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Dec 3rd, 2018
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  1. <Kancel> everytime someone says viagara I picture an old guy's shriveled penis, so please, dont say it!
  2. <Twinkcide> Eewww
  3. [Monk-E] VIAGRA
  4. <Kingrat> Kancel, got viagra?
  5. [Monk-E] mmmm....Viagra
  6. [Monk-E] gaping viagra
  7. <Kancel> quit it you sick peos
  8. <Kancel> peons
  9. <Kingrat> Kancel, VIIIIIIIIARGA
  10. [Monk-E] Kingrat: hey Kingrat, have you taken any VIAGRA today?
  11. Kingrat shoves his hairless, wrinkled unit into Kancel's face
  12. <Kancel> is this really necessary?
  13. [Monk-E] ermm...there's one too many "kingrat"s in that sentence :)
  14. <Kingrat> Monk-E, only a whole bottle full
  15. [Monk-E] Kingrat: a whole bottle full of VIAGRA? :)
  16. [Monk-E] Saving Private Viagra
  17. [Monk-E] There's Something About Viagra
  18. [Monk-E] Viagra Floats
  19. <Camshaft> Viagra: Mission Impossible II
  20. <|ssss|2> E.T. The Extra Viagra
  21. [Monk-E] ViB Viagra in Black
  22. <Kancel> ok guys enough
  23. <Camshaft> Viagra: My Best Friend's Fifth Wedding
  24. <rdwilson> I Know What You Did Last Viagra
  25. <|ssss|2> The Empire Strikes Viagra
  26. [Monk-E] Viagra Trek 2: The Wrath of W00d
  27. <DemonEatr> The return of Viagra
  28. <Kancel> lol
  29. <Twinkcide> Gwahaha
  30. <rdwilson> The Man From Snowy Viagra
  31. [Monk-E] Viagra Forever
  32. <Camshaft> Risky Viagra Business
  33. <|ssss|2> cocoon2: viagra gets them boners goin
  34. [Monk-E] ermm...
  35. <rdwilson> Driving Miss Viagra
  36. <Camshaft> Little Viagra Women
  37. <|ssss|2> full metal viagra
  38. [Monk-E] Viagra, Viagrea Returns, Viagra Forever, Viagra and Robin
  39. <Camshaft> Sense, Sensibility, and Viagra
  40. <Psykotech> pulp viagra
  41. [Monk-E] Viagra Dogs
  42. <rdwilson> Sex, Lies and Viagra
  43. [Monk-E] True Viagra
  44. <rdwilson> Viagra Fiction
  45. <|ssss|2> viagra-air
  46. <Kancel> GUYS
  47. <Camshaft> PUlp Viagra
  48. [Monk-E] Viagra Force One
  49. <Kancel> ENUFF!
  50. <Psykotech> i said pulp viagra
  51. <AlmostGod> Starship Viagra
  52. <Psykotech> crimson viagra
  53. <rdwilson> BraveViagra
  54. <Kancel> who the hell cares
  55. <DaScott> heh
  56. <Camshaft> Lethal Weapon 5: Viagra
  57. <|ssss|2> indiana jones and the temple of viagra
  58. [Monk-E] Viagra Troopers, you mean
  59. <Psykotech> indian jones and the last crusade of viagra
  60. <Ignitor> Indiana Jones and the Temple of Viagra
  61. <DaScott> Men in Viagra
  62. <Mach5> raiders of the lost viagra
  63. [Monk-E] The Hunt for Red Viagra
  64. <Ignitor> damnit
  65. <AlmostGod> Indiana Jones and the last viagra pill
  66. <Kancel> I dare one of you guys to get some viagra and take it
  67. <Mach5> viagra-off
  68. <|ssss|2> kancel: my friend took some
  69. <|ssss|2> gone with the viagra
  70. <rdwilson> The Last Viagra Scout
  71. [Monk-E] Gone With the Viagra
  72. <Kancel> your boner never goes down
  73. <Psykotech> in the mouth of viagra
  74. <Mach5> Viagra of Darkness
  75. [Monk-E] damn you s4!
  76. <AlmostGod> The Nutty Viagra
  77. <Camshaft> The Wizard of Viagra
  78. <Kancel> my friend gave me $50, no joke
  79. <Kancel> to take viagra
  80. <Mach5> Evil Viagra 2
  81. <rdwilson> Harlem Viagra
  82. <breuhaha> Night of the living viagra
  83. <|ssss|2> 12 viagras
  84. [Monk-E] Army of Viagra
  85. <Ignitor> Citizen Viagra
  86. <DaScott> Star Trek: The Wrath of Viagra
  87. <AlmostGod> Viagra , Viagras , Viagra III , and Vaigra Resserection
  88. <Mach5> halloween: viagra
  89. <Psykotech> carlitos viagra
  90. <Ignitor> AlmostGod: hahah
  91. [Monk-E] AlmostGod: Viagra Cubed, not Viagra III :P
  92. <breuhaha> Viagrageddon
  93. <Kancel> Independant Viagra
  94. <Camshaft> Viagra in 3D
  95. <rdwilson> Deep Viagra
  96. <Kancel> Viagra day
  97. <rdwilson> Debbie Does Viagra
  98. [Monk-E] Viagra's World
  99. <AlmostGod> Viagra Soldiers
  100. <Kancel> LOL
  101. <Mach5> viagra of the lost ark
  102. <breuhaha> Viagra Runner
  103. <Psykotech> viagra the 13th
  104. <Kancel> DEBBIE DOES VIAGRA
  105. <Ignitor> Thelma and Viagra
  106. <Camshaft> Naked Gun 44.17: Viagra Assualt!
