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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. i know this probably wont mean anything to you, but i miss you... your warm hugs at night, yours soft skin radiates off the morning sun, your lips are as soft as silk. i still remember the first day we met, i was horribly shy, but you saw a light through me. I admire how much love and hope you put into the letters you sent me in class, and when we were going past each others classes, how we held hands during lunch breaks and we would always get introuble, and then after school, i would hold your hand and take you to your bus. I would stand there thinking to my self, what a amazing person just hopped onto the bus. Then the next day i would see you at the bus stop, i would wait there for hours just to see you the next day. I would give up anything just to see you the next day beside me. xx
  2. i know we can no longer go back to those days, i wish we could. Undo everything and start from fresh. i wish i never got into computer games, it has taken over my life, i know i would spend hours on end of them instead of massaging you when you were sore from a hard day of work.
  3. and i know i never stuck up to mum, if i would have, she wouldn't be there when we need her the most. If either of us would have hard-aches of any-kind who would be there to help us.
  4. i just wish that we could have one last chance together, rewrite our lives, start from scratch, no gaming, no late nights, i am nothing without my beautiful angel beside me, i feel empty, alone and scared. i know you must feel the same way as well, but i truly feel we can be somthing better, i know i say these things all the time, but shell, i truly love you for who you are, i never make you do anything you dont want to. i can sell the car, use that to help you with your teeth, do absolutely anything to be with you for one more year.
  5. i am not only fighting to get you back, but for each other, i believe we can be something great in life, you with your barista work and me possibly doing office work, we could make a business for each other, you sure do make damn great coffees, im sure it would be the best shop in town. Just think about it, larry would be jealous if he came into the shop and we were running our own business.
  6. I know you dont want me to change, but i will for you, and only you
  7. i love you so much Michelle Denise Brummel, i always will
  8. This is how i truly feel, i am not faking this, this is me pouring my heart and tears into this. i know you might think somethings never change, i know that, i will get fit, start walking around buy weights and workout so i can pick you up when you fall asleep on the couch, tuck you into bed and kiss you goodnight.
  9. you can ignore these messages completely, but remember all the good times we have had over the years, how ive always stuck to your side, helped you in any shape and from just to be with you. i hope you have a great nights sleep
  10. i had something very special planned for our 5 year anniversary also, a picnic where we went in high school after class some days, when it would be not the cold and not that hot. i would buy a picnic lunch for the 2 of us, and buy or pick a bunch of roses just for you to keep as a memory of our 5 years together, as you have the rose i gave to you after our one year together. which was my thought and my thought alone.
  11. have a nice swim on the beach, if i had a job within the time frame, i would have got you a ring, kneel down and propose to you. as you are the only one i will truly love forever.
  12. and please, i only want you to read this and feel how much i mean to you, how much i care and love you.
  13. In every relationship, you have many chances, i know i have broke them, but for one last time, which means if we break up once again, i will stop what i am doing right now and never bring this up again
  14. Please may i have this dance with you?
  15. (holds out hand eagerly awaiting answer)
  16. Ps. every night when we wernt living together i would kiss a photo of you on my phone, and also when you went to adalide , i knew we would always bw together
  17. For always and forever
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