
Predator If It Bleeds 48

Dec 23rd, 2023
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  1. "T situation, I guess you've got a right to know. They found the alien out cold after its vehicle was shot down-built the hangar around ship. They keep trying to take it apart without detonating it. It's got armament-soon's they took the Yautja off, the ship started up some kind of defense protocol. Two techs got themselves fried by its plasma casters." "So that's one time the rumors were true."-pg.269 chpt.10
  3. "But after they had taken out their
  4. unconscious Yautja prisoner the vessel went immediately into self-protection mode. It had been keeping the enemy at a distance ever since, tolerating scans and superficial observations but not allowing disassembly. Now that a Yautja master was in sight again, the vessel lit up, as if in welcome."-pg.277 chpt.10
  6. fired plasma bursts at the primate creatures, burning two of them to bubbling ashes, driving the others away... By now, the landing craft would be contacting the cloaked mothership...Indifferent to the pain of its wound, the escapee roared in joy and ran up to the ramp into its landing craft...Thinking: What glorious trophies I have...But it had one more duty to carry out before it could leave this wretched planet.-pg.278 chpt.10
Tags: Predator
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