  107. <Kancel> HAHAAHAHA
  108. <AlmostGod> Viagra Now
  109. <rdwilson> Viagra Throat
  110. <Camshaft> Jurassic Viagra
  111. [Monk-E] The Viagra-Files
  112. <AlmostGod> The Viagra World
  113. <Camshaft> Lost In Viagra
  114. <AlmostGod> Little Shop of Viagra
  115. [Monk-E] Fear and Viagra in Las Vegas
  116. <rdwilson> Honey I Shrunk the Viagra
  117. <AlmostGod> Viagra to the Future
  118. [Monk-E] Texas Viagra Massacre
  119. <breuhaha> Viagra Gump
  120. <AlmostGod> ttenage Mutant Ninja Viagra
  121. <|ssss|2> halloween3:michael's viagra
  122. <Kancel> Forrest Viagra
  123. <AlmostGod> beetleViagra
  124. [Monk-E] Monty Python's The Meaning of Viagra
  125. <AlmostGod> ViagraJuice
  126. [Monk-E] Monty Python and the Holy Viagra
  127. <Camshaft> Viagra Rides Again
  128. <rdwilson> The Search for the HOly Viagra
  129. <Mach5> might morphing power viagras
  130. <Ignitor> GI Viagra
  131. <breuhaha> Howard Stern's Viagra Parts
  132. <|ssss|2> romancing the viagra
  133. <Dipstick> Viagra Day
  134. <AlmostGod> TheFifth Viagra
  135. <|ssss|2> falling down viagra
  136. <Camshaft> Viagra: Defender of the Universe!
  137. <AlmostGod> The Viagra Element
  138. [Monk-E] Ghost in the Viagra
  139. <Kancel> man you guys are farkin annoying
  140. <breuhaha> Viagra the Barbarian
  141. <rdwilson> haha
  142. <|ssss|2> still smokin viagra
  143. <AlmostGod> Who Framed Viagra Rabbit?
  144. [Monk-E] Natural Born Viagra
  145. <|ssss|2> last viagra hero
  146. <Camshaft> The Lost Viagra
  147. <rdwilson> The Viagra Mermaid
  148. <Camshaft> The Viagra of Madison County
  149. <rdwilson> The Lion VIagra
  150. <Psykotech> viagranator 2: viagra day
  151. <Mach5> as good as viagra gets
  152. <Ignitor> 2001: A Viagra Odyssey
  153. <Mach5> viagra night
  154. <|ssss|2> 200,0000 viagras under the sea
  155. <Camshaft> Viagra: Dependence Day (ID4 II)
  156. <DaScott> Viagra Explorer
  157. <AlmostGod> Viagra of the Opera
  158. <|ssss|2> snow white and the 7 viagras
  159. <Camshaft> Viagra Communicator
  160. <rdwilson> National GeoViagra
  161. [Monk-E] City of Viagra
  162. <DaScott> Viagra Word Kick
  163. <DaScott> err
  164. <Mach5> viagra soldiers
  165. <Psykotech> oh shit
  166. <breuhaha> Top Viagra
  167. <Psykotech> viagra word kick would be nice
  168. <rdwilson> Dr. Viagra
  169. <AlmostGod> Ace Viagra: When Viagra Calls
  170. <|ssss|2> days of viagra
  171. <Mach5> viagra and viagraer
  172. <rdwilson> Twin Viagras
  173. <Camshaft> Field of Viagra Dreams
  174. <Mach5> con viagra
  175. <rdwilson> Viagra Cemetary
  176. <breuhaha> Risky Viagra
  177. <Camshaft> Viagra: Under Siege 3
  178. [Monk-E] The Pelican Viagra
  179. <AlmostGod> The Viagra King
  180. <Camshaft> Pretty Viagra
  181. [Monk-E] Dirty Viagra
  182. <rdwilson> Honey I blew up the Viagra
  183. <_29A_> er ... I was gonna ask "what's up' ... but I guess that's obvious
  184. <Camshaft> Viagra With The Enemy
  185. <|ssss|2> the full viagra
  186. <Mach5> rocky 15: rock on viagra
  187. <AlmostGod> The last Action Viagra
  188. <Jazzzzz> viagra in seattle
  189. [Monk-E] coyote: gaping viagra
  190. <|ssss|2> rambo first viagra
  191. <Camshaft> Awakenings II: Viagra
  192. <AlmostGod> hehehe
  193. [Monk-E] Jane Austen's Viagra!
