your waist.
  131. >You locked her into a kiss as you thrust into her, feeling and hearing her moan into your mouth.
  132. >Judging by the way you were just gliding into her, she's been needing this for quite a while.
  133. >She pulled away and offered her neck, and you gave a slight chuckle.
  134. >Yes, indeed she DID have a fetish for carnivores.
  135. >Omnivorous super-predators, at that.
  136. >Your canines graced her neck, and she shuddered in adrenaline-fueled bliss.
  137. >You bit down, hard enough to leave marks.
  138. >Twilight had given you the go-ahead on your second 'session'.
  139. >"As long as you don't break skin, I don't care...oh Celestia that's good..."
  140. >You continued to nibble on your little pony, and she was far, far too gone to care about much of anything.
  141. >Her bed was getting soaked from your combined fluids, marking this bed as both of yours, rather than just 'hers' or 'yours'.
  142. >You wouldn't have it any other way.
  143. >Her welcoming depths clamped down on your member, as she screamed in ecstasy.
  144. >"More, more! I love you so much, so much!"
  145. >Who were you to argue?
  146. >You continued your rhythm, driving the mare crazy.
  147. >At one point, *she* tried to bite *you*, but her flat teeth found no purchase.
  148. >Her wings wrapped around your back, keeping you close.
  149. >"In, in, I want it in..."
  150. >She seemed to have the uncanny ability to pick up when you were getting close, even before you knew.
  151. >You hilted into her, and flooded her tiny pony pussy with your cum, causing her to bury her head into your shoulder.
  152. >She shuddered in absolute joy and pleasure, mouth open but with no sound leaving.
  153. >You both fell onto the bed, the heart pillow conveniently in between you both.
  154. >Twilight was panting heavily, absolutely exhausted.
  155. >" you...keep going..."
  156. "Heh, human secret."
  157. >The mare nuzzled into your chest.
  158. >"I'll let you keep that secret this time. Some things are better off being unknown."
  159. "So, you never answered me."
  160. >"Mm...?"
  161. "Do you. Want to. Get something. To eat." You repeated slowly, your stomach growling almost immediately after.
  162. >"Ye-yeah, let me just clean up. You should...join me...?" She hopped off the bed, flicking her tail left and right and giving you ample view of dat flank before heading into the bathroom.
  163. >Twilight seemed normal now, perhaps that WAS what she needed.
  164. "I'd be stupid not to."
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