  194. <Jazzzzz> raiders of the lost pharmacy
  195. <AlmostGod> Viagra Games
  196. <Camshaft> Law and Viagra
  197. <rdwilson> The Big Viagraski
  198. <breuhaha> ViagraFellows
  199. <Ignitor> Close Encounters of the Viagra Kind
  200. <DaScott> The Last Viagra
  201. <Camshaft> Return of The Viagra
  202. <rdwilson> SuperViagra
  203. <Beef-Cake> A fistful of Viagra
  204. <rdwilson> ViagraMan
  205. <Jazzzzz> One Viagra More
  206. <|ssss|2> star trek 3 the search for viagra
  207. <breuhaha> The Outlaw Josey Viagra
  208. [Monk-E] The Viagra Singer
  209. <rdwilson> Star Trek Viagra Generations
  210. <Jazzzzz> 12 Viagras for Sister Sara
  211. <|ssss|2> jo jo dancer, your viagra is calling
  212. <Beef-Cake> Chasing Viagra
  213. <Camshaft> To Viagra, Thanks for Everything - Wong Foo
  214. [Monk-E] Viagrarats
  215. <AlmostGod> ViagraWars , The Viagra Strikes Back , Return of the Viagra
  216. <Beef-Cake> To wong foo, thanks for the Viagra
  217. <Jazzzzz> Viagra of the Navarone
  218. [Monk-E] (Viagra-selling) Clerks
  219. <|ssss|2> the night before viagra
  220. <|ssss|2> yes virginia, there is viagra
  221. <Camshaft> The Viagra Guy
  222. <Psykotech> midnight in the garden of viagra and evil
  223. <daemon23> Geez, you're still going off aobut viagra?
  224. <rdwilson> The Cable Viagra
  225. [Monk-E] The Viagra Show
  226. <|ssss|2> viagra2 with mmmx
  227. <AlmostGod> Talk Viagra
  228. <Ignitor> Dumb and Viagra
  229. <Psykotech> the princess viagra
  230. TheRaver is back, Viagra on Ice (g!1h 49m) : os/bx
  231. <Camshaft> Disturbing Behavior 2: Viagra
  232. <Camshaft> Hardware accelerated DirectViagra
  233. <Jazzzzz> Ace Viagra
  234. <|ssss|2> a clockwork viagra
  235. <Ignitor> ViagraGL
  236. <AlmostGod> Viagra
  237. <Jazzzzz> 2001: We're out of Viagra
  238. <Psykotech> lord of viagra
  239. [Monk-E] The Great Viagra
  240. <|ssss|2> planet of the viagra
  241. <Camshaft> Indecent Viagra
  242. <AlmostGod> Viagra Attacks!
  243. <|ssss|2> attack of the killer viagras
  244. <Jazzzzz> Deep Impact 2: Viagra
  245. <Camshaft> Revenge of the Beffsteak Viagra
  246. <Camshaft> oops Beefsteak
  247. <Psykotech> ENOUGH!!!!
  248. <TheRaver> Naked Viagra 2
  249. <TheRaver> sdhjafa
  250. <TheRaver> Naked Viagra 2 1/2
  251. <Jazzzzz> Final Fantasy IX: Viagra
  252. <Ignitor> Super Viagra Bros.
  253. <Dipstick> Viagra Impact and Deep Viagra
  254. <Camshaft> Biagra: The Undiscovered Country
  255. [Monk-E] Warrior of the Lost Viagra
  256. <breuhaha> The Forbidden Viagra
  257. <|ssss|2> the english man who went up a mountain and came down a viagra
  258. <Jazzzzz> SoulViagra
  259. <Psykotech> i cant wait till theres like only one person left doing this. and they dont realize it
  260. <Beef-Cake> Waiting for Viagra
  261. <Dipstick> Viagra: Arena
  262. <AlmostGod> The Running Viagra
  263. [Monk-E] How Stella got her Viagra Back
  264. <TheRaver> The Viagra Scrolls: Daggerfall
  265. <Jazzzzz> SuperMario DD: The Princess has Viagra
  266. <Psykotech> Grim Fanviagra
  267. <Ignitor> Viagrarunner
  268. <breuhaha> Valley of the Viagra Dolls
  269. <Dipstick> oh god
  270. <Dipstick> log this :)
  271. <|ssss|2> viagratanic!
  272. <Camshaft> Duke Nuken Forever, now based on the Viagra Engine (Unreal wasn't robust enough) :)
  273. <AlmostGod> ehehe
  274. [Monk-E] Dipstick: it's being logged :)
  275. <Beef-Cake> This is getting re god damn diculous.
  276. <Dipstick> Viarga Maker 2
  277. <Jazzzzz> Chariots of Viagra
  278. <Jazzzzz> Pool of Viagra
  279. [Monk-E] Viagra-Hur
  280. <AlmostGod> In Love and Viagra
  281. <breuhaha> The Viagra that Time Forgot
  282. <Psykotech> Zork: Viagrases
  283. <Camshaft> Viagra: Risky Business 32
  284. <TheRaver> Ben-Viagra
  285. <Jazzzzz> Curse of the Viagra Bonds
  286. <Camshaft> Casaviagra
  287. <TheRaver> Viagra Never Dies
  288. <Dipstick> Virtua Viagra 2
  289. <Jazzzzz> Journeyman Project 5: Viagra
  290. <Jazzzzz> GoldenViagra
  291. <TheRaver> Liscence to Viagra
  292. <Camshaft> The Goodbye Viagra
  293. <TheRaver> On Her Majesty's Secret Viagra
  294. <Jazzzzz> Dead Viagra Society
  295. <|ssss|2> weekend with bernie's viagra
  296. <Beef-Cake> Viagra Cop 4
  297. <Psykotech> The viagra trail
  298. <rdwilson> ViagraPussy
  299. <Dipstick> The Man With the Golden Viagra
  300. <AlmostGod> the Viagra Garden
  301. <Camshaft> Good Viagra Hunting
  302. <Jazzzzz> Ferris Bueller's Day Off (with Viagra)
  303. <AlmostGod> Seven Years in Viagra
  304. <Dipstick> Samurai Viagra 5
  305. <TheRaver> You Only Viagra Twice
  306. [Monk-E] "Goldviagra, do you expect me to talk?" "no mr bond, i expect you to diiiiee!"
  307. <Camshaft> Leaving Viagra in Las Vega
  308. <AlmostGod> Bruce Lee's Enter the Viagra
  309. <breuhaha> The Viagra Seven
  310. <TheRaver> Demolition Viagra
  311. <Dipstick> Superviagra
  312. <TheRaver> Batman & Viagra
  313. <Beef-Cake> "Is that a gun in your pants, or is it the viagra finally kicking in?"
  314. [Monk-E] TheRaver: Viagra & Robin is better :)
  315. <TheRaver> Viagra Train
  316. <breuhaha> Viagra Woman
  317. [Monk-E] Viagra Talks
  318. <|ssss|2> throw viagra from the train
  319. <Jazzzzz> Throw Momma from the Viagra train
  320. <Jazzzzz> DOH
  321. <Camshaft> So I Married a Viagra Murderer
  322. [Monk-E] Planes, Trains, and Viagra
  323. <|ssss|2> children of a lesser viagra
  324. <Jazzzzz> Wayne's Viagra
  325. <Jazzzzz> Austin Viagra
  326. <Camshaft> Lord Of The Viagra
  327. <Jazzzzz> Viagra Powers
  328. <Psykotech> Clive Barkers: in the mouth of viagra
  329. <|ssss|2> ulees viagra
  330. <breuhaha> National Lampoon's Viagra Vacation
  331. <|ssss|2> scream viagra
  332. [Monk-E] Interview With the Viagra
  333. <Psykotech> Viagraworld
  334. <Camshaft> Aliens 5: Viagra
  335. <Ichabod> A Clockwork Viagra
  336. <Jazzzzz> Viagraspotting
  337. <Psykotech> Viagra in the hood
  338. <Dipstick> Viagra USA
  339. <breuhaha> EV: The Extra Viagra
  340. <Beef-Cake> He got Viagra
  341. [Monk-E] Easy Viagra
  342. <Dipstick> Rolling Viagra
  343. <Camshaft> Do the Right Viagra
  344. <Jazzzzz> Im Gunna Git You Viagra
  345. <|ssss|2> menace ][ viagra
  346. <Ichabod> 2001: A Viagra Odyssey
  347. <Camshaft> Viagra Fellas
  348. <Camshaft> A Viagra Story
  349. [Monk-E] Mean Viagra
  350. <Camshaft> Mad Dog and Viagra
  351. [Monk-E] A Viagra's Life
  352. <Dipstick> Don't be a menace to south central while taking your viagra in the hood
  353. <Jazzzzz> Viagra on 52nd St
  354. <TheRaver> Back To The Viagra 2
  355. <|ssss|2> old yeller viagra
  356. <Camshaft> It's a Wonderful Viagra
  357. <Dipstick> Viagra Soldiers
  358. <Beef-Cake> some TV stuff: "Everybody loves Viagra"
  359. <Ichabod> City of the Lost Viagra
  360. <Dipstick> Soldiers of Viagra
  361. [Monk-E] Ally McViagra
  362. <coolhand> Die Hard 4: A lil help from Viagra
  363. <daemon23> Somehow, it wouldn't surprise me to see a viagra wordkick about now.
  364. <Camshaft> Viagra: The Final Battle
  365. <breuhaha> Viagra Force
  366. [Monk-E] daemon23: that was discussed about 5 minutes ago
  367. <|ssss|2> from dusk till viagra
  368. <rdwilson> The Unviagreven
  369. <breuhaha> The Viagra Pool
  370. <Camshaft> Melrose Viagra
  371. <TheRaver> Viagra Kombat
  372. <Beef-Cake> "Beavis and Butthead do Viagra"
  373. <rdwilson> The Viagra Fields
  374. <Jazzzzz> King of the Viagra
  375. <Ichabod> Viagra Kombat 2
  376. <Camshaft> Viagra Warrior
  377. <Psykotech> im going insane trying to keep up
  378. <Dipstick> The Viagra Game
  379. <daemon23> Monk: Wow. I've ignored the channel for a while.
  380. <Dipstick> Final Viagra
  381. <Dipstick> Viagra Trigger
  382. <rdwilson> Viagrazilla
  383. <Jazzzzz> Viagra 2: First Blood
  384. <Dipstick> Breath of Viagra
  385. <Camshaft> Super Viagra Fighter 2 Alpha Turbo
  386. <coolhand> One jumped over the Viagra nest
  387. <LagMaster> Quake III: Viagra
  388. <rdwilson> One flew over the Viagra nest
  389. <Camshaft> To Viagra a Mockingbird
  390. <coolhand> er..yea doh
  391. <Jazzzzz> As Good as it Gets... without Viagra
  392. <Ichabod> The Grapes of Viagra
  393. <|ssss|2> smokey and teh viagra bandit
  394. <Dipstick> Viagragears
  395. <Jazzzzz> haha
  396. <Jazzzzz> Viagraball Run
  397. <breuhaha> The Viagra Hillbillies
  398. <Camshaft> Viagra Rider
  399. [Monk-E] Einviagra
  400. <TheRaver> Chrono Viagra
  401. <Dipstick> beyond the viagra
  402. <coolhand> Viagra: bigger than life
  403. <|ssss|2> the brady bunches' viagra
  404. <rdwilson> no, The Beverly Viagrabillies
  405. <Ichabod> Viagra Turismo
  406. <Camshaft> Viagra's Wedding
  407. <TheRaver> Viagra A.R.M.S.
  408. <Camshaft> Some Kind Of Wonderful Viagra
  409. <breuhaha> The Viagra Berets
  410. <rdwilson> Viagras in THe Mist
  411. <Dipstick> Viagra Racer
  412. <Camshaft> Pretty in Viagra
  413. <Ichabod> Bevery Hill Viagra
  414. <TheRaver> Dominion: Viagra Police
  415. <Psykotech> one viagra to rule them all, one viagra to find them, one viagra to bring them, and in the darkness bind them
  416. <|ssss|2> last of the viagrahicans
  417. <I-45> viagra acmadey
  418. <Dipstick> Fatal Viagra
  419. <Camshaft> Viagra Acamdemy 1-8
  420. <Ichabod> Dances With Viagra
  421. <Camshaft> Viagra Dancing
  422. <rdwilson> ViagraHeart
  423. <TheRaver> Kelly's Viagra
  424. <Dipstick> Viagra Fury
  425. <Beef-Cake> "Without my Viagra"
  426. <Jazzzzz> WaterViagra
  427. <rdwilson> Viagra Hood
  428. <LagMaster> heh, i left for 20min and come back and see people *still* on this.
  429. <rdwilson> Prince of VIagra
  430. [Monk-E] ViagraDoll (tm)
  431. <|ssss|2> greased viagra
  432. [Monk-E] Robin Hood: Men in Viagra
  433. <Psykotech> viagrastein 3d
  434. <Camshaft> Viagra 2: Titanic
  435. <Jazzzzz> ViagraHood: Men in Tights
  436. <Ichabod> Kentucky Fried Viagra
  437. <Beef-Cake> "The good, the bad and the viagra deprived"
  438. <Dipstick> ViagraCraft
  439. <breuhaha> Viagra Arrow
  440. <Camshaft> Fried Green Viagra
  441. [Monk-E] Jazzzzz: that'd be NASTY
  442. <TheRaver> Fiddler On The Viagra
  443. [Monk-E] men taking viagra and wearing tights :(
  444. [Monk-E] *shudder*
  445. <Beef-Cake> "As long as theres viagra"
  446. <Camshaft> Cool Hand Viagra
  447. <Dipstick> LagMaster: we've expanded it to games too :)
  448. <Camshaft> Viagra: It Could Happen To You
  449. <|ssss|2> lord of the viagra dance
  450. <Ichabod> Butch Viagra and the Sundance Kid
  451. <rdwilson> Viagranimal
  452. <Psykotech> the 11th viagra
  453. <TheRaver> Little Shop Of Viagra
  454. <TheRaver> Rocky Horro's Viagra Show
  455. <rdwilson> Butch Cassidy and the Viagra Kid
  456. <Camshaft> Point OF No Return : Viagra
  457. <Dipstick> Viagra 3D
  458. <Psykotech> viagra: twinsens oddesy
  459. <breuhaha> La Femme Viagra
  460. <Jazzzzz> The Fugitive (from Viagra)
  461. <Dipstick> Escape From Viagra Island
  462. <I-45> viarga 5-0
  463. <Beef-Cake> Schindler's Viagra
  464. [Monk-E] Viagra-Life
  465. <rdwilson> Viagra WOrld
  466. <Jazzzzz> book im, dan-o... and confiscate that Viagra
  467. <breuhaha> Beauty and the Viagra
  468. <Dipstick> mission: viagra
  469. <TheRaver> The Ghost And The Viagra
  470. <|ssss|2> magnum, V.I.
  471. <Jazzzzz> Shaft: Viagra
  472. <rdwilson> im really wracking my brain for original viagras
  473. <rdwilson> The Princess Viagra
  474. <Beef-Cake> Lawrence of Viagra
  475. RevZOOT kicked Beef-Cake out of #quake [Z- (2415) VIAGRA KICK -Z]
  476. Beef-Cake (raj@ entered #quake
  477. <TheRaver> The Life of Viagra
  478. <Beef-Cake> Viagra NOW
  479. [Monk-E] Viagra of Honneamise
  480. <TheRaver> Monty Python - Viagra Sketch Not Included
  481. <I-45> viagra rangers
  482. <AlmostGod> i think viagra has been worn
  483. <TheRaver> SPICE VIAGRA
  484. <|ssss|2> viagra, it's whats for dinner
  485. <Camshaft> "All right, who's got a boil on his Viagra, then?"
  486. <RevZOOT> !moderate
  487. UncleBoob has changed the mode in #quake to +m+v RevZOOT
  489. RevZOOT has changed the mode in #quake to -m
  490. <Beef-Cake> Die Hard: Use viagra
  491. [Monk-E] y'know guys...i don't think there's any more movies to be viagra-ed
  492. <Jazzzzz> Kindergarted Viaga
  493. <breuhaha> heh
  494. <I-45> haha
  495. <Beef-Cake> hahahaha
  496. <Dipstick> viagra plus
  497. <TheRaver> Monk-E: Macross Viagra
  498. <Jazzzzz> A fish called Viagra
  499. [Monk-E] ermm... Total Viagra (Viagra Recall)
  500. <Dipstick> viagra plus
  501. <I-45> winViagra98
  502. <Camshaft> Viagra Sirens
  503. <Dipstick> Monk-E: then do games. or anime. or tv shows. or FOOD PRODUCTS damnit
  504. [Monk-E] Viagra in a Blanket
  505. <TheRaver> Viagra Ball Z
  506. <Dipstick> WOW! Viagra
  507. [Monk-E] Viagra Moon
  508. <AlmostGod> Amd k6-2 with ViagraNOW!
  509. <LagMaster> intels viagra processor
  510. <Jazzzzz> ben & gerry's new flavor: Vroomin Viagra
  511. <Camshaft> Super Viagra World : Plumbing Difficulties :)
  512. <rdwilson> okay, i was laughing initially, now I have this feeling like I want to go to the bathroom all over
  513. <I-45> hah
  514. <AlmostGod> hehe
  515. <Dipstick> Slayers: Viagra
  516. <rdwilson> Lets do Names of Bands
  517. <I-45> viagra toppers
  518. [Monk-E] Neon Genesis Eviagrion
  519. <TheRaver> Gunsmith Viagra
  520. <rdwilson> The Rolling Viagras
  521. <Jazzzzz> EverViagra
  522. <|ssss|2> i know what you did last viagra
  523. <coolhand> Apocalypse now: No more viagra
  524. <Camshaft> Highlander 4: Who Needs Viagra?
  525. <Jazzzzz> ViagraBush
  526. <uncola> viagra is kewl
  527. [Monk-E] Viagra Poppin' Daddies
  528. <Beef-Cake> Fried green Viagra
  529. <Jazzzzz> LiveViagra
  530. <rdwilson> Henry Rollins Viagra
  531. <uncola> cause it works on the ladies too
  532. <Jazzzzz> AeroViagra
  533. <Jazzzzz> The Crystal Viagra
  534. <I-45> red hot chilly viagra
  535. <TheRaver> Big Bad Viagra Daddy
  536. <uncola> you should go to a party and put lots of viagra in the punch
  537. <I-45> againt all viagra
  538. <boom_> i thought this was a quake channel
  539. <AlmostGod> Reel Big Viagra
  540. boom_ ( has left #quake
  541. <Jazzzzz> The Chemical Viagra
  542. <AlmostGod> Rage against the Viagra
  543. [Monk-E] boom: nope...Viagra channel
  544. <Beef-Cake> Godfather 5: "I DON'T NEED NO STINKING VIAGRA"
  545. <Camshaft> Viagra Commandos
  546. <TheRaver> Viagra Kills
  547. <AlmostGod> Limp Viagra(not possible)
  548. <TheRaver> Viagra Thugs & Harmony
  549. <rdwilson> Viagra Lives Underwater
  550. <Jazzzzz> No Doubt )thanks to viagra(
  551. <|ssss|2> the mask of viagra
  552. <Camshaft> The Lion, The Witch, and the Viagra
  553. <Psykotech> dave mathews viagra
  554. [Monk-E] Skavoovie and the Viagratones
  555. <AlmostGod> Harvey Viagra
  556. <Beef-Cake> "If Viagra could kill" (parody of a lesser known movie "If looks could kill"
  557. <coolhand> Viagra Danger -- flagpole?
  558. <DemonEatr> Good GOD
  559. <DemonEatr> Are you all STILL on viagra?
  560. <Jazzzzz> The ViagraJays
  561. [Monk-E] Whell of Viagra (or Viagra of Time)
  562. <rdwilson> Marcy Viaground
  563. Kingrat looks
  564. <Kingrat> DemonEatr, yep
  565. <Camshaft> Moby Viagra
  566. <|ssss|2> doctor doolittles' viagra
  567. [Monk-E] Viagra Dick :P
  568. <Camshaft> Viagra Honor Guard
  569. <DemonEatr> Fuck this
  570. <Kingrat> star viagra sneeches
  571. <coolhand> The Viagra professor
  572. <Jazzzzz> Steven King's The Viagra Mile
  573. <uncola> the Attack on Pearl Viagra
  574. <Beef-Cake> Doctor Doolittle? With viagra, it wont be little any more
  575. <|ssss|2> six days, seven viagras
  576. <Kingrat> one fish two fish viagra fish blue fish
  577. <DemonEatr> Red dick rising
  578. <Jazzzzz> The Hunt for Blue Viagra
  579. <TheRaver> The Longest Viagra
  580. <AlmostGod> Steven Kings Viagra Madder
  581. <rdwilson> Doctor Dooviarga
  582. <Camshaft> North and Viagra
  583. <|ssss|2> the viagra files
  584. <Dipstick> Dead Viagra
  585. <Beef-Cake> Seven Years without Viagra
  586. <TheRaver> The Hunt for Red Viagra
  587. <Camshaft> Viagra Lagoon
  588. <Kingrat> rumpleviagraskin
  589. <TheRaver> Clear & Present Viagra
  590. <Beef-Cake> AnaViagraonda
  591. <TheRaver> Viagra Games
  592. <Camshaft> Nine and 1/2 Viagra Weeks
  593. <rdwilson> My Best Friends VIagra
  594. <coolhand> Nine inch Viagras
  595. <Camshaft> Viagra White Female
  596. <Psykotech> pink viagra: another dick in the wall
  597. <Dipstick> Track and Viagra
  599. <Dipstick> Bionic Viagra
  600. <rdwilson> yes we do
  601. <Psykotech> Beef-Viagra
  602. <rdwilson> quite a while ago
  603. <Beef-Cake> it is no longer funny, nor is it useful
  604. <Psykotech> Viagra-Cake
  605. <uncola> argh.. this is worse than those spontaneous spam fests
  606. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man
  607. <Psykotech> rdviagra
  608. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man 2'
  609. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man 3
  610. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man 4
  611. <Psykotech> ViagraRaver
  612. <rdwilson> if you do all 9
  613. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man X
  614. [Monk-E] Mega Viagra Man X
  615. <uncola> UncleViagra
  616. <rdwilson> er, 12
  617. <rdwilson> or whatever
  618. [Monk-E] dammit
  619. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man X 2
  620. <coolhand> My so-called viagra
  621. <TheRaver> Mega Viagra Man X 3
  622. [Monk-E] Buffy the Viagra Slayer
  623. <|ssss|2> the viagra whisperer
  624. <uncola> MetroViagroid
  625. <I-45> viagra QUAKE
  626. <rdwilson> vquake = ViagraQuake
  627. <Jazzzzz> ssss: gahahaha, the horse viagra
  628. <|ssss|2> mulan's viagra
  629. <Dipstick> Test Viagra
  630. <I-45> trojan viagra
  631. <TheRaver> In The Beginning....... There Was Viagra
  632. <Kingrat> my entire buffer is full of *viagra*
  633. <Dipstick> Monday Night Viagra
  634. <Psykotech> Viagra-e
  635. <Camshaft_> Okay, I'm running out of movies...
  636. <rdwilson> no more viagra
  637. <Dipstick> Saturday Night Viagra
  638. <Camshaft_> Viagra 90210
  639. <rdwilson> The Blues Viagra
  640. <Psykotech> DipViagra
  641. <Jazzzzz> The Greatest Viagra Ever Sold
  642. <coolhand> Viagra combo meal
  643. <Psykotech> Viagrashaft_
  644. <Dipstick> Viagra Night Fever
  645. <|ssss|2> the neverending viagra
  646. <Beef-Cake> Please, no more viagra. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
  647. [Monk-E] Around the Viagra in 80 Days
  648. <TheRaver> |ssss|2: that's this
  649. <rdwilson> The Viagras Must be Crazy
  650. <Camshaft_> The Distinguished Viagra
  651. [Monk-E] Dial V for Viagra
  652. <uncola> The Seven Viagra
  653. <I-45> then 10 viagras
  654. <TheRaver> Memoirs Of A Viagra Man
  655. <DemonEatr> Wordkick: Viagra - OpProt: Off
  656. <coolhand> The six millions dollar viagra
  657. <Camshaft_> The Last Viagra Scout
  658. <uncola> Planet of the Viagra
  659. <rdwilson> Out of Viagra (africa)
  660. <TheRaver> The Man Without a Viagra
  661. <I-45> flash viagra
  662. <Camshaft> The Viagra Hole
  663. <DemonEatr> erm
  664. <Jazzzzz> UnViagra'd
  665. <Jazzzzz> Event Viagra
  666. <Psykotech> yes finally a word kick
  667. <DemonEatr> Try that again dammit
  668. <|ssss|2> what's eating gilbert's viagra
  669. <DemonEatr> Wordkick: Viagra - OpProt: Off
  670. <uncola> Natural Born Viagra
  671. <Psykotech> please do
  672. DemonEatr kicked |ssss|2 out of #quake [ Wordkick ]
  673. DemonEatr kicked uncola out of #quake [ Wordkick ]
  674. uncola ( entered #quake
  675. |ssss|2 ( entered #quake
  676. <rdwilson> Viagra Horizon
  677. <rdwilson> oh hsit
  678. <uncola> doh it even kix ops hehe
  679. rdwilson ( has left #quake
  680. <DaGhost> viagra
  681. rdwilson ( entered #quake
  682. <coolhand> Vaigra
  683. <rdwilson> okay
  684. <Psykotech> woohoo
  685. DemonEatr kicked rdwilson out of #quake [ wordkick ]
  686. rdwilson ( entered #quake
  687. <rdwilson> wtf ever
  688. <I-45> viagra..........
  689. <Jazzzzz> vaigra
  690. <rdwilson> i cycled, you lagged bitch
  691. <Jazzzzz> heh
  692. <|ssss|2> you can't keep viagra down
  693. <Jazzzzz> misspell it, bitches
  694. <TheRaver> Viagr4
  695. <I-45> vaigra
  696. <Dipstick> wordkick abuse!
  697. <Dipstick> :)
  698. <Twinkcide> viagra
  699. DemonEatr kicked |ssss|2 out of #quake [ Wordkick ]
  700. |ssss|2 ( entered #quake
  701. <Camshaft> V|agra
  702. <TheRaver> Vi4gr4
  703. <rdwilson> Viag ra
  704. DemonEatr kicked Twinkcide out of #quake [ wordkick ]
  705. Twinkcide (~tardboy@opti44-195.nassau.CV.NET) entered #quake
  706. <DemonEatr> You fucks are lagging me
  707. <rdwilson> haha
  708. <Beef-Cake> I say we go +m and make everyone take a solemn oath
  709. <coolhand> \/iagra
  710. <Twinkcide> Blah
  711. <Kingrat> viagra
  712. <TheRaver> \/|46R4
  713. DemonEatr kicked Kingrat out of #quake [ wordkick ]
  714. <|ssss|2> little viaagra on the prairie
  715. Kingrat ( entered #quake
  716. <Camshaft> That's enough of the Viagra, I think...
  717. <Twinkcide> what do you have against v14gra?
  718. <RevZOOT> Damn it. :)
  719. <Kingrat> heh
  720. <Jazzzzz> Nice try, ZOOT
  721. <RevZOOT> er
  722. <RevZOOT> Oh well :)
  723. <rdwilson> Viag-rah
  724. <Jazzzzz> hahaha
  725. <Jazzzzz> sounds like something from Thundercats
  726. <rdwilson> haha
  727. <Jazzzzz> VIAG-RA HOOOO!!!!!!
  728. [Monk-E] Twinkcide: we've been going on for about 15 minutes now putting v14gr4 into the titles of movies, tv shows, books, games, nicks, etc. :)
  729. DemonEatr has changed the mode in #quake to +m
  730. <DemonEatr> ENOUGH
  731. <DemonEatr> E-FUCKING-NOUGH
  732. UncleBoob has changed the mode in #quake to +v TheRaver
  733. <DemonEatr> Thank you.
  734. DemonEatr has changed the mode in #quake to -m
  735. <I-45> he must of been depraved of his viagra